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I sigh walking downstairs for a midnight snack. The house workers have all gone, leaving me and my family. I listened to the soft pitter patter of my feet as it hit the cold flooring where I then made my way through the dark and to the kitchen.
Only the soft glow of the moon lit up the house. Giving me just enough light to see. - not that I needed it.
I sigh as I walk, rubbing the back of my neck. I couldn’t sleep. Today is Marca’s trial. And yesterday gave him a huge step back. We no longer had any friends to support us..only Anwyll.
Though I don’t think Marca considers him a friend. And with the loss of Josiah, his spirit is even more defeated. I grab a tub of ice cream and move to get a spoon. “You're up late..”
My heart spiked and without hesitation I grabbed a butcher knife while spinning around, dropping my ice cream as I do so it wasn’t in the way. My brows instantly relaxed at the sight of my father. I blew out letting my arm drop. “Dad..you scared me..!” He appeared out from the shadows where he tilted his head. A small smile on his face. “Good job on being armed. No hesitation..” I give him a soft smile in thanks.
He took in a sharp breath while strolling closer. “Enya..” he began. “Yes father..?” I ask carefully. “Do you love me..?” My smile faulted. “O-of course..”
“Then why do you disobey me..?” He snapped. My smile slowly faded and my grip on the knife slowly loosened. “W-what..”
“Do I need to repeat myself?” He asked sharply. “N-no father you don’t”
“Then answer my goddamn question. Why do you disobey me..?!” I flinch and blink quickly. “I-I-“
“No..? No answer..? Then riddle me, this.” Before I had a clue what was happening I gasp in pain when my back was against the counter edge and the knife was dropped. Inches from my feet.
“You we’re not born to disobey. You were not raised to go against orders..! You serve our alpha so please. Do tell me why the fuck you're still hanging around that vampire..!” He snarled. ‘Enya..?’ I push past my fear and make eye contact with Marca.
There was enough light for me to see him, and enough shadows to keep him out of our fathers view. I quickly look away, gripping my fingers to make a scent to mask him. I didn’t want him to get caught. “We’re friends.” I quickly say. “Freinds..? Friends with a vampire..?” He wrinkled his nose. “Did you learn nothing..?!”
“Did you?” I quickly say. He flinched and his eyes glowed. “Exuse me..?”
“You're the one working with one..you fucking lied to us..to Marca..! You're preaching all this shit and yet you're doing exactly what you said you’d never do..” I snap quickly. I flinch when he grabbed my throat and squeezed. He raised a finger and I fight to keep my voice steady.
“Enough. With the questions..” I narrow my eyes. But don’t say anything else. He let go and I quickly took a breath. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair as he backed off.
He sighed again while pinching his nose. “Enya..” he began. Calming down. “You don’t know. Who you're dealing with.” He urged. “You need to listen to me..!”
“W-why. If he’s so bad than why not tell me..?” He grits his teeth and I tilt my head waiting. “I’m going to figure it out anyway. So you might as well just tell me..” he clenched his jaw and crossed his arms. “F-fine..”
My heart jumped. Wait really..? That easy..? “This boy..he’s dangerous, Enya. He was put in the ground for a reason..!”
“By who..? Theo..?” He flinched and I kept that note. Why..why is he so afraid of that name..?
“Yes..by Theo..this boy did unspeakable things, Enya..slaughtered thousands..” my eyes unwillingly widened and I felt my breath hitch. “Exactly..which is why I need you to stay away..!”
“You're lying..” I blurt. “Excuse me..?” He hissed. ‘Enya stop..’ Marca begged. “He doesn’t even remember anything. And to top it off he’s the kindest person I’ve met..!” He stared at me. His lip then twitched. I narrow my eyes. “Like I said. He was put in there for a reason..stay away-“
“Is that why you threw a hit on him..?” I ask calmly. His eyes flickered and for a split second I could’ve sworn I saw nervousness. “We could’ve gotten hurt. Our friends. Could’ve gotten hurt..”
“You two would’ve been fine..! You're friends..however. Occupational hazard..” he sighed, rubbing his eyes.
“Where are they..? Hm..? The assassins?” He sighed. Getting annoyed once again. I cross my arms. “Where do you think..? They ran into us. Do you really think we’d let them get away that easy..?” I lie. Giving him a hint. His lip twitched again before he sighed. “Of course you got rid of them..why wouldn’t you..?”
“Learned from the best..” i hiss.
There was a small gleam of satisfaction in his face. He was proud of the thought of me killing them. Even though I didn’t. He took in a sharp breath. “Enya I’m going to lay you in on a little secret..” he took a step forward again and I fought to hold my stance.
“The alpha is growing quite irritated with you're..attitude..” I look him over. “I thought you wanted me to be like this..” I snap softly. “And I do..it makes you even more ruthless..” he took a finger and lifted my chin. “The perfect soldier..” he mumbled. I clench my jaw softly and just look away. “But you're attitude has grown quite tiresome for him. You need to step up..”
“How can I step up when you won’t even let me train..” I grumble. “I need to go back to hunting..”
“Not in that way no..” he mused. “You're ability. He wants to raise you up..become his personal guard..”
“W-what..?!” I shriek. Taking a quick step away. “No way..!”
“Yes. Enya. You will do it. No discussion..! In return all you're past mistakes will be forgiven. You turn down the position as beta..you going against our orders. And you..becoming friends with some blood sucker.” He wrinkled his nose and I shook my head.
