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I sat in my bed all day with my computer in front of me. I was searching..looking..
Looking for any hint that could lead me closer to who or what that stupid phrase meant. But no matter how many times I try to search it up, my network would just go out. I tried searching different ways of saying it, I tried different search engines, different platforms, websites, apps. You name it. But the same result. Nothing.
I sigh and rub the top of my head. Hoping that I’d jump start my thinking juices. I fix my position so my laptop was propped on my knees.
I’ve been here for hours..surviving off of ramen I had a maid bring up - at least five times. And two party size bottles of coca cola and a jug of water and some takis. I lick the spices off my lips while staring at my screen. Thinking.
I tap the corner of my lap top. Staring at the stupid “please connect to the internet” screen. I check my internet. And surprise, surprised, it was indeed connected.
I shake my head and search up something else. “What is a Phoenix..” I sit back, taking a quick swig of my soda before pulling away, making the plastic make a loud *pop* sound. I sigh at the feeling of the sizzle in my chest. It wasn’t a beautiful feeling, but the taste made it worth it.
Shoving my hand into my bag of chips, I sigh frustrated. The stupid loading button was taking forever. It stopped in the middle and was slowly inching forward.
I stare at it. I pull out my phone and search up the same question. My heart spiked when both electronics showed the answer in sync. Almost as if the two were connected.
Without wasting time, I turned off my phone and read what it showed me.
“The phoenix is an immortal bird associated with Greek mythology (with analogs in many cultures) that cyclically regenerates or is otherwise born again. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by rising from the ashes of its predecessor. Some legends say it dies in a show of flames and combustion, others that it simply dies and decomposes before being born again.”
I sit back, chewing another chip. Interesting..”what happens if you look a Phoenix in the eye?” And search. I sit back and wait. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I sigh softly and delete it all with a few taps of my finger. “Okay..now what?” I mumble to myself. I scroll down and nearly cheer at the question bar. I click and read.
“When you set eyes on a Phoenix, it is said to be a good omen. It is said to be a sign of change, new beginnings, and hope.” I bob my head softly. Interesting..but what makes this so dangerous? I think, tapping my keyboard. I reach to type another question before jumping and quickly changing tabs when my mom walked in.
She paused and narrowed her eyes. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing..!” I blurt before smiling. “Just..preparing to go back to school..!” I quickly nod. She nods slowly, moving to my basket where she began to gather them.
I don’t understand why..all my clothes are clean. Either I or the maid cleans them. So I don’t know why she keeps coming in here to take them. “Oh..? Are you ready? To go to cyber vale?” I force back a snort.
“No..” who’s really, truly ready to go back to that torture Chamber? Because that’s what it truly is. A prison. My Father built a school specifically for people like us. Werewolves. Vampires..Monsters.
And of course, that comes with a cost. Because with a school like this, everyone wants to go. And I mean everyone. Pixies. Fairies. Orge's..shape shifters, mermaids, sirens, demons and angels.
If they can have a kid they’ll be here. Because that’s what it is. A beacon for monsters. But in doing so, they need to keep us in check..because not every monster gets along.
We fight. We kill..so, my father had a plan to keep us in control. He made this equipment.
a collar. A thick collar made of pure cytar. A type of metal where even the toughest most dangerous monsters can’t break or get through. Each collar had a system, a device per say. Where if the person or monsters as some say, ends up going too far, the collar will send out a shock, or in some cases, heat itself up so it’ll not only be hot enough to burn flesh, but it’ll be too hot to touch.
I shivered softly. It’s to keep them in tact. They made the collars specialized for each creature. If they’re adapted to heat the collars will use the opposite affect and freeze the skin or give them cold burns. Things like that. I clenched my jaw softly while tapping my computer. If you’re not
affected by them, they will try just about anything to make sure you listen.
It’s an awful thing..an awful creation. It makes me..and all the students angry. Our parents pay for this..they allow it to happen. This is a school built for kindergartners up to first year college students.
Imagine allowing somebody- no. Paying someone to harm you're child? You're baby? Paying my parents to be exact.
Their only defense is that it’s worth the stay. It’s worth the cause. A school where it’s so called safe for monsters to go. The only school where monsters can be yourself.
Something I call bullshit. No monster here can be themselves. No shifters can shift. No pixy or fairy can fly..mermaids and sea creatures with the ability to change must stay in human form and walk around with only two hours of soak time every four hours. If not three…this is no school for us. This is more like a school for humans. “Honey?” I blink and my eyes flick over to my mother who’s eyes never left me.
I just give her a soft smile. “Sure..” was all I said. My mother nods and went back to picking up my clothes. I watch her silently before pressing my lips together. Ask about the WiFi.
“Hey mom..” I ask. She slowed to a stop. “Is there something up with the WiFi?” Her brows squish together slightly. “No..? Why?” I take in a quick breath. “O-oh..I’m..just some Trouble with my internet that’s all..” I nod looking down at my screen than back up. She eyed me for a moment. Her eyes flickered down to my computer where she just stared at it.
