Marca’s POV
I stood there watching my sister lose herself. I chew my nails and hug myself watching her stare at nothing. I try to peek into her brain. “Stay out marca!” She yelled. I flinch my cheeks flooding with an uncomfortable burn followed by my body. Her eyes flooded with tears and her lip quivered. “Just..” she paused and her hands flew to her face. “Stop..” she sniffed. My heart sank. I felt my fingers grow weak as I take a step towards her. “Enya-“
“Just go Marca!” She threw her hands down onto the bed. “I..I can’t do this Marca..I..” She covered her face with an arm in an attempt to muffle a sob. “i..I can handle y-you calling me a big disappointment but father..?” I slowly squeeze my hands together, fighting against the sting in my eyes. “I..I mean i-its not that bad..h-he’s just angry..? He always says he’s disappointed..” I mumble, trying to lighten the blow. “Oh sure..” She scoffed sitting up.
I stare at her. “Disappointed, yes. B-but shaming me..? T-telling me that im a failure of a daughter?! T-that I’m a failure of a werewolf?! How the hell does that make any of this better marca!” she roared. I clasp my hands to my chest.
My breathing was quick and broken as I watched my sister break down in front of me. She looked away. She pulled her knees up to her chest and hung her head and just sat there.
I hesitantly rubbed my lips together before walking over despite her growling warning. I kick off my shoes, pull off hers and pull her down until we were under the covers. I tuck her in and pulled her bear close.
I slowly close my eyes as my shirt began to grow wet with her tears. Her hands flew to my arm and out came what she needed..her pain. Her room filled with her sobs..filled with her pain. I rub her arms until she had nothing left..just like I used to.
An hour or two later, she had died down and just laid silent against me. She sniffed and rubbed her nose. I glance down at her as she sighs and pulled away and into a sit again. I shrug off my shirt and toss it on the floor, using her blanket to wipe myself dry. “ got your snot all over me..” I tease, hoping for a smile.
She just smirked. Good enough for me..she sighed leaning against the bedframe. “Dad and you are right..” I glance at her. “I am a failure..” She whispered. My brows instantly push together as I jerk to a sit. “What..?! no! L-look forget what I said..I always say stupid shit-”
“no..Marca..please…” She sighed, closing her eyes and turning her head away. “You're are..I..I’m supposed to be you're older sister..I’m supposed to keep you safe..but I don’t..” she looked at me. “I didn’t..” she shrugged. “That the graveyard..they almost caught could’ve gotten this..” my eyes flick down to her burn. I frown slightly and look up to meet her gaze. “A-and when we went back..? They were so, close Marca..”
“Y-yeah..but that was Anywlls fault” she laughed. “Oh..and don’t forget him..the person who I let out..someone..who could possibly be dangerous..? A killer..?” I flinch. Whoa.. “E-Enya-” she shook her head and looked away. “no..I’m done..” she hugged her knees again. “Father is right..and so are you..and mother..I’m a disappointment..and I need to start acting like a werewolf..something that I am..I need to keep you safe Marca..”
“But I am..!” I quickly nod. I didn’t like this..usually she’s the one whos all..’we must love everyone..even vampires..and I strive to be different’ not..this!
“No..! not like this..! Not when I’m..this..” she mumbled the last part. “Werewolves can’t be friends with said it..father said it..” she mumbled. “even Orris said it..” she whispered sadly. My brows trembled with pain. “Enya-“ she took in a sharp sigh before looking at me.
She smiled softly. “It’s okay..I’m gonna need to change eventually..I mean..after all..if I’m still the way I am once we get to Errithas I’d be in trouble..” I just shake my head. “You know I wouldn’t allow them to touch you..” she gave me a soft smile before pulling me into a hug. “And i you..” I bury my face into her shoulder, just holding onto her.
Enya’s POV
Me and Marca fell asleep in my bed that night. Just like we all used I woke up early that day and prepared for my run. I let him stay and sleep in. I head downstairs to fill my water bottle where I ran into my parents. My heart skipped a beat and my fingers gripped the hydro flask. I move to the refrigerator. “Good morning..” My mother pipped in her cheery voice. I glance their way, unsure if I should say anything or not. I twist my jaw, glancing down at my bottle. I sigh and nod. “G-Good morning” I whisper weakly. I fill my bottle with ice and grab the pitcher from the fridge.
I walk over to the island where my parents were. Both of them were up and eating breakfast. Bacon, eggs, sausage, toast, etc. I silently pour my water. “How’d you sleep..?” I glance up at my father. “Fine..” I mumble before nodding. “Good..” I correct myself. I glance at him. His brow raised slightly as he took a bite out of a sausage. “You going running..?” I nod softly, “I’m trying to get as much in as I can before we go back to school..” I sigh sliding on my cap. He nods. “You're off to work..?” I lean against the counter. He nods, taking a sip of coffee.
