Anwyll POV
I woke up to a soft shake. I groan softly and open my eyes despite how weak I felt. It took a moment for my vision to come through. Once it did, I came face to face with an older lady..Maybe in her forties..pretty brown hair..pretty blue eyes..Fair skin..amazing fresh blood..I felt my teeth ache and my gut chew swirl with need. Shit..she smells perfect..ripe..Almost foul..almost rotten..I need it! “Hey..are you okay..? Do you need me to call someone..?” I lick my lips slowly. “C-come closer will you..” I croak..No longer able to control my thirst. She hesitated but did as told. “I’m sorry..” I whisper before snatching her by her hair and yanking her down before she could even scream. I then quickly succumb to my hunger, I feed.
I covered her mouth so hard to the point where even an owl couldn't hear her. I drool and growl with need and satisfaction. I pull her deeper into the bush. We were alone now, The sidewalks were empty..Just me and my meal..I pry my teeth out and sigh shakily as her fresh, metallic blood dripped from my lips. “Stop..please..! Don't kill me..” She begged with tears. She still fought me..she still kicked and struggled. I couldn't help but grin but that only made her scream. “Stop it..!” I hiss, pressing my hand harder. “Look I don't want to eat you..But I’m starving…” I nod, licking her blood off my lips. “But..If it makes you feel better..You taste good..” I grin, dipping my head where I went back to feeding.
I sigh, closing my eyes, taking in large amounts of her blood. Each sip I took, The more I felt it worked. I felt more full...More powerful and full of energy. She slowly stopped fighting..Her breathing turned into labored pants. I pull away to catch my breath and lick off any remaining blood. I shiver and lick my fangs. I could feel my face filling in. I could feel my powers and my strengths returning to me. “Wonderful..” I nod flexing my fingers before glancing over at her now pale body. Her lids could barely stay open. I sigh and gently caress her face. “It's almost over..Just a few more drops..” I nod taking her wrist where I bit down causing her to wince and whine. I close my eyes and suck her dry. Just as I heard her take her last breath,
I look at the body. “Who are you anyway..?” I snatch her purse and dig through it. I search her wallet and take her cash and her cards. “Thank you..I’ll be borrowing these..” I nod before placing her wallet in the palm of her hand before digging through her purse. I found some makeup, Some loose change at the bottom of the bag, Some mace, a taser..”Why didn't you use this on me..?” I ask her before frowning a little. “oh..right..My apologies...I gave you a false sense of safety..” I sigh and set it down where I grin at the sight of a small umbrella. “Perfect..! Maybe your death was fate…! Now…” I sigh, setting it down. I grab her wallet and eye her ID. “Hm..53..I was right..You look young for your age..if I had met you any later your blood would be too sour for my liking..” I sigh and toss it away before rubbing my hands together.
“Are you ready to pass on..?” Silence. I nod and take hold of her hands and focus. “Again..thank you so much. You
Tasted delicious and kept me moving for another” I let go and grab her purse and her wallet. “I’ll be sure to return your things..” I nod before taking her hands again where I don’t hesitate to fry her into a crisp. I let go and watched as her body crumbled into ashes. I nod and spread it out while attempting to mix it with the dirt. I say my prayers, rip a flower off the bush and set it over her ashes.
I grab the umbrella and rush out where I quickly open it. I sigh with relief. “ let’s go..” I begin to wonder about the streets once more.
Enya’s POV
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We’re grounded. It's been a month and we’re still grounded, Under house arrest. I sigh and pacing back and forth. Mama and pops managed to pay a huge sum of money to make this whole thing disappear..Though im not sure how, there were several witnesses, Brian is in the Hospital for a shattered nose, A shattered jaw, basically leeches. They are the lowest of the, we kill them on sight..beat them on sight” He stated. I scoff and shake my head. “You want me to agree to murdering an innocent vampire on sight….? No can do..” I nod. “Innocent..?! They murder people, Enya! In cold blood!”
“So do we!” I yelled before shouting when Ivy bit my hand. He sprang to his feet to help but I sigh and wave him his whole face. Mom and dad had numerous meetings with the alpha’s and the council to declare our punishment for breaking the law of ‘no physical harm shall be done to normies’ So far, we’re good..But they decided to wait to declare our punishment when or; in this case as my father puts it, if, Brian wakes up. I sigh sitting back in my bed. We don't share a room, We used to..But as we grew more mature, we wanted our own rooms so, we split up. He’s in the room next to me. Our parents are quite rich to be frank..That is why it's so easy for them to just make things disappear, or for them to just pull us out of school and transfer us somewhere else.
My room was quite big, a nice window, A fuzzy gray carpet made of alpaca wool; a carpet that gets super cleaned every Thursday, a queen size bed with a flat screen TV at the foot of it, and a bunch of clothes that I don't have the time or need to wear. I have a nice LED light type cloud hanging on the ceiling, just imagine a, sort of goth based room and that's it. I fall back on my bed and turn on the TV before getting called down. “Enya..Marca..please come downstairs..!” I groan but do as told. “Me and your father have been..Discussing..” I look over At Marca. “We decided to transfer you two back to erritha for the time being. J-just in case we hear anything about the council’s decision…” my heart dropped.
