“Why do you want to go alone?” Jason asked sounding angry.
“I want to go alone,” I said firmly as I could.
“No Claire,” he said sounding more firm than I did.
“But-” he interrupted me.
“No, Claire. If you think that I’m going to let you go alone you’re so wrong. Last time I left you alone you ran into Damon a werewolf and then my brother Christian twice who is a vampire and would suck you dry without even a care in the world and then you ran into three werewolves at the mall. Oh, and how could I forget... your deadbeat dad. You, Claire, are not going anywhere and I am not leaving your side for even a second. Got it? Good.”
“Wow that does sound bad,” Fayt said making me give him a really dirty look.
“Fine, we will go. Why don’t we go now and just get it over with and move on with my life? Well, whatever is left of it that is...” I knew that comment would make Jason angry.
“Claire” Fayt warned me.
“Don’t you Claire me... just butt out of it for once Fayt” he shut up and pain came across his face.
“Fine, we will go. You coming Fayt?” Jason asked looking at him.
He nodded in response.
“Why this will be fun” I smiled up at them. Jason grabbed me by the hand and lead me down the stairs and we walked outside to his car. He let go of me and went to the driver’s side. I decided to sit in the back so I don’t get pissed off by them but that wasn’t going to happen because Fayt climbed in the back.
“What?” I snapped at him as Jason started to drive.
“I’m sorry”
“Oh you’re sorry and how many times now have I heard you say that before?”
“Shut up or I will make you Claire”
“Whatever” I mumbled and the rest of the ride was quiet.
When we got to the hospital I quickly climbed out of the car hating the tension that was building up in the car. Jason locked his car and grabbed me by the arm.
“Do I have to be on a leash all of the time?”
“Yes,” he said without hesitation.
“Woof. Woof.”
“Bad doggy” Jason smirked at me.
“Oh shut up” we were at the reception area now and I made my way up to the nurse, making Jason let go of me.
“I’m Claire Dawson. I’m here to see Dr. Robert about my meds. Is he here?”
“Ah yes Claire, right. Oh my, you have not been here for quite a while now. You better see the doctor right now. He is in his office please follow me.”
Jason and Fayt started to follow but the nurse stopped them.
“I’m sorry but you two will have to wait in the waiting room so... if you don’t mind, it is just around the corner”
I grinned ear to ear at both of them. “Guess that I’m going on my own. I thought that you weren’t going to leave me alone”
I walked off and headed for the doctor’s office. I walked into the office and the doctor looked up at me.
“Ah, Claire I have been trying to contact you. I see that you are here for new medications. I have them right here” he handed me the medication and afterward gave me something to sign.
“Erm... doctor can I ask you something?”
“Of course Claire. Sit down” I did as he told me and I started to bite my nails not wanting to know what I was about to ask but part of me kind of does.
“How-w long... have I got left to... erm die?”
“Erm well according to your results that we have looked at before and since you haven’t been taking any of your medication, I would say... three to four weeks. I’m sorry Claire”
I let out a gasp “Three to four weeks. Oh, God. Will it erm hurt?”
“I’m not sure. You just have to keep taking your medication, Claire”
“Is there any point?”
He hesitated for a moment. “Claire... it may help with the pain but it won’t change the results of your death” And that was when I started to sob. The doctor got up from his chair and began to comfort me. As soon as I started to calm down I stood up and mumbled a thank you. When I stepped out of the office Jason was standing there with Fayt looking hurt and angry. More than Fayt did.
“THREE TO FOUR WEEKS?” He shouted at me.