We were all sitting in the kitchen now, and we all had sad looks on our faces, and I made them have that face. I just think that Fayte is going to come right through the front door and say, Hey, I'm alive, and then we will all laugh about it, but it never happened.
"Here." Jason pushed a glass of water up to me, but I shook my head in response. I wasn't thirsty or hungry.
"You got to drink, Claire," Blake said, making me look up at him. I just shook my head again as I said I'm not thirsty.
"How are we going to have a funeral?" Helen asked in a solemn voice.
"I don't know; we don't have a body, and as everyone else knows, he is already meant to be dead. I mean, he already has a gravestone." Shane answered truthfully. Everyone just stood there looking at one another, waiting for someone to say something.
"Then we should go there," I said, waiting for everyone's reply.
"But it's in London, Claire," Jason said, patting me on the back. I shoved it off.
"So? We should travel. Fayte deserves that!" I shouted.
"We can't, Claire; we are meant to stay here; we have no passport," Blake said.
"Then we will make a grave for him and have a coffin, even though he won't be in it. So we can say our goodbyes. I need to say I'm sorry, and I need to say goodbye to him," I said.
"Okay, we will, Claire, but first you need to rest," Jason said to calm me down.
"I don't need to rest," I said. I was not meaning it until my eyes were closing without my permission.
"Clare, no arguing. You are resting," Jason said, pointing a finger at me.
I sighed and nodded, my head giving up as I was too tired to argue. Faster than you can say anything, I was in bed, wrapped up with Jason right next to me.
"Jason?" I asked.
"Yeah?" he asked.
"Thank you," I said.
"For what?" He asked confused by what I meant.
"For everything," I replied while placing my head on his chest.
"You're welcome" He said not even sure what I meant. My eyes drifted, and as I was falling asleep, I felt his lips touch mine for a quick second.
"I love you," someone whispered.
I woke up with a shock as I realised no one was beside me and I was in pain. I got up and rushed to the bathroom, grabbing hold of my stomach. As soon as I got there, I choked up blood, making me groan in pain, and that's when I noticed that I had gotten blood on my hair. Making me feel more like crap. This one was longer as I choked up more, making me wince in pain. As soon as I was done, I groaned, still holding my stomach and leaning against the wall, and that is when I noticed Shane was standing at the door.
"The others are out on a hunt," he said as if I were about to ask. I just groaned in response.
"Here." In a quick second, Shane was lifting me up, and I was being held up by him.
"Don't tell Jason," I whispered, as that was all my voice could do. I was being wrapped in my bed again, but this time no one was lying next to me.
"I know that you hate me, but please don't tell," I whispered yet again, looking at Shane.
"I don't hate you, Claire, and I will tell you this just this one time, but you should know that he cares about you."
"I know, and he shouldn't," I replied solemnly.
"Why, Claire, are you so persistent about dying?" he asked, frustrated.
"I want to live; I do; it's just that I can't," I said, hurting my stomach every time I spoke.
"It will kill him if you die too. And it will hurt Helen more than you know. Why do you want to hurt people, Claire?"
"I already decided before I met you all that I wasn't going to survive. My life was horrible; my best friend left me, and I never knew the reason then. My mom was dead, and my dad beat me. Who wants a life like that?" I gasped out as much as I could.
"Yeah, and what about now?"
"It's a lot better, but it's too late," I mumbled.
"No, it's not. You have a choice, Claire. Become one of us," Shane said without any hesitation.
"And be dead? No, I can't-" I gasped out loud as the pain travelled to my sides.
"Just think about it, Claire. You wouldn't be hurting anyone if you became one of us!" he said, and then walked out of the door without looking back at me.
I let out a sigh, hurting myself in the process. I took a few breaths before I grabbed the bottle of pills beside my bed. I grabbed one, shoved it in my mouth, and reluctantly swallowed it. I closed my eyes, hoping the pill would help soon. I had a choice, and I know what I should choose. If I died, I would have no idea what it would be like to become a vampire. I could live with Jason and be happy, but being happy always has a price. Suddenly my stomach filled with pain like it was about to burst, and that is when I knew it was happening right now and there was no one to help me. I tried to scream out, but nothing came out. Pain rushed through me more than you can imagine. I always thought it would hurt, but I never knew you would go numb from too much pain. I couldn't even begin to describe what I felt. All I knew was that I wanted it to stop. I wasn't ready to die yet, and the thing is, I wanted to live, but was it too late? I didn't want to die. That was my last thought as I drifted away into darkness forever.