I tilt my head a little. She just stood there..unmoving..staring at my computer. “Mom..?” I mumble. Her eyes flicked up suddenly and I felt my heart jump. She smiled. “Would you like me to take a look..? I can help out..” I quickly shake my head. “No..it’s alright..! T-thank you though..” her smile quivered and she took a step forward, than another. “Are you sure? I don’t mind helping..” I don’t push past the fact that she tried to look at my screen.
I close it slightly and dim the lights. “Mom I promise..it’s fine..” I smile again. “I’ll just hot spot it..” I nod, looking away and itching my chin. “Plus, it’s nothing too serious-“
“You're not hiding anything from me…are you Enya..?” My eyes jerked up to meet hers. She was towering over me now…basket in hand..her gentle smile still on her face.
I felt a chill run down my spine. “W-what..?” My eyes flick to the door to the sound of a knock. Mom’s position straightened and her vibe smoothed out. “You're a smart woman Enya..” I look her way just as Marca walked in. “Sometimes too smart for you're own good…” she whispered. A glimpse of fear washed over her face before instantly disappearing. She gave me a soft smile before gently rubbing my chin, than Marca’s.
Both Marca and I watched her go. I gesture for the door and Marca close it without hesitation. “What was that about..?” I just sigh and rub my face. “I-I don’t know Marca..I don’t..” I shake my head before groaning. “A-are you okay.?”
“No..! Marca…I’m not..I’m suffocating..Okay..? I’m freaking the fuck out..!” I shout, tossing my computer. “I..” I sigh and bunch up my hair. “I don’t wanna go back, Marca..I don’t wanna get paired with Damon..and I don’t..” I shake my head and cup my face. Marca quickly sat by my side. “Talk to me…what is going on..” I stay silent..I didn’t want to involve him..
Leon warned me not to..but I don’t know what to do..I’m lost..I need to help Anwyll but I don’t know how..He can’t remember anything..we have no clues..and to top it all off, I need to help Marca..His dream..it could be crushed..taken from him over some stupid mistake.And now..? Now we have Tom..I don’t know where he is..its been two days..he could be anywhere..watching us..waiting..and this..? I draw in a trembled breath and look at my scar, propping my arms on my knees. I run my thumbs over it..time and time again. I’m so stupid..why did i touch it..? Why did I pull us into this..? If I hadn’t…”Enya..” Marca hissed, taking my hands. “Stop..” I shake my head and lower it. “All of this..it wasn't your fault…okay..? Its not. Not the scar..not Tom, not Damon..non of it..! A-and sure..that leech bastard isn’t showing himself as useful..but you still got me..okay..? I’m still here to help you..” He hissed.
He squeezed my hands gently. “I..I’m not worried..I’m not worried about losing my Position..I’m not worried about tom..or Theo..okay..? We’ll figure this out..!” He insists. I sigh and nod softly.
“Now..” he sighs. “Leon..what did you mean..” I sigh and hand my head. “No..m-Marca i can’t..I need to figure this out myself..”
“No. You don’t..! I’m you're twin. We stick together..” I grit my hands together at a strange ping of pain in my brain.
I take in a sharp breath and clench my jaw slightly. I look away. “Tell me.” He demands. I sigh and lean back. I grab my computer and snap it open.
I make room for Marca who took a spot next to me. I show him the word. He leaned in and read it. “Beware the eyes of-“ I quickly shush him. “Don't..!..don’t..” he eyed me. “Leon warned me…he warned me to keep it to myself..”
“Because it’s dangerous..s-something about it. It’s what got Leon’s father taken..”
“Leon-“ Marca sighed and messed up his hair. “You’ve got to be kidding me…Leon is a crazy mutt. He’s delusional..!”
“He is not..” I hiss. “He is..!”
“And what if he isn’t?!” I snap back. Marca tensed. “What if..what if he was right..”
“I..I don’t understand..” I quickly fix my position and take a chip. “Think about it..remember his story. The alpha took him out. Took his father out into the woods, claiming to go hunting..why would he do that? Why take an omega?” Marca shook his head but I went on. “And to top it all off..he claimed that they were attacked by rogues. But he came back in the same clothes. Without any blood on him. But he came back alone..” I hiss, lowering my voice.
Marca quickly raised a hand. “Enya what are you trying to say? Hm? T-that the alpha killed him? Kidnapped him? Even so. He’s allowed to do so..if- there’s a right reason..” Marca explained just as quiet. “No..I..I don’t know..but Marca, listen..” I lick my lips and lean in.
My heart was racing with adrenaline. I felt excited..this whole thing was a mystery. I was curious..
“Leon told me that the night he went missing, or- in your case. Died. He looked terrified..he told leon about the word..beware the gaze of the Phoenix..that’s what he said. He told leon to never share it..and that..” I pause for a moment. Debating. Theo..Theo thario was involved. Marca’s eyes widened and I nod softly. “Theo thario would come looking..” Marca shot from his spot the second we heard footsteps rush away from outside our door.
