Enya’s POV
I sigh, trotting along. I haven’t found a single Rabbit. And the ones I do find, aren’t fully grown. It’s forbidden to catch the young ones. I sit on a stump. Something is scaring them away. And it’s not me. I sigh and slowly close my eyes. I roll my shoulders and flex my neck before relaxing. Focus…breathe..I listen. I focus..there. I spin around. My body was shooting with adrenaline. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAikKZYzMKZW
My eyes snapped towards a rustle. “Death.” I expected a rabbit or at least a forest rat but no..it was just Anwyll. My tail flicked and went back to laying flat as he stumbled out gasping and wheezing. I tilt my head before jumping and gasping when I realized what was going on.
“Health” he gasped and dropped to his knees. “W-what the hell just happened..!” I flick my ear and turn. “Go away” please..just go away. I don’t need to be reminded about how I’m such a failure. He turned his head a little before rushing after me. “W-wait seriously..? But we gotta find my memories-“ I turn and bare my teeth at him.280Please respect copyright.PENANAhQhbSozo60
“No. YOU have to find your memories. I told you..” I slowly relaxed and flicked my tail.“I’m done..” he flinched and his face instantly twisted into a state of shock and confusion. “You promised me Enya..you said-“ I wince softly while growling and shyly turning my head away. “Y-yeah..well that was before all this..things changed…” I turn and trot away only to have him follow. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAHDHFtqa2od
I sigh and shake my fur as I walk before heading to one of the changing posts. A place where I know my pack members hide clothes if you're in need of a quick shift. I snap at him, making him stop. He raised his hands and turned away. I head behind the bush and shift. I sigh and stretch my neck while digging underneath the roots.
I pull out a brown sack wrapped in vines. I sit back on my haunches while looking through the cracks of the bush to see him swinging his arms while looking around, but not once looking my way. I look down and unwrap it and pull out an oversized black hoodie where I quickly slide it on. I fix it before digging through before I find something that fits me.
“Is this about yesterday..? I-if it is than I’m sorry..you know I didn’t mean to get you both in trouble…”
“Do I?” I squint, sliding on the shorts. “What..?” He turned around and I quickly duck, hissing as I do. I didn’t know why, I was now fully dressed, but I did it anyway. “Look away!” He winced and cursed, closing his eyes and turning away. “Sorry, sorry..” I grumble and fix my clothes before neatly putting away the rest of the clothes than burying them again.
I walk out fixing my hair. “Look. Anwyll. I can’t help you anymore.” He turned to face me. “You’ve saw how angry my parents were..how disappointed they were..I can’t have that..! I can’t. They’re already disappointed with me for refusing the position as beta. But this..” I shake my head. “This is..this is worse. So. Much worse.” He took a step forward. “Why..! Why though..I-I thought they were fine with you liking vampires..with you not hating them..”
“And they were..! B-but not with inviting one into our home…not with working with one..! O-or having one in my room..!” I shout. “I…why are you even here Anwyll? You're not even supposed to be here..” I spat, storming away.
“Enya..” he whined. “Enya w-wait..” he whined. I heard him take a step forward. “Please don’t be mad..” I stop. “Please don’t be mad..” I felt a huge wave of nausea wash over me, causing me to stumble back a few feet, instinctively placing a hand over my belly and one over my mouth, expecting a mouthful of half chewed food280Please respect copyright.PENANAerYXPuP6CI
. It wasnt the horrible ‘something is wrong, he’s so dangerous he makes me sick’ kind of nausea..but..more like deja vu..He raced to catch me but I quickly raised a hand to stop him. W-what….? Those words..they echoed throughout my brain as if they were like a distant dream o-or memory..why..? People tell me that all the time but this..? Why did it feel so..different.
“Enya..?” He finally mumbled. I blink a few times, rubbing my head painfully. Once the nausea went away, I clear my throat and let out a weak sigh, turning to face him. “W-what..?” He rubbed his hands and licked his lips. “I..I know..you're mad..I would be to..but I really. Really. Need you're help. I need to know who I am, Enya..”
