Anwyll POV
I sat there. Just watching them. Both of them had so much pain swirling throughout them…this place…I looked around the room. It was full of memories the two eyes rested on a picture of the three of them. I slowly stand up and move over. I felt their eyes move my way but I didn't pay attention. I eye the photo, I gently touch it. Their brother..a good man. And yet someone killed him. “My hearing is tomorrow, Enya..” I look over.
Enya’s eyes are now on him. “W-what..?” Was all she said. Marca rubbed his fingers together. “They're going to decide my fate tomorrow…see if I’m truly worthy of the position or not..” he adds, finally looking up to meet her gaze. I look between them, just eyeing them. The feeling of fear had replaced the feeling of pain. I felt like I needed to ask. “What hearing..? What’s going on tomorrow..?” Enya took in a hazy sigh while walking closer to Marca.
She leaned against him, using his shoulder as support. “Marca’s hearing…he’s going through trial to see weather he can keep his position as futer beta..” Marca gently elbowed her. “Enya..!” He hissed only to have her elbow him back. “Oh shush..! He might as well..” she hissed back before fixing her attention back on me. I cross my arms and square my shoulders. I didn’t know why I did it, but I just did. Perhaps it was because she was now looking at me..
Or perhaps it’s because I wanted to make her believe that I could handle the information. “Why wouldn’t he be
able to keep it..? He’s a beta by blood. Therefore he’s automatically destined to be one..”
“True..” Enya draws out while pulling away. “But not if the council says otherwise..” I couldn’t help but wrinkle my nose at that. The council..?
What is this, some kind of cult? “Why would some council..some random person choose whether you become a beta or not?”
“Because it's the law..” Enya says. “The council has control over everything. They are the elders..”
“Elders..?” I ask. She nods. Marca moved over to the pantry and began opening drawers. I ignored him, assuming he was just poking around to see what survived down here. “The elders..” she starts up, moving to the TeePee. She waved me over and I hesitated. I turn my head away. “What..?” She sighs. “Aren’t you mad at me..?” She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
“I’m just getting comfortable. You obviously know nothing about the council so it’ll be a lot of explaining.” She snapped her fingers and pointed to the cushion beside her. “Sit. It’s not like I’m asking to cuddle.” I chuckle at that. I sigh and I make my way over. “Right..because I know the minute I even attempt to cuddle, you’ll bite my face off…” she slammed her jaw shut in a biting motion. I wrinkled my nose at her playfully.
I hear Marca scoff and gag. I look over to him gently shaking a box of what looked to be an old cartian of crackers. He then quickly made the gesture of snapping me in half before pointing to Enya. I roll my eyes and immediately decide to ignore him.
Jeez..I’m not even trying anything. And even if I wanted to, I respect her enough to not jeopardize her life or her decisions. I turn my focus away only to look back when Enya wrinkled her nose his way. Marca had eaten a cracker only to spit it out. “Fuck, that’s gross..!”
“What do you expect..? It’s like..five years old..!” She laughed. I glance at her, just observing her. Their both so strange. Just a moment ago they were miserable and full of anger and fear. But now..their laughing and joking.
Catching me staring, she slowly stopped laughing and cleared her throat “A-anyway..” she got comfortable. “The council is home to five different types of species. We have the werewolfs, the vampires, the pixies, the witches and sirens/mermaids..each council member is chosen by the member before them. Each member is said to be either the oldest, wisest and strongest of the group. But. That purely depends on which member we’re talking about..” I nod softly. Taking in the information. “Who’s you're member..?”
“Some guy named Wilton..but it’s not just his decision. It depends on everyone else as well. Three votes out of five…” I nod again. Taking it in again.
So elders..the oldest and strongest. I lean forward crossing my arms. what about Theo..? As if reading my thoughts - which he probably was, Marca spoke up. “He could be..I won’t be shocked if he was..” I instantly tilt my head thoughtfully. “If he you think he knows about my escape..?
And if so, do you think that’ll have any effect on your trial..?” Marca’s eyes flicker with fear before instantly being pushed away. “No. And even if he does I’m sure father will do everything in his power to help me keep my position.” He nods. I look him up and down silently. I didn’t say anything.
But truly I think that this was just stupid. If Theo truly was on the council then he has to know about me getting out. And if he does, if he truly does know that the twins set me free, what if he tries to screw with his trial..? I slowly ball my fist eyeing him. I don’t like Marca. I really don’t. Mainly because he’s annoying. But my distaste in him doesn’t mean that he deserves to have his position stripped.
