I wiped my mouth and looked up to see Helen looking disgusted but with pity on her face so Shane began to comfort her. Jason came up to me and tried to get me on my feet but I refused to because I knew what was about to happen. I turned around and coughed more. I knew I was done now so I leaned against the wall and wiped my mouth again. I looked up to see everyone with pity on their faces and Jason who looked in pain like he knew that he could not help. No one can and that’s what upsets him. I guess Helen couldn’t handle it as she ran out of the door crying her eyes out with Shane on her trail trying to comfort her some more. I looked up at Blake whose eyes were red and he mumbled a sorry and ran out of the door leaving Jason, Fayt, and myself alone. Fayt came forward and grabbed me by my arm which made me groan and when Jason saw that, he started shouting at Fayt.
“Fayt she is in pain. Can’t you see that?” he gave Fayt a look that could kill and that made him let me go. Jason carefully picked me up bridal style and the next thing I knew we were in my room and I’m being placed on the bed gasping in pain.
“Sorry” he mumbled and tucked me in as Fayt came in a couple of minutes later.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
I smiled and put my thumbs up and then Jason made me put them down knowing that movement would cause me pain.
“Claire get some sleep,” he said while sitting down on the chair he placed near my bed.
“I don’t need sleep”
“Yes you do Claire,” Jason said.
“I thought you were going hunting”
“After that, I’m staying”
“Jason you should go I’m fine”
“Claire shut up and sleep,” he said in a pissed-off tone.
“Claire” he growled and that made me shut up.
“Jason you should really go hunting. I’ll stay with her” Fayt said.
“No, I’m staying”
“Oh, and what happens if Claire coughs up blood again and you can’t control yourself? You’d be putting her in danger if you stay and don’t go hunting”
He sighed and came closer to me.
“Promise me something,” he said.
“Be careful with Fayt and get some sleep”
I was about to ask what about Fayt but he kissed me on the forehead and walked out. Leaving Fayt and I all alone. He sat down on the chair that Jason was sitting in and he smiled at me and I gave him a weak smile back.
“Jason’s right you should get some sleep,” he said.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it” I turned my head away from him and closed my eyes.
“Sweet dreams Claire” Fayt whispered and I drifted off to sleep but not a dreamless one though.
I was in the forest again and feeling great when Damon came behind me.
“Hey Claire bear” he smiled at me.
“God, what do you want?”
“Now, now, no need to be angry at me,” he said with a smile still on his face.
“Angry? I’m more pissed than angry”
He came closer to me.
“I swear one more step and I swear I will-”
“You will what Claire?”
“I’ll kill you”
This made him laugh and he started to come even closer when he suddenly was almost on top of me.
“Want another kiss, Claire?”
I pushed him and he didn’t budge “Fuck off Damon”
“Awww what’s up Claire?”
“You want to know? Well here it is, you don’t go into people’s dreams and kiss them and decide to freak them out”
He smiled at me which freaked me out some more “ I guess I do” he smiled and began to kiss me again and it felt the same. It still felt really wrong and this time I didn’t kiss him back. I lifted my knee instead and kicked him as hard as I could in the balls which made him fall to the floor and curl up in pain.
“Huh, so you can get hurt in dreams... good to know” I smiled at him.
“Claire” he growled at me, making me jump a little. He slowly got up.
“You will pay for that Claire” he seemed angry but some of his features showed that he was trying to hide a smile which made me wonder but then I began to wake up and leaving Damon angry. Also leaving me curious about him.