Anwyll’s POV
I sit against the giant rock, just eyeing the tiny rock she gave me. She’s..strange..very strange..Her scent. Is strange..the energy she gives off is intoxicating to the point where all I can do is watch. She’s quite beautiful really..But there’s something about her that just ticks me off..I slowly start to squeeze the rock she gave me. Perhaps it's because she walked on my grave..? Perhaps it's because she’s a werewolf..or maybe because I find a werewolf so attractive I find her ugly. Whatever the reason, I must get rid of it. The sooner I find my memories the better. I shatter the rock and dust my hands off and walk away to find something to eat.
Marca’s POV
I lean back in my chair as I play my game, I had my headphones on and loud raging music playing despite my sensitive ears in an attempt to block out all the thoughts. It does get really fucking annoying when you yourself cant even think because you're so busy reading everyone elses pathetic thoughts. I check my phone and my lips curl into a shy smile at the sight of Josiah’s text. I pause the game so I can reply.
Jo: How’s the solitary life for ya?
Marca: I think it's growing on me, Feel like a changed man already..
Jo: lmao oh dear, Just don’t come back pretending like you're a baddy or like you're fresh out of prison..
Marca smirked and rocked his chair side to side. Marca: No promises jo..once you go in it never leaves..
Jo: Thinking of coming back..are you..?”
Marca slows to a stop. He stared at his phone, a sudden feeling of sadness filled his heart.
Marca: “No..I won’t
Jo: O-Oh..Damn..How far did you go this time..? Marca twisted his jaw with pain. Did he not hear about it at school? I nearly obliterated him.
Marca: I don’t wanna talk about it..please
Jo: You promised you’d try..
Marca: And I did..But this time was different.
Jo: always say that…
Marca rubbed his jaw, getting annoyed.
Marca: Well this time it’s was. Can we stop talking about this? Please?
Jo: Okay…I’m sorry..You just…worry me sometimes…have you been doing your anger exercises?”
Marca’s lips tugged into a quick smile.
Marca: yes..
Jo: Really?
Marca: Mhm..
Jo: goodie….w-when can I see you? I miss you…a-and you're sister..
Marca smirked slowly, licking his lips while he looked away. He sighed softly.
Marca: I’m not sure..still under house arrest…we can call if you want?
Jo: Yes please..
Marca smiled and quickly shut off his game and cleaned up his room before making sure his hair was ok. He quickly laid down and got comfortable before face timing him. Josiah quickly answered. “Hey” Marca gave him a warm smile. “Hey..”
Anwyll’s POV
I wake up a few hours later, I stretch and yawn before dragging myself out of bed. I stumble out of my room for something to eat, I walk past Marca’s room before hearing his laughing and flirting. I smile to myself and head down the steps. I walk into the kitchen to see our mother busy at work on her computer while taking sips of wine. “Hey..”
“Well good morning to you” My mother teased as she took another sip. I walk to the fridge and grab the jar of milk. “Where’s father?”
“Doing his know how he work work..” I smirk softly and open the cupboards where I grab cinnamon toast crunch. I set my things on a table and grab a spoon and a bowl. “true..But..who’s gonna keep everyone safe..?” she pouts a little. “But who’s gonna protect my poor little heart..” I playfully roll my eyes. I walk over and hug her. “Oh poor you…”
“I know..whoa is me..” She whined dramatically. I snicker and make a puke face while walking over to my things. I pull up a chair and sit. “Oh day you’ll meet the one who makes your heart flutter like your father does to me..” I roll my eyes again. “Oh sure…”
“I’m day you’ll meet a man - or girl..who’ll make you dizzy with love..all you can think about-”
“M-Mom please…”
“Oh come on…We never have girl least not anymore..” I felt my chest hurt with shame, I mean..she’s not wrong..ever since I had the ability to shift and the whole thing with my brother we sort of..drifted apart. “I-I’m sorry..I know we haven’t gotten the chance to hang out after…” I paused when the sudden feeling of pain filled my brain, causing me to tear up.
I take in a sharp breath and glance at her. “Let's hang out..tomorrow..we can do whatever you’d like..lets just…catch up..” Her eyes lit up and she shot over the counter nearly spilling her wine. I giggled softly as she wrapped her arms around me. “Oh yes yes! We can do anything..! Thank you!” I smile more and kiss her head. “Mom, if you wish to hang out, don't be afraid to ask…” She smiled and pulled away. “Oh I know..I-I suppose I was just afraid you didn’t want to..” I squint a little. “W-why wouldn’t I want to..?” Her smile trembled a little and I slowly tilted my head. “W-well because I’m not..” She began softly. “I..I’m not-” I quickly wrap my arms around her in a tight yet gentle hug. “'re my mother..werewolf or not. Okay? I’ll always want to hang with you..always..”