“Then go figure it out..you don’t need me-“
“Enya!” I spin around to see Marca dashing our way. “Marca..?” He instantly slowed to a stop once his eyes laid on Anwyll. “What. Is he, doing here..?” He growled, slowly stalking over. I joined his side. “I don’t know..” Marca just looked at me. I flinched and felt my face heat up. I quickly raise my hands in defense. “I’m being serious..I really don’t know..”
He looked towards Anwyll who held his ground. His non blinking eyes flicked towards Marca. Marca opened his mouth, probably to threaten him or question him. Anwyll quickly raised a hand to stop him. “I know..I’m not allowed back..but I had nowhere else to go..I didn’t know what to do..a-and I met someone..” I felt my cheeks flair. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAMCvSrKhm9Z
It made me itch. You..found someone..? I look away slowly, crossing my arms. “This little girl..” he went on. My eyes snap his way. They move back to me. I quickly look away. “What about her..?” Marca mumbled. I look at him. I narrow my eyes. Since when was he interested in any of this??
“Someone killed her..” Marca couldn’t help but scoff. “Of course someone killed her..you need to die to become a vampire..”
“Yeah yeah I know…but she got killed afterwards..I mean like way after.” This caught mine and Marca’s attention. “What do you mean ‘afterwards’ you mean after she turned..?” Anwyll’s silence was more than enough for us. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAuw6whXT2Lz
I hesitantly tilt my head. “D-do you know who..?” He shook his head and I sighed softly before he went on. “I think…I think someone ripped off her head, Enya..” my heart instantly jumped.
Damn..I felt my face grimace at the thought. Ripping off your head..? A bit extreme don't you think? “H-how old was the girl..?” I felt like I shouldn’t have asked..but I couldn’t help but know..I’m assuming she was older- “she’s six..” both Marca and I grew pale. “S-Six..? A six year old vampire..!” He nodded softly and moved to a tree where he leaned against it. He slid his hands into his pockets and only then did I realize he changed his clothes.
A long black trench coat and a black Kenneth Cole suit with black Sunday shoes. I found my eyes slowly scanning everything..finally his face. His hair was combed neatly..and his eyes. They flicked my way and I shivered again. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAHiWo6zV9oi
Making my body fill with an uncomfortable warmth. I growl and look away, moving my eyes down and to a random branch. I only glanced at him when the corner of his lip tugged into a smile. He did a twirl. “By the way..I found new clothes..” found..or stole..? I thought, making him flinch. I quickly look away again. Feeling my face flush again. But this time, with guilt.
I jumped when Marca snatched up my arm. “We need to talk..”
“Wha- Marca..!” I growl only to get dragged away. He pulled us out of what he calls ‘ear shot’ “what. Is you're problem..?” He hissed. I wrinkle my nose a little and shrug. “What do you mean..?” He rolled his eyes. “This..!” He gestured to all of me, making me take a step back. “You..this isn’t you Enya..! This is me..” I felt my cheeks burn again. “What-“
“This attitude, Enya..I..I know you're naturally dominant a-and hard headed but you're not hateful Enya..that’s me. I’m the hateful one..” I flinched a little and felt my gut swirl. I sigh softly. Marca…”y-you're not hateful..” I mumble. Kicking the floor shyly. “Oh don’t bullshit me..we both know I am.. we both know I’m the rude snarky one..but that’s besides the point..” he sighed.
I glance at him again. He messed up his hair and gestured to Anywyll. “I know you're hurt by what went down last night..and I know things didn’t go as planned-“ I quickly stopped him. “No. Nothing. Went as planned. Nothing. What happened yesterday was my fault. You got in trouble because of me. Those..vampires chase us Marca..”
Marca’s POV
I watched with a pained heart as my twin sister slowly began to break down again. Her eyes welled with tears and her face grew puffy. “I wasn’t being smart. I know that. Trusting him..it could get us killed Marca..! You said it yourself..!”
