I opened my eyes and looked around my surroundings. I was in my room still but Fayt wasn’t there. The door started to open slowly showing Fayt standing there with a tray of food in his hands and with a smile on his face.
“You’re awake,” he said.
“No, I sleep with my eyes open” I replied sarcastically.
“I see that you’re feeling better as well” he came closer to me as I sat up and placed the food in front of me.
“I don’t know if you are hungry or not but here it is anyway”
“Thanks” I replied and began to eat.
“My pleasure” he replied with another smile on his face.
“So, where is everyone else?” I asked.
“Still hunting. They won’t be back for a couple of hours”
“Oh okay...” I replied while finishing my food.
“God, you are a fast eater”
“Yep,” I said while passing him the tray.
“Erm... you should go back to sleep”
“But I’m not tired”
“No, but you are sick”
“I’m fine,” I said while getting out of my bed.
“Claire” he warned.
“Fayt” I replied in the same tone. I made my way to the bathroom and shut the door. I looked in the mirror and realized I looked like a drowned rat. I glanced down at my clothes and realized dried blood was on the edges of my sleeves. I began to remove my clothes and headed for the shower. Once I had my shower I realized that I forgot to bring clean clothes with me to the bathroom so I wrapped a towel around me and walked out into my room. I began to grab my clothes when a voice made me jump.
“Nice,” he said as well as whistled and I turned around to see Jason standing in the doorway with a huge grin on his face.
“Jason, what are you doing here?” I said while pulling my towel tighter around me.
“You do know that this is my house right Claire?”
“Yes but this is my room so get out”
“Leaving you looking like this,” he said with his big grin still on his face.
“Jason. Get. Out. Now.” I said very slowly.
He smiled and looked down at my body and licked his lips.
“In your dreams Jason” with that he walked out and I got changed. I grabbed a pair of baggy jeans and put a tank top on and a hoodie over the tank top. I opened the door to see Jason leaning on the side of the wall. He glanced up as soon as I opened the door and he looked down at my body.
“I liked the way you were dressed before”
I rolled my eyes at him.
“I thought that you were meant to be out for a couple more hours.”
“I came back early” he replied and his smirk began to disappear.
“Claire I told you to go to sleep”
Jason and I turned around to see Fayt.
“Oh, Jason you’re back. Where is everyone else?”
“Still hunting”
Fayt nodded in response and turned his eyes back to me.
“I am fine now”
“Yeah, you might be now but in a couple of days, you will be sick again. What medication do you take?” Fayt asked.
“Erm... topotecan I think”
“So where is it?” he asked.
“I only have one pill left” Jason sighed in frustration.
“We will have to get you more. We have to go to the hospital” Fayt said firmly.
Jason nodded in agreement.
“No, I want to go on my own”
Fayt and Jason looked at each other in shock and probably wondering why I said that.