We didn’t stay after that. We went straight to the car. Didn’t even get my converse. But I didn’t say anything mostly because I know they won’t say anything so there was no point. We were outside now and Jason was dragging me to his car.
“You know what? I think that I’ll walk home or something” I would have ran but he had hold of my hand.
Jason gave me a look that said “ don’t even bother” so I got in his car and so did he. The ride home was silent as usual. Helen walked up to the door and we followed her.
“Claire don’t think about going to your room. We need to talk” Helen said quickly.
She opened the door and stopped. We all glanced around to see a tall lanky woman with brownish hair in a bun standing there with a man in his thirty years old and quite muscled.
“So it’s true. You do have a human in the house and she knows about you I’m guessing”
No one answered. The only thing that was going through my mind was “Who the fuck was that?”.
“Answer me now” she bellowed.
“Yes,” Shane answered.
“Hmmm and that is the main rule. If a human knows about us, she becomes a slave and must not show her face in public. Now did she become a slave and did she not go out?”
“Yes, she went out, and no she is not a slave” Shane replied again.
“So she knows about us and people know that she is missing and she is not a slave. Why shouldn’t I just kill you all right now?”
“Because you love us” Blake replied and Jason nudged him to shut up.
“Huh, yeah right” I mumbled.
She turned to me and I looked up and flinched. She had her fangs out and red bloodshot eyes. Jason whispered something in my ear.
“Say sorry now” he warned me.
“What? Why? I didn’t do anything” I whispered back. I looked at the woman standing there with her nostrils flaring out and she still had her fangs out.
“God woman calm down,” I said right at her.
Blake shook his head and said “You’ve done it now”
“You insolent little girl. You will be punished for this” she looked at the man who was just standing there. “Kill her Oliver for her rudeness and she needs to die anyway. I will not let humans know about our kind”
Everyone started to panic when suddenly I got slammed against the wall with Oliver’s hand around my neck.
“WAIT STOP” Jason shouted. The woman who stood there nodded to the man who loosened his grip a little.
“You need to have a very good reason for stopping Oliver from killing her”
Jason looked like he was in deep thought. “ she is going to die soon anyway. She has got cancer so it would make no difference if you kill her now or if she dies naturally and let the humans see it”
The woman seemed to be considering this. “You will let her die”
“I forbid you to change her. She will not be one of us and if she is not dead in 1 year I will have the pleasure of killing her myself. Painfully. Some of my people will be checking up on her but no harm will come to her”
With that, she walked out and called “Come on Oliver”. Oliver came closer to me and whispered in my ear “See you soon” he let go and walked out.
I didn’t need to look in a mirror to know that he left a mark.
Jason rushed over to me and so did everyone else “You okay Claire?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Huh what? Who was that?”
“JASON. Calm down” he sighed and then looked at me. But Helen explained.
“She, well, sets the laws. And whoever disobeys them, well, she kills them or sends them to work in a horrible place”
“Huh, so twilight is right again. OMG is Edward actually real?”
“Okay, God. That was a bit harsh. I’m sorry I didn’t know who she was. Someone could have warned me”
“Well did you know who Damon was?”
“Yes, Claire. Damon. He is a werewolf”
“A werewolf. Yeah, right. Funny Jason. All because I was talking to him. Jealous?” I smirked.
“Claire he is. And jealous of him? Unlikely”
“Hahaha. Yeah and he was the one who jumped on me and the one with the blue eyes. Yeah right” I said in my sarcastic voice. Then I realized it.
“... OMG he is”
Damon is a werewolf.