“Yes..! But now I don’t think that I was right..!” I quickly say. She flinched and her nose slowly wrinkled as she stared at me. “W-what..?” I licked my lips walking us back over to Anwyll who looked around whistling. I roll my eyes. “I know you were listening. I’m not dumb. You're kind are quite nosy..” this made him chuckle. “Ah..you're sparky little attitude never gets old..!” I wrinkle my nose at the sound of a lisp. I cross my arms. “You have a lisp..!” I gasp. He flinched and his ears turned red. “I do not..!”
“Oh but you do..!” I tease making him growl and bare his fangs. “What? Upset that you spit everywhere when you talk!”
“Boys!” Enya barked, I smirked but went back on track. “Anyway..enya..” I look at her. “Father-“ I paused. No..that’s not smart.
I shyly cast a look around. We’re still in our territory. We’re still in the hunting grounds. One of the most actively used sites. I shake my head and gesture them away. “We can’t talk here..” I turn and quickly rush off. “M-Marca..!” She calls, rushing after me. “Where are you going..?”
“Somewhere private..And Get mr leech boy to change his scent, will you?”
“Stop calling me a leech!” He demands only to be shushed by Enya. I quickly but quietly lead them to the outskirts of the pack and to an old trap door. “Marca..” she hissed. “We’re not supposed to be out here..” she continued, her eyes darting around. “Why..?” Anwyll whispered, acting as if they were being watched. I ignore them as they talk.
Because we’re so close to being outside our territory. A rule our father specifically told us to not break. We need to stay inside our territory for our own safety. There are rogues out there who won’t hesitate to dismember a packs beta. Or even their offspring if lucky. That, and because we’re grounded. I dust the dirt and leave off the
trap then unlock it using a key. I felt Enya’s heart thump. “Y-you kept it..?” I felt my gut swirl with pain. I avoid looking at her and just begin to climb down. “Come on..we don’t have much time..father could be looking for us at any moment..” I reach for the handle and hesitate.
I felt my gut swirl with pain as I looked down into the dark hole. The scent of wet dirt and leaves came wafting up my nose, making me shudder and my eyes welled with tears. I forgot..we haven’t been down here in years..
“Marca..?” Enya mumbled, sliding a gentle hand onto my arm. I slowly clench my jaw and shake my head to clear my mind. “I’m fine…let’s go..” I take a step down. My body chilled with the sudden *thunk* and creak of the stairwell. I take in a nervous breath. My heart was igniting with anxiety. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAQseE6bbQ6L
I felt my palms go slick with sweat as I took another step down. Than another. The further I went the faster my heart rate went up. And soon, I stumbled forward, realizing I had hit the bottom.
I slowly look around. Dark..that’s how it was. That’s how it felt. Empty and dark. And full of pain. Even with the lights off. I look around, my eyes instantly adjusting and allowing myself to see through the dust and roots. I reach to turn on the lights. “W-wait..! P-please just..” I look over to Enya. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAW8sK4o82Ql
Her head was low and her hand was over her stomach. I felt my gut swirl again with that awful feeling of pain. Enya..she was the closest to him. She was the closest to Orris..
Enya looked around frantically. “Why are we here Marca..why did you bring us down here..! We-“ I quickly turn to face her. I gently take her face. “Enya..! Stop..! Stop..” I quickly say. I gesture for him to shut the door. Anwyll hesitated. “Now Anwyll..!” He flinched but quickly close it. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAnZuiqKludA
I turn my attention back to her. “Enya..be quiet..okay..? I know you don’t like it but this is the only place I know where we’ll be able to talk in peace..” I quickly look up at the door. “We need to be quiet. We can’t be caught here..we can’t-“ I stop when the lights flicked on. My heart dropped. She winced and quickly looked down at her feet. But I didn’t..I couldn’t. My eyes landed right on him..right on Orris..
