I walked into the store and headed straight for the alcohol area knowing exactly where it was. I knew that my dad would not stop tonight, the only option was to get him to drink more, knowing that he will eventually pass out. My hands reached into the cold refrigerator grabbing a six-pack of beer. Then heading towards the counter, I grabbed a bottle of whiskey not caring what it cost because believe me it was worth me not getting any more hits from my dad. I bought the alcohol with a fake ID and began to make my way home. I decided to take a shortcut down an alleyway. I know what you’re thinking, have you seen any horror movies about young girls walking alone at night, I couldn’t care less and this area was safe... sometimes. I walked down the alleyway and came to a sudden stop when I heard a girl muffle out a scream. It was coming around the corner. I ran in the direction of the screaming girl. Gasping for air, I ran past the dustbins disturbing the cats that were fighting for scraps of food. I skidded to a stop as I saw what was in front of me. Clocked in black clothes a man struggled to hold onto the woman whose eyes were filled with pain as the man moved closer to her neck. I had to do something!
“Hey! What the hell are you doing? Get off her!” I shouted knowing that what I did could be described in one word.
The man glanced up staring right at me. The street light shined towards his face to reveal blood dripping down his mouth and that his red eyes were staring right at me. I backed away and feared for the worse. It wasn’t hard to connect the dots and what he was. How is it possible? Jason the bad boy at school was a vampire!?
I began to run but he sidetracked me and slammed me against the wall. I turned away from his face to see if the girl was gone and she was just standing there. Stupid blonde. Before I could call her to run she did, leaving me behind.
Jason grabbed my face making me face him directly into his dark red eyes.
“What did you see?” he glared at me.
“I s-aw no-thi-ng” I stuttered out, knowing how much deep shit I was in.
“You’re lying I can tell. Shit. I’m sorry I have to do this”
I instantly closed my eyes shut. This was it I was going to die and there was nothing I could do about it. I knew it was going to happen I mean everyone dies but I didn’t expect it to be this way.
“Goodbye world” I know corny but who else am I going to say bye to?
“Huh... what... you think I’m going to kill you. Ha. Ha.” He kept on laughing at me. Jerk! I didn’t respond to his laughter. How could he be getting joy out of wanting to kill me? If he was a vampire, was any part of him human?
He looked at me smirking. He backed away from me and then he grabbed me by the arm roughly. I struggled out of his grasp as he dragged me away not knowing what lies ahead.
“Come on!” He shouted at me.
Sure why not. Dick. I thought to myself it’s not like I would say it out loud. I was scared of how he might react.
He glanced back at me. With his famous smirk, he pushed me into the back of a car. Closing the door behind me. Was I being kidnapped?