Enya’s POV
I woke up the next morning with a full head…I sigh walking into the bathroom where I splash my face with some water. I place my wet hands on the marbled counter and just stare at myself in the mirror. He was there…right..there..”Damn right he was..” I snap my head over to see Marca. I sigh rubbing my face with my wet hands before brushing back my curls. “Why didn’t you tell me about this..?” I just shrug and put toothpaste on my brush. “Why do you keep going into my brain?” Marca rolled his eyes and walked in where he stood by me. “This is different, Enya…Completely. Different…You were being followed..if it was by a human my concerns wouldn’t be as strong..I know you can take one on..but a Vampire…? Especially a rogue one..?” I felt my heart throb. I look down at the sink, twirling the toothbrush between my fingers silently. Just watching the toothpaste cling on for dear life. I understand my brother's worries. Me and Marca are close.
We tell each other everything..some things I don’t choose to tell but nonetheless we do..I’d be just as worried if he were being followed. Rogue vampires can be extremely dangerous to not only humans but werewolves themselves..they are known to savigly behead a prowling werewolf simply just for walking or breathing..some say rogues are more aggressive than those who belong to clans or colonies. But this..I couldn’t tell him…I don’t know why, I suppose the thought just didn't cross my mind. “I-I’m sorry Marca…it just didn’t cross my mind thats all..” He lets out a hazy sigh and rubbed his head.
I start to brush my teeth while watching him turn and lean back against the counter. He clenched his jaw softly. “It’s fine just..Please tell me about something like this..? You know how dangerous people can be..vampires especially..” I nod and spit. “I will..” We stand in silence for a few more seconds. “So..” He begins glancing at me. I return the glance. “Are we really gonna go with him..?” I shrug. “Do we have a choice..? We're already on thin line for what happened at school..especially after breaking tradition..” Marca shook his head and put his head back. “I swear…if he goes back on his word o-or if this turns out to be a trap..”
“Marca…calm down..I highly doubt he’d try and pull some shit like that..” Marca just smirked at that. I nod. “Now..out you go..since we are no longer going to school at this time, I’m going to catch up on some sleep and a quick run before we head off…” He nods and I walk out wiping my mouth.
I close the door and walk to my closet where I change into my running gear. Not that I’m gonna use it. I tie my hair up and climb out the window. Due to being under house arrest, an arrest made by my parents, they have restricted me from running. SO, to get my laps in, I have to buy my way out. Sneak out the window and pay the guards fifty bucks to keep their mouths shut.
I jump out and wince at the loud thud. “Off again enya?” I put my head back and sigh at the sound of Lucy, a guard of mine. AND a total dick at that. “Hello, Lucy..” I growl slowly while turning his way. He smirked softly and offered his hand. “You know the deal..” I glare and cross my arms. “You're a jerk, you know that? You're supposed to guard me, not take money from me..”
“Yet you're the one who sneaks away to a place where I’m not allowed to go. My duties are to guard your room. Not you, so pay up..” I roll my eyes again and slap fifty bucks into his hand. “Fuck you. I can’t wait to strip you from your position..” He gave me a smug grin. “hm..I’ll look forward to it princess.” I flip him off and shift where I snap at his leg causing him to quickly jump away. I smirk, trotting off before taking off into the woods. I ran for a few miles until I was sure I was no longer in my territory. I know how dangerous trekking outside your territory can be, but I feel like it's more dangerous to get caught by your parents when they specifically told you that you're under house arrest.
And I need to run. I’ll go insane without it. I hop onto a tilted rock where I stretch my joints for a good twenty minutes until I feel satisfied. After that, I leap off and start with a steady trot. But before I could start a full blown run, I jumped and bare my teeth taking a step back when a tall figure dropped at my feet. Dressed in baggy clothes with their hood on. My hackles raised and so did my fur, He just stood there, and then I felt it. The strange feeling from before. I squinted before flinching and taking another step back when he began to snicker before prying off his hoodie.
He tilts his head and smiles wide, not afraid to show his teeth. “Hey there..Me again..” I glare and my ears go back. “What do you want?” He shivered as I entered his mind to talk with him. “Oo…that’s spooky..Anyway..Just checking in..seeing how things are..” I sit and eye him. “mmhm…You sure you aren't here to just see if we're still up to taking you?” He bobbed his head and rubbed his chin. “Ehh..who’s to say I'm not.” I looked him over silently, he wasn’t bad..If anything, He was fairly attractive, short black straight hair, eyes like mine, thin yet full brows..fair skin that made him look like he was in his teens and a strong build.
A body that gave away the fact that he wasn’t a teen. I shift from paw to paw. He tilts his head as if he were taking me in as well. “What's your name again..?” I ask softly. “Anwyll..you?”
“Enya..” He nods softly. “Say..why aren’t you ripping out my throat?” I shrug. “Because I simply don’t feel like doing so..would you like me to?” He shook his head and I nodded. “Alright then..as long as you don’t give me a reason too…” I stand up and trott off. He quickly hurried after me and I turned and snapped at him giving him no choice but to stumble back. “Why do You keep following me..”
“I told you why..”
“That is simply not enough…You ask me for help..a stranger..a werewolf in that..” I stop and look at him. He stops as well. “Say…are you in a district..? A clan…? A group?”