Enya’s POV
Don’t look…don’t. I squeeze my eyes shut. You’ll see it if you do.”whoa..” Anwyll mumbled. I felt Marca pull away and shuffle towards a wall. I stayed put. I couldn’t move..I couldn’t breathe. I kept my eyes closed. Knowing that if I saw it I’d remember. I’d remember what they did to him. To our brother. “W-who’s this..?” I heard a picture being pulled off. My head instinctively snapped up and I raced over without thinking.280Please respect copyright.PENANAzLtNfrX5HT
Snatching the picture away. “Don't fucking touch that!” I roar, feeling my body ripple and stretch. I curse and drop to my knees letting out a pained cry as I felt my wolf show itself. “Enya!” Marca cried, rushing over. “Deep breaths..” he soothed, rubbing my back. “I’m sorry..! I-I didn’t know-“280Please respect copyright.PENANAobS3WIddox
“Just put it down!” Marca spat, I looked up to him snatching it out of his hands. I flinched and felt my body burn up with an unbearingly painful sensation. Shit..my eyes narrowed on a picture of the three of us. Me..Marca…and Orris. Standing in front of the house with a giant hare in hand. 280Please respect copyright.PENANA06TsrjzuGF
Orris was always a late bloomer..always the last to gain or do anything..last to be born..but he was strong..he was fearless..I always remembered how he’d beg our father to go hunting, to go with us and Marca to the hunting grounds. But he’d never let him..always said he was too weak and fragile to hunt..that he’d be snapped in half by a deer..
I remember how sad he got..seeing me and Marca show up with six giant rabbits and a groundhog..we planned something that night..laid out a small hunting ground just for him when father was away. I found myself smiling at the memory of his smile. We both knew Orris didn’t have what it took to kill..he never really did..perhaps that's why father called him weak. So Marca and I agreed that marca would lead him out and I would unleash the rabbit. Marca encouraged him to hunt and so he did..
When the rabbit came into view, he pounced. we were too young to shift so instead we used a rabbit snare. We knew he wouldn’t kill it..but we knew he wanted to prove that he could do it..that he could catch it. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAp7lAdDqLLj
And boy did he catch it..it took him a moment, took him several tries..but he caught it. And the moment he did, it squeaked, making him let go. But thats when father showed up..lucky enough for him, I made its heart stop..making it drop dead at his feet..and that was the very first time we had discovered our powers
Father thought it was him..father thought he killed it..he was so proud..and so was Orris..so was Orris..
I slowly sit back on my haunches. “Enya..? w-what is it..?” Anwyll mumbled. I didn't reply at first. I just shook my head. Then I felt them..the tears..the memories. “Our twelfth birthday…Orris made his first kill” I mumble. “He was so happy..so proud..never harmed anything afterwards though..at least he tried not to..” I began. “What do you mean tried..?” Anwyll asked slowly. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAfJNp6zJK1Y
I glance at Marca who clenched his jaw. He sighed and looked away softly. “He was never the same afterwards..at least father wasn’t..” he mumbled. “He tried everything in his power to keep him front hunting again..” Anwyll’s eyes narrowed. “B-but you said he was proud..” I stand up, dusting off my knees. “And he was..but I guess not proud enough..”
Now that I was already looking, I had to see more. I had to look at it all. I had to look at him. I take a slow spin of the room. It was decorated in lots of fairy lights, and changed from a handmade electrical port. Something Orris made. I honestly don't know how he did it, but he managed to power the place using some foreign objects.
We had several film walls with polaroid images of me, Orris, Marca and friends, as well as photos of activities we did and photos of our parents. We had hand made drawings pinned to the wall as well as small sets in crafts. The floor was littered with pillows as well as cushioned blankets and toys. Everything was as it was. The small cave-like den filled our noses with wet dirt, roots and leaves. Giving us an earthy feel. I absolutely loved it. And I most certainly missed it.
I look over to see Anwyll opening up a mini fridge as Marca opens up a small wooden cubby. He pulled out a bag of half eaten chips while Anwyll tensed at the sight of something. “What is it..?” I ask. Walking over before instantly moving to a stop at the sight of six blood bags filled to the rim.280Please respect copyright.PENANAjP5tlx7ERJ
Marca slowly stopped what he was doing at the sight of it. Anwyll slowly pulled one out. “Why..?” He began before turning to face us. “W-why do you guys have these..?” Neither of us moved. Neither of us said a thing.
