Jason didn’t say anything for a while, he just brushed his fingers through my hair.
“Claire I’m sorry,” he said after a couple of minutes.
“For what?” I asked with tears dripping down my face.
“For what you’ve been through”
“It’s not your fault”
“Some of it is”
“Like what?” I asked and turned around to look up at him.
“Making you stay here”
“It’s not so bad” I mumbled to him.
He chuckled “Yeah because I’m here” I smiled at what he said but then he wiped my smile from my face.
“Claire, why don’t you like hospitals?”
“She was brought there. I was home by now and my dad was out so the hospital called saying that she was hurt so I ran there and I walked into where she was but what I didn’t expect was to see my dad already there with her. He looked up at me in disgust and I looked down at my mom who seemed to already be gone. My dad came up to me and he slapped me and kept saying that it was my fault when my mom began to wake up and called out my name. I ran to her and she mumbled some words to me but all I got out was how I left her and not long after she died and now every time I go back there, I see my mom saying the same things and other stuff as well and the worst of it is her face... it’s all bruised and bloody just like when I left her when I ran away.”
“Claire it’s okay... it’s not your fault” he said as I started to cry again. I dug my face into his chest again and then began to fall asleep with Jason saying over and over again that everything was going to be okay and I wondered to myself if it really would.
I woke up all hot and sticky noticing that Jason’s arms were still around me. I tried to squirm out but he wouldn’t let me.
“Get off” I muffled.
“Now, why would I do that?” he asked.
“Jason get off me”
“What happened to the Claire from yesterday that was snuggling up to me?” he smirked.
“She is still here but she remembers what you did,” I said in a pissed-off mood.
He sighed “Claire when I kiss-”
“Just forget it now. Let go will you?” he did and I walked into the bathroom and slammed the door. Once I had a shower and got dressed I realized that I was really hungry so I walked out of the bathroom and headed downstairs.
“Hey Claire”
“Hey, Blake” I replied and walked past him and into the kitchen. As soon as I walked in, Fayt looked up and I decided to forgive him. He looked kind of sad and maybe it was for the best if Jason knew anyway.
“You’re forgiven by the way,” I said and walked to the fridge but not before getting a big hug from Fayt. I hugged him back and then he wouldn’t let go.
“Fayt come on let go,” I said with giggles coming out.
“Never” he replied.
Suddenly I slipped causing Fayt to be on top of me face to face.
I gulped and so did he and someone walked into the kitchen.
“Oh my God,” we both turned to see Helen the most shocked one, and everyone else behind her.
I blushed and Fayt got off me really quickly. No one said anything as I got myself up.
“I slipped” they didn’t believe me but that was fine by me.
“What the hell were you two doing?”
“It’s true she slipped”
“That doesn’t explain what you were doing on top of her” I blushed as Blake said that.
“We were hugging and she slipped okay? Just drop it”
They nodded and began to get their food and sit at the table. Thankfully they dropped it.