“With father on our mind..” Enya begins. She leaned back and I fix my position so my leg was propped up. “What did you want to tell us..? to be exact..” I didn’t miss the flinch nor the look of shock.
He straightened his neck slightly and withdrew a hazy sigh. “” he itched the side of his neck before sighing and moving closer. Both Enya and I fixed our positions. He sat down with a heavy sigh. “I..think Father is hiding something Enya..” Enya just snorts and shrugs. “Of course he is..did you forget about the fighting ring-“
“I mean about us..all. Of us..” he adds quickly. This caught her attention. “What do you mean? all of us..?” My eyes darted between them. Needing to be filled in. “Enya..focus. He has files, okay? On all of us. Anwyll..even orris” I instantly tensed. Me..? What could possibly be so interesting about me that you’d need a file..? And why a file on you're own children? What’s that about..?
I mean..obviously there would be a reason to have files on your enemies..but you're children..? I tilt my head. Is it a werewolf thing? “W-wait..files..? Like..files on what Exactly”
“Everything. Our age, our sex..everything..there were notes too” a chill ran down my spine. I didn’t know why..but that worried me. “Did you happen to read what it said..?” He immediately slumped his shoulders. “I didn’t..” Enya let out a soft sigh and chewed her lip while looking away. “Damn..b-but that doesn’t make any sense..why would father have a file on us..? You, I understand.” She gestured at me and I shrug, knowing that she was right. I could possibly be an enemy. After all, Theo supposedly hates my guts.
“But I know where it is..!” he quickly nods. His eyes flashing with excitement. “It’s in his room..!” Enya grew pale. “I-in his room,.?! You went into his room!” Marca’s face flushed and I smile a little. “What’s so bad about his room?”
“We’re never allowed Ever. His door is always locked.”
“Locked..?” I repeat. They share a nod. “I mean..don’t get me wrong. Privacy is’s just strange..he’s so secretive about it..h-how did you get into his room..?” She hissed. Quickly changing the subject. “It was unlocked..” he shrugged. Enya’s eyes instantly narrowed.
They glowed a little. “You went to his room..and it was just suddenly..unlocked..?” Marca nods quickly. “Mhm..! I hesitated of course because I didn’t know if he was in there or not but I went in anyway..”
“Why..?” She mumbled. “I..I went to go see if Joe can come..” joe?
Enya’s POV
I slowly close my eyes and look away. Marca…! I glance at him. “Did you tell him that he couldn’t?”
“I did..! B-but you know how he can be…he’s stubborn..” I eye him for a moment. His lip twitched into a shy smile. “Plus..he said he wanted to see me- us..he wanted to see us..” I snort playfully. “Oh…” I gently nudged him and he chuckled looking away, biting his lip before sighing and waving it away. “Anyway..! For real though. I went to see if I could get father to let him come. And it was unlocked..”
“Did he see you?”
“No..b-but mother did. She walked in just as I saw it..told me that if father had his suspicions that I should just say that I saw nothing. That I didn't go in. Nothing.” Hm..that is fact. This whole thing is weird..the file..his room..the secrets..
I run my fingers through my curls and sigh before hearing my father's link. “Marca..? Where are you boy? It is time to prepare..!” My eyes snap his way. His heart sunk and he kept my eyes. I felt my skin prickle and I quickly take his hand and give it a soft squeeze. “I-it’ll be okay..” I nod, “I’m going to be there every step of the way..okay?” His cheeks flushed and he nodded, squeezing my hand. “You will keep your position..I swear to you..”
“Marca!” Father roared. We quickly get up, Anwyll following close behind. “No..wait..! Stay..I don’t know who’s out there and I don’t want them to see you coming out too..especially with his scent all over the place..” I glanced at Anwyll who looked at me. Great…I’m gonna be stuck with him for a while. I sigh and nod softly, walking Marca to the trap door.
He reached for the staircase before pausing and turning to face me. “Enya..?” I tilt my head. He pressed his lips together. He than sighed. “W-what do you think will happen..? If I do lose my position..” I felt my gut swirl.
He just eyed me. “What do you think the alpha will do..? Nothing like this has happened in hundreds of years..he needs a beta..our parents won’t be around forever..” he mumbled. I narrow my eyes a little. “You won’t lose-“
“But if I do..!” He quickly said. “If I do..what will you do..?” My lips parted a little. “W-what do you mean..” he tilts his head and sways a little. Not in a playful way but a knowing way. I shake my head. “He can find somebody else..”