“Was Orris a vampire or something..?” He mumbled, running the blood bag between his hands as if he was testing it. Marca snorted. “No. How does that make any sense..? Two of their siblings are werewolves? Twins at that.” He gestured to a photo of Orris. He looked Identical to Marca. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAJeepMg2waE
The only difference was that Orris had a beauty mark above the right side of his lip. Anwyll just shrugged. “L-look all I’m asking is why you have blood..!” He hissed. I flinch and wrinkle my nose. And that’s when I realized it. The fangs. His fangs had sprouted and his eyes were glowing his deadly red.
“Anwyll…” I slowly begin. He kept rubbing the blood, keeping it moving. Marca slowly reached for me. “Tell. Me.” He hissed. “I-it’s not up to me..!” I hiss back. Looking at Marca. It was his decision. And his decision only. He balled his fist but reluctantly agreed. “We..didn’t always hate vampires..” he mumbled, walking over. I instantly reached for him to stop him but he held a hand up to tell me it’s alright.
He hesitated but grabbed another bag off the shelf. A frozen one. “We..had friends..” he added, switching it out. Anwyll stared at it for a moment before ripping off the tube part and instantly sucking the blood out of the ice. I watched with such curiosity as his eyes glowed and the ice slowly turned from red to white.I glanced over at Marca and shrugged shyly. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAfAKK0hE7sR
After what we thought was an hour he finally pulled away and let out a deep sigh. His lips were stained with blood. “Friends like vampire friends..?” He licked his lips. Marca nods. I squinted but decided to leave it, acting as if we just didn’t witness him inhaling some blood.
“What happened..? Like..what made you hate them..?” He mumbled. Marca let out a hazy sigh. He walked over to the corner. Where my old reading tent was. It was really just an oversized blanket with a fairy lamp in the middle as well as a small cushion. With a hazy sigh, he sat down. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAEw678ou6QV
With a pained heart I sat next to him, pulling him close. Anwyll tossed the blood and mouthed. “Stale..” he walked over and sat in front of us, pushing the cloak tail behind him as he does. He crossed his legs and got prepared. “We..well..I wasn’t always so..biased against vampires
If anything I was just as crazy about them as Enya….” I wrinkle my nose playfully and he let out a soft smile while giving me a gentle nudge. “Orris was..a lot like Enya though..he believed in what most people thought were impossible…bringing people like us and humans together..” Anwyll instantly grew pale. Well..as pale as can be.
I eye him. Smart guy..already knew where this was going. “And believe it or not..we honestly thought he had it in him..we thought he could do it..because no matter what. He kept pushing through…he kept trying..he believed that vampires and werewolves had no reason to fight. That we could be friends. That pixie and fairies aren’t too much different. That humans. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAjHO2hRcXwu
Fucking humans could accept us for who we were. But..thankfully he held off on that part. He was smart. Never once got a human involved. Only vampires..he was taking his time. Making sure he did this right.” He nods, narrowing his gaze on Anwyll. “He made sure to make himself as open and honest as possible. Hell. Even Enya and I made friends with them. We had fun.280Please respect copyright.PENANAkshppEjwWB
We all built this..den to keep our friendship alive and..safe..” he gestured to the blood. “The older we got the more we were able to achieve things. The more vampires we had. And soon we had at least a dozen vampires on our side..all thanks to Orris..” me and him shared a soft smile.
“Than what happened..?” Marca and I say nothing for a moment. Unsure if we were really..truly ready to let this out. I frown..titling my head when Marca’s hand began to tremble and his voice tremble. “D-do you want me..?” I ask softly. He nods and quickly looked away. Obviously hiding and away a stray tear. I look at Anwyll. “Someone snitched..”
“No. A fucking vampire snitched-“
“We don’t know that…” I quickly object before going back on track. “Someone snitched..told them about this..told them about us and our plan..” I mumble, sliding my hand into Marca’s who instantly gripped mine. “Someone told somebody that we were becoming friends with vampires..grouping and laughing with them. Feeding them. Letting them hide just outside our territory if needed. And once Orris got word about it..fear stripped through our body. We knew the outcome of what something like this could do. He was gonna stop..h-he was gonna keep everyone safe and make sure to stop..!” I nod. As if trying to convince Anwyll too.
