I blow out and quickly get rid of it by digging through his underwear drawer and finding a hidden lighter as well as a hidden stash of devils lettuce mixed with wolf bane. The only way we can get High. I roll my eyes and sigh, burning the paper and dumping it out the window. I tuck his lighter back and walk out.
I fix my shorts and my shirt while walking downstairs as the house workers scurried around. Rushing to get the house in whipped shape. Despite it already being clean and spotless. I sigh. I feel as if they all deserve a break.
I mean after all..my parents will be gone for hours anyway..”attention..!” I yell very loud. They all stopped and looked my way. I press my lips. I wasn’t expecting that to actually work. I shyly clear my throat and nod.
“Y-you are all dismissed. You are all free for a few hours..say..five..? Until one PM?” I nod. They All exchanged glances and I wave them off. “Off you go..! Hurry now. Spread the word..” they hesitated but do as told.
One man came up to me. It was a young man. Probably in his early thirties. “A-are the sure miss..? There’s still an awful lot to do..” ah..the head man. “I’m sure..off you go. Just come back at five..!” I wave him off. He clutched his gloved hands together. He than nods quickly and rushed off. “And keep this between us! Got it?” He nods and off they went. I listened as a few giggled and cheered happily.
Good..now that all of the witnesses are gone..let’s begin. I walk to the base of the house where I look around silently. I then walk to the camera room where I check the door. And to my luck, it was unlocked. I open the door and slip in where I eye the cameras.
I blew out. I never realized how many we had..wait. I quickly pull out the chair and sit down. We had cameras in our room..! And..is that..my heart dropped and my eyes widened quickly. “Lucky?!” He was chained up and bound with his eyes wrapped.
But even from the camera I could tell just how bad he looked. Without hesitation I jumped from my seat and rushed to our Prison holding. I wiggle the handle before cursing and gritting my teeth when it was locked. Fuck..!
I look around..searching everywhere for the key. “Enya..? What are you doing here..?” I spin around to face Garry. “Where’s the key?” He placed a hand on his side and I knew he had them on. “Where’s your father..? You know you're not supposed to be here without him.”
“Garry. Give me the key..” he eyed me. “Please. I just want to speak to him.” I snap. “I..should call him..”
“Garry..” I begin. “Enya..I-I don’t know. He specifically told me to not let you in.” I wrinkled my nose. “I’ll be fine. I promise. He won’t even know..” he tilts his head and I frown. “Please..” I say again, trying not to add it as a demand.
He shook his head and sighed. Slapping the key in my hand. “Y-you get twenty minutes..! No longer..!” I nod and rush inside.
As if I’m cue, lucky began to scoot away from me and against the wall. “Beta no..! No! Please!” He began to sob and it took everything in me to not stop. I quickly kneel by his side, ignoring the eruptions from the other prisoners. “Beta! No!”
“Lucky! It’s me!” I quickly say, reaching for the head piece. “E-Enya?” He gasped quickly.
“Get the fuck away from me!” He shouts angrily, throwing himself against the wall, honestly spooking me. “What happened to you..? You reek of blood!” Lucky bared his teeth. “What happened..? Your father happened..! I was punished because of you and you're stupid brother..!”
“Punished..? Why?” I ask quickly. “Why do you think?” He spat. “Because you ran off! With that stupid vampire..!” I grit my teeth.
“So I was right..it was you who ratted us out..!” He flinched and grew quiet. I sigh, rubbing my eyes. “That doesn’t matter now. What happened, lucky..? Why are you here?” He didn’t reply.
The only noise was the rattling and chaos from the other prisoners. “Lucky I’m not here to hurt you. I promise..” he still didn’t reply. He then sighed. “T-they took my..my eyes..” he mumbled weakly.
“You're eyes..?” I say..a bit more skeptical about it than I’d like. “He nods. “They took. My eyes. They said that if I couldn’t do what I was supposed to, they’d take more than that…” I let my face betray me. I knew I did.
I felt..disgusted. “Can I see..?” He turned his head away. “I rather you not. Thank you..” I nod understandably. “I’m sorry..” I mumble. He turned his head slightly. “What..?”
“I’m sorry.” I say again. “For what they did to you..it wasn’t right..and I’m sorry for what I did to you as well..” he didn’t respond. He just flares his nostrils and clenches his jaw. “..I understand that we don’t get along..I do. But this..this was too far. Even for my father..” I mumble. Only to have him smirk. “You call this too far..?” He whispered. He faced me. “Look around you Enya..where are you..?” I wrinkle my nose slightly.
“W-what do you mean..?”
“You're in the prison holding..am I correct..? I mean..unless they heaved me off to some..far away place” he took in a deep breath. I nodded before wincing when I remembered his eyes. “We are, yes..”
“Go..take a look.” He nods. I look away for a moment before looking back. “Go on..see what your father does to people. What he did to me..this is nothing compared to what he did to everyone else..” I slowly stand up and tiptoe down the hall. “Oo..no shoes. Big mistake..”