"Claire! No, wake up, Claire. I mean it, wake up." Someone was screaming at me, and I didn't know who it was. My hearing was all fuzzy. My eyes wouldn't open. My lips wouldn't move, and neither would my body. I was paralysed, and I could only hear the voices around me.
"No Claire!"
"Wake up, come on, you can do it."
"Fight, Claire!"
I fell into darkness again.
My eyes fluttered open, and a bright light shone in my eyes, making me wince as it was really bright. I slowly sat up and got out of bed.
"Hello Claire." I looked up to see Fayte. I stepped back and then just stood there in shock.
"Fayte? Wait, where am I?" I asked as I looked around, just to see white all around me.
"You're dreaming well, kind of," he smilled at me, and that is when I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him.
"Wow, I think you love me more now that I'm dead," he laughed.
"That's not funny," I mumbled against him as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Come on, maybe a little, right?" he asked.
"A little. So what is this place? Heaven?" I asked and looked up at him.
"Nah, sorry, but that would be put in a corny movie or something. You are just dreaming of me."
"Just dreaming?" I asked.
"Yeah sorry. You know, if I'm in your dream, why is it that I'm not naked?" He asked while winking at me.
"Ha ha, you wish," I said in response.
"Sure do, and I wish you were nake-"
"Finish that sentence, and I will kill you," I said, pointing a finger at him.
"Kind of hard since I am already dead," he smirked, like he just won.
I ignored him. "So I'm dreaming? I'm not dead."
"Nope, not dead yet," he said with no emotion on his face.
"So I'm dreaming?" I asked.
"Yes, of course, I might add. You could have put me in better clothes, you know." He noted and made me look down at his baggy jeans and white t-shirt.
"That is what you wore when you died," I said in a sad voice.
"Huh, so it is, but it had a lot more red on it." He said, and then red went straight through his t-shirt, making him put his hand on his chest.
"Fayte?" I asked.
"Oh, Claire, you killed me. Did you know that? Of course you did. You kill everyone close to you," he said with a mad face and more blood dripping off his body.
"Fayte, you're scaring me," I said, backing away.
"Oh, really, and why should I care? YOU KILLED ME!" He shouted at me, making me scream.
I shot up, screaming and sweat pouring down my face.
"Claire, are you okay? Claire?" I turned around to see Jason. And I stopped screaming and jumped out of bed, stepping away from him.
"You're not Jason," I said.
"Claire, what's the matter?" Jason asked.
"You went hunting," I said, confused.
"I was right here all night," he said, confused.
"I died," I said, making Jason jump out of bed and come closer to me.
"What's wrong? What happened?"
"I don't know," I said, and then I threw my hands over Jason's neck and cried into his chest.
"Shhh, you're okay. I'm here. I won't leave you." Jason whispered and picked me up, and we laid in my bed as I cried my eyes out.
"It was all a dream," I mumbled.
"I know it's okay, you're here now; it was all a dream, shhh."
"You never went hunting?" I asked through my crying.
"No, I was here all night, Claire."
"I didn't die," I said, stating the fact.
"No, I wouldn't allow that ever," Jason whispered and ran his fingers through my hair, making me drift off, terrified of what I might dream of next, but I never did dream.
I knew I was awake now as I slowly tried to get up but realised Jason's arms were wrapped around me. I turned my head to face him and gasped. He was so cute. I moved my hand, which was free enough to smooth his hair over.
"So cute," I whispered.
"Cute? I think hot would be better!" He said it with his eyes still closed, making me jump out of my skin.
"Shit, you scared me," I said, letting out a sigh of relief.
"That is what we do, Claire, to scare people," he smiled at me and then finally opened his eyes. Once he did, he raised his eyes and moved my hair out of my face.
"You're cute too," he whispered to me, making me look down as my cheeks began to go red.
"You're even cuter when you blush," Jason said, making me blush more.
"I n-need to go to t-the bathroom." I stuttered out and then tried to get out of Jason's grip.
"Jason," I moaned as he didn't let me go.
"Say my name again, Claire; I like it," Jason whispered in my ear, making me shiver. I didn't say his name, no way will I say his name.
"Come on, Claire, you know you want to," he said while winking at me.
"Will you let me go if I do?" I asked.
"Maybe," he said, and then he laughed at his own joke.