I sit in my room talking on the phone while watching Tv. “So steph, anything interesting happened while we’ve been gone..?”
“ehh..Not really..well Brian came back..” I froze. “W-what..?”
“Mhm..You should’ve seen em..all bruised up..turns out he fractured three cheek bones, knocked out five teeth and needed replacements, and his head was so fucked up they thought he wouldn’t recover…Marca really did a number on him” She laughed but I just stay silent, thinking. “Did he say anything about what happened..? L-like is he suing or anything..?”
“Not that we know of…if anything..he apologized to us” I gap a little and pause the show. “W-wait what? Brian…as In the jerk of an ass brian..?”
“Fuck and Jo has been asking around, his lawyer told him to shut up but brian being brian has the need to save his reputation at the school. Soo” She begins. “He’s been telling everyone that he’s innocent, that all he was doing was playing the game, accidently bumped into him and he snapped..but this is where it gets weird..” I squint a little. “Okay..”
“He claimed…than when Marca hit him, and I swear, this is what Brian said..He said his eyes were glowing..and he was very clear that it wasn’t just the ‘you pissed me off i wanna kill you’ type glow but like..yellow..” My heart dropped. “Yeah..He said himself that Marca went..Berserk..I mean..we all saw it, Marca was terrifying, Even jo had trouble calming down after what he saw..”
“Wait, he saw the fight?”
“No, but he did, however, see his face when he was being taken out of the know how Jo is..never where he’s supposed to be..and he just so happened to be heading the court - most likely to see Marca, but ended up seeing his fucked up face…and you know how close marca and jo I’m pretty sure Jo already knew who did it..” I sigh, putting my head back and closing my eyes. Fuck..”I-Is he okay now..?”
“Oh yeah..He’s fine..I mean sure, he scolded the fuck out of Marca, but their good now,” I sigh relived. “Well that's good news..” She nods in agreement. “What about you..? How are you holding up..? We haven't spoken in a while..”
“I know…I’m sorry..its just-”
“It’s don’t gotta explain yourself. It’s been complete weren’t sued or anything right?” I shake my head thankfully. “My family has had more than enough money to get this sort of thing handled, even if they tried to sue us my father would’ve just paid them out of it..”
“Lucky you..” she snickered. “So that’s all he said..? That his eyes just glowed..?” She nods. “People think he’s just being delusional..or in the moment of fear or death he could’ve just imagined it..I mean come on..glowing eyes..” She snorts. “Such an excuse for when your ass got beaten..I mean Marca did warn him..” I give her a quick smile. “Hell yeah he did..” I look over to a knock. Marca was all dressed and ready. “The sun’s going ready..?” I nod softly. “Already..?”
“I mean..You did sleep four five hours..” I wince. “Damn..” Steph snickered. “Hi Marca..” He walked over and looked at my phone. I smile while showing it to her. “Hey steph, how's it going..?”
“Good good, what about you?” he nods and smiles. “Good so far..sad that I didn’t get to rip off that-”
“Ookay, Goodbye stephy” She giggled. “Bye guys..” I hang up and stand up. “You ready?” I nod and walk him out. “Let me get changed real fast…” He nods before looking over to anwyll. He sighed, clenching his jaw. “Get the fuck out so my sister can change..” Anwyall raised his hands and sighed, turning and jumping back out. I smile and press my lips together at the sight of Marca’s glare. He pulled me closer. “Look I don’t trust him..alright..? He tried anything, and I mean anything we leave..He makes you even the slightest bit uncomfortable..-”
“No, listen to me..” I sigh softly. “If he tries anything I want you to take off first okay..?” I shake my head and gently touch his face. “No..If he tries anything we both take off..ok? You're my twin, where you go, I go…” He gave me a warm smile and gave me a quick hug. “Deal..” I smile more and wave him out before closing the door. I turn and quickly change into black sweatpants and a matching hoodie. I stuff a bag with things we might need before sneaking out the window with Marca close behind. Once we paid the guard, I ran to our car to see him already waiting. “Hey..” He waved at me, My heart throbbed with a strange feeling at his half smile. I force it away and glare. The fuck..I take a deep breath. no..Not while Marca’s here..I walk past and load up the car. Anwyll turned to face me and Marca. “so..How long-”
“you..Don’t get to speak. You just follow. Got it?” I glance at Marca as I climb in. Marca did the same but the moment Anwyll reached for the door Marca quickly climbed out and shoved him away making him hiss and flash his eyes. “What's your deal!” I quickly climbed out. “What do you think you're doing? You're not coming in with us..”
“Why not? How else am I supposed to go with you..?”