“I could care less what I step in, lucky..” he just chuckled. I look around. Some of the cells lay empty. While others..I felt my stomach churn with disgust and anger.
There were countless people heaved together in one cell. A few of those people - if not all. Looked brutally beaten and ripped to shreds. My hands flew to my mouth in horror.
I look past the few who tried to grab me through the bars and just focused on the horror. I take a step closer. Eyeing them all. And once they knew what I was looking for, they showed them off.
Some of them had their ears torn off all the way to the base..others had their tongues..others had chunks of flesh torn off so bad that their own super healing couldn’t fix it. Some of them looked so disfigured it was impossible to tell what their normal features were.
“My father did this to you..?” They all nod. “You're father is a monster.” I look up at them. “And so you're mother. May they rot in hell..!” I stumble back when they all spit on the floor.
I shake my head and look around. I open my mouth to speak but before I could, Garry came marching in. “That’s it! Enough!” I felt my arm get yanked and before I got the chance to do anything, I was hauled off and outside. “Off you go now..” I sigh and walk away. I head to our guest bathroom and wash my feet and my hands before continuing on my way.
I head back to the camera room where I sigh and sit down. I just watched lucky. I always hated his guts. But this..he doesn’t deserve this. Healing your eyes is nearly impossible.
I can’t believe…I sigh. I know my parents are ruthless. My father the most, but actively shredding people..? Ripping them apart..? Our own people?
I look away rubbing my eyes before snapping myself back into focus. I turn off all the cameras and put them on a timer. I then quickly get up, memorizing how much time I have before taking off.
I had time..they don’t come back for hours..but. I need to find as much stuff as I can get. I go into our mothers lounge. A place she goes to have her private time. I look around silently. “Now why didn’t she tell me she had a spa room?!” I huff. I marched over to her dresser where I quickly search it. And alas, I found her jewelry box.
But..there was something about it. Something that made me feel weird. I don’t touch it. I just stare at it. I narrow my eyes before thinking and waving my hand, creating a small flow of wind that circled the box. And soon enough, it went off.
I quickly stumbled back when a strange smell began to flood the room. I quickly cover my mouth before realizing it was coming from the box..
Marca’s POV
I pace outside. The judges were still preparing for me. I flex my fingers and shake them, trying to get rid of my nerves. “Marca..” I keep pacing. “Marca..!”
“What..!” I snap, turning to face my mother who crossed her arms. I take a deep breath and calm down. ‘Don’t be aggressive..’ I told myself. “Yes mother..?” I ask calmly. “Are you alright..?”
“I’m fine.” I go back to pacing. “Just..nervous..” I admit.
“Everything will be fine..” she nods, reaching for me. I glance at her hands than back at her. I didn’t know why I did it..I just..did. “Marca..?” She began. I snap out of it and nod, giving her a kiss on the cheek instead of touching them. I stepped away. “Thank you mother..”
“Marca..! There ready for you..!” My father called. My mother reached for my hand but I walk ahead. “Alright..” I blew out. “Let’s do this…” I followed my parents into the courtroom. “Don't let her touch you…” I jump and duck out of the way.
I reach for my ear. “What did you say..?” I ask my father. He wrinkled his nose and smiled a little. “I didn’t say anything..?” I blink and look away. I could’ve sworn I heard..”come. Let’s get you situated..” he rubbed my head and off we went.
I look around. To be fair..I have never been here before..it was overwhelming. It looked completely different than how the humans had theirs set up.
Everything was fancy. Simple as that. There was a huge stage for the council members with a huge dome in the middle. That dome will hold me, my parents and my defender. The council members and them alone will ask me questions about why I did and I or my defender will plead my case.
Mainly my defender, because that is what I’ve been doing this whole stinking time. We all sit, waiting. My father shook hands with my defender and he nodded my way.
“Big day hm?” He shook my hand and I nodded, fixing my suit. “Yes sir.” He threw me a smile but by the looks of it, he looked worried. I swallow hard. Shit. I’m really in for it aren't i..? I rub my hands up and down my legs before constantly being bombarded with thoughts as soon as the guards began to flood in.
“Is that the boy? He sure doesn’t look that bad..?”
“Damn..another case..? Why don’t they just lock him up at this point..?”
I flinch and try to clear my throat only to discover that my throat was dry and dead. Shit. Not good. I look around before patting my fathers arm.
“W-water. I need water…” I croak. He jerked his head up and motioned for Someone but it was too late. “Please take you're spots..! The council will soon be entering..!” My heart instantly picked in speed.
I felt my knees give in, making my father tap my back. “You good..? What the hell are you doing?”
“I’m fine..” I quickly say, clearing my throat the best I could while staggering slightly into the dome. “Marca..cut that shit out..!” My parents hissed. I quickly stop and walk normal. My father cleared his throat and puffed his jacket and took his place right beside my defender. Than..they walked in.
And than he did.
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