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I curse and sigh, messing up my hair. “He had information, Marca..” I yank my arm away, making him stumble. “so? We made. A a deal..!” I felt myself flinch. Though I didn’t know why.
But I looked at Anwyll. His eyes instantly flicked towards me. “What? What deal?” I felt my stomach churn and fill with a feeling of guilt. Actual guilt. “Oh? So you didn’t even think to tell him?” Marca smirked, crossing his arms. I instantly grab his arm. “Marca. Don’t. He found a way in, he got closer-“ I turned my face away when Marca spun to face me. Snarling and baring his teeth in my face.
I flex my fingers and tilt my head to keep myself from challenging him and putting him on his ass. “No! We made a fucking deal Enya! Enough is enough!” He roared. “You heard what father said. Theo. Is dangerous. If he finds out about what we did we’re dead Enya..! Dead!” I glance at him. He shook his head. “Are you seriously so determined to help some..vampire whom you hardly know if it meant putting you're own family at risk?!” He whined, his brows instantly push together.
I felt my cheeks flair and I instantly lowered my head. Fuck..”yeah..fuck is right..” I turn my head away as my insides burned. “M-Marca I just-“
“No, you just want to be involved with something, Enya..you just want to finally feel like you fit in. But you don’t.” I wince and felt my heart snap. Tears instantly flooded my eyes but I quickly push them away. My head buzzed and I wrinkle my nose painfully. Marca..
I couldn’t move..I felt..hurt. Did he really think I didn’t fit in? Was I really that..bad “I..” I paused when my voice shook. I take in a slow breath and I look at him. Square in the eye. His eyes..they held so much anger, so much hate and betrayal. Father. He felt betrayed by our own father for working with vamps. And now..I bet he feels like I betrayed him too. “Marca I-“
“No…I’ve heard enough Enya..” I flinch. “I'm done with this shit.” He turned to Anwyll whose eyes I could feel
were on me. “Look. At me.” I glance at him while flexing my fingers. He was talking to Anwyll. But he didn’t. He just kept scanning me. “You promised..” I instantly lower my head again, feeling my ears burn this time. Than I felt it..the tears.
Shit..I turn my head away. God this was annoying. First, I get called out for still helping him. Second. My own twin just admitted that he thought I was nothing more than an outcast, then third..I'm caught between a truth and a somewhat lie. I promised that I’d help him. But I also said I wouldn’t. Why couldn’t I do both?
“My sister doesn’t owe you shit..! You shouldn’t even be here..!”
“Marca..!” I whine only to get shut down. “No! No!” He snarled. “Stop it! I-I lost everything! Everything!” He screamed, picking up a dumbbell and throwing it. I jump, causing a tear to fall. I quickly wiped my face and glance at Anwyll who just kept staring. “Father. Is a liar! I might not even get to fulfill my dream..the only thing I’ve EVER wanted since I was a child! And now…you..” I wrinkle my nose a little, eyeing him.“A fucking traitor to your own species..”
“I-I’m not..-“
“You are..how can you call yourself a werewolf Enya? How do you live with the thought of helping someone like him?!” I winced and took a step back. “M-Marca..!” I gasp as another tear falls. “No!-“
“I think you’ve done enough..!” I stumbled back shyly, wiping my eyes as Anwyll reached over to take hold of him. “Don't you dare fucking touch me!” Marca roared. And before I knew what was happening, Marca had him by the throat and against the wall. And Anwyll did nothing. He simply just hung there. “Marca! Enough!” I beg, fearing my father would hear the commotion.
Marca just smirked. “What? Nothing snarky to say? No fighting back?”
“Marca please..” I beg, taking a slow step forward. “Why? Why shouldn’t I? Hm? He’s nothing but a pathetic leach! We’re all good as dead if Theo finds out we let him out! We might as well kill him now and get it over with!”
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“You. Did. What?!”
We both froze. Shit
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Me, Marca, and Anwyll sat on the couch in the living room. All three of us had our heads lowered and our hands clasped in front of us. “Enya..explain!” I quickly raise my head and look up at father. Enya don’t. I prick my finger at the sound of Marca’s voice. I mentally roll my eyes.
Oh? So now I should have you're back? Seriously? After the shit you just did? Fuck that. Fuck. That. “I-it was an accident..” I start to explain. Marca scoffed and threw his hands up and looked away. “We..um..” I blow out and fix my position while licking my lips. “W-we got bored..curious..” I nod. “Marca had come up with an idea to go exploring so we did-“
“And..where did you guys go? Hm? Wait no. Let me guess, you guys went onto vampire territory? B-But not just anybody’s territory, you chose to go onto nox’s territory..”
“N-Nox? Who’s Nox..? A-and how do you know about that?”
