I eye them as Marca started up the car and sped off. I quickly turn around and watch as they hiss and speed after us before quickly slowing to a stop at the end of their territory and instantly call someone. “What the fuck was that dude!” I look towards Marca, My heart slowly calming down. “W-what?” I slowly begin. “You could’ve gotten her hurt!” He snarled, gripping the wheel as he drove. “W-what…? I-”
“You froze! That's what you did! And that split second could’ve gotten us captured…! Or killed!”
“Marca!” Enya snarled, making him shake his head and clench his jaw. After a moment of silence she turned to face me. “What happened..? Hm..?” I glance at her, my lips unwillingly turning into a frown. “I-I guess I freaked out..seeing my tombstone and all..I wasn't prepared..”
“Well we told you it was a grave didn’t we? what’d you expect?” Marca snarled. I lower my head ashamed. “I-I’m sorry Enya..I didn’t mean to freeze up-”
“Well you did! And they nearly caught up to us..! no..In fact! They did! They saw us because you're-”
“MARCA!” She yelled, causing the both of us to fall silent. She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Anwyll…” my eyes flick her way. “Please tell me you remember something..? Anything..? So then we didn’t risk our asses for nothing..” I stay silent, trying to think. Trying to remember even the smallest thing. I felt myself tearing up a little when all I heard was static. I twist my jaw and shake my head looking down at my hands. “I..um..” Marca threw his hands up and slapped the wheel several times. My hands begin to tremble as I try to fight the urge to cry. “I’m sorry..” I whisper, glancing up at Enya who seemed just as annoyed.
My heart trembled a little. I didn’t want her to be mad at me, I didn’t understand why but all I cared for was that she wasn't mad. “I thought it would work…I-I-”
“I-it's fine..” She mumbled rubbing her temples before hearing her phone go off. She sighed, putting her head back. “What…? Who is it..?” She showed him the phone and Marca groaned, hitting the wheel angrily. “F-fuck! You! Don't say a word!” He spat my way. I nod quickly. She took a deep breath and picked up the phone. “H-Hey ma..” I watch her silently in an attempt to ignore Marca’s death glare through the mirror. “Y-Yeah- no…I know mama…No marca’s out in the garden…” He snapped his head towards her and she raised a hand. “I promise..It's just me..okay…I’m sorry..okay..I love you..I-know..no it’s okay I’ll eat when I come back..what? A talk? Oh..okay..I know..I love you..bye” She hangs up and sighs. “Well..mother is pissed off..and tomorrow morning we are having a discussion” Marca sighed, rubbing his head, a few long minutes later, he parked outside the gates. “What do we do with Mr. Broken over there..” They both turn their heads to look at me. “Do you have somewhere to go..?” I slowly shake my head. They share an annoyed sigh and look at each other. “No..absolutely not..” Marca began. “Well we can’t have him wandering around town..especially in this state…He might hurt someone..” Marca looked at me and I stared at him silently. He rolled his eyes. “Well what do you expect us to do..? Bring him into our home..? A place filled with werewolves…? They’ll sniff him out before morning..” I quickly shake my head. “N-Not necessarily..” They look at me and I flinch a little.
“I may n-not remember much but I do know how to use some of my abilities…” Marca rolled his eyes. “Of course he does..” I frown a little. “What do you mean Anwyll..” Enya sighs. “Some vampires have this ability..to mask their scent to hide from predators..to change their smell…I-I can do that…” They exchanged glances again. She tilted her head and Marca groaned and opened the door. “You're coming with me. Hurry up. Do that scent masking thing and let's go.” She climbs into the driver's seat and I eye her for a moment. “You’ll be fine…he won’t kill you….I think..” I flinch and sigh climbing out while masking my scent. “Very comforting…” She snickered and I sigh, closing the door and stepping back as she drives the rest of the way to the house.
I looked up at Marca who waved me along. “Let's go..” He sighs leading me out to the back.
