I climbed the stairs which took a long time and walked straight into my bedroom. I walked to my wardrobe and looked for clothes to wear. After a long time, I decided to wear hipster dark jeans and this top which had a skull on it which showed a bit of my belly off. Once I got changed I brushed my long curly brown hair the headed down the stairs. Once I get downstairs everyone is talking near the door more like arguing. Everyone stared at me and the boy’s eyes popped out when he saw me. The gothic girl backhanded him causing him to look away.
The gothic girl stepped out to me and said “My name is Ruby and this is my boyfriend Blake.” She said her boyfriend very loud like I was going to snatch him from her. I can tell she won’t let us get along very much.
Helen stepped forward “Erm sorry about this but you will be riding with Jason in his car”
“That’s just freaking great” she gave me an apologetic smile and walked off with Shane, Ruby, and Blake leaving me with the jackass.
“Come on Claire let’s go” he sounded nice but his devil smile said otherwise.
He opened the door and walked out making me trail behind. I got in his car and slouched in my seat and put my knees on his dashboard. He gave me a deadly look when I did that so I put them down. I looked out the window and started to hum a tune and soon as we knew it we ended up at the school. Jason showed me the way to the reception and got my timetable for me. As soon as he did that, he walked off to talk to this girl. I glanced down at my timetable and saw that I had chemistry first in s5 so I began to find the room. It took me a long time but I made it just in time for the second warning bell. As I walked in all eyes landed on me but the thing is, I wasn’t bothered so I went to the teacher and gave her my slip. She told me to sit wherever I want but the only seat left was next to this boy who had his head down, so I made my way to the back and sat next to him. Miss Dawns began to talk about what we were doing but the thing was I already have down it so I was ahead of them so I just slouched down in my seat and closed my eyes as soon as I know it the bell rang. I realized I fell asleep but I didn’t care. I looked to my side and saw that the boy was asleep as well. I thought about waking him but the last time I did that for someone they slapped me so I grabbed my bag and got up. As I walked away and someone grabbed me by the hand. It was the guy who was asleep. He looked me up and down and gave me a smirk.
“Name’s Damon. What’s yours?”
“Huh wouldn’t you like to know”
“Yeah I would but if you don’t want to tell me I will find out soon anyway”
“It’s Claire”
“Nice. Bye Claire bear”
Great a new nickname already. With that, he walked away and out of the door.