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“Hey Enya..?”
“Who is that man? He’s in every picture..?” I narrow my eyes on some guy.. the same guy in every photo. A tall man dressed in all white. Like..like a trench coat. Or something..
I look over to Enya walking over. “What man? My father?” She teased but I shake my head and point. I was careful to not touch it. I didn’t want my fingerprints on them. These were their delicates. I didn’t want to ruin them any more than the humidity has already. She looked closer than hissed softly. “What the hell..?”
I look down at her than back up. There he was. Standing in the shadows. Watching..staring. He was in every photo..each one! Always hid..always stood far away. But he was there. “You don’t know how that is..?”
“No..! I..” she sighs. “I don’t know..I have never seen him before..!” She insists. We stared at it for some time before she pointed something out. “W-wait look..” she hissed, pointing to another part of the picture where we see another man. “How have you not seen this?” I questioned. “I-I don’t know..! I’ve never really looked that in debt..plus! I never really seen anything before..!”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean they weren’t there..these men..! They weren’t here..! Not in the photos!” She hissed quickly. I look between the photos and her. “Than how..-”
“I don’t know..I-” She winced and I quickly reach my hands out just for extra measures. I watch as her eyes squeezed shut and her fingers shot up to her temples. “What..? whats wrong..?” she just groaned softly and rubbed them in circles. “Y-Yeah..I’m fine..just some headaches..” She sighs.
I smirk teasingly and go back to looking at the photos and decorations. “Werewolves get headaches..?” She tossed me an annoyed expression. I shrug innocently and walk away. “What..? I heard you werewolves are immune to such things..”225Please respect copyright.PENANALjhRSUheg8
“Yeah..? what else did you hear..? The good aspect of it i mean..” She tilts her head.I take in a sharp breath and glance her way. She was messing with her scar again.
I don’t say anything for a moment. I was trying to think. “Their huge snobs..” I heard her growl. “I said the good parts..” I chuckle softly and sigh, smacking my fist against my palm. “From…from what I can remember..I heard that werewolves can be interesting..to say the least..”
“Interesting how..?” I turn and sit on the counter, making it creak softly underneath my weight. “From what I heard..werewolves can be..fun..” I nod. “Wild..” I add. “You invite them to a party and they’ll make it fun..they’ll be the life of the party.” She leaned against the wall. Crossing her arms. I nod. “I heard..that they can be a bit bossy..controlling..and somewhat manipulative..” Enya scoffed through a laugh. “Anwyll..!” I smile and lean back, raising my hands. “Alright..alright..”
I click my lips smiling. “They're pretty…” I nod. “They're funny..courageous..brilliant..sometimes even smarter than vampires..” She made a playful expression..one of annoyance. I smile softly. “There's a lot of things you werewolves are..some I can’t even imagine to say..” I shake my head, looking away. “But one thing..one thing that I absolutely adore..and am proud of saying..is that you werewolves aren’t afraid..” I look at her.
Her hand slowly dropped from her mouth and her head tilted slightly. “W-what..?” I give her a half smile. “You guys are brave..you guys do what we fail to do..” I mumble. I hop off and stroll to the pictures where I point. “You werewolves..you make friends..connections..you have fun and you let loose..” I explain. “You all try and enjoy live in every way you can..you're nothing like Vampires..w-we just hide..and we’re so close off from everyone..even each other..we’re-” I pause and sigh softly. I just shook my head and bit my bottom lip softly. “I don’t know..” I shrug. “You're just..” I slowly trail off..eyeing the picture of them all..
her..orris..Marca..they all looked so happy..so peaceful.. 225Please respect copyright.PENANAfaX7d6YJTP
Siblings..I wonder if I ever had a sibling..a brother..? A sister..?
I felt a sudden wave of warmth rush to my head. Making my vision blur out..
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“Anwyll..! You're too fast!” I was running..but where? Why? I look around, I was outside..“Come on Anwyll..! We’re gonna miss dinner!” a voice..a soft feminine voice..who..?” I spin around where I stumble back at the sight of a little girl.
She looked familiar..but she looked different..she looked younger..healthy.... what was her name?
w-wait..She’s violet..! But..no scar…? I look around again. Where was I..?
”whats wrong big brother..?” I snap my head down to her. b-brother..? Violet is my sister..?! I felt a pulse. My head..it began to throb and ache..it was like there was a drum inside. It was horrible..! I felt my body give in..sending me to my knees..and I scream..