Enya’s POV
I park the car and look up where I curse at the sight of my mother. “Ohhh fuck..” I whisper to myself. I take out the keys and step out. “Heyy mother…”
“Don’t you hey mother me young lady give me your keys” I quickly hand them over. “Get to your room…! Now! We will discuss this later..! Off you go!” She demands walking to my car. I bow and quickly rush inside. I look around for the boys before hearing soft yet loud whispering. I scoff softly to myself and sneak upstairs where I slip into Marca’s room. “You know Marca..you suck at whispering..” I turn on the lights to see the two staring each other down, both of them with flushed faces as if they were in the heat of an argument. I sigh, rubbing my eyes. “W-whats going on here..? Hm..?” I lock the door and cross my arms. “Why. Is he here..do you realize how much shit we’re gonna be in if our parents find out he’s here..? Nonetheless a vampire…?” I nod softly. “He’s here because he said he doesn’t have anywhere else to go..and I understand the shit we’re in..But do you..?” Marca squints a little. I sigh pushing myself off the wall where I walk over. I look anwyll over. “There’s seriously something wrong here…”
“Yeah no shit…” Marca scoffed flopping on his bed making me smirk softly. “I'm serious marca..” I walk over and sit at his feet. “We broke into his grave thing, a grave with giant chains - something that we shouldn’t have done but did anyway…and now that he’s out there looking for him..and they seemed pretty desperate and angry..on top of that they went as far to chase us down.” Marca looked at me. I tuck my leg underneath me and hug the other. “Yeah..because we were on their territory..a-and don’t you think they chained up his shit because maybe, just maybe he’s some serial killer freak..!” He hissed, making Anwyll flinch. “I am not a killer” Marca g
lared his way. “You're a vampire..you're definitely a killer.”
“Anyway..” I interrupt. “Marca..look..I don’t like this anymore than you do..trust me. I don’t. But at this point what do we do..? We are both connected to breaking him out so either way we are both in just as much shit as he is” Marca clenched his jaw and put his head back. He knew I was right.
We started this, we let him out, and now for whatever reason they are looking for him, and from the tone of those guards and the way they tried to stop us, it couldn’t be good..I glance at Anwyll and felt my eyes glow a soft warning at the way he was staring at me. I squint and stand up. His eyes followed. “so..You don’t remember anything..nothing at all..Not the weird symbol..not the building…the grave..your death..?” He shook his head slowly. “No..” Marca sighed, rubbing his face. “This can’t be happening..” I look around the room silently, trying to decide what to do. “Well..” he begins. We both look at him. “W-we do know one thing..?”
“And what's that..? That we are all good as dead because of you..?’ Anwyll glared. “No..” He looked at me. “Whatever happened to me..what and who I am, is linked back to that place..so..if we figure out what that symbol means, than we have a better chance at figuring out who i am” I glance at Marca who just shrugs. “Don’t look at me, I’m in it with you..if you wanna be out then I’m out. If you want in then I’m in..” I frown, “Marca..” I begin. “Don’t..You know how I can be..obviously I’m gonna help but do you truly want to be in..?” Marca sighs, putting his hands behind his head. He looked away silently, just staring at his wall. After a moment he close his eyes than threw up his hands. “Fuck it..why not..? Plus..once we find out what he is then we can really see if he’s an evil prick..” Anywll flinched and scoffed, waving him off. I roll my eyes and stand up, not realizing my leg has decided to fall asleep on me.
I curse, stumble and collapse at the strange prickly jabbing sensation it gave me, resulting in me falling forward and straight for the ground. “Enya..!” Anywall and Marca hissed, speeding to catch me. I quickly reach towards the wall to catch myself but instead I end up taking hold of someone's shirt. “T-thank you Mar-ca…” I trail off once I lock eyes with Anwyll. I felt my heart skip a beat and my breathing stopped. The more I eyed him the more I felt..warm..I had completely forgotten about my leg. I squinted a little at the sight of his ears turning red. He tilts his head a little. “Phoenix..” I flinch. “W-what-” I jumped when Marca shoved him off me. “Goodnight. Enya..” I limp backwards a bit. I glanced towards Anwyll who’ eyes seemed to never leave mine. “I said. Goodnight.” I snap my eyes away and turn limping out while rubbing my leg in an attempt to wake it up.
Marca's POV
I stare at this fucker. Just looking him over. He's creepy. He doesn't blink..His eyes are soulless and red. I glare. “The fuck do you think you're trying to do..? Hm..?” He squints. “I-I'm sorry..” I jab his chest with my finger. “Back. Off. My sister isn't available..I-I mean…she is. But not for the likes of you. Got it..?” I snarl. He just smirks. “I'm not interested…trust me..”
“You better not be. We got enough shit on our plate..we don't need more..so the sooner you remember the better..!” He just nods. I glare harder. Who does he think he is?? Not even gonna reply? No snarky comeback..? No anger? Nothing?! I try to peek into his brain. I flinched when he finally blinked. His eyes snapping away from my door and down to me. “Don't do that..'' before I could reply, I felt a painful snap followed by my head filling with dizziness. I stumble back before feeling something trickle down my nose. I slowly raise a hand and freeze at the sight of blood. My eyes snap up to meet his. He looked away apologetically. “Don't invade my privacy…please..”