But he went on. “After the trial. You will start. Whether Marca succeeds or not. You will. Take your newfound position. And you will do great. Because if you don’t..I’ll be sure to have you're..friends, pay the price of you're ignorance.” My heart dropped. No…
“Father please..!” I quickly say. “Do as you're told. Enya..! You're asking too many questions and it’s raising the eyes of too many people..!” He says sharply. “And for fucks sake..give you're brothers death a rest, and the search for Theo a rest.
You will never find the truth nor will you find the peace you're looking for.” I wince with shock. “Are we clear..?” I stay silent. How..how did he know..??? “Are. We. Clear..!” He snarled. I quickly nod.
“Good. As long as you do you're part, your friends including that blood sucker will stay untouched.” He began to walk out. “Goodnight to you both..and Enya..clean that shit up” my eyes immediately darted to Marca who looked just as shocked.
We stood in silence for what felt like eternity. He knew..he fucking knew..! Marca quickly but quietly tip-toed over where he instantly touched the side of my neck. “Are you okay..?” He whispered, checking me out, including my back.
“I-I’m fine..” I whisper. “Come..!” He quickly pulled me upstairs and to our room. “B-but the mess..!”
“Leave it. That’s not important right now..” he hauled me into the room where he silently close the door. I sigh walking over to his bing bag where I sit down. He locked his door and sat down on his bed.
“Talk to me..?” He began. I just. Shrug. Still in shock. “A-About what..? The fact that he knew..?” I whisper. “About me becoming some..guard..? And if I don't, I put our friend's life in jeopardy.??” I hissed. I shake my head.
I then threw our hands up. “The moment I want to change I get thrown into a whole new problem..!” Marca lowered his head. I sigh and rub my eyes. “You were right..” he finally says. “I was acting too much like our father to pay attention to the way he was treating you..treating us.” He looked up.
“I..was acting too much like a soldier and less like a brother.” He mumbled. He waved me over and I walked over and sat down. He hugged me deeply. “I’m sorry Enya..I really. Really am..and it cost me joe to realize that..c-can you forgive me..? I swear I’ll try this time..” I sigh and mess up his already messed up hair. “Marca, I'd give you a thousand chances..” he smiled and we hug. “Stay with me tonight..?”
I nod and we get in bed. I hugged his stuffy and he hugged the one Joe gave him. “How are you holding up..?” Marca took in a slow breath, and sighed.
“I..texted him earlier..” he gently poked his bear. “And..?” I mumble. “He told me that I can either tell him the truth or not speak to him again..” I chew the inside of my cheek thoughtfully. “I need to tell him Enya..”
“What..?! No..!” I hissed. Sitting up a little. “I need to..!” He begged. “I can’t lose him..I can’t..! I..I like him too much…” he whined. I sigh. “I..I don’t know Marca, it's dangerous..! What if he takes it wrong..? What if he tells..? Our father will kill him. And so will the alpha.”
Marca frowned and looked away silently. I look him over before rubbing my face. Fuck. This is sooo gonna get us in trouble…”but…” I begin hazily. “It is you're decision. I will back you up if you need me to. But I just want you to be clear on this.” He looks at me.
“If this goes wrong..you do understand what we’ll have to deal with right..?” He nods. “I’ll take full responsibility for it. I promise..” I look him over and sigh and wave him away. He squeals and hugs me. “Thank you..! Thank you..!”
“In person!” I snap. “I know. I will..” he smiles. “I’ll do it after the trial..however it goes it’ll be the first thing I’ll tell him..” he nods. “And the others..?” I ask. He pressed his lips together. “That will be up to you..”
“What- no fair..!” He just shrugs and I scoff playfully before hitting him with my stuffed animal. He chuckled and I sigh laying down.
I watch ivy slither around her tank. “How do you think he knew about it..?” Marca began. I glance at him, wondering what specifically he meant. “I mean all of it. The information about Anwyll, about the fact that we were about to investigate his murder..all of it..how did he know?”
I don’t say anything. I just sigh. I rub my face. “We need to sneak in..” I froze. I look at him. “What..?” He nods. “You're right. He’s hiding something. And the fact that he called our friends an occupational hazard just pisses me off. The fact that he laid his hands on you. Pisses me off.” I look him over silently and he nods. “Tomorrow. Skip my trial..”
I snap upright. “What..?! No way..!”
“Keep you're voice down..!” He hissed. “Enya. Skip it. Please. Sneak in..and find what you can..”
“Marca.. I wanna be there for you..” I frown. “I know..and I want you to be there. I do. But if you're right about this than we need to find out what..” I sigh and he lowers his head while giving me the eyes. I grit my teeth.
“I won’t enjoy it..”
“I bet..” he says. I sigh and let myself fall back. He cheered silently. “Thank you..” he whispered. “Mom keeps the key on her. So you’ll need to get it off her. My eyes widened and I looked over to him laying down.
I look away. You’ve got to be kidding me..!
When I had woken up, Marca was gone and the sheets were tucked nicely around me. I yawn and stretch before pausing at the sound of a piece of paper.
Marca: You looked too hideous to wake up..so, I left you sleeping. Father and I left for my trial. Same as our mother. I told them you weren’t feeling well. Dad thought it was because he punished you last knight. He didn’t say that though..anyway.
I know where mom is keeping the key. She left it in her jewelry box. You’ll need to hurry. And be careful. For some odd reason she felt so panicky and kept thinking about it..anyway. Find out what you can! Meet me in our spot after the trial..! You’ll know when! Good luck!
PS: destroy this note once finished reading.
End of note:
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