“Anwyll!” I flinch and snap my eyes down to Enya. She stood in front of me. Eyes wide and full of fear. “W-what happened? You kinda just spaced out on me..” I look her over.
A memory..I just remembered something. “Anwyll..? Earth to-“
“I…I’m okay I just..” I trail off. “Let’s go on a run..” her lips parted slightly. “What? Now?”
“Yes.” I nod. “You said you used to do it a lot with you're brothers..and i'm gonna assume Marca and you haven’t done it in a while so let’s go..” I walked backwards and she wrinkled her nose. “What..what is going on..? Hm?” I just smiled and gestured to her.
“Let’s go! Come on..!” She took a few steps forward. A small smile spread across her face. “You're not supposed to be seen in our territory..”
“Than we’ll leave..”
“Oh? You think that’s any better?” She crossed her arms. “No..but it’s better than being ripped to pieces by you're father..” she snorts than laughed. “That would be a sight- never mind..” she waved. I gasp playfully. “Enya..!” She laughed, turning away. “You jerk..!”
“I’m sorry..! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for it to come out like that!” I shake my head smiling. Just watching her laugh. I take a step back onto the staircase. “Let’s go..” I smile.
“I won’t let you run alone on this one..” her eyes flickered. It happened so fast I thought I missed it. “What about the sun..?” I pull up my hood, slide on some shapes and some gloves. She let out an annoyed, unbelievable laugh before quickly stopping it. “Marca is gonna kill you…” I shrug. “Gotta catch me first..” I quickly zipped out. Leaving the flap open. “A-Anwyll!” She gasped.
“Come on slowpoke! Don’t tell me you're gonna get dusted by a vampire!” I hop into a tree to get away from the ground floor. I peek below my feet, waiting. I eye the flap door. Hoping she’d come out.
I wanted to show her..tell her that I remembered..! I wanted to show her my sister! My sister, oh violet! How could I forget her? My baby sister! My dear..sweet violet..
Sweet violet..you're neck..someone had hurt her..my sister. Killed her. Why? What drove you to lay a hand on my baby sister? Once I find out I will make sure they never lay a hand on anything again.
I must’ve spaced out again. Because once I came, she was already a few miles ahead. “You okay up there?!” I blink and look around before finding her by a log. She was leaning against it with a hand on her hip. “Y-yeah..um..Be right there!” I jump down and dash over, stopping in front of her where I than continue to walk by. “Are you alright..? You seem..” She gently shook her hands side to side.225Please respect copyright.PENANAMTQQN9rvgk
I just smile. “Yeah, I’m fine..but. There is something I want to show you..so, lets get going..” I take her hand and speed off. “W-wait..!” She giggled. Making me stop. “You're speed is soo different from mine..! You’ll snap my neck..” oh..I quickly let go. She looked me over before pressing her lips together.
She sighs and looks around before waving me off. “I’ll be right back..” I watch her go behind a cherry bush. I quickly turn around and just keep an eye out. I sigh, swinging my arms back and forth. “So..you spacing out..what was that about..?” I just smile softly. “Mm..you will just have to wait..” she made a soft grunting noise.
A second later, I turn around to her walking out in a full tracksuit. “Where-”
“Like you said..us werewolves are smart…we have clothes for every occasion..” She smiled, walking over while tying up her hair. I look her over before smiling more. “Well..would you look at this..you're not mad at me anymore..?’ She took in a sharp breath and placed her hands on her hips. “I wouldn’t push it that far..I’d still love to shred you to pieces but..” She shrugged while walking by. “I feel better..happier..” She nods. “That talk about Orris..I don’t know why it helped..but in a way..it helped me remember why..”225Please respect copyright.PENANAoNx4QUVmyd
She nods, walking backwards. “Why what..?” I ask. “Why I’m not like Marca..or like my father” She nods. “I believe in what Orris was trying to achieve..I followed him..He’s a good person..and…I’d like to believe..well..hope..that I was a good person too, before he died..” She mumbled the last part.
She smiled to herself and sighed while stretching. “You know..I have a friend..”225Please respect copyright.PENANA6X3Edt9QLV
“Oh..?” I tease, sliding my hands into my front pockets. She threw me a sour look and I just smiled. “Yeah..I know, shocker. But anyway..he had told me something..something important..He said that I am not what has happened to me..I am what I choose to be..or..at least something like that…” She shrugged. “Anyway..the point is..I loved what he said..and sitting in that..stupid musty cave made me realize something..all this time..” She sighs. “All this time I was here moping..and hating..”
