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I silently head to my room and sit down on my bed where I just stare at the open space. I always hated when people said those words...Just because I like something you don't doesn't make me any different than the rest of you..I grip the bed. I’m still a werewolf..I can still transform whenever I want...minus the full moon..I can still hear my pack’s call..I can still howl, and run and love..I just have a different opinion than the rest of you...I just see things different than all of you..that’s all..I flinch but don't look up when Marca walked in. “H-Hey look..I-I didn't mean what I said alright..?” He began but I just stayed quiet. “You're still a werewolf even if you like vampires..That won't change anything…I-it’ll never change anything” I glance at him. He moved to his knees and bowed his head in submission.
The corners of my lips tugged into a smile. “I’m sorry..my words were harsh and full of frustration..I wasn't thinking..can you forgive me…?” I sigh, twisting my jaw while leaning back. “Of course I’d forgive you..you're my brother after all..” He looked up at me and smiled softly. “Thank you Enya..I’ll try to choose my words more carefully this time..” He nods. “Good..Now..Off you go..we got school in two weeks..we gotta get mentally prepared..” He snorted and sighed getting up and heading off to his room. “Thank you for feeding Ivy..”257Please respect copyright.PENANAqzfqcFdi4F
“Thank her for biting me..” I hiss, making him chuckle.
I sigh and lean back where I close my eyes and just listen to the noise around me. My brother’s gaming computer turned on with a loud buzz and a rattle..the sound of the clicker and gas on the stove as my mother began cooking up dinner..The sound of the air blowing through our vents. The sound of the clock ticking away….All these sounds coming together at once..filling my ears and my brain.
Overstimulating it..I sigh and cover my face. There are many perks to being a werewolf..You get the speed..The strength..The ability to connect with the earth..to feel the dirt between your paws..To see the world in a different perspective..hell to feel powerful and completely out of this world..the ability to constantly look younger than you seem..But I feel that there's too many flaws to outweigh the good..The powerful hunger..the constant anger and self control you need to have..The constant urge to rip something open..the headaches of all the noise..
You hear everything..every whisper..every breath..every heart..every whisper of the wind or rub of a cricket. On top of that...the hiding..the secrets..The need to make sure you stay hidden so you stay alive..no..The constant..terrifying fear of being casted off into some zoo or a lab where I end up being dissected and slaughtered like a useless nobody. This is the life of a werewolf..the stupid..tormetation of a curse made centreies ago..
Mama always told us that life as a werewolf gets better once we meet ‘the one’ Or as people in those books call them ‘mate’ She claims that once you find you're one..or soulmate..or whatever you want to call it..You won't hear those noises..You won't feel the constant fear..or hunger...I always thought about that..Not being afraid of what or who you are..not having those raging headaches and cravings all because of that one..being..I loved it..i loved the idea That you’ll be able to share your secrets with you're one true love..if that even exists. But I highly doubt it. I uncover my eyes and stand up where I sigh and get changed.
It's extremely unlikely that a person could do that much for you..supernatural or not. I slid on my shorts and a hoodie before sliding on my shoes and grabbing my duffel bag with my spiked cleats in them. I head down downstairs and into the kitchen where my nose filled with the mouth watering scent of bbq chicken breast. “Ugh..” I drool, reaching for a quick bite only to have my hand slapped. “Don't. Even think about it..” my mother hissed, making me giggle and grab my blue metal water bottle. “Off to the track again?”
“Yes ma’am..” I nod filling it with ice first.
My mother, Delilah..the goddess as my father puts it. Part Cameroon, part Russian. Though the Cameroon part sticks out the most. She’s about five’eight. Lots of loose curly hair like me, but she cut it short, so instead of it being down to her waist like it was two years back, she cut it to her shoulders and kept it that short. And just like the rest of us, no acne, no acne scars..Just completely smooth, healthy spotless skin with bright brown eyes that sparkle with light and wonder. I lean against the counter. The only scar she ever received was from battle..you see..Mom is a retired fighter..taken when she was young..about five years..I remember this story by heart.
Mother was about five years old when a family friend - someone her parents thought they could trust enough to reveal their secret stole her. One night her parents left for a date..they entrusted this person to care for their sleeping daughter - my mother..only to have her betray them. She took my mother as she slept, put her in a car and sped off to where mother later discovered was a fighting ring but in this case, a ring for the unnatural..a deep underground operation you could say.
Mother said that she remembered waking up in a cage..her shoes were gone and she had a silver collar attached tightly around her throat..nearly cutting off her ability to breathe. She explained to me how these bad men were not only human, but vampires and werewolves as well..they were ghouls and mimics and beings of unnatural abilities..even hybrids. I never believed that part..Me and Marca always thought hybrids were a myth..two creatures from different backgrounds, genes..abilities forming together to make an extremely powerful being. Humans I'd understand..But people like us..? Never.
Anyway..She was of course terrified out of her wits. Didn't understand where she was, why she was there..and each time she asked to go home, they just laughed and continued to rattle her cages, or poke her with forgine things..things which she