Before we exited the room I turned around to face Jason.
“Where’s my beer?”
“In the kitchen. And before you ask you can’t have it. You’re seventeen not an adult yet sorry”
He sure as hell did not look sorry. Asshole.
I gave him a dirty look and went to catch up to Helen. She led me up the stairs which seemed to go on forever. Finally, she stopped and headed to a door and opened it. The room was amazing it had a balcony, a big wardrobe with my kind of clothes in it but some sluty ones too. The best bit was the number of books in the room. I gave a little smile and headed for the bed.
“Erm, I’ll just go erm the bathroom. It’s right through that door to the left side of your bed and erm I’ll see you later. Night Claire.”
“Once she closed the door I headed straight for the balcony but when I looked down to see how high I was it seems I was pretty high. No wonder they put me in this room but if they thought for one minute I wouldn’t jump down there well they would be wrong. I decided not to do it now as I was a tired mess and plus it was dark and I wouldn’t be able to see a thing. So I grabbed a long t-shirt for bed and headed off for a shower. After my shower, I put on my long t-shirt and headed for bed. I climbed into my bed and started to drift off to sleep.
I woke up in the morning with light shining upon my face. I was hoping that all of what happened was a dream but I opened my eyes to see that I did get kidnapped. I looked at the clock on the side of my bed and it read eleven a.m. which wasn’t what time I wanted to wake up at as they probably would be up. I will just have to be really quiet. So I got up and went to the closet and grabbed a normal pair of jeans and well a muse t-shirt I love muse.
After I got dressed I walked to the balcony and looked down. I knew it would hurt but I couldn’t stay here and let my blood get sucked or whatever. I glanced down one more time, it seemed I had to land near the bushes I think that would hurt less so I climbed onto the wall and stood up.
I turned around to look but tripped on my shoelace and fell off the balcony quickly enough I grabbed onto the balcony before I could fall.