“He was going to warn everyone and tell them that they had been discovered. That the group can’t continue until further notice..that it was no longer safe..b-but..” I felt my voice give out. Shit..I instantly squeezed his hand. “S-someone had killed him..” Anwyll’s eyes shot wide open. I give him a pained nod and just shrugged. “He..he went missing for a few days..we looked relentlessly for him..we checked everywhere..a-and I mean everywhere for our little brother..w-we felt the worse. W-we felt what they had done to him, Anwyll..” I whine, slowly starting to feel myself cry. And I swear..I could’ve seen the sight of pain in his eyes too.
I shake my head sniffing. “W-we must’ve passed right by the same tree six..m-maybe twelve times..? But on the fourth day we found…” I paused when a wave of pain flashed through my brain. I looked down and cover my mouth to muffle a sob. I quickly get up and wave. “I-I’m sorry..” I quickly take myself out of the conversation.
Marca’s POV
I give my sister’s hand a gentle tug, letting her go. We watch her pace the other side of the room, trying to calm herself down. I look back towards Anwyll. I swallow slowly. Debating if I want to continue. I look him over. His eyes..they held what looked like pain..remorse..but he also looked curious..he looked like he truly wanted to know what was wrong. I let out a heavy sigh. I slowly close my eyes and continued. “W-we found Orris a few yards down from here…hung to a..a uh..a tree..” I nod, clenching my jaw before looking his way again. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAoBTlA4ZIMa
He slowly covered his mouth and narrowed his eyes. I just nod. “His throat..had been s-slit from..from..” I just made the gesture..not wanting to describe it. “I-it looked like they were trying to take off his head..” I blow out, feeling my body tremble with rage and pain. I wrinkle my nose but go on. “And his hands..bound with silver..staked with silver daggers..holding him up to a fucking tree like he was some kind of fucking animal..!” I spat.
I shook my head and scoff. “He was beaten and bloody..obviously tortured..and hung to a tree like a deer skin just waiting to dry out..” I shake my head again. “Nobody deserves to die like this..! Nobody!” I snarl. “O-Orris was our brother..! Our friend-“ I paused to let out a weak sob. I raise a shaky hand to my face and quickly look away, closing my eyes to stop tears. 280Please respect copyright.PENANAVUNJjQAT9j
I let out several quick yet broken sighs. “I-I’m sorry…” Anwyll mumbled. “Fuck you're apology..!” I spat, snapping my attention back to him. “F-fuck you and you're people. All he ever wanted was peace…! But even than all you people did was kill him..! Like the monster you truly are..!” I spat, jumping to my feet. “M-Marca..we don’t know if it was them..!” Enya whined through a sniff. I wave her off. “Of course it was them..! Who else would it be..! Hm..? Who else knew about this place. W-who..?” I whine. Pacing back and forth.
Enya instantly lowered her voice. “T-they loved him, Marca..they were our friends..saw us as equals..” I smirk and stop, looking dead at her. “Tell that to Orris…tell that to them..!” I point to Anwyll who flinched and started my way. “Tell that to whoever fucking killed him!” Enya instantly lowered her head. I felt the pain all over again. I shake my head and look away than down at my feet.
Vampires are nothing but traitors. Being back here…it made me remember how cruel and hateful they are..i give Anwyll the side eye. People like him should never be trusted. I felt his eyes snap my way but I just held his gaze. He slowly tilted his head and frowned. “I’m truly sorry for your loss…” he began. “If my people truly did what you think they did, then I am truly disappointed..” he held my gaze. “You're brother…” he looked around before looking back at me. “He seemed like a wonderful man..a man the world truly needed..” I felt..strange.
A wave of emotions washed over me.. strange emotions. I finally break eye contact by looking at an Upclose picture of Orris. “Y-yeah..well..unfortunately he was taken too soon..” I mumbled.
280Please respect copyright.PENANALZf7PalgjY