282Please respect copyright.PENANA29vlHU6NDN
Marca raced forward, on the verge of shifting. But he moved before he could even take four steps. My eyes darted around the room for him before seeing him on the other side of the counter. “Tsk..shame. That’s no way to treat your guests…!” Anwyll growled, slowly sliding a hand down to mine. I jerked a little but he held firm and pulled me behind him. “Who are you?” I glanced between them as Marca stalked over. “Why…” he breathed, speeding over to the bacon where he flipped it and took off the pieces that were finished. I won’t lie..it smelt fucking delicious. I swallow quickly to keep myself from drooling. “I’m the guy who put you in that grave..” he grinned. My skin prickled and I immediately felt Marca look my way. Anwyll tensed up than relaxed. I glance at him. “You're Theo..?” My brows push together just a little as I look back towards..well..Theo. He definitely wasn’t what I expected..he looked like a decent normal creepy vampire but instead with dyed silver hair and bright glowing eyes. Not a single scar in sight, not a single gray hair..nothing..If anything, Marie - whom I miss oh so much, would find him hot, or..in her words. ‘Sexy’
But to me..he just looked like some creepy rich guy who prays on the suffering of others. I look him over silently, noticing and keeping tabs of his suit. Fancy..with the same exact symbol as the one on Anwyll’s grave site. Midnight black suit with black sneakers. I squint a little. Weirdo. My attention snapped back up to him when he scraped off the last bit of food before turning off the heat. “Heavens no..! I could never live up to what Theo is..I, am merely just a worker”
“A worker..? Who are you? And A worker for who” Marca snarled. The stranger flashed an eerie smile. “My name's Tom..and I work for Theo..say..as a man who handles his dirty deeds” I wrinkle my nose, tilting my head slightly. I slowly swayed this way and that. This guy..I sniff his way, than size him up. Tom looked me up and down before waving a butcher knife at me. Marca bared his teeth, letting out a warning growl. “What the hell are you doing..?”
I roll my jaw side to side before finally recognizing him. “You..you were the vampire that chased us…! Aren't you..!” Tom tilts his head and drives the butcher knife into the cutting board. “You mean the vampire who would’ve LOVED to get their hands on the two mutts who let this little fucker out..!” he spat, snatching the knife back up and pointing it at Anwyll who didn’t even flinch. “W-wait you were there..? You were one of the two that chased us off..? You could’ve caught us..why didn’t you..?” Marca tilted his head and Tom shot him a tight smile before going back to cooking. “Why didn’t I…well..because what good would that do..I’m not trying to die..” his eyes flicked to me and Anwyll. I wrinkled my nose a little but he just smiled.
“Anyway…what would I have done if I caught you..? Behead you? Hold you captive? Then what..? Hm? You are on enemy territory…any wrong move can cause a war…holding you captive..two offspring of a beta..” He snorts. “I'd rather not have your precious alpha knocking on my door..” Marca snorts. “Wow..” He turned away rubbing the back of his neck. We all look at him. “So let me get this straight…” He points to Anwyll. “We took your prisoner..someone who could possibly be some..serial killer…and you're telling me that you just..let us go because you were afraid of our alpha..?” Tom flinched then scoffed, raising a hand to speak only to have Marca continue, “you do..realize how wimpey that sounds right..? We have you're prisoner..someone who could be dangerous-”
“Marca..-” I hiss only to be waved off. “ if you're so scared of our alpha than wow..this Theo guy is obviously not living up to his name..”
Tom clenched his jaw as he neatly arranged the island. But you could tell by the way he rolled his shoulders and swallowed that he did not like Marca’s tone. “Well..? hm..? No comebacks..you're not gonna defend your precious little Theo-” Tom slammed his fist into the counter, instantly creating a giant engraved hole. Marca slammed his mouth shut. “WATCH YOUR TONE BOY! THEO FEARS NO ONE! I FEAR NO ONE!” He roared. He snatched the knife up and pointed our way, I felt a chill run down my spine and I instinctively take hold of marca's hand before feeling Anwyll’s hand take my arm, slowly moving me back.
I glance his way quickly, wanting to tell him off for trying so hard to protect me, but his focus was dead set on Tom. I gaze at him. His eyes..the way they were so fixated..could he be a hunter..? Possibly a guard or some sort of soldier..? My attention was soon grabbed once again by Tom hissing and baring his teeth at Marca. “The only reason we didn't go after you lots was because we didn’t wanna risk Theo finding out! Once he does we're all bloody doomed..! You know how hard it took for us to put your bloody ass in the floor?!” He spat shooting daggers at Anwyll who flinched. W-wait what..?
