He got in the front of the car and hopped in and started the car and drove away. I looked outside and calculated how much it would hurt to jump out of the car.
“Don’t even try it”
I glanced back up at him to see his eyes on the road in front of him.
“You can’t read minds can you?”
He gave me a weird look and replied “No you’re just an open book”
“Oh... where are we going?”
“My home”
“Because you know too much and if you tell anyone about me I’m dead.”
“That wouldn’t be so bad”
He gave me a dirty look and put his eyes back on the road.
“I won’t tell anyone can’t you just let me go?”
“Ok short and simple. Do you live with your parents?”
“No, they’re dead. I live with friends.”
“Oh... are all your friends erm bloodsuckers?”
He gave me another dirty look and replied yes. I guess the conversation was over. I turned my head to the window and glanced around for a sign to show me where we are. I turned my head to the left and saw a sign. I leaned forward to see what it says but before I could read it Jason covered my eyes so I couldn’t see it.
“Get the fuck off me.”
“Sorry can’t do that you really are an open book.”
“Whatever” he let go of me and stopped the car. I glanced out and saw a big house. There were no words to describe it.
I looked at Jason he rolled his eyes and got out. I assume he wanted me to get out but I dug my heels into the car and grabbed the seat refusing to get out. He opened the door of my side and looked right at me.
“Are you going to come out or do I have to force you?”
I gripped the car seat more and he easily grabbed my hand and dragged me out causing me to nearly fall. He locked his car and dragged me to the house once he got in he locked the door.
“SHANE” he called one of his friends, he came out of nowhere and looked at me then at Jason. OMG, he was Shane the one Helen is dating. He is a vampire.
“What the hell is this? We told you not to bring your slags back here Jason”
“Excuse me? Do I look like a slag?” Idiot.
“Erm... it’s a long story, she knows who I am, and well now you too so I had no other choice so I brought her here.”
“Jason. Shit, Jason well we have to tell the others they will be back tomorrow.”
“Shane where the hell-” Helen walked into the room and straight away she saw me and looked shocked as well as me.
“Claire what are you doing here?” everyone glanced at her.
“Well short version, the dickhead bloodsucker of the school kidnapped me and I just found out your boyfriend is one and I’m guessing you are one too”
There was silence in the room and everyone was trying not to make eye contact. I broke the silence, well my phone did by playing first dance by Justin Bieber. So I grabbed it out of my pocket and glanced at who it was. It was my dad.
“Who is it?” Jason asked.
I glanced at everyone in the room waiting for me to answer.
“No one” I turned my phone off and put it back in my pocket. But Jason grabbed it and put it in his.
“What the hell”
“Sorry can’t trust you with a phone yet.”
“What the hell do you think I’m going to do with it? Call the police and say hey I just got kidnapped by a bloodsucker help me. Yeah, I’m sure they will believe me. Idiot.”
“Would you stop calling me that?” Jason asked.
“Calling you what?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that. Would you prefer me calling you a leach or a killer, murderer, or maybe just a vampire?”
“My name would do fine. By the way, it’s Jason.”
“I didn’t ask.”
“Yeah well, you little-”
“Okay okay we get it, now I’m really bored of you arguing so we will show Claire where she can stay then we can all calm down okay?” Helen asked.
“You know what? I have a better idea. Why don’t I just go home,” I headed for the door but Jason grabbed my wrist and dragged me back.
“I wish you would stop trying to get away. There are three vampires in this house and you are just a stupid human,” this guy is really starting to piss me off but before I could say anything, a sharp pain made me fall on the floor, my hand clenched into a fist as I tried not to scream out from the agony I was feeling.
“Oh my God Claire are you okay?” Helen rushed to my side no one else did of course.
“What a stupid question and I’m meant to be stupid huh?” I snapped while holding onto my side. Breathe in. Breathe out.
“Sorry my bad, are you okay, what is the matter?”
“I couldn’t tell her so instead I said “Aunt flow has taken a visit”
She knew I was lying. Question was, is she going to say anything?
“Okay I’ll show you to your room” she sighed while grabbing hold of my hand and taking me away. Guess she wasn’t going to.