“I heard vampires are fast…you can run can’t you? Or did you forget how to do that shit too..” Anwyll flinched and I rolled my eyes and pulled Marca away. “Enough! We need to go, or we are all gonna get caught…” I snap at them both, making them exchange glances. “He. Is not. Coming..”
“Yes. He is. We made a deal, and we have to keep it..” Marca gaped and grabbed my arm and pulled me away. Both me and Anwyll throw our heads back. He pulled me out of ear shot. “What the hell is going on with you..? Why are you trusting this..this vampire so easily..”
I-I’m not..”
“Oh really…? Because from what I've seen you don’t seem to have even the slightest bit of anger..o-or hate towards it..why is that? Hm?” I just eye him. I honestly don’t know why..But there’s something about him..something that doesn’t strike anger o-or pain..I just's something that I can’t explain..I just shake my head silently. “We're going..before we get caught..” I turn and open the door for him. He hesitates and reaches to get in. Marca grabbed him by the arm making them both clench their jaw. “You make one false move…towards me..towards my sister..and I won’t hesitate to kill you..” Anwyll just stared at him. He ripped his arm away and grinned. “good..I expect nothing less from a werewolf…” He climbed in and I got the car ready. “Come on Marca..” He clenched his jaw and climbed into the passenger's seat. I back up and take off.
The car ride was devastatingly awkward. The tension was not only thick but deadly, but it was also annoying. “so..Anwyll..” I begin as I drive. “What's your plan once you get your memories back..?” He shrugs. “Well for starters I’ll see if I’m in a clan..and if I am-”
“You will go back. And never. Ever. bother us again.” Marca insists, making me roll my eyes. “What's your deal with vampires..? Hm? Why aren’t you like your sister..? She clearly has no hate for my people so why do you?” I wince a little and grip the steering wheel knowing damn well this is gonna be a terrible talk. Marca turned to face him. “You wanna know why I hate you? Because you're a vampire. Because all you monsters do is kill and eat humans. Which, Might I say is strictly forbidden but you do it anyway-”
“And you don’t?! You're people have been caught numerous times on camera..! If anything, that's more forbidden than us eating people..!”
“Mmm…no, I-I don’t think so..” Marca shook his head. “Of course you don’t. You dogs are so admin in your ways to the point of where you think you're on top of everyone..” I slam on the brakes, giving them both whiplash and a broken nose when Marca slammed his head against the dash and Anwyll against the back of the seat. They share a pained groan. “I said enough!” I snarl, flashing my eyes and my teeth making them both freeze and go silent. “The next one who speaks will have their tongue ripped out without hesitation..! I just want to get to this stupid fucking tombstone and get home in peace! So enough fighting! I get it! You both hate the other just because of the species, but at this point I don’t give a fuck. I don’t. So knock. It. off! Do I make myself clear!!” They both nod silently. “Say it!”
“Y-yes! Okay..!” They both stutter. “Thank you..” I huff starting to drive again. Both boys sat silently, Anwyll opened his mouth to speak but Marca shushed him.
Marca’s POV
I close the door and look over at my sister who was busy digging through her bag, most likely getting out the flashlights. She tossed one over and I nod in thanks. The sun was now gone leaving the sky littered and splashed with beautiful stars and a bright gray moon. I look over to see it and my sister talking. I glare and watch. It was strange, definitely strange. My sister is just as aggressive and rude as me, if not worse, she hates people. But this..this is just plain weird..her brain is empty..her heart has slowed to a calmed pace..a-and don’t get me wrong..there’s nothing wrong with that, if anything I’m more shocked than mad..but the part that gets me is how comfortable she seems, She’s relaxed..her guard is down..and her's all over the place..I flinch when he made her snicker. I swallow a growl. There is no way my sister is going to get with a vampire. No way in hell!
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I walk over to see her handing him a flashlight. “You two ready?” We both nod and she turns and leads the way into the woods. After a while of walking, I pulled him out of earshot. He sighs, twisting his jaw. “Let me ask you something..that's all I wanna do..” He lifted his head a little. “Okay..what?”
“Have you..bitten anyone..?” He slowed down a little and looked at me. I glance back at him with a serious expression. “Well?” He just squints. “Why do you hate us..and be honest…I mean sure..I practically stalked your sister, but only because I needed her help..that's it. If you hate me for that then sure, that’s understandable but other than that you don’t truly have a reason to hate me…do you?” I slowly clench my jaw. “I do..”
“Oh really..? Then why..?”
“Because our brother was killed by a vampire-”
“No..He wasn’t Marca.” I snapped my head towards Enya who looked at me with annoyance and anger. “Don’t use our brother’s death as a reason to hate their kind..their kind had no involvement in it and you know it.” I force back a frown and lower my head in submission in a way to apologize. She took in a slow breath and went back to walking.