I step onto a large rock and balance on it while watching her. “Anwyll…I..I’m sorry..” She slowly crossed her arms. She raised her hand. Gesturing to her scar. “This..this isn't your fault..my father, getting mad at you..? That isn't your fault..you being locked up..a-and asking for our help..? The first two people you saw at your grave..that isn't your fault either..” I just stood there staring.
This..felt a bit awkward..I didn’t know what to say. “I’m happy to help you..no matter..In honor of Orris..” I slowly look away, rubbing my fingers together slightly. I than smile and nod. “T-thank you..” I hop down and she nods. “Orris means this much to you hm..?” She smiled more. “Of course he does..he’s my brother..” I smile and nod looking away.
Her brother..Family will always be the biggest impact on you..sometimes they’ll change you for the better…sometimes for the worst. I hoped I changed Violet..I hope I made a great impact on her..a good one at that. I smile more, rubbing my hands together. “Lets go…lets go..” I wave her along. I jog off, waiting for her to follow.
And soon enough, we were sprinting, leaping, and jumping off of things. “Oh you are so slow!” She giggled, leaping over a rock and sprinting off. “Oh please..! I could dust you in seconds!” I challenged. Speeding ahead. I jump down to her level when she slowed to a stop. “What..? whats up..?” She slowly crouched, sniffing the air as we do. “There’s an animal…” she whispered. 225Please respect copyright.PENANANg8wBLSaY7
I slowly crouch, glancing between her and the forest. “Okay..so what..” I paused, unsure what she meant by that. “What do you wanna do..?” I whisper. But she just slowly crept forward. I watch her. She slowly sunk closer to the ground. I couldn’t help but wrinkle my nose in confusion.
I sit back, observing the way she dug her fingers into the soil and lifted her nose. She withdrew a breath. “Deer..” she whispered. “Four of them..no..” She turned her head a little. I felt my heart ting with curiosity. How interesting..she was dead silent..unmoving. “Six..no male…” She looked around silently before creeping forward. “Move quietly..” she slid her hand up the side of her jacket, withdrawing a singler four inch bladed dagger. My mouth instantly flew open as I wrinkle my nose.
This girl..!
I follow her every move. And soon..we were right on them. My heart..if it was still actively working, I’d be racing. There’s no way she was going to take them on..not like this..? I glance at her. Her eyes focused on the deer. She slowly waved her hand towards her body, a second later a small gust of wind came blowing our way. Than another, than another. I quickly shield my eyes. What the hell..? I glance at her. “Enya..its too windy..they’ll smell us..!” I whisper quickly. But she just kept waving her hand..than..it dawned on me.
I shield my eyes as I felt the current of the air switch. Causing our scent to not only be masked by the forest but for our scent to be carried away from the deer rather than towards them. I glance at her.
How on earth is she doing this..there’s no way on earth she could just be a werewolf. No werewolf has the ability to wield magic. None. So how..? Both Marca and her.. liar!! I wince and force back a hiss as the words flashed between my eyes. Blinding me. “Let’s go…!” She hissed. “W-wait-“ I gasp, trying to blink past the lights. Too late. She was off. I quickly follow her despite my vision impairment.
She was fast though..without a doubt. She signaled for a tree and I knew she wanted me to get out of the way. I raise my hands and jump effortlessly into a tree, landing on a branch without a sound. I watch her.
She was like a wolf - well..obviously. But the way she was creeping..stalking. Hidden away by the tall blades of trash. I watched silently as she stopped within five feet. She slid her palm against the floor and it was silent again.
One of the deer jerked its head up and it took every part of me to not flinch and rush to help. A second later another deer let out a pained scream and dropped, sending the other deer scampering. Leaving it’s herd mate behind like she was nothing.
I wrinkled my nose a little before jumping down just as Enya rushed over as the deer scrambled and freaked. “What just happened?”
“I snapped it’s legs..” she quickly grabbed it and I watched silently as she put it out of its misery.
I slowly tilt my head. “You are so strange..” she shrugged, wiping the blood of her blade off using a leaf. “How so?” She hooked her arms underneath the neck and dragged it out of sight. “How-“ I cross my arms walking into the shade. “How are you doing this..?” She huffed, dragging it further out of sight where she let it drop.