“Who..? Hm? Who..? You know the alpha won’t let that happen..” I scoff. “ that so..?” I challenged. “Enya..” Marca warns. “No..! I gave mine up..he’ll either have no choice but to take you or find someone else..” I snap, ignoring the way Anwyll lingered in the shadows.
Marca just sighed then shook his head. He turned away and finally began to head up the stairs. “Like I might not have a beta can ever go against their alpha’s orders..whether you turned it down or not you are beta blood..” I clench my jaw and let out a quick, restless sigh.
I watched as he lifted the flap, letting in a ray of light. Anwyll quickly double backed into the protection of the shadows, leaving me to stand in the warmth of the sun. Marca peered out, sniffing and looking this way and that before finally disappearing without another word.
I stare at the flap for a while, just thinking…
Why…I turned it down. Why should I still follow him..? Why should I still serve him? Not once have I seen the alpha. Not once has me, or Marca met him. So why should I give up my life, my freedom to do his bidding -
“Enya..cut it out..! You know the alpha has access to all mind links and thoughts within the pack..” I close my eyes and sigh, twisting my jaw. I mess up my hair. Marca..
I tilt my head and turn away, flexing my fingers before pausing at the sight of Anwyll, still hiding in the shadows. Oh..right. Forgot he was here. “Hi..” I mumble, slowly rubbing my hands together. He waved shyly and moved out from underneath the shadows. I narrow my eyes and tilt my head. “Why do you hide..? I thought vampires adapted to being in the sun..” He laughed at that, nearly spooking me.
He shook his head while walking over to the snack counter, swinging his arms and flexing his fingers in the process. “Nah..” he took in a sharp sigh. “A vampire can only walk in the sun with a ring or a spell…” I tilt my head. “A spell..? I heard of the ring thing..but a spell..” He nods, turning to face me.
“Its rare..people don't rely on spells as much anymore..spells are easier to knick..they now rely on rings..or bracelets..or amulets..” He waved his hand, showing off his naked fingers. “But you don’t have one..” He shook his head while rubbing his lips together. He than shrugged. “It could’ve been taken before I went in..that is..if I even had one” I just nod, looking around the room before taking in a sharp sigh. “Hm..” he tilts his head slightly but I just shake my head before moving back to my Teepee. I hug my knees and bury my head into my knees.
You won’t have a choice. I turn my head silently, just gazing at the fairy lights. Such a fucked thing don’t you think..? Me..serving an alpha whom I’ve most likely only seen once. I close my eyes again. Such bullshit. I don’t want to be a beta. I don’t want to have to deal with all that crap.
I’ve seen what my father does underneath the eyes of our Alpha..I’ve seen what Marca does despite not being a full fledged Beta yet. I shake my head. “Enya..?” I snap my head up to meet his gaze. “What..” Anwyll looked me over. “ okay?”
I just stare at him. No. I am never truly okay..non of this makes sense. Nothing made any sense since the day of Orris’s Death. I stopped being okay the moment I saw my baby brother hanging from a tree for just simply wanting to make a change..I stopped being okay, the moment my parents forced me and Marca to stop investigating his murder. I stopped! being okay the moment I got death threats for simply wanting to choose my own path
I sigh softly. This is truly a fucked up world..isn’t it? No matter if you're human or monster you never really have a choice. Someone will always choose for you. “I’m fine..” I just say. Not wanting to be forced to talk about my feelings. Anwyll tilts his head then nods before gesturing to the spot beside me.
I hesitate, but nod, scooting over. I pulled my legs closer to my chest, clearing my throat silently as he settled in. After a moment of silence he nodded and looked at me. “Can I be honest with you..?” I glance at him. I shrug. He nods softly and looked away. He pressed his lips together. “I..Im scared..” he began.
My brows push together a little. Scared..? He went on. “When Tom came to the house..I was afraid..hell i'm afraid right now” he mumbled. “Why..?” I mumble. “Because I didn’t know what to expect..” he nods looking at me. “I didn’t know if that was the day I die..the day I truly die..o-or if he was just going to drag me back..or if he was going to kill you..or Marca..” he says, slowly clasping his hands together.