Father works as the pack Beta. Usually, in most cases the Beta stays in the pack house to look after everyone when the Alpha himself isn't there. But in my father’s case, given his background, both my Father and the Alpha deemed it safer for him as well as us to be separated. Though he is called back every day. I’ve only been to the pack house a few times, most when I was younger.
I glance at my father again, eyeing him. He ate silently, looking over a folder. Its very rare that I see the Alpha, he’s always busy. Father looked up and my eyes instantly went down. “What is it..?” I shake my head and grab my things and turn to head out.
“No, what is it..?” I sigh softly. “Its just…” I face him. “I..know I messed up..with the vampire and everything…but..” He set down his cup and his folder. “I need to hunt..” He sighed and looked away than at my mother. “Papa please..I haven't gone hunting since i've been grounded..Marca’s been off with his Beta training but me..?” I whine.
“Please papa..just one Rabbit..just one..I’ll even settle for a forest rat..” I nod, clasping my hands together. He glanced at my mother. She raised her hands. “Its up to you, I don’t hunt. These claws don’t stay clean themselves” I couldn’t help but snort.
I tap my bottle. “Please..? I’ll be in and out..” He sighed, clenching his jaw. “One bunny..only one..” My heart jumped and I took a quick breath. I lick my lips trying to stop a smile. “You stay on our territory. You don’t go past this pack limits. Do I make myself clear?” I nod quickly, I take as many sausages as I can carry and rush out the door. “Yes..! yes! Thank you!” I squeal, shoving my mouth with sausages. As soon as I finish, I shift and take off running.
The sound of my heart pumping in my ears and my paws hitting the earth was like heaven for me. I howl and leap over a passing wolf who barked and ducked. “SORRY!” I shout, making my way to hunting grounds. I make my way through the small village, where most of my pack mates rested. Those of..lower class. Non hunters or healers or betas and so on.
I slow to a stop, my chest rising and falling quickly as I watch a group of hunters trot by carrying a moose. My tail wagged and I bark their way. They pause and bow their heads. “Enya! You're back..!” I trot over and sniff their kill. “Eh. Sort of. I’m only allowed to kill a rabbit” they snicker as I check out the kill. “I’d go for a rabbit any day” I smirk than shake my fur, trotting off. “I’ll see you all later alright?” they head off with a flick of their ear. I leap over the logged fence, the only fence keeping the young pups out. And than..the search was on!
I was off, digging my claws into the dirt and heading straight for the rabbits line. The only place we’ve managed to catch them. My ear flicked as I looked around, sniffing this and that. I wasn’t that worried about being quiet just yet. I was in deer territory. And I wasn’t here for the deer. But as soon as I approached the rabbit line I immediately slow down and prepared.
First, I trot to a pile of old wet leaves. I sniff them to ensure that there was nothing hiding in them before I silently lay down. I shiver and squeeze my eyes shut at how cold the water felt. I Try to make the process as quick and quiet as possible. I roll around, trying to coat every inch of my body. Than, I move on. I lick my lips and start to track.
Ahh…tracking. The joy of my life. The one thing i'm actually good at.
Anwylls POV
I sat high in a tree, a few yards away from my grave’s home. I rub my fingers together. Where was I supposed to go..? I didn’t want to come back here..that’s for sure. They might just trap me again. But I couldn’t go back..he’d kill me..hell he’d kill me simply just for looking at his Daughter..I twist my jaw sighing. Enya…and Marca. I honestly don’t hate Marca. I have nothing against him. If anything he makes me laugh. His anger is nothing but taught.
His words are meaningless to me. “Hey..!” I jump and jerk my head down. A girl? I squint and look around for anybody else. “What are you doing?” I look back down at her. She looked young…like a five year old. “Shhh!” I hissed. “Stop yelling, and go away!” I wave her off. “Why are you in the tree?” I groan and throw my hands in the air. I quickly jump down in front of her.
I half expected her to flinch but she didn’t move a muscle. I squint and sniff the air around her. Vampire? “Who are you? Hm? What do you want?”
“My name is Violet…” she smiled. I look her over as she spoke. Small, fragile, silver straight hair, bloodshot red eyes. Dressed in some kind of school uniform? She held a decapitated stuffed bear in her arms. “Well..violet. What do you want?”
“I want to know why you're in the tree?” She nods. I wrinkle my nose a little. “Because I can be..w-why are you out here? By yourself? It’s not safe out here..” I hiss. Looking around for any sign of parents. “It’s okay..” she nods. “Nobody can touch me anyway..” she mumbled the last bit. I look down at her. “And why not?”
“Because I died..” I flinched softly than smirked. “W-well of course you died you're a vampire-“
“No..I was killed. Even as a vampire..” my eyes narrow slightly.