If I decide to push by the fact that he’s british, what did he mean by ‘how hard it took us’
“What do you mean us..YOU put him in there..?” Tom flinched and his grip on the knife loosened. “M-me..? no..enough questions..!” He spat and stabbed the board. “No…no you said that it was hard putting him under..why..?” I ask, shrugging away and taking a step forward. Enya.. Marca begged but I ignored him. Tom grits his teeth while looking away, tapping the board. “Why..why do you think..?! You think he’d willingly go…? Plus..non of us wanted to get killed anyhow so that just added to it-” he paused and looked at me. I stopped. “What is with you and all these questions? Mind your business, will you..?” I cross my arms. “No. I will not.” I snap. He raised a brow. “Excuse me..?”
“You walked into Our home, our den. And expect us to not ask questions..?” I laugh. “You’ve got to be kidding me..!” Tom wrinkled his nose and scoffed, opening his mouth open but I stopped him again. “So. this is what you're gonna do…you are going to tell us why you're here..and why you put him in the ground..”
“I will do no such thing!” Tom spat. I glare. “Oh yes, you will..” Tom flinched. Then cocked his head. His red eyes bored me.
I felt..strange..I don’t know how to exactly explain it but his eyes..it was as if they were trying to search me. I couldn’t move..I felt frozen…a moment later a small smile began to spread across his face. He turned..slowly..my
brows narrowed and I instantly felt off. Enya..what did you just do?! Marca snarled in my head. But I didn’t pay any mind to it..my focus was on him…the tables had turned..he was back to being in control..no more questions. After a while of silence, he turned away and went back to cooking. I wrinkle my nose and exchange confused glances with both Marca and Anywll. “What are you doing..?” I ask. Silence..he just began cutting veggies.
“I asked-” he slammed the blade down against the cutting board, cutting a carrot in half with one..big..chop. “You wanna know what's..funny…” he slowly turned his face towards us. “For a second..you guys caught me on guard..got me to open up..just a little..but then..you reminded me why I was here..” He nods, his red eyes moving over to Anwyll. “You..” He draws out. “I’m here for you..” both Marca and I look his way. Anwyll held his ground as well as his gaze. “I want to know why you're out..I want to know why you two were on our property…” He twirled the knife between his fingers. His eyes flicked our way, then down to my palm. “You got that mark from there..didn’t you..?”
Anwyll moved me behind him and I glare at him, trying to tug my hand away, excuse you..! I don’t need to be protected..! Tom’s pink lips curled into an unsettling smirk as he leaned against the counter, his fingers pulling the long..butcher knife into the center of his palm. “Not going to answer..? Why..?” He breathed. “You seemed so..talkative before..!” he hissed, waving the knife around making my heart leap. I felt Marca move closer. The tension..the scent..the sounds..all three of us were on edge..i began to feel sweaty..fidgety..sick..his eyes..they were horrible..just staring into my core..my soul..it was nothing like Anwylls. This felt far worse..more dangerous. “Hm..? nobody’s wanting to fucking answer anymore..? Hm? nobody?” He hissed. His eyes flicked to Marca. Than Anwyll. “Nothing..?” He looked him up and down before looking back at me. “You..speak..” he demands. Drawing it out into what sounded more like a threatening whisper. “What's your name..girl..?”
“She doesn’t have to answer you..! Not until you answer us first..why, did you put him under?” Marca spat, blocking his view from me. I gently take hold of his arm, sending him a thank you as I blink and shiver, finally feeling free from his terrifying gaze. Through the gap of the boy's arms..I could see Tom crane his neck, trying to get a peak at me.
