I woke up with my head thrashing and I groaned in response. My eyes began to adjust to the light when I realized I was in a car. I turned my head to see Fayt driving the car.
“You okay?” he asked with his eyes still on the road.
I nodded my head and began to sit up as I was lying down but I winced and gasped out loud not knowing my stomach was still in pain more than it was before.
“Hold on Claire we are nearly there”
I looked up to see Fayt trying to dodge the traffic.
“Where are we going?”
“Hospital” I didn’t say anything when it suddenly sank in what he said.
“WHAT? NO!” He looked at me in shock and worry on his face.
“What’s the matter? Are you okay? What hurts?”
“No hospital,” I said while shaking my head.
“But Claire you need-”
“No, or I’ll just out of the car right now”
He turned the car around and sighed in frustration.
“What happened?”
“Huh?” he replied with a confused look on his face.
“How did I get in the car? Did I go in or-” I trailed off in a train of thought.
“No I carried you,” he said in a firm voice but he seemed a bit upset.
“What’s the matter?” I asked.
He looked at me “Claire you could have died if I didn’t come and got you...”
“But I didn’t” once those words came out of my mouth I knew what he was going to say.
“Yes but if I didn’t come or I was a few seconds late you would be dead”
I didn’t reply and silence filled the car until Fayt broke it a few seconds later.
“I hit your dad”
“I hit your dad” I repeated.
“I heard. Why?”
“You’re really asking me that Claire?”
“But he didn’t-” he interrupted me.
“God Claire. Don’t even say what you were about to say. I hit him and I’m glad I did.”
“How hard?” I asked.
“What?” he asked me this time.
“How hard did you hit him?”
“I don’t know but I am a vampire so pretty hard and he passed out after I did”
I didn’t say anything some part of me was happy but some part of me was not.
“Claire I’m not sorry that I did it. He deserved it you had a huge bruise on your arm where he grabbed you and what else he gave you in the past has to be unforgivable. He deserved a taste of his own medicine as some people say.”
“I know but it is my fault”
“WHAT?” he shouted at me.
“It’s my fault that he’s like that,” I said again.
“Claire if you think it’s your fault then you are stupider than I thought. Why the hell would you think it’s your fault?”
“I don’t want to talk about it”
“No,” I said in a quiet voice.
“Well you will have to talk about it sooner or later because I’m telling Jason”
“No, you can’t,” I said in a rushed voice.
“Claire he will do something about it”
“Like what? Kill my dad? Because I’m pretty sure that that’s one of your rules or whatever. Not to kill mortals”
He sighed in response.
“Just don’t tell him, please. I hate my dad but he doesn’t deserve to die.”
He didn’t even look at me and suddenly climbed out of the car and sooner than I could think about what he was doing, he opened the door and began to carry me into the house. Then suddenly I was being placed on my bed which seemed like I was in heaven by how soft it was. He pulled the covers over me and came closer to me and then kissed me on my forehead.
“Get some rest Claire we will talk about it later. Do not leave this house okay? Promise me.”
“I promise,” I said and nodded my head not sure if I would actually keep that promise I just made.
“Okay,” he ran his finger through my hair and walked out the door but not leaving me without a glance back at me. And then I started to fall into a deep sleep.