“Why would I tell you that?” I squint and flick my tail. “I’m guessing you're not..” He slowly crossed his arms. “How would you know? For all you know I could be in one of the biggest clans ever..” I smirk and flick my ear with amusement. “You know How I know..? Because if you were..You wouldn’t dare be here alone. You’d obviously bring back up..” I take a slow step towards him. He took a step back. “If you were in a clan you’d know the risk of stepping on wolf territory..”
“And I do..”
“Do you? Then why are you here?” I ask, trapping him between a crooked tree and a rock. I shift into my human form, clothes wrapped around my body before he had the chance to see my bare skin. He swallowed nervously. I squint and prop a hand on my hip while rubbing my chin with the other. “Exactly..” I turn my hand up towards the sky, my other hand still on my hip. “You know the punishments for breaking the rules..you know the results of what it can do..” He eyed me for a moment. “I do..But do you?”
“Excuse me?” He crossed his arms and pushed himself off the tree. I stare at him. “well..You're talking so much about stepping on enemy grounds yet..You did the exact same thing..didn’t you..?” I flinch a little. He smirked and leaned in, I took a careful step back. “Aren’t they the same laws..?” I give him a smug grin and I copy his stance. “No..in fact there isn't..” He squints. “You see..werewolves have freedom to go where they please..yes it's prefered to do otherwise, but being as werewolves can easily kill your species with a single bite, you're people have no choice but allow us that right.” He scoffed. “That's not fair!”
“I agree…It's not..but it is what it is” He flinched and I grin and tilt my head. “What? Did you expect me to object?” He shrugged slowly. “I-I mean yeah…You went on a huge rant so m-maybe?” I sigh softly and turn walking off. “Well I don’t..If anything I think the rules are complete rubbish..”
“Do you now..?” I nod as he strolled behind me. “Tell me more please..i-if that's fine with you..” I turn and walk backwards, holding my hands behind my back as I walk.
“I will..but. Only because If you asked..If you hadn’t asked I wouldn’t tell..” His lips twitched into a quick smile. I turn and sit on a rock. He stood in front of me. “I…don’t agree with the way things are..If anything I stand against it..” He squints a little. “Against what..”
“The hate..the war..everything..?” I draw out a sigh. “I-it just doesn’t make any sense to me..we're both monsters in the eyes of humans…something that needs to be controlled or destroyed..both of us either act on the idea of survival or hunger..I mean sure…our people have been enemies for many moons and most likely for many moons to come…But why do we truly hate each other..? Because we’ve been told to…? Because we were raised that way..? i-I don’t get it..” I shook my head and he just eyed me. I sigh again.
I get up and walk away. “You think I’m crazy…” He quickly grabbed my arm and I spun his way snarling and baring my teeth, flashing my eyes. He quickly let go and raised his hands to show he’s not a threat. I glare a little but relax only a tiny bit. “S-sorry..B-but no..I don’t think you're crazy..I-its just weird..?” I turn my head a little. “It's not very often you find a werewolf of your status that has a mindset of yours..”
“My..status..?” He nods. “A Beta..A-At least I think the smell is a beta.” I flinch a little. “I-I’m not a beta..well..I don’t want to be..” He stared at me. “hm..Well you are..that's why your scent is so…strange..”
“My scent?” He nods. “That's how I found you..You're beta scent..It’s quite strong..too strong to be exact..” I slowly press my hands together. damn..Good to know that I stink. He tilts his head. “Are you mixed..? A hybrid..?” I slowly shake my head, not willing to tell him about me being mixed between some unknown gene and a beta. “Are you sure..? Because your scent…It's too strong..”
“What do you mean too strong..” He paused for a moment. He just smiled and shoved his hands into his pockets.
He scanned me over before squinting. My heart spiked with unease. I felt my gut swirl and fill with butterflies, giving me thought that I was gonna puke. His eyes pulsed a gorgeous red..in fact, I was so mesmerized by them to the point of where I felt myself getting lightheaded. I try to keep my breathing slowed to give away the fact that he was making me nervous. “I-I should..” I gesture back to the house. He just grinned, making me shudder. I slipped by and he followed me with his eyes. I glance at him as I start to walk away. He just watched me. I squint and turn to face him. “Yes?” I glare and pick up a rock. He took a slow step back and I tossed it at him. He quickly caught it and looked down at it.
I took the second and sprinted off. Once I was out of sight, I hid behind a tree and peeked out to see him look up and stumble back, realizing I was gone. He looked this way and that before smirking and looking back down at the rock. “Interesting…” I shudder a little with unease and head the rest of the way home. I climb into my window and take a quick showre to get his scent off me. I then sigh and sit on the bed as I dry my hair, the image of his eyes scanning me replayed in my mind. I felt…sick..But not in a bad way..Like..I felt good but strange..I don’t know how to explain it. His presence didn’t strike any fear, or anger through me..if anything I felt everything but danger. Perhaps that's why it was so easy for me to speak with him..I dropped the towel and sighs holding my face. “Fuck..what am I doing..?” I lay back and just stared at the ceiling until I felt my eyes grow heavy, only then did I fall asleep.
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