We both froze. My eyes shot up to Marca who raised a hand for me to settle. He quietly tip toed over. I slowly suck the hair out of the room..silencing his feet until he was near the door. He close his eyes..focused..then sniffed. He looked my way and I knew something was wrong.
His eyes darted to the window where he rushed over. I quickly follow. “What? What’s-“ he shushed me and nudged me out of the way. We peek out from behind the blinds to see our mother walking - no..running away.
My brows furrowed. “Where is she going..?” I whisper, glancing at Marca who shook his head. “No Enya..who is she running to..” i tilt my head slightly to indicate that I didn’t understand. “She was there..that was her Enya…she was eavesdropping on us..”
I gap, my eyes darting to the window to see her climbing into her car where she doesn’t hesitate to floor it out the driveway.
“Enya what the hell is going on..? Why would mother eavesdrop…” I stay silent for a moment. I than turn and sit on the bed where I just sit and think.
Okay..think. Something is definitely going on..that we know. But what..? Why is Theo connected to all of it. Including this phrase. No- that we can’t think of right now.
We’re jumping far too ahead. We need to think..think smart..think carefully. I click on the search bar. “I don’t know Marca..” I finally admit. “But…but right now she’s the least of our worries.
Something is going on..that we know..and for some reason Theo is tied to everything. So..” i begin. Typing in his name. “If we want to find any indication as to what we got Into, we need to find some information.” I nod leaning back and waiting.
Marca ruffled his hair and sat down. “Information on what..?” He sighs. “Like you said..we’ve tried everything..Anwyll is useless, the internment is useless…” he shrugged but I shake my head quickly. “Wrong. The internet is not useless and neither is Anwyll. Because one, I have yet to look up Theo. And two, Anwyll is connected to Theo..and Theo wants him back. And. His memories are the only thing that we have to use againts Theo.”
Marca flinched, than shook his head. “No..Enya no..!”
His eyes darted to the window where he rushed over. I quickly follow. “What? What’s-“ he shushed me and nudged me out of the way. We peek out from behind the blinds to see our mother walking - no..running away.
My brows furrowed. “Where is she going..?” I whisper, glancing at Marca who shook his head. “No Enya..who is she running to..” i tilt my head slightly to indicate that I didn’t understand. “She was there..that was her Enya…she was eavesdropping on us..”
I gap, my eyes darting to the window to see her climbing into her car where she doesn’t hesitate to floor it out the driveway.
“Enya what the hell is going on..? Why would mother eavesdrop…” I stay silent for a moment. I than turn and sit on the bed where I just sit and think.
Okay..think. Something is definitely going on..that we know. But what..? Why is Theo connected to all of it. Including this phrase. No- that we can’t think of right now.
We’re jumping far too ahead. We need to think..think smart..think carefully. I click on the search bar. “I don’t know Marca..” I finally admit. “But…but right now she’s the least of our worries.
Something is going on..that we know..and for some reason Theo is tied to everything. So..” i begin. Typing in his name. “If we want to find any indication as to what we got Into, we need to find some information.” I nod leaning back and waiting.
Marca ruffled his hair and sat down. “Information on what..?” He sighs. “Like you said..we’ve tried everything..Anwyll is useless, the internment is useless…” he shrugged but I shake my head quickly. “Wrong. The internet is not useless and neither is Anwyll. Because one, I have yet to look up Theo. And two, Anwyll is connected to Theo..and Theo wants him back. And. His memories are the only thing that we have to use againts Theo.”
Marca flinched, than shook his head. “No..Enya no..!”
“Enya yes.” I tease. “Y-you can’t use Anwyll as leverage! “I’m not..! I’m not..!” I hiss, silencing him just in case someone else was listening in. “I…am just using him as our key to stop him from killing everyone we love” I shrug. Earning a scoff from him. “Leverage..” he sang before sighing and flopping down and snatching my bag of chips.
As we waited, Marca munched. He sighed. “Why is it taking so long..?” I sigh and shrug. “Beats me..it’s been doing this since I started looking up the warning..” I eat a few chips. “Hey Enya..” I look at him. “Be honest..do you think..” he paused before shaking his head and outright saying it. “Y-You don’t think our parents have anything involved in this..do you?”
I narrow my eyes slightly. “What do you mean..” he twisted his jaw slightly. “I..I’ve just been thinking that's all..mom..dad..they’ve been acting a bit weird recently..haven’t they..?” I press my lips into a thin line. I have been noticing it..
The weird looks..the weird gut feelings..the secrets. I nod softly. “Don't you think it’s strange..?”
“Which part..?”
“All of it..” he mumbled. I say nothing. I won’t say anything.
They are our parents. And I don’t want to doubt them any more than I already do..I’m praying..hoping that this feeling will go away. I take in a sharp breath before tensing up at the screen. My eyes instantly go wide as I do. “No..please tell me you're lying..!”
“What..? What!” Marca quickly looked over.
We stare at the screen.
There’s no way..this has to be a lie..!
But he’s a vampire!!!
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