“How do I know?” Father laughed. “Because the minute you guys went back, guess who called me?!” Both Marca and I wince and close our eyes. I told you! I told you we shouldn’t have gone back! “I only mentioned it now because I didn’t actually believe my own children would be stupid enough to March onto enemy territory non the less release Somone!” He roared, causing mother to walk over.
“Honey..why don’t I take over..? Okay?” Father threw his hands up as mother backed him away. I took the time to glance towards Anwyll as the two hissed back and forth. His head was still low. My gut swirled. I glance over at Marca. His chin was in his palm and his body was faced away. I frown. Marca please..I beg. Radio silence. I look back over to mother turning towards Anwyll. “Who are you? Hm? Why did you come?” Anwyll hesitantly lifted his head. “Hello ma’am..” he raised a hand to his chest. “My name is Anwyll..I-I’m the one they let out..” he nods. Mother raised a brow. “And..why are you here? What are you doing with my children? Hm? Why not go back to you're people..”
“Mama he can’t..” I quickly speak up.
Mother looked my way. “Enya. Be quiet. I asked him. Not you” I sigh but lower my head. “I..came to them for help” Father made a noise similar to a grunt. “Help. How can my children possibly help you? Hm? They. Are werewolves. You, a vampire. Completely two different species. Why not go back to you're kind?” Mother close her eyes. “Hm? Why not just go to them for help? To Theo? That is..where you're tomb is right?”
“Because Theo is the reason I was in there to begin with.” Anwyll quickly hissed, slowly balling his fist. I eye him silently, my eyes narrowed slightly at the sight of his eyes glowing a vibrant red. I look over to father stepping forward, pulling my mother back. “If I were you I’d calm yourself down before we both end up doing something we’d regret..” I prick my finger while silently chewing on my bottom lip.
Anwyll took in a slow breath and relaxed his grip. “My apologies. I don’t mean to offend anyone non the less cause fear. I’m only implying that I rather not go back. Not until I recover my memories..and what led up to my imprisonment..” father quickly raised a hand to stop him. “Your..imprisonment..? Your memories? What the hell are you talking about” Anwyll hesitantly clasped his hands together. “He lost his memory father..” I quickly say. “W-when he got out..I guess it had done something to him..made him forget..” I nod.
Both of them looked his way. “So..you can’t remember anything..?” Anwyll shook his head sadly. “Nothing..I swear..only my name and maybe a few others..l-like my abilities..but that’s all..” he nods before gesturing to me. “And the night they opened it I caught their scent and I went looking..”
“Why..” my mother turned her head slightly, taking a careful step forward. “I was hoping they could help me..they were the ones who got me out so I figured they'd have known something else..m-maybe a hint as to who I was..or simply something about that place…” he nods.
Mother glanced over. Father did the same. I glance at Marca who looked at me. Mother tilted her head. “No…” father began. We look his way. “N-No..absolutely not!” He turned and stormed out before instantly turning and facing us. “You three. Keep where you are.”
“Marca..” mother warned before rushing after him. I squint. “Marca..” he grumbled. “Already on it..” he quickly got comfortable. “What is he doing..” Anwyll hissed only to have me shush him. “He’s focusing..” A moment later he gripped the chair and I knew he was in.
“Now we just wait..” I sigh, getting up. I shake my hands while beginning to pace. “W-what happens now?” Anwyll mumbled. I take in a shaky breath and stop in front of him. “What do you think happens..?” I cross my arms. He shrugged. I sigh and go back to pacing. “Well..either he gives you to Theo..or..he sends you away..” his brows instantly push together. “You mean he won’t let me stay?” I snort and shake my head. “Hell no. Look. Let’s make one thing clear..” I turn to face him again “our father may work with vampires. But that doesn’t mean he needs to like them..he won’t let you stay..” I shrug and go back to pacing. “There’s no ifs, theres no buts. He just won’t. You're a vampire. That’s the only thing he’ll see..”
“Alright..I’m in..” Marca sighed, flexing his fingers. We both turn our attention towards him. “What’s happening..? What are they saying?” I whisper, slowly moving beside him. Marca’s brow twitched. “Their talking about what to do with him..” I instantly look his way.
Anwyll’s POV
I silently watch them. Marca was doing..whatever he was doing. Peering into his fathers brain? I’m not totally sure…and Enya..I look her over. Radio silence. Her intoxicating scent kept wavering. I chew the side of my cheek. I locked eyes with her. ‘I’m sorry..’
She flinched and turned her head a little at my messages. Than immediately twisted into a state of confusion. I simply just shrug. “Well..” Marca sighed, fixing his position, catching her attention. I stay looking. Just taking her in. Phoenix I thought. Why did I say that? “Well what?” Enya hissed. “I..I think they're turning you in..I-I’m not sure..shit!” Marca jerked upright, his hand flying to his head as he hissed and leaned over groaning softly.
My brows instantly push together as I grip the couch. “Are they turning me in? Marca.?” I urge only to be hushed. Enya jumped to her feet when her parents walked in. I eye them. Her father faced me and I eye him specifically. There was something about him that irked my core..I look him over.