I narrow my eyes a little. He was afraid..for Marca and I?..I felt that weird feeling again..I pressed my lips together to stop a defensive growl. “Why..? Marca and I have been nothing but rude to you..” I slowly turn my full attention to him, turning my body to face him as I do. He nods. “True..but that’s're a werewolf after all” I flinched slightly and wrinkled my nose but he went on before I had the chance to say anything. “I-I mean it’s normal in its own way..after all..we’re not really supposed to get along anyway..
so truly I expect nothing more and nothing less..I’m just glad you haven’t killed me yet…” I couldn’t help but smirk at that. “Ahh..well it’s definitely on Marca’s List..” he smiled and looked away. “I figured it’d be..” he nods.
After a while he took in another slow breath. “I don’t know..In a way..I still feel trapped..” my heart spiked. I slowly leaned on my knees, showing him that I was interested in hearing more. “Trapped how..?” I ask. He just shrugged. “I don’t remember anything..I feel useless..lost..” He shook his head and looked at me.
“When Tom told us that Theo wouldn’t stop until I was back or dead, I felt made me think..was I really that bad..? What's so wrong with me that I need to be in there..” he explained. “What made him hate me so know..?” he nods. He nods again, looking away from me. “When he had you and Marca by the throat I..its my fault Enya…this scar-”
“ stop..I don’t want to talk about it.” I sigh, sliding my fingers over my scar.
I don’t want to talk about it..I don’t want to be tied down..not to something else..”Enya..please-”
“Why not..!”
“Because It's not true.!” I whine. “What Tom say about me..I-it’s not true” I whisper. I cannot believe I’m actually opening up to a vampire. I take in a sharp sigh. “You asked why I didn’t kill you..back in the forest…you asked why I didn't rip your throat out..” I ignore the soft smirk from him. “I made a Orris..he knew how much me and Marca wanted to be like our we looked up to him..marca killed his first vampire when he was Ten..and I twelve..” Anwyll’s brows narrowed and his lip twitched a little. I nod. An understandable reaction.
I had the same reaction. I was quite hesitant to make my first kill..I didn’t want to..but it was life or death..father had set me up..left me in an ally and told me that either I made the kill or ‘it’ would.
I nearly died that day..he only left me with a chipped dagger and told me how he killed his first vampire with a simple kitchen knife. I only managed to survive because Marca screamed at me through the mine link. I remember what he said to..
That if I were to die he’d piss on my grave then cover it in his poo. I mentally roll my eyes.
“I know..not exactly what you’d want to hear but it’s true…and it made him proud. B-but when we did it..” I shake my head. “We never truly felt the same..that was the very first time we truly felt different. It’s when everything changed..!” I nod softly.
“Imagine being such a young kid..and committing you're first kid should ever go through that..we both felt paranoid..we had this strange lust for blood. Our father told us that once you kill a vampire you must keep killing..or else they’ll be coming after you..” I avoid the look of shame and disgust in his eyes.
I know what we did was wrong. I don’t know how..and I don’t know why. But I just do. Even if killing and hunting vampires were truly in our blood, something about it just felt so wrong. “Why don’t you want to become a Beta…?” I look up at him. He twisted his jaw a little before relaxing. “You're beta by blood. And usually - from what I remember, being a Beta is an amazing position for a werewolf. They’ll die for that position..”
“Exactly why I don’t want to be..” I insist. He shot me a confused expression. I take in a soft sigh. “Look. Being a Beta..that’s Marca’s thing. Not mine. I don’t understand it. I like to be run and hunt…” I slowly close my eyes, enjoying the memory of it. “I like my freedom..feeling the air rushing through my fur. Not being tied down to some Alpha who wasn’t even there to protect my brother..” I open my eyes.
Anwyll’s POV
I sat there silently. Unmoving. She was talking..actually talking instead of giving me those half off - snarky replies. I was afraid that if I moved even just the slightest, she would close up again. “I don’t want this..because it isn’t who I am..I know that..I’ve been knowing that…” she whispered. “I am not a beta. I will never be a beta..I can’t do what they do..”
I hesitate but slowly fix my position. I couldn’t sit like legs were falling asleep. “What do you mean..what exactly is the job of a beta?” She takes in a sharp breath and runs her hands over her shoulder. “Well..we do whatever the Alpha doesn’t want to..we help oversee the pack..make sure everyone falls in line..
do what their supposed to..and we run the pack when the alpha isn’t there..” she nods. “It may not seem like much..but it’s a huge step..a huge responsibility. And I don’t want it..I..” she sighs. “If the alpha demands you to kill someone, you do it. If he tells you to kill a do it. Hell if he wanted you to take out you're whole bank account you gotta do it..I-I can’t do that..” she quickly shook her head.