“W-what do you mean killed..” I slowly moved to her level. Her eyes followed me. “I mean he killed me..” I tilt my head a little. “Who…” I trailed off at the sight of a stitched ring around her neck. Almost as if it was..sewed..back on..she smiled and my heart melted at the sight of dimples. “W..what happened to you..?” I whisper weakly.
Her smile faded and then she pointed to the castle. “I live there..would you like to come in..?” I nearly jumped to my feet. “Y-you live in there?” She nods. “Mhm..! You can come in if you want..? So you don’t have to stay in the tree…” I couldn’t help but chuckle. I glance towards the building. “Oh..I-I don’t know about that..I don’t think I’m very welcomed there…” she eyed me than turned away. “Okay..”
I smile softly and look around before hearing voices approaching us. “Shit- I meant to shoot..! I gotta go..” I quickly jumped back into the tree. I wave my hand, spiraling up some dust and leaves, covering my scent. Violet just watched me. She then hopped out of the way when the guards ran by. Only one of them stopped and looked her way. They then grunted and moved along.
She waved at their departure. I sigh, feeling my head wash over with relief. Than the next thing I knew, she was in the branch next to me, hanging on for dear life. “S-shit! Little girl what are you doing..!” I hiss quickly grabbing her and helping her over.
She huffed and panted trying to balance. “Here..sit..” I fix my position and have her sit in front of me so I can make sure she doesn’t fall. She nods in thanks. “What were you thinking?! Hm? You can’t jump up here..!”
“Why not? You did..”
“Yes because-“ I pause, close my eyes and sigh. “’s fine it’s fine..” I sigh. I look away. Jeezus. We sat in silence. She looked around and I look at her. “How’d you know I was here..? Hm?”
“I saw you..”
“My window..” she nods. “I’m usually not allowed out but I saw you again and I had to come see you..” I raise a brow. “What do you mean again?”
“I saw you on the night of the escape. And when you guys come back. And when you jump to the tree today..” she nods. She sure knows a lot of words for being five years old. “I got bitten eight hundred years ago, when I was six years old. I wasn’t supposed to survive but I did... I’ve lived for a while..” she smiled.
I stare at her wide eyed. I than wrinkle my nose squinting. “You're a strange little girl aren’t you..” she giggled and waved me off. She looked over her shoulder. “Why are you here..?” I roll my eyes, sighing. “Because I have nowhere else to go. And no, I’m not going inside because if I do. They might bury me again..” than it hit me. “Hey..” I looked at her.
Her eyes flicked my way. “You been here a while right?” She nods. “D-do you perhaps know when I was buried? Like we’re you there?” She frowned. “I’m afraid not. I’ve never seen you before..” I frown and my heart sank. Well..there goes that idea. “Oh..” she nods, eyeing me. We sat in silence for a while longer. Just listening to the soft marching and sounds of crickets.
“You're clothes. Where are they from?”
“School..” her eyes glowed. “What school do you go to?”
“Errithas..” my heart leaped. The errithas?! Wait- “isn’t that a highschool?”
“No..” she giggled. “It goes up to big kids..” goes up to big k-12. How stupid. I shake my head. I sigh and prop a leg up. She eyed me. “Where-“
“Hey offense..but I rather be alone right now..and shouldn’t you be getting back..? Won’t you get in trouble if they see you gone?” She pouts and squeezed her bear. “I don’t want to go back.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s boring. And their all rude..”
“Rude how?” She said nothing. She just turned her head away. I sigh, rubbing my eyes. “ need to go back anyway..”
“Why!” She whined “because if they see you gone, they will come looking. And if they find you with me, they’ll capture me. So I need you to leave. Scoot. Skedaddle..” I wave her away. She glared then hissed, baring her fangs at me before sliding off. “Hey-“ I pause to see her land on her feet and March away. “I hope they find you, you bully!” I scoff and shake my head. “ little brat.”
I sigh and look towards the castle. She’s been watching me..? Why haven’t I seen her when I broke in? I rub my fingers together. Someone killed her? Why? She's so young. I shake my head at that. There are some evil people out there..I sigh and slump back rubbing my face. I stand up and jump down where I speed away and towards the city.
I was hungry. But than I felt some kind of burn. It made me stumble, and out of the shade. I curse and muffle a roar as they skin instantly began to eat at my skin. Shit! I force myself back into the shade, grasping and digging my nails into the bark of a tree.
My skin rippled with pain. I grit my teeth and hiss as my hoodie brushed against my exposed skin. Stupid sun. I flip it off. Nobody likes you anyway. I glare at it. I sigh and look down at my arms, seeing the way my skin boiled then instantly healed as if it were never harmed.
I let out a nervous sigh. “Fuck I gotta find something else to wear…” I look around and take another step before feeling it again. The burn. I squint and cough, rubbing my chest. What is this? Is this because of the sun? Oh you stupid stupid sun! I tilt my head and rub it harder when it wouldn’t go away. Maybe it’s just hunger. I slide on my hood and go back to hunting.
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