I glanced back over to see him thinking silently, but his brain was empty. I squinted confused. He flicked his eyes my way. “What? I can feel your eyes burning a whole into my skull..”
“Why can’t I read your thoughts..” He stopped and I followed suit. “Excuse me..?”
“I’m able to read thoughts..I do it all the time but for some odd reason I can’t seem to impale yours you not have a brain..?” He flinched and slowly wrinkled his nose. “Come on guys..we’re here..” I stumbled when he shoved his flashlight into my chest. I growl a little. “Fuck you..and yes..we do..maybe you can’t read it because you're too stupid to comprehend when I’m thinking..” I scoff as he stalks off and over to Enya. “that made no sense..”
“Oh sure it didn’t..” he sneered. I roll my eyes as I follow them to the giant silver gate, marked with a traditional vampire mark but with a serpent wrapped around it followed by a rose. We watched as he walked up to the gate and looked it over silently. But we made sure to hide behind a bush. “T-this is where you found me..?” She nods, eyeing him. “Well..? look familiar..” I asked as he looked it over before looking at our surroundings. We do the same, the walls beside it looked at least 13 feet high, all of it was built with bricks, the only thing that wasn’t, was the gate. But even then, the brick walls had silver spikes on top of the wall and in front of the walls. Everything was pretty well hidden with forestry, I blew out and looked around before looking back over to see him reaching for the gate. “Don’t..” Enya hissed, before taking his wrist and pulling him away from the wall. “What why..?”
“Because…look..” she pointed to see a few camera’s pointing directly at the gate. He tensed up. “Y-You don’t think the place is in active use…do you?” We shared a shrug. “We weren’t trying to risk” She slipped by and we snuck to the back and a few miles down to the graveyard. “There aren’t any cameras here..” She nods, grabbing her flashlight. I do the same and we head down the path to find his.
Anwyll’s POV
My head couldn’t stop spinning. Not only did I feel dizzy, but I felt nervous..I didn’t know why..maybe it was because I was so close to hopefully getting my memory back..I looked around silently, my heart raced faster with each step until we came face to face with it. “Here we are…this is where we opened it..” I walked in front of it and my dead heart nearly dropped. It was huge..torn into shreds, thick heavy duty chains, like boat chains were wrapped securely around it. My head began to swirl as I slowly lowered to my knees. I extended a shaky hand and touched them, they were cold..I looked it over. My foot prints and claw marks could be seen reaching out from inside the jail. the night of my escape flashed before my eyes..but only for a second. I found myself tearing up with confusion. I drop my flashlight and peer into the coffin only to see that it was pitch black. I grab a rock and put it in then listen. nothing..Enya walked over and knelt by me. “Careful of the chains..” I whisper. She dropped a rock in and heard nothing. “What the..” She began. I just shrug before sighing and looking up at the tombstone. I froze at the sight of my name.
In loving memory of Anwyll kioa..
May the soul of his ancestors guide him to peace..
June 12 1977 - august 12 1996
I slowly reached for it, my eyes welding with tears, but just as I was about to touch it, we heard a snap. Enya
cursed and Marca dropped to the floor. “We gotta go..we gotta go right now!” He took her hand and pulled her away, she grabbed mine and pulled me along and before we knew it we were hiding in the woods. “Who’s there!” We all peer down from the trees to see a tall vampire with white hair and bloodshot red eyes and a black suit walk around sniffing the air before freezing at the sight of my grave. “Shit..” I look over at the others to see them staring silently, just looking between the leaves. I look back over to see the guy starting to panic. He quickly got on his phone and after what seemed a few tries someone picked up. “He’s gone..” I flinch a little. “What do you think I mean dammit! I mean he’s gone! The tombstone is open! Its fucking empty!” He looked up to see guards. He hung up and stormed over. “Why does he sound so angry..?” Enya whispered as they talked - well..yell back and forth. “I suppose I wasn’t supposed to leave..” I replied softly, my eyes flicking between vampires as my breathing trembled.
We watched silently as he shoved by. “Find him! We can’t have him running loose!” we quickly duck back into the shadows when they sprint by. “Fuck..we gotta go..” Marca hissed, waiting a few seconds before pulling us along.
I pull my hand away quickly, causing her to slow to a stop. “H-hey what are you doing..? We gotta go..!” I look up at her slowly. Just eyeing her as Marca tries pulling her along. “I…” I began, my heart starting to race. “That place…” She quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me with her. “Come one! We gotta go!” I try to pull in protest. “For fucks sake Enya! Just leave the bastard!” He hissed, leading us to the car. “Unlock it, unlock it…!” She hissed eagerly, “I’m going I’m going!” He quickly unlocked the car and we all hurriedly climbed in. “hey! Stop right there!” We all curse and snap our heads to the side to see the guards sprinting our way.
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