He was tall..seemingly young but also a werewolf..I take a short breath. Scenting him. Definitely a werewolf..I glance at their mother. A werewolf as well..or..maybe not..? More human than wolf maybe? Could that be the reason behind her scent? Because her mother is more human than a werewolf..? Or..is it something else entirely..?
I ignore the feeling of Marca’s pestering gaze. Hm. ‘What did I say about peeking into my brain?’ I quickly block him out. Making him hiss and look away rubbing his temple. I don’t look at him. I focus on the parents. Their father crossed his arms and my lip twitched at the sight of a scar poking out from beneath his rolled up sleeve. “Anwyll..unfortunately we do have to turn you in..”
My heart dropped. But I didn’t dare show it. My grip instantly loosen and I slowly close my eyes. Shit. I draw out a sigh. “I’m sorry, son..But I don’t want my kids in any part of what you got going on...we got enough shit going on..” He nods. I nod softly. I wasn't going to fight it..this is his territory. And I need to respect it..and him.I rather not be ripped in half.. I glance at Enya who’s eyes never once left me. I give her a soft smile, reassuring her I’d be okay. I flinched slightly when she glared and looked away. But I just press my lips together when I noticed a small..hint of red.. I frown.
she really is mad..
I look away to her father clearing his throat. “Anwyll..is it..? My mate here wanted me to give you a chance..” I look at him, fixing my position. “You have until tomorrow morning to get out of my house..and off my territory..and away. From my family” his eyes darted over to Enya. I force away the feeling of pain and pay attention. “But if you don’t..if i see you come anywhere near my children as well as my territory..I will turn you in..or..I kill you without mercy..are we clear..?” I felt a giant lump in my throat.
Killed by an alpha, what a terrifying way to go..I quickly nod. “Y-yes sir..” He nods and steps aside. I eye him. O-oh he meant right away..I quickly stand up, the twins follow suit. I take in a nervous breath and nod walking by before feeling my arm get grabbed. I instinctively grab his hand and snap my head up, coming face to face with their father who bared his teeth.
He yanked me closer and growled in my ear. I clench my jaw but stay still. “If i EVER. catch you stalking and breaking into my daughters room again I will have you're head..do I make myself clear..” A chill ran down my spine. What..? h-he knew? How?
He squeezed my arm and my hand flew to his wrist. I had to dig my fangs into my lip to keep me from making a scene..I could feel my muscles begin to strain and my bones crack. “I’m giving you a chance, leach. I suggest you take it seriously..” and with that he let go. I continue to hold eye contact.
Not out of fear..no..I didn't feel scared..if anything..I felt just as powerful and calm as him. LIAR! I wince and take a step back, blinking over and over as the word ‘liar’ flashed before my eyes. “Goodbye. Vampire..” I blink once more, staring at their father. Liar? I blink and look away, than at Enya who gazed at me before looking away. I glance at Marca who squinted than wrinkled his nose.
I sigh and walk out. I look around as I head towards the door. This was a rather nice place..I rub my hands together and reach for the handle. “Hey..!” I look over to their mother. I tilt my head eyeing her. She wrinkled her nose and I couldn't help but smile. She looked just liked her..her..Enya..Phoenix..I wince and grit my teeth again. I blink a few times as my vision blurs and my brain grows fuzzy. “Excuse me..?” I blink and look down at her. “Hm?”
Enya’s POV
I stood there, I couldn’t see them anymore..I looked over to my father walking over. I frown and lower my head. “Why didn’t you tell me..! Why- how could you let a vampire into our home..! Into you're room!” I close my eyes and squeezed my eyes shut as I took his scolding. “Especially one from Theo's land! Don’t you have a brain?!-”
“Papa!” Marca shouts. “No! Enough! Enough Marca! Both of you! Enya! You? You're the oldest. You're supposed to be a good example..how can you call yourself my daughter? How can you call yourself a werewolf? Inviting such..scum under my roof!” He roared, flashing his eyes.
My heart dropped and I felt my soul get sucked out. W-what? Marca pulled me close into a tight hug. “I am deeply, immensely disappointed in you..the both! Of you..! Letting a vampire into our home..! Dealing and working with a vampire-” Marca scoffed. “Seriously?! You're disappointed in us? When you're doing the exact same thing-”
“Marca..!” We both look over to our mother walking over. “What you're father does is beyond you're business..but this..” She gestured to the door. “How is this fair?! How!” Marca roared. I glance at him.
“Both of you..to your room..! Now and Enya..consider girls night over!!” we both jump and rush by. Marca rubbed my arms as he led me upstairs. “H-He didn’t mean any of that.” I shake my head slowly, my feet dragging up the stairs. No..he did. Marca led me to my room where he set me on the bed. But I just landed with a giant thump.
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