Anwyll’s POV
I rushed the group out. This wasn’t good. I got a hit? Why?? From who? “What’s wrong? You looked panicked.” Stephanie says. I ignore her and focus on getting them out and away. “’m so sorry for doing this. But you all need to leave.”
“Are you serious? Why?”
“I got a call from the twins. It’s urgent..”
“No you didn’t…you didn’t pick up a phone. And you don’t have earbuds in.” I flinch and open and close my mouth. “You. Stay. I’ll be right back…” I turn and speed walk away. Trying my hardest to not literally speed myself out. “What- Anwyll!” They all shout. “Stay! I mean it!”
Once I was in the clear, I speed back to Enya and Marca where I slow down to see that they had tied two of them up. “What the..” they snap their heads my way. “What are you doing here? Where’s the others?”
“Ditched them. I didn’t want them to get hurt, who are they?”
“Two of the five..” they sigh. “Than where-“ enya gasped. “Watch out!”
Without needing to be asked twice, I sped backwards just as five fully gowned werewolves jumped from the sky. Landing right where I stood, knives withdrawn. My mouth flew open in shock. I could’ve died!!
Two of them turned to face me while the other had eyes on Marca and Enya. The two tied up began to struggle. “Be careful! They have-“ Enya twisted her hand, wrapping their mouth shut with vines. “I’m going to ask you the same thing I asked them. Who sent you” I look between them all. None of them moved.
“We’re here for the boy. Not you. Leave now and we won’t have any problems.” One of them said, But I couldn’t tell who. They all had black cloths covering a portion of their face. “Why. Why are you after me.” I ask.
Hoping they’d reply to me. They just tilt their heads in synce and withdraw one very long dagger from behind their backs. Well shit. “You touch him, I’ll rip you're head off..!” Enya snarled, flicking her knife between her fingers before snatching up the handle and leveling it to her chin.
“Isn’t that sweet..” I quickly stumbled back when my two attacked. Racing forward swinging their weapons like a madman. “No!” Enya barked, and than it was on. All of us were fighting. Some - fighting for their lives.
I leap into a tree and hiss. “What are you, a cat?! Get down here right now and face!” I couldn’t tell who had said it. And frankly I don’t care.
I look over to see Marca and Enya handling their people like a boss. And soon, they were taken down in seconds. I shriek when I felt a sharp tug to my shoe, causing me to lose my footing and fall “Anwyll!” Marca shouts as i land against the floor with a hard *thud*
I groan painfully before shouting at the sight of a knife flying down in my direction. “No!” I heard Enya scream. I quickly throw my hands up, squeezing my eyes shut. And I waited..waited for the feeling of the knife plunging into my chest. never came. “A-Anwyll..” I slowly opened my eyes where I felt my body run hot with fear. I scramble back against the tree. What the fuck..! W-what the fuck!! There they stood. Frozen. B-but not. The other assassins stumbled back a few steps. Then another..and soon they were sprinting away. “S-stop them!” Marca barked. Enya quickly rounded them up.
I slowly move to my feet where I look them over. What the hell did I..
I tilt my head. I sniff them and wrinkle my nose. Marca stepped closer, eyeing them. “What did you do..?” I just shrug. “I didn’t do anything..!”
It was as if they were frozen in time. Frozen..looked grainy..almost like a statue of pure ashes. “You..” Marca began, poking the one who tried to stab them.
We curse, jumping back when they melted into nothing but a pile of ashes. Enya jogged over before instantly stumbling back. “ scorched them..!”
“More like incinerated..!” Marca hissed. “I-I didn’t do that!” I quickly take a step away. “Oh yes you did..!” Marca insists. “You incinerated them!” Enya gasped.
No..I couldn’t have. I just couldn’t..! I looked down at my hands as soon as I felt them tremble. I quickly grip my hands together. “Your powers..” Enya began. “No..! No..” I shake my head. “I..” I trail off.
The twins exchanged glances before splitting up. Marca marched over to those who were tied up and Enya hesitated before taking my arm. “Come..” I stagger after her.
She sat me on a stump and I slowly rub my hands together. “Are you okay..?” She mumbled. “M-my powers..this is what I do..?” I look up at her. She chewed the inside of her cheek before sighing and turning to sit next to me. “There’s something my mother once said when I discovered the ability to harm others..” she began.
“Only you have the ability to control whether you're good or bad.” I look at her silently. “Your it scary, yes. Could it be dangerous..also yes..” she nods. “But it’s only dangerous if you want it to be..” she mumbled. I look away. I than let out a trembling sigh. She tilts her head.
We sat in silence for a moment. “Y-you don’t have to stay with me..”
“I want to.” She leaned back. “Figuring out your powers can be overwhelming. No matter if you're just remembering them or not.”
“So you're making sure I’m okay..?” I glance at her. She nods innocently. I crack a smile before messing up my hair. “You're very confusing..”
“I know.” She beamed. “It’s on purpose.” She playfully nudged me. “Oh yeah..? Why's that..?”
