I was still weeping when someone came up behind me and grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me up from the floor. I began to kick and scream and he was losing his grip. I didn’t hear the person coming up from behind me as I was still screaming as loud as I could but not enough for someone to hear me. Suddenly I got hit over the head with an unknown object causing pain in my head and then I blanked out.
When I woke up I felt pain rush through my head and began to raise my head to see if there was any blood but that was when I realized they were tied to the arms of a chair and my feet tied to its legs. When my eyes finally adjusted I scanned the room I was in to see boxes in all of the corners and barrels which God knows what was in them. It seemed there was no way out. Not a window in sight. There was just one door and it was opening to reveal that boss guy at the door frame. I looked up at him and began to wiggle with my ropes using my fingers which were on only things free.
“Don’t bother. I see you’re awake it’s about time” he said while walking closer to me.
“Don’t come any closer, I swear I’ll-” I began in panic.
“You will what? In case you haven’t noticed you’re tied up”
He came closer to me making me flinch as he knelt down so he was on the same level as me.
“Now I want you to tell me everything” he demanded and my response to that was spitting at him. He slapped me across the face causing me to grit my teeth and hide the pain across my face so I didn’t seem so weak.
“Don’t you dare do that again!” he snapped at me.
“Now I want to know your name”
I didn’t reply there was no way I was going to tell him my name. He slapped me harder this time causing blood to run from my lip which was now cut.
“...Claire” I mumbled very quietly and looked at the ground.
“Good and by the way my name is Jessie”
“Like I care” I snapped and raised my head up.
“You will in a minute. Now, what are you doing hanging around with a bloodsucker?”
“His name is Fayt” I corrected.
“Wrong honey. His name was Fayt”
I started to move my arms wanting to punch him he smiled at my response making me want to kill him instead.
“Now answer my question”
“What question?” I asked wanting to get him more pissed off.
“Why were you hanging around with a bloodsucker?”
“He was cute” I smiled at him.
He came at me with his hand around my neck making me gasp as he did. I began to choke and I could hardly breathe when he let go.
“I am not in the mood for games”
“Aww, not even monopoly?” I smirked again when he suddenly grabbed a knife out of his pocket and held it against my neck. I gulped in response. I know I will die soon but I don’t want to die by a knife.
“Now that I have your full attention answer me!” he snapped and pressed the knife harder causing warm blood to run down my neck making me flinch as it did.
“It’s kind of hard with a knife against my throat”
“Answer me then” he snapped not removing the knife from my neck.
“Alright I will tell you” he removed the knife for me slowly and looked at me.
“Fayt... would tell me to tell you. Go to hell”
“You bitch!” he raised his fist about to slam it in my face when someone came charging through the door.
“I’m sorry boss but your father has arrived”
He turned around to face the guy who knocked me out. I’m not actually sure what his name is.
“Don’t you knock Luke?” well I guess I do now.
“Sorry, but he needs you right now,” Luke said.
Jessie sighed and put his knife in his pocket and stood up.
“Watch her” he snapped at Luke and walked out the door. Luke looked up at me and smirked.
“Huh you having fun girlie?” he asked in a sarcastic voice making me bite my tongue so I won’t say anything stupid. He started to come closer and I couldn’t do anything as he did but he saw the frightened expression on my face and his face dropped a little.
“Fuck off” I snapped.
“Now now wouldn’t want to end up like your dead bloodsucker would we?”
“Fayt” I mumbled.
“What?” he asked.
“His name was Fayt” I snapped as tears formed in my eyes.
“Who cares he is dead” a warm tear ran down my face. I was upset but angrier because of what they did to me and more importantly Fayt and they weren’t going to get away with it no matter what but I knew there was no time to be upset now I need to escape soon.