"Fine." I smirked at him, then went closer to his face, and he began to close his eyes, thinking that I was going to kiss him. When I knew that his guard was down, I tried to wiggle away but instead got flipped over, and Jason was on top of me.
"Nice try," he smirked down at me.
"Darn it, come on, Jason, move!" I said frustrated, but with a smile on my face.
"Ha, you said my name, I win." His smile widened, and my smile went upside down into a pout.
"Claire?" he asked, his smile no longer on his face. I didn't reply and just stared at the bedding beside me.
"Come on, Claire, you can't stay mad at me," he said, making him sound really sexy. He started to come closer to my neck, and I gulped in response. His cold lips pressed against my neck, and as they did, my heart began to beat faster, to the point that we could both hear it.
"Fine, I won't stay mad at you." I sighed in defeat, and he let out a breath of fresh air, making me shiver again. He slowly lifted his head as a grin spread across his face. He slowly got up off the bed, and I jumped up and headed for the bathroom to take a shower. As I removed my clothes, the cuts and bruises showed. I haven't told anyone that there were that many because I had no idea that they were there. Okay, maybe I did, but it is really best for Jason not to know. I sighed, ran my fingers through my hair, and let the warm water hit me. I took at least half an hour in the shower before I decided to get out, and as I did, I remembered that I forgot my robe and my underwear.
"Shit," I whispered as I grabbed hold of a towel and wrapped it around my body tightly. I slowly opened the door and looked out into the hallway. It was clear. I sprinted to my bedroom and sighed in relief as I walked in. I slowly made my way to my wardrobe, still holding on to my towel, and grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
"Nice, I like it." I turned around in a hurry and jumped out of my skin as I saw Christian standing there.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I screamed at him, holding my towel tighter.
"Nice to see you too, Claire," he smiled at me while eyeing me up and down, making me blush.
"Get out!" I shouted at him in rage.
"And what if I don't?" He said. He sounded very much like Jason.
"JASON!" I screamed, even though I knew if I just said it, he would hear me. Christian shook his head, making me confused.
"Should not have done that, Claire. I just wanted to talk, but now I will have to use you as bait." Christian, in a quick second, had me pinned up against his chest, making me face the door, when Jason came rushing in.
"A bit late, Jason!" I said it in a furious tone, but he ignored me and said something that wasn't important. Kind of.
"What the hell are you doing in a towel?!" He said it with anger appearing on his face.
"Really, that is the first thing you ask me, not what the hell is he doing here?" I snapped at him.
"No, because I know why he is here, and you don't need to hold Claire as bait it is a yes."
"Good, so we have a deal?" Christian asked with a grin on his face. What were they talking about?
"Yes, now will you let her go?" Jason said it through his teeth.
"Of course!" He smiled and kissed me on the cheek and let me go, and Jason grabbed hold of me before I could move.
"See you soon, Claire. Hopefully naked again." And with that, he disappeared out of the window, and I watched as he did when Jason grabbed me by the face.
"What the hell is this?" he asked.
"What?" I was more confused than before.
"These bruises and cuts on you. Their everywhere. on your shoulders, where else, Claire?" he asked, coming closer to me.
"Nowhere, Jason, it's just bruises; everyone gets them," I said in frustration at Christian for walking in at this time. He picks his moments, doesn't he?
"Just bruises; they are massive, Claire," he stated as a fact.
"I need to change. Can you leave?" I said, not even trying to make it sound like a question.
"Claire, I'm not-"
"What was that with Christian? What did he want?" I asked to try and change the subject, and I was wondering.
"To help us fight. The vampire hunters, after all, did try and kill him," Jason said in a quick response, like he knew I was about to ask.
"Why did they want to kill him?" I asked, just dragging it on so he wouldn't go on about the bruises.
"Short version: He is a vampire, and they are vampire hunters. Now stop trying to change the subject," he said, noticing what I was trying to do.
"I'm wet, Jason, and in a towel. Can we discuss this later?" I sighed.
"Oh yeah, you're in a towel," he whispered, knowing that I could hear him. He looked down at my legs, making me blush a deep red.
"Get out!" I said, pushing him out with my hands on his chest. He gave me one last smirk and walked out. Once I got changed, I slowly made my way down the stairs, hurting my sides every time I took a step. As soon as I made my last step, I walked into the kitchen, and as I opened the door, I took a deep breath in wonder of what would happen today.