I glare. Pervert..he smirked and I just knew he got the message. Finally, he looked away. He sighed and let go of the knife. I swallow hard and slowly move to see him better. I needed to make sure he was in my sight. Just in case I needed to make him suffer. I mentally grin at the thought. “alright..I suppose it's only fair..” He made a plate and popped a piece of bacon into his mouth. “I’m here..because I was told that two werewolf kids let out my prisoner..like I said before” Anwyll smirked. “I was in a grave..not a prison..” Tom shrugged. “True..you were..but tell me..were you truly dead..?” I look over at the feeling of him flinching. “Hm..? were you..I don’t know..headless..? Had your head ripped off..? No? Then you were imprisoned..vampires..don't need to be buried..when we die..we just simply..fade away..so yes..I was correct with my words…prisoner” he wiggled his fingers as he ate the rest of the piece before waving to the chairs. “Come..! sit! Eat..! we have much to discuss”
“Fuck no..! you could’ve poisoned it..!” Marca growled, taking a step back as if it’d jump out and grab him. “Oh please..! If I wanted to kill you, don't you think I'd done it by now..? Hm..? I’m only here to get answers as to why two wolf children decided it was a good idea to come onto Theo’s territory and unleash somebody that we worked so hard to imprison..?” He sighed, licking his lips while picking up another piece. “Why..?” I finally speak up. “Why did you do it..? And how do you know if it was even us..?” I tilt my head and Marca nods in agreement. Tom tilts his head and shoved the whole piece in his mouth. “Please. You take me as a fool. Of course it was you two..who else lives so close to my group house and bears the mark of my cursed chains…” he immediately raised a hand and I try not to wince at the sudden raging pain of my scar.
I instantly ball my fist and bite the inside of my lip. But Tom just smirked and slowly curled his fingers and thats when I couldn’t hold it..I screamed. I dropped to my knees and screamed, clutching my wrist as my scar turned a deadly red. “Enya! What the hell are you doing to her!” Marca roared as Anwyll held my shoulders, “STOP IT! STOP HURTING HER!” Tears began to flood out of my eyes as my palm throbbed and burned..it felt like it was being torched with a hot rod.
I gasp when it soon faded away just as quick as it had come. “Oh..you boys are no fun..” He leaned against the counter, caressing the knife’s handle with his long..pale fingers. I sob softly, slowly moving back to my feet with the help of anwyll. “Get. out..” Marca snarled, flashing his eyes and storming over. “Marca wait-” we all froze when the butcher knife flew past, nearly cutting his ear as it lodged itself into the cupboard. Tom balled his fist and hissed, making his eyes glow. “I..have been nothing but nice to you three..! I made you breakfast, I came here with open arms..! And you still try to kick me out..! Now sit! And let me talk!” he roared. We don’t move. “I said. Sit!” As if on command, we all move forward and March towards the seats. “H-hey! What the hell are you doing!” Marca roared. All three of us sit shoulder to shoulder at the counter. Tom took a deep breath and smoothed down his suit and his hair. “Now..” he sighed, calmly walking over to the knife where he pulled it out with such ease.
He turned around and flashed his pearly white teeth. “Where were we..? Ah..yes. I remember now..” he pointed the knife to me and Marca. “Why? We’re you two on my territory? Don’t you know that it’s against the rules to venture onto enemy territory without authorization from the alpha..?” Marca snorted. “And what if we did get authorization..?” Tom rolled his head his way, his eyes holding a look of annoyance and boredom. “You. Shut it. I’m done talking to you..” Marca’s mouth slammed shut and I squinted. How the hell is he doing that?
“You…” he turned his attention back to me. I clench my jaw and hold his gaze for as long as I can. “Reply.” I felt a jolt of warmth rise up to my lips. It felt..good. Like a drug. Forcing me to reply. “We were on your territory simply because we wanted to..” I reply sharply. I felt my ears burn and I quickly closed my eyes. “Enya..!” Marca hissed. “Don't reply to him..!” It’s not like I tried to!
Tom chuckled, filling three plates with sausage and bacon and shoving them our way. “Oh of course dear..but you don’t have a choice..! Just like you're pretty little battle scar didn’t have a choice but to react to me..” He nods. “A spell..” he nods, gesturing to my hand. “A powerful little bugger ain't it..? It's supposed to keep outsiders out…to keep those unwanted from breaking it..yet..you two did..” His eyes narrowed on us, switching his gaze side to side before taking in a sharp breath. “But..! nonetheless..those who do manage to open it, now bear the mark..forever tied to it until the chain is once again clasped back together and the prisoner is returned..” I wrinkle my nose a little. Tied to it..? I’m tied to the grave..? No..enya..you're tied to Anwyll..I slowly look at marca, his eyes scanned mine. To Anwyll..? How..? why..?
