I woke up with pain in my neck. I guess it still hurt. I opened my eyes and I suddenly got hugged by Helen.
“You’re awake thank God. We thought you weren’t going to wake up. Jason started to stress out and he got angry. He is still trying to find his brother but he can’t find him...”
“You talk too much” she giggled in response.
“How long was I asleep for?”
“3 days”
“Three days? God that’s a long time. What happened when I passed out again? I seem to be doing that a lot.”
“Well Jason got you off Christian and they had a fight but Christian got the best of him and defeated him. Well sort of and well Fayt got hurt but don’t worry he is okay”
“Huh is Jason?”
“Well he isn’t physically but mentally he is pissed off and well if I don’t tell him you’re awake then he is going to be even more pissed off so I’ll be back later”
She walked out of the door. I finally realized I was at home. Well, Jason’s home, and I was in my bed. I had this banging headache and my neck hurt but I was sick of being in bed all the time so I got up and went to have a shower but as soon as I got up Jason came in.
“What the hell are you doing out of bed? Get back in now Claire” he said while coming closer to me.
“No, I’m sick of being in bed all the time so I am getting changed and heading downstairs and getting something to eat because I am starving”
“No, you’re getting in bed”
“No,” I said trying to be firm. I stepped around him heading for the bathroom but he grabbed my wrist firmly in his hand.
“Don’t get me pissed off Claire I’m not in the mood”
“Yeah, I can tell. And as I said I’m not going to bed okay? Would you like to spend the rest of the life that you have left in bed?”
He didn’t reply.
“I didn’t think so” I pulled away from him and this time he let me. I grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of jeans from the wardrobe and walked into the bathroom without saying a word to Jason.
Once I got in there I walked up to the mirror and realized how much of a mess I looked. Then I noticed the cloth plaster on my neck so I slowly put my hand on my neck and ripped it off, causing me to muffle a scream. I glanced at my neck and it wasn’t that bad. Just some fang marks and it was red not that noticeable. Kind of. I walked over to the shower and turned it on and took my clothes off then went in. After my shower, I got changed and walked out of the bathroom. Jason was out of my room now. I guess he gave up on trying to keep me in bed.
I walked down the stairs and headed for the kitchen passing everyone who was in the living room. They all looked at me as I passed by. As soon as I walked into the kitchen I saw someone who had their back toward me so I couldn’t see who it was. Then she turned around.
“Oh God, you’re back. Didn’t Blake break up with you?”
“Ha. I’m too irresistible”
“Yeah keep telling yourself that. I’m sure it will make you feel better”
She growled at me.
“Wow scary”
She was about to say something but Blake walked in.
“Hey Claire”
“Oh hey,” I replied while the bitch gave me a dirty look.
She walked over to Blake and started to make out with him. I glanced away and headed for the fridge to get something to eat. Once I found something I sat down on the seat near the kitchen counter.
“Can you take that somewhere else? People are trying to eat here” Blake and Ruby turned around. Ruby looked angry but Blake looked amused.
“Okay well, see you later Claire” he walked away but not before giving me a wink making Ruby want to rip my head off even more. I gave her my famous evil smile and began to eat my food.
“Hey, Claire” I glanced up to see Shane. I didn’t reply to him. Why bother? He doesn’t like me.
“What?” I said in an irritated voice.
“Claire I know you think that I don’t like you and you’re right”
I was kind of shocked but hid it.
“But I do now okay? I was just thinking how it would affect us and I wanted to tell you that it’s not your fault so I’m sorry”
“No, you’re not”
“What?” Now he was shocked.
I stood up and walked around him to put my plate on the sink. And then turned around to face him.
“Helen told you to say it”
“Claire... fine it’s true but I actually mean-”
“Save it, Shane, I don’t like you either and right now I don’t care okay? So if you don’t mind I want to stop talking to you now. You’re really pissing me off”
He looked angry too so I walked out of the kitchen and headed for the living room where Jason was. I sat down on the sofa and looked at the t.v to see he was watching glee.
“You watch glee?” I asked and turned to Jason. He looked up at me.
“Yeah, it’s good”
“Okay well at least you’re not watching football”
“What’s wrong with football?” I turned around to see Fayt coming to sit next to me.
“You are actually asking me that. What’s wrong with football? Sorry if you like it but God it’s just some guys kicking a ball into a net”
“Ha well glee is just people singing”
“Yeah well-” Jason interrupted me.
“God shut up. You like glee and you like football so it’s different opinions. Does it really matter?”
“Yes,” Fayt and I said at the same time causing us to laugh. I haven’t done that in ages. But sooner than I thought the laughter died down.
“God I’m so bored. What do you guys do all day?”
“Eat” Fayt replied.
“Wonderful well I don’t like to suck on other people’s blood. Can I go out?”
“No” Jason replied quickly.
“Well you can’t stop me”
I got up and walked to the front door surprised that he didn’t stop me. But when I turned the corner, there was Jason at the front door. I groaned and turned around and went upstairs in a pissed-off mood. I was going to head to my room but I decided to look around since I was bored so I walked down the hallway until I found a door that was the furthest away so I walked in. It was filled with books and shelves. It was like a really old library. I walked up to one of the shelves to see what kind of books they were. Mostly they were all in different languages. I only knew Latin and English and there were no Latin books. So I got bored and started to look around some more until I saw this old chest case so I walked up to it and slowly opened it. I sat down on the floor and noticed that there were a bunch of letters in there and a picture of a girl. She was really pretty. She had long wavy hair and hazel eyes.
“What are you doing?”
I jumped and dropped the photo on the floor. I turned around to see Blake standing there.
“I’m sorry I just erm well...”
“It’s fine” he walked over to me and bent down to pick up the picture.
“She’s really pretty. Who is she?”
“Eve” He sat down on the chair just staring at the picture. I smiled at him and walked out of the room leaving him alone. God that must hurt for someone to be taken away from you and not knowing if she is dead or not.
I walked up the stairs and headed for my room. Once I got there I jumped out of my skin. Someone was there standing in my room. I think it was Jason but I wasn’t too sure as he was facing his back to me.
“Jason?” he slowly turned around.
“Think again,” Christian said. I was about to scream but once again he covered my mouth.
“Now Claire, don’t bother. I have something that I want you to do. But first, you have to promise me not to scream or I will kill you”
I slowly nodded my head up and down and he let go and this time I didn’t scream.
“Good. Now I want you to do me a favor”
“What makes you think that I’ll do it?”
“Well Claire I’m sure that you’d like to live”
“I’m not scared of you,” I said trying to sound confident.
“Oh really?” suddenly he slammed me against the wall and went closer to my neck.
“Okay okay what’s the favor?” he backed away from my neck and laughed evilly.
“I want you to be bait”
What the hell?