No…we can’t go back…not after…
me and Marca instantly shook our heads. “No! We’re not going back!” He turned to head back into his room. “We don’t have a choice! You need to be in school, and-“
“Then homeschool us..!” I whine. “Absolutely not..we are far too busy for that-”
“T-then send us to some private school..Or to some other normie school..” Marca begged. My father snorted. “You know damn well we can’t do that..! After the shit you pulled we don't think either of you are EVER capable of going back to a human school!”
“Me..?! Why me?! I wasn't the one who smashed his face in!” I snarled defensively. Look, I love my brother, But I don't love him enough to go back to that shit hole. “Yes, but what do you think will happen if someone decides to push your buttons as well..? We can’t have both of our kids creating chaos among the humans..! Especially with the brute force you two have..! We're already being investigated with those human cops..And the cops we have can’t do much themselves..” My mother argued, leaving us silent. She sighed, raking her fingers through her gorgeous silky brown hair. My parents looked as if they were in their late teens when in reality they were both in their thirties. Both of them were wrinkle free, gray free and acne free, But they definitely weren't stress free that's for sure..Most of their stress came from us.
I glanced over at my father who sighed and stepped forward. “Look..We don't like this any more than you two..But we have no choice..We can’t send you back..we can’t send you to another human school without risking the safety of you, and them..You two are dangerous...we’re sorry..But It's true..” My father whispered, clearly exhausted. “We know papa..” Me and Marca say in union. Because its true..We know we’re dangerous..We know how violent we are, How out of control and easy it is for us to just snap and murder someone. “Just please..Go to school..once we get everything under control we’ll pull you out..okay..?” I slowly clench my jaw and glance at Marca whose jaw was clenched and his eyes locked onto the floor. “Marca..?” I ask carefully, Knowing how much he hated that stupid school. If anything..I think he hates it more than anyone..But who can blame him.
“Please joy..?” we both flinch. Joy..A nickname our mother used to call him when he was younger..Before all this erritha shit happened..He clenched his jaw harder and silently scoffed. “I’m not going..”
“Marca..” mama whined. “I said no…!” He shrugged. “I’m sorry..But I can't..” He shrugged again while looking at us. “If I go back Imma kill him..” He nods. “Plain and simple..If I see his fucking face I’m gonna smash it- no..I’m gonna rip it apart.” He spat, baring his teeth, making my father close his eyes. What to do...Risk getting fined for not going to school, Or, Risk getting murdered by a pack of crazy physco wolves when you kill another beta..There’s no If with Marca..He can and will kill him. Just like he said..Plain and simple. Rowen deserves vengeance. And Marca is gonna give it to him...I know he will..Even if he dies trying. I sigh, rubbing my face but shrug. “Okay..” I nod standing up straight. “Okay..?” father squints. I nod. “I’m with marca..You either send us to another human school where you risk us injuring someone else..or send us back to Erritha where you risk us killing him...lay your pick..” There’s no way I'm allowing Marca to enjoy the sound of his screams alone..I silently grin. He needs to pay.. I look over at Marca to see him eyeing me, A small grin filling his face. He straightened his back and looked at our parents. We grin and they look at us. Noticing our change in decisions. My father sighed and rubbed his face. But we could see the small hint of a smile. He glanced at mom who looked at him and gaped. “NO! Absolutely not!”
“What why..!” He sighed, taking our side. “Because..!” She hissed. “You're sending them to go kill a Beta..! A BETA!” She hissed through a growl. “Okay first of all…” He sassed. “That little shit isn't a beta yet..Second, We need revenge..That shit head tore our family apart…”
“So killing him is gonna bring him back..?” She snapped. We press our lips together and sit. “W-well no but it’ll give us closer..!” My father argued. “Closer my ass..! You're allowing them to murder someone else’s kid just because he-”
“Okay…!” I jump up, making them stop. “We won't…” Maybe.. ”excuse me..?” My mother snapped. “We won't..Kill him..We might mess him up a bit, but we won't kill him..Okay..?” I shoot Marca a look to tell him that I'm serious. “No murder..Just pain..” I look at our mother who stared at the both of us. “We promise..”
“What..!” Marca growled. “Marca..I swear to god shut up.!” I snap, making him scoff and grumble underneath his breath.
Mother crossed her arms and glared. “I need you both to promise me..” She snapped. “I promise..” I nod. She looked at Marco who twisted his jaw glaring. “Marca..” I warn. “I’ll go alone if that's-”
“No..!” He snarled, shooting to his feet. “Like hell I'd let you go there by yourself..” He sighed, crossing his arms. “I..Promise..I wont kill the jerk..But.” he began. “I can't promise that I won't hurt the little fucker..” We both looked at our mother who sighed and waved her hands walking off. “Oh come on baby..don't be like that..” My father smiled walking over. “No..! you guys are insane…!”