“Because. It keeps people guessing. The less others know about you the better..” she trailed off for a moment before smiling. “Except my parents. I’m determined to uncover their secret..” my brows furrowed a little. “Because. Im nosy. And two, I have the strangest feeling that they’re the ones who put a hit on you..” she jumped to her feet and dusted off her hands.
“Let’s go. It’s time to get answers..” I quickly stood up. “Enya..?” I began. She tilts her head. “Being good or're powers..what do you use them for..?” There was a strange look in her eyes. She than frowned slightly. She then looked away. “I use them in the same way I was taught to..”
“To get answers..” i tilt my head slightly. “Another question..?” She glanced at me. “You said you don’t want to work for an alpha who hardly knows you..or for an alpha who uses you..” I begin. “You said you were trained to get answers..” I continued.
Her frown deepened. Meaning I was right. I felt a sudden sense of anger and protectiveness. “You and Marca..did they teach you to harm others..? Not just vampires but other werewolves..? Other beings..? Are you and Marca trained scourges..?” Her face turned a bright shade of red and she blinked looking away. She sighs, withdrawing a switchblade.
A blade which she flicked between her fingers. “L-let’s go..” I watch her walk away. So that explains another portion of my question..the question as to why their alpha is so keen on keeping them close..
And why they're so secretive about things. Of course you’d want things to be kept quiet when you're torturing others..those who’ve survived, Or are in a search of vengeance could walk right up to them.
I flex my fingers and follow her.
Enya’s POV
I sigh and pick up my knife. I point it to the girl we first tied up. “You're an omega..” I say. She looked between the dagger and me. “Why send an omega..?” I rub my fingers through my hair. “Who are you..” nothing.
Marca sighs. “Beth and Andy..” her eyes widened and she paled. I look at him. “I didn’t ask for you're help.”
“Yeah well I’m bored. And I dying to see what you get out of them.” I roll my eyes and look back over. “Okay..Beth.”
“Who sent you?” She just stared at me.
I sigh, flipping the blade between my fingers. I tilt my head. “Look, I don’t want to mess with you. I really don’t. This was supposed to be a good day for Marca..” i press the tip of the blade against her throat. “But you and your stupid group has ruined it. So my patient is running fairly low right now.”
“Tell us who sent you.” Marca demands.
“Never.” They spat. Marca sighed and walked over where he knelt by my side.
“Tell an omega how slow is you're healing..? Hm..?” He raked his eyes up and down her body before pausing at her foot. “An omega can’t run that fast if their foot was broken..” he snatched it up and her breath instantly quickened. “And we all know what happens if a pack wolf sees a rogue in their territory..”
Her eyes darted down to her feet then back up. “I-I’m no rouge..!”
“No..? But how would we know..?” He pursed his lips as I scan her body for a pack mark. “You're untagged..” her face paled. Marca began to slowly twist her ankle. “I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you..!” Our eyes dart to the man from before. “Shut Andy! You know the rules..!”
“I-I'll tell you. J-just please..! Don’t hurt her..!”
I quickly move over. “Spill..” the guy quickly nods. “I-I don’t know what pack..b-but we have their names..!” My eyes narrowed but he went on. “He goes by the name fiver..I-it’s a code name..!”
I slowly close my eyes and hung my head. Fuck..”shut! Up! Andy!!” Beth snarled. “Are you sure..” I whisper. “W-what..?” I look at him. I grit my teeth and Marca snapped her ankle, making her scream out in pain. I grab his head and pull it closer. “Are. You. Sure!”
“Yes! Yes I’m sure..! I swear!”
“Assassins never get names. It’s a rule.”
“It’s not his name! It’s his code name! Come on man, I'm telling the truth! What kinda name is fiver?! Huh?” I flinch and look over to Marca muffling a laugh. It’s not funny Marca! Our father is the one behind this!!
I scolded him and he pressed his lips together. I let go and run my hand over mt face.
Fiver..our father. I flex my fingers looking away. “What else do you know?”
“Nothing..! I swear! That’s all we know..!” They sobbed. I sigh looking at Marca. He shrugged. I twist my jaw. “This guy fiver..have you worked for him before..?”
“N-No” Marca twisted her ankle harder. “O-okay fine! Yes! God! You betas are horrible..! Yes! B-but it wasn’t us! W-we just heard about it! It was on some freak! That’s all we know!”
I wave Marca off and he snaps her bones back in place. She screamed and rolled over and we both stood up. We backed off and sighed and regrouped with Anwyll. “So. We know who put a hit on you..” I look at the boys. “Still think they’re to be trusted..?” I tilt my head at Marca who clenched his jaw.
He looked away silently. “So what now..? They knew where we were..?” Anwyll whispered. “How..?” Both Marca and I shrugged before instantly tensing. “Lucky.” We both say.
We exchanged glances. “It had to be him. You said so yourself, our father kept him close to keep an eye on us..” Marca let out a quick growl than a groan. “Fuck!” He messed up his hair.