Tom grinned, reading my expression. “This spell..” He sighs. “We knew he was going to escape at least once in our never ending torment of a life, so..we came up with a plan..” he gestured to my hand. I glance down at it. Gently running my thumb over the scar. “You ask why I’m here..why we didn’t just grab you and run..simply because we didn’t need to..” He grinned, picking up a blueberry and popping it in his mouth. “Because you, will
do it for us..” I flinched and Anwyll hissed. “What..?!” Tom just nods. “Why do you think you found her so easily Anwyll..? Hm..? why do you think you felt so..compelled to help him..?” I felt my heart sink. His red eyes moved up and down my body and I bare my teeth at him. “You're full of shit..” I spit. “Am I..? Really..? Like..come on..you can’t tell me that not once..not once..! The thought of truly pushing him away crossed you're mind..” he raised his brows. “Hm..? has it..or..are you just this naturally friendly and welcoming with every vampire you see..? Like you're dear brother over here..” He gestured to Marca who snarled at him. He waved a sausage in font of his face. “Down boy..don’t make me put you in a cage..” he teased.
“Enough..!” I demand, catching his attention. “I’m not helping you..! And I’m certainly not handing over Anwyll..you’ll just stuff him back underground..!” Tom’s eyes narrowed, then relaxed. He tossed the sausage and clasped his hands together. “Oh but darling..you won’t have a choice..!” He grinned, strolling around the counter until he was behind me. “Get away from her..!” Anwyll spat, attempting to break free from this weird spell. But Tom just ignored him and slowly lowered to my level.
I forced away a flinch when he slid his head between the gap of me and Anwyll. He grinned and rested his chin against his palm. “As long as this scar rests on your skin, you are under our orders. one word..One..Word..and we’ll have you dragging his ass back to us..” I lock eyes with him, feeling the pace of my heart instantly quicken. Something I failed miserably at hiding. “A-And if I don’t..? If I can’t get him to come then what..? Hm..? then what will you do..? You can’t kill me or Marca…you’ll just cause a war..” Tom bobs his head and moves away. I locked eyes with Anwyll and I could’ve sworn I saw a glimpse of fear. He blinked and looked away as Tom snatched my attention again. “True..we will..but that war won't be started by us..” He nods moving back to standing in front of us. “Because if you fail at bringing him back to us..that’ll only mean one or two things..” He nods. “Anwyll..” He looked at him. Marca and I do the same. “Has killed you..to survive..” Anwylls head snapped my way. “Or..you got rid of the mark..but..I highly doubt you’d be able to do that..” He chuckled.
“W-wait what-” Before Marca could finish, Tom instantly tensed then raised his nose. He raised a hand to silence us. “Shit..” He hissed, his eyes glowing a vibrant red. His head snapped to face us. He grinned than before we knew it, he had me and Marca by our throats. “HEY” Marca snarled over to have Tom pinch his jaw, shutting him up. “H-Hey-” I began to shout before having him tighten his grip on both him and me. I shiver, feeling my body run cold and my eyes welled with tears. I try not to tremble..to show my fear..but god was it hard...I blink repeatedly, and try to swallow only to have it come out as a soft whimper. Enya..i-its alright..just don't move..! Marca hissed in my head. “Shut it..! Now listen closely..You two will bring him back..because if you don’t..you’ll be dealing with Theo..and trust me..He is the last man you ever want to meet..so please. Do this peacefully..are we clear..?” I slowly clench my jaw, feeling Marca’s hand break free and grip mine. I felt Tom’s grip loosen before he hissed and moved over to Anwyll where he doesn't hesitate to grab a fist full of hair and yank his head back, making him hiss. “Stop it!” I whine. “Hello..?” Dad!
Tom snarled “this isn't over..we will meet again boy..” and within seconds…he was gone..we all shared a breathy gasp at the feeling of regaining control of our body. “Anwyll..run..!” Marca hissed. Anwyll locked eyes with me, a hint of confusion and distaste in his eyes. A second later, he was gone.
But I just sat there, shaken up and silent. Was this true..? I slowly move my fingers to my scar. Is this really the reason..? Is this really why I’m so fond of helping him..? Because of some..spell..? “Marca..! Enya..! Is everything alright..?” I slowly look up to meet the eyes of our father. I slowly swallow, and shove my hands into my hoodie. “We’re fine..” Marca quickly says, reaching for me. But I just shrug out of his grasp and nod. “I-I’m going back to bed..” I mumble, quickly sliding by. “Did you guys make breakfast..?” Father smiled, heading over to the full course meal. No..and I wouldn’t eat it either..who knows what he put in it. Once I enter my room, I instantly close my door and just stand there..staring at the wooden slab.