“'re the one who birthed these insane kids...Plus..You married such an insane man..” we giggled and headed back into our room. I followed him into his room. I sigh walking over to his snake enclosure. “So..We’re going back..” He rolled his eyes plopping down into a bing bag. “I suppose so..” I stay silent and reach in where I carefully pull her out. A green viper named Poison Ivy. I sit slowly and sigh letting her slither around my hands and arms. “You don't think they’ll remember us right..?” Marca mumbled, watching her.
Her venom won't hurt us..Her bites hurt, but our body gets rid of the venom fast enough so it won't take any effect. I shrug. “Maybe..But then again..We were the ‘popular’ bunch.” I sigh watching Ivy.
We don't know why..But everyone hates us..They keep calling us a freak..a monster in the flesh..At first we thought it was some kind of joke due to them also being monsters..But when the name calling grew worse and turned more violent, that's when we realized that they weren't joking and that they were being dead serious. Erritha. A school owned by My father..A school for beings like us. Monsters..Werewolves, vampires..Pixies..Orges..Fairies - no..pixies and fairies are so not the same thing. Pixies are more dangerous and mysterious than fairies. Ghost, shape name it.
This school is built for people like us. With doors to withstand the brute strength, unnatural forces. There’s high security, a secret code to make sure humans don't figure out what we are..Even a secret location. The only problem, Is that due to having such dangerous, multi ‘species’ You could say, this comes at a consequence..Brutal fights..many anger management classes, and...Collars...You heard right. Specific people get collars..Me and Marca both have collars. The more dangerous you are the more you need to have and Marca are nowhere near as dangerous as those that go to our school..Yet our parents and others insist we use a collar..
So now...We are known as the disabled, Fucked kids for no apparent reason.
I roll my eyes and sigh pulling Ivy back to me only to have her hiss and strike. I jerk my hand away giggling. Marca rolled his eyes and played with a curl. “Did she eat..?” Not yet..I was about to feed her though..”
“Can i..?” I smile. He waved me off. “Be my pleasure..” I get up and put her back in where I lock it up before walking to his snake’s feeder fridge. I pick out a nice fat frozen rat and set it to defrost. As I wait, I stretch and sit back down. I scroll through insta before pausing at the sight of a go fund me for Brian. I snort. “What..?”
“They're doing a go fund me for Brian..” I showed him and he gaped. “You have got to be shitting me..! Where’s my go fund me..? Hm..? After years of verbal and physical abuse from that dipshit..? I don’t have a single penny but as soon as I cave his face in he gets all the money..?” He snarled, making me roll my eyes.
“Marca..You smashed his face in with unnatural force..That damage is not only gonna be expensive, but it's painful..and it’ll take a very long time to heal..”
“So..?” He hissed angrily. “So. You're a werewolf Marca..He’s not. He’s human. You heal 20 times faster than him..He heals normally..You're like..10 times stronger than a normal human male..on top of that..You're the son of a rich guy...You don’t need a go fund me..So as much as I hate the guy, I understand why his family needs this..” I explain making him scowl and cross his arms. “It's still not fair..” never said it was. He glared at me and I shrugged and smiled, noticing that he read my brain. I get up and grab the rat by the tail and dangle it inside her cage. I swing it slowly while waiting for her to eat. As I do, I sigh. “Do you think the collar rule still applies..?”
“Uh yes. Are you crazy..? Of course it still's dangerous enough having multiple creatures. In one area..especially if they are sworn enemies..” I couldn't help but smile. “Fairies and pixies..angels and demons..alpha’s and Rouges..” I nod. “Werewolves and vampires..” Marca adds. I tense up and nod slowly. “Y-yeah..” I mumble.
Look..I never truly had a problem with vampires..if anything..I find them cool..But both my brother and father are so dead set on hating them to the point of even mentioning one angers them. Marca squints and leans forward. “Don’t tell me you're still on their side..” I roll my eyes. “I’m not on anybody’s side Marca..!” I snap defensively. “Well you should be!” He snarled, starting to get angry with me. “Why. Hm..? Why should there be a side..? Why is there always a side..why can't-”
“Why can’t we do what?” He growled, staring at me. I eye him, The pit in my stomach grew and turned into embarrassment and frustration. I shake my head and turn away. My skin started to prick, itch and grow hot due to my annoyance. “No say it..I wanna hear you say it..”
“I don't want to talk about it Marca..I’m tired of fighting about this every day. Single. Time.” I explain watching her get closer to the mouse. “So am I Enya...So why don't we agree on one thing...okay..?” I roll my eyes and wiggle it a bit more. “Vampires..are bad. Vampires are demons..Werewolves don't associate themselves with those off while I detach her and hand her the rat. I rub off the blood sighing. “So do we Marca...We murder in cold blood just as much as they do..the only diffrence as that we claim that we do it because we can’t control ourselves..But what about them..?” I ask, eyeing him. “They need to kill to survive..They need-”
“No..! they don't Enya..They don't need to kill-”
“And we don't need to kill them..!” I shrug walking past. “We are just as Low as they are!..I’m not changing how I feel..”
“Then what kind of werewolf are you..?” He mumbled laying on his bed.
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