“You son of-” Marca..don't.. I clench my jaw at the sound of my sister's thoughts. I wipe my nose and glare with hate. “Do that again and I rat you out..got it?” He nods. I take off my shirt and climb into bed. “W-where will I be-”
“On the floor or outside.” I grumbled, sliding under the covers where I went on my phone. He stayed silent for a moment. He walked over and turned off the lights before walking over to my chair and sitting down. I look over. “I said-”
“I know what you said..But If there's danger..If those people come looking I need to be ready..” He mumbled softly. He took a deep breath. “I understand..You Don't like me..you don't want me here…Your sister sort of dragged you into-”
“Don’t. Talk about my sister..!” I spat. He clenched his jaw a little but relaxed. “You were dragged into helping me even though it's obvious you don't want to..the least I can do is make sure you or the people you care about don't get hurt..” He whispered softly. “If I were to be on the floor and if they were to come here looking for me..they'd be on me in seconds..I wouldn't be able to protect you-”
“I don't need your protection. Fuck, Why would they come here anyway..? Hm? This is wolf territory..”
“True..but if im so bad as you assume don't you think they'll come here to warn you..? After all…You are their neighbors..and it would be hell if there was a war” I say nothing. I know he was right…Just didn't feel like admitting it. I lay back down and scroll through my phone.
Anwyll’s POV
I sigh softly while leaning back, just listening to the silence. It didn’t annoy me, in fact. Spending time in that hole brought me comfort when it was silent. I sit until I feel my eyes grow heavy, something I wasn’t used to..it startled me yet felt so relaxing to the point of..where…
I Jerk awake to the sound of laughing. I take in a quick breath as my eyes dart around the room. Then towards Marca who’s fast asleep and snoring. I sigh, my head feeling a bit dizzy with exhaustion. Another strange feeling. I rub my eyes and stretch before freezing at the sound of the same laugh, then bright flashes. I shoot to my feet, blinking and shaking my head while covering my eyes. “W..wha…” I begin before seeing a flash of the same exact symbol we saw from before. The word “Theo Thario” Came soon after, followed by the same exact building. I squeezed my eyes shut when the laughing kept going, then the sound of anger..and hate..-”Go to sleep man” The images stopped just as fast as they had come at the sound of Marca’s groaning. I stood there panting, trembling and confused. I felt my knees buckle, sending me to the floor with exhaustion. “Wh..what just happened?”
Enya’s POV
I woke up with the feeling of being watched. I dazily look around my room. Empty. Just me..but why..? I climb out of bed, stumbling as I do. I groan slightly, feeling my head and muscles croak and groan with exhaustion. But I don’t allow myself to relax, someone is here..someone who’s not supposed to be. I quickly slide on some pants and a hoodie. I slide on my house shoes, there’s no time for slippers. If there truly was someone here, Slippers would be no use. I head out. I quickly stop at the sight of Anwyll. He was just staring downstairs. “Anwyll-“ he quickly raised a hand to stop me. He looked at me. “Where are your parents..?” I blink than shrug, shyly looking away so I can clean up my eyes and my face before looking back at him. “I don’t know..maybe at the pack house..? Working with the Alpha..w-why..?” He clenched his jaw a little before looking over to Marca stumbling out with a messy head. He yawned and itched the middle of his chest. “What’s going on..?” I just shrug.
“Someone’s here..” Anwyll whispered, stepping by and heading downstairs. “Anwyll..! G-get back here..!” I hiss, quickly following him. “You can’t just walk around like that..!” He ignored me and kept walking until we reached the kitchen. “Anwyll I’m serious! We have house workers..and guards! they’ll see you..!” I hissed. He spun to face me, his gorgeous red eyes boring into mine. I squirm, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. God why didn’t I clean up better before I came out?
He reached up and slid on my hood. I felt my ears burn. “What-“ he leaned down, stopping inches from my ear. Marca let out a warning growl but he didn’t budge. “There’s a vampire in here..” a shiver ran down my spine and my eyes instantly snapped to Marca. He took a slow step forward. “Who?!”
“How should I know..?” He hissed, turning and reaching for the door. “W-wait..! M-Maybe we should go get our parents..” I quickly say, grabbing his wrist. “And what happens if he disappears? Hm? Plus. They're both gone. There with the alpha remember? It’s Tuesday.” Marca hissed storming by and shoving open the door. I jump and wince. “Marca..!” I hiss before freezing at the sight of some tall..almost Seven foot man, standing in my kitchen, cutting up some apples while a pan of bacon cooked on the stove.
All of us froze. He looked up, his giant red eyes glowed as they looked between us before finally landing on Anwyll. An eerie grin spread across his face as he stabbed the cutting board. “Why..good morning..! Just the rugged rats I wanted to see!”
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