She raised a hand and sighed silently where she focused. I nearly stumble when the ground beneath me began to slide and move. “What the-“ I watch in shock and - amazement as thick, sturdy roots began to wrap themselves around the deer carcass. Cocooning it. She than balled her fist and spiked like needles shot from the roots.
With a heavy sigh she dusted her hands and walked away, sliding the knife back in place. “There we go! All protected..!” I spin to face her. “How..! Just-“ I gestured to the deer. “How?” She just shrugged. “I don’t know..it’s just something I’ve been able to do..”
“And that is..?” I was honestly just curious..this..this is crazy..! How- why?
“Control the forces of nature..” she wiggled her fingers slightly, causing a small gust of wind to pick up beneath her hands. And Inflict pain or injury at will..” I narrow my eyes. “What do you mean to inflict injury..”
“Like I did with the deer..I broke its legs without touching it. If I wanted to, I could stop a person's heart..i could shatter every single bone in one’s body..that is what I mean..” I just stare at her. There’s no way..
There’s got to be something else in her..but what? I just take a breath and continue to lead her away. “You are certainly an intriguing person” she made a quick ‘tch’ before following me. “You're gonna just leave it?” I glance between her and the kill. She shook her head. “No..my pack’s hunters will scout it out and bring it back”
“How do they know where to find it..?” I questioned. She just smiled. “Oh we always know where to find food. Dead or alive. Plus. I sent a signal out for an extra pointer..” ah..of course you did. She smiled innocently as we walked.
“So..” she asked, picking up a stick and swinging it around as I tried to mainly stay in the shade. “Where are you taking me?” I nearly stumble. “What?” She shrugged and whacked a bush. “You're obviously leading me somewhere..so where are we going? And why?” I press my lips together. Not yet..not until we get there.
I just shrug. “Just…on a stroll..” I walk backwards. She glared, stalking after me. “Okay..” I nod. “So, tell me…this school your going to..what’s it like?” She let out a quick laugh. “Oh it fucking sucks!” I raise my brows. “Oh?”
“Oh yeah..you know we have to wear collars..” I wrinkle my nose. She nods. “Mhm..collars specifically designed to keep all monsters in check - by inflicting pain..! Lots and lots of pain..!” I mouth the word ‘wow’ and she nods. And my sister goes to this school..?
I blow out and cross my arms. “So Enya..I..I have a question..” she looked at me. “Your father..” she looked away but I went on. “When I was at you're house..after I spoke to you're parents I..” I paused and sighed, pulling a leave off a tree just to pick it apart piece by Peice. “I heard something that day..” she glanced at me.
I hesitate before saying anything else. Honestly, I didn't know how to explain it. “The word liar kept appearing in my head..” her brows furrowed. “What?”
“I know..I don’t why..b-but it only happened when I looked at them..you're parents..” she quickly looked away. A sudden look of fear and disappointment washed through her eyes.
A second later, she looked as if she believed me..like she wasn’t surprised. Her lips curled into a soft smirk. She shook her head and rubbed her face. “Why am I not surprised..” I pick at another leaf. “What..?”
She sighed and turned to face me. “There’s..been something going on with them. They’ve been keeping things from us..a-and I know. I know how that sounds but it’s not like that..they’ve changed. When orris died they just..switched.” She explained. “We All used to be so open but now..? People are missing, Theo - for some odd reason is in the middle of it all. My father works with Theo which means he has to know what’s going on..
The fighting ring, as well. My mom refuses to tell us anything about it. And how they got out. - again. It’s understandable but it’s still strange nonetheless..a-and..” she paused.
I take a short step towards her. “And?” 225Please respect copyright.PENANAxlJNSwtBs6
“Orris..his death. It doesn’t make sense. Sure what he did angered a lot of people but my parents..they didn’t fight for him..they pushed his death under the rug. They didn’t fight to find the culprit either..if anything they forced me and Marca not to investigate..”
That is a little strange. She shook her head and ruffled her hair. “I..I hate it..”
“Hate what..”
“The doubt. I hate not being able to trust them..but ever since we came back. Ever since we came across you're area things have been going downhill. The more things we’ve been finding out..I..” she sighed, rubbing her eyes. “It’s frustrating..! The more we discover the more we uncover their lies…” I slowly press my lips together.
She let out an exhausted breath. “Perhaps that’s why you keep seeing the word ‘liar….because maybe it’s true..maybe they are hiding something. Something big.”
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