I’m under a spell..I take my hand out and look at it. “So..” I jump and spin around, my heart instantly racing and my body prepared to shift. I let out a nervous sigh at the sight of Anwyll. “This whole time..” he gestured to my hand. Something I instinctively pulled to my chest. “You were under some..spell..?” I say nothing and just eye him. After a moment I moved to the bathroom. “You shouldn’t be here..my parents are home…they’ll sniff you out in seconds..” I search my drawers as Marca barges in. “Anwyll..! Bro..! seriously…?!” He snarled, rushing into the bathroom. Anwyll waved him off and followed him in. “what are you doing…” Marca mumbled, watching me pull out a pair of scissors. “There will be no spell if there is no scar..” I nod, mentally preparing to cut a chunk of skin off. “Enya no!” Marca gasped, snatching it out of my hands. “hey! Give it back!” I snarl, reaching for it only to have him tossing it behind him and over Anwyll’s head.
“Stop..! What are you trying to do..? Hm..?”
“I’m trying to get rid of this stupid scar..! Because without this scar..I don’t have to do shit..I don’t have to be held down..” I look at Anwyll. He still had that look of distaste in his eyes. He clenched his jaw softly and looked away. “Enya..! please..I understand where you're coming from..but this..think about what you're about to do..!” Marca Argued. I stand there, heated and upset. I felt my fingers twitch and my skin burn with frustration and a hint of fear. “Enya..” Marca began. I growl, looking away while baring my teeth. “F-Fine…”
“Thank you..” He breathes, running his fingers through his curls.
He turned to Anwyll and looked him up and down for a moment. “W-what..” he shook his head and grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt. “H-Hey-”
“You..out..! Our parents are home..and you cannot be here..”
“But the spell..” He snapped, turning to him. “I know…we will figure out how to break it..but for now..leave.” Marca opened the window and shoved him out. I gasp softly. “Wait! Lucy is out there!” I sprint to the window and sigh softly, closing my eyes at the sight of Lucy turning the corner just as Anywll sped off.
A wave of relief washed over me. If Lucy saw him leaving my room there’s no doubt he’d snitch. And if he didn’t, He’d try to scam me out of my money. I flinched slightly and glared when his stupid eyes scaled the wall and up to us. I growl and stick my tongue out at him. He crossed his arms, and tilted his head.
“What are you two doing…?” I blink and go back in, ignoring him. “Hey! I asked you two a question!” He shouts. I nudge Marca out of the way and just close it.
I don’t have the patience for him today. I sigh, slowly sliding my hands through my hair as I pace. “Enya..” Marca began. I ignore him and rub my hands together. A witch..we need to find a witch..someone who can remove this. “Enya..!” Marca hissed. “What..!” I groan, spinning his way. “Father needs us downstairs..” I felt a shrill run down my spine. “I think..” he paused, his eyes going dull. I slowly clasp my hands together, slowly pacing before sitting back down. After a moment, he blinked and looked around for me before nodding my way.
“We’re going to the Alpha..” I felt my heart sink..followed by every organ in my body. “Why..why are we going there..?” do they know..? Does he know..? Marca was quick to shut down my thoughts. “Of course he doesn't Enya…He just wants to know about the trial..” ohh..I press my lips together and jump to my feet. “That’s not as bad..! You’ll be fine..!” I insisted on patting his shoulders only to have him grab my arm. “No..Enya..You don’t understand..” He hissed through clenched teeth. “Come on children..! The Alpha waits for no one!” Marca sighed, then eyed me. I narrow my eyes and purse my lips. “What..” I mumble.
Than I saw it..the fear..he withdrew a deep, shaky breath. I felt my heart break..
Without thinking, I pull him into a tight hug. “I won’t let him hurt you…okay..? He’ll have to kill me first..” I whisper. Marca said nothing. He just wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my shoulder. “Him killing me isn't what I’m afraid of..”
“Come on you two! Don’t make me ask again!” father roared. I sigh and pull away. “WE’RE COMING!” Marca snickered and sighed fixing up his clothes as I lead him downstairs. “You're wearing that..?” I lock eyes with mom who gestured to my dark clothing and ripped tights. I felt my head buzz and my ears grow hot. “What's wrong with it..? We’re just seeing the alpha..” Marca and father snickered, taking my hands and leading away. “Leave her be, my love..The alpha could hardly care less what we wear as long as we respect him and don’t attempt to overthrow him..” I roll my eyes and skip after Marca before bursting into a full blown sprint. “First one to the car is the runt of the litter!” Marca gasped and I giggled, hearing him sprint after me. “No fair! You cheated!”
282Please respect copyright.PENANATkBvEHh8er