“Marca isn’t even a beta yet and our alpha had him kill an enemy..this is not for me..I will not. Kill anybody on someone else's behalf. Not anymore. I promised Orris..if I kill somebody it’s because I wanted it.” She insisted.
I just watch her. She felt so..sad. I slowly hug my knees. “Tell me about Orris..” she looked at me. She then looked up and down silently. I slowly chew the inside of my cheek. Silently pleading that she won’t shut down. She than sighed and looked away. “Orris was our little brother..he was probably the smartest and kindest one of the bunch..” she nods before smiling softly. As if she was deep in memory. “Yeah..Me as the Rebel..the one who refuses to do what she’s told..Marca the hard headed daddy’s boy..who always listens to commands..and than Orris..” she shook her head.
“He was always the top of our class..completed every single paper work within minutes. Was the first to shift..he was the first kid in our class to ace every math, science and English quiz. Knew how to complete college level math in fifth grade..he was the brains..!” She smiled. “Everyone loved him..and hated him…they called him an over achiever but he didn’t care..that’s just how he is..he just doesn’t care..if it made him happy he’d do it..hell if it made you happy he’d do it..” she nods.
“I remember..after I made my first kill…I was depressed..I wanted to do nothing but sit in my bed. But..orris being orris..he showed up..he convinced me that there was a raccoon trapped in our trash can..” she giggled softly. “A raccoon?” I questioned. She nods, smiling. “He knew I loved a good hunt. A thrill to feed our people…I, of course thought it was suspicious..but like I said. Orris was smart. So he knew how to play with my emotions” she smiled and fixed her position.
“So, I followed him..he led me our trash can..keep in mind. We are young children. About twelve years. And we had a lot of people so our parents bought this..oversized trash cans. A few inches taller than normal ones. We just barely. Reached the lid. So I’m over here, backing Orris up, so he doesn’t get bit or anything..and I pull up a chair..” she giggled than laughed at the memory.
I lean back, a small smile spreading across my face. “And when I open it, guess what pops out..! Guess..!” She giggled. “What..?”
“Marca..that little terror of a dog jumped out. Tackled me to the ground and started to pinch me..!” I gasp playfully. “No..!”
“Yes..!” She huffed before waving it off. “Orris was pissed. He screamed at Marca for not going with the plan but it was funny. The two kept bickering back and forth, saying how..’your supposed to tickle her not pinch her’
‘Raccoons don’t tickle. They bite!!’ Enya giggled to herself. She then sighed softly, her smile never once going away. “As painful as it made me feel so much better..we went running soon after that..” she nods, her smile slowly fading. “That was our thing…running..always together. always in synce..” she slowly began to stare into space.
She went somewhere..somewhere far..I could tell..”always in a straight line..” she shrugged. “We don’t know why..but it just happened..but after he..” she trailed off. Slowly hugged herself. She sighs softly. “Orris was our brother..he was our everything..we never felt so close..” she whispered. “But than we lost him and..” she shrugged shyly. I felt a weird..sad sensation in my heart at the feeling of her eyes welding with tears. “We never felt whole again..we felt like a piece of ourselves was suddenly just lost..we used to do everything practice our magic..” she shook her head again.
She sniffed and looked away, coming out of her place. She wiped her eyes. “Anyway..when we lost Him the world wasn’t the same..Marca and I wasn’t the same. He became more aggressive..more ‘dangerous’ as my father puts it..and I..I became more distant..out of control. I turned down the position..” she shook her head and sighed looking at me. “When orris died the world died. If Marca wasn’t here i don't know what I’d do..i’d..” she trailed off and shook her head.
I gaze at the side of her face. “You..?” She paused and pressed her lips together. “I’d probably rip this world apart..” she shrugged. I tense..than I chuckle and lean back. “You’s funny..I can see you doing that..?”
She smiled softly. “Yeah..?” I nod. “Even if Marca doesn’t die..I can still see you ruling the world..or even..starting a revolution..” she paused. Her smile grew and she looked away. “Hm..” she pressed her lips together than giggled softly. “A revolution…” she whispered.
I eye her smiling before jumping up. She flinched as I walked around the room. I look at the pictures where I smile softly before noticing something. something odd.
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