“Okay..okay think..” he quickly mumbled. “This could be anything. Okay? T-they could have sent them just because they were worried..” I raise my brows in a ‘are you kidding me’ way. He tilts his head and I sigh and throw my hands up. “Fine. Fine. Let’s say you're right. But until we hear that ourselves. My bets are still odds.”
Marca blows out and shakes his head. “Next topic. Who was their other hit?” I ask. Both boys shrug. “Why does it Matter?” I shrug. “Don't you wanna know..?” Marca didn’t reply at first.
He slid his hands into his pockets. “No..?” He bobbed his head and I smirked, messing his hair up. “Come on Marco,” we walk back over where we untie them. “Y-you're letting us go..?” I kneel by her foot and wrap it with thick vines and roots. She winced as I do but I keep going.
“What are you doing..?”
“I’m giving her a brace until it’s healed..” once I finished and I offered her my hand. She hesitated. I sigh. “'re not a rouge. And you’re obviously in no place to kill anyone. So yes. You're free to go. If anything you and him were the least dangerous..”
“Then what about us..?” We look over to the others. I glance at him. He gave me a grin and I nod. He sighed walking over where he knelt in front of them. “You. Will work for us..” all of them snort.
“W-what..? That’s not how it works..!”
“Well it is from now on..because if you don’t. We’ll tell fiver you ratted us out..” I flinch and grab his arm. “Marca no..!” He shoved me off. “No..! They’ll kill us..! They quickly panic. “Then you better do as you're told. From now on you're our spy. You fuck this up.” He shrugged.
“It’ll be you're last fuck up..” I shake my head. Keeping them as spies. Fine. But threatening to tell our father..? He’ll kill them anyway..! And than punish us for ruining his plans, and for going against his orders. “Do we have a deal..?”
Non of them spoke. Marca tilts his head. “Yes. Or no. Because I can easily call fiver-“
“Okay..!” They cry. “W-we got a deal..” I clench my jaw than sigh looking away. “Good.” Marca cut them loose and they stagger to their feet quickly.
“Your first task.” He nods to half the group. “Beth will be you're leader. Find out who his last hit was on. If you can find the person who ran the hit than that’ll be better. Double the pay. “ he nods and they hesitated for a moment than ran off, instantly disappearing into the brush.
He glanced at the other half. “We’re in a bit of a rut. Figure out what this Phoenix school is.” He carved the symbol onto a rock using another. “Figure out where it is, what is is, and everything else you can. If you have any questions or concerns. Fill us both in. Understand?” They nod and rush off. With Andy in the lead.
“Are you sure about this Marca..?”
“You want answers don’t you..? This is the quickest and safest way to go about it..”
“And how do we know their not just gonna skip out..?”
“Because. They don’t know that fiver is our father. Plus. Omegas are terribly easy to track down..” he nods, walking away without another word. I sigh looking away.
I then shake my head and we head back. “You want answers. This is how we get it..” I slow down watching him walk back in the direction of our friends. “You okay..?” I jerk my head over and nod.
“You..?” He nods, rubbing his hands together. “Enya..I need to ask you something..” I sigh and stop turning to face him. “You're torturing you enjoy it..?” I wrinkle my nose slightly and growl. “No..!” I quickly say.
“If I didn’t have to do it. I wouldn’t..!” I snarl. He raised his hands before stopping completely. “Tell me this then. Why do you do it..? Marca could’ve just read their mind. But you both decided to hurt them..why?”
“I don’t know..! What do you want me to say..? God. You're so annoying..” she threw her hands up and stormed off but I grab her hand.
“Take your own advice Enya.” I snap. “I don’t know why you do what you do. But take you're own damn advice. Remember what you told me..? You choose whether to be good or bad..” I roll my eyes but he went on. I sigh. “You choose who you want to be.” I yank my arm away. “I am..!” I spit. He smirked. “You sure don’t look like it..”
“What’s that supposed to mean..?” I shrug and sigh. “You just seem to be making a lot of excuses..” I scoff but he went on before I could say anything else. “Just because you're parents want you to be and act a certain way doesn’t mean you have to.”
I look him silently. I than glare pressing my lips together where I keep walking. “What is this a therapy session,.” I mumble looking down at my feet. Knowing he was right..yet again. “No..” he nods, sliding his hands into his pockets.
“Just a person who would rather not see a good person go off the wrong path…” I slowly chew the inside of my cheek. I glance at him before looking away. “Y-you're annoying..” I sigh.
“Why can’t you be rude. It’ll make me being so hateful and angry towards you a lot easier..” he chuckled and smiled. Something I looked at for far way too long. I sigh and fix my hair. “’s not that I enjoy it. Okay..? I just don’t..know how not to..” I mumble. “Not to..what?”
“Torture..! Be mean..! What else..!” I snap.
He bobbed his head. “Than let me help you..” he offers. “Why..why do you want to help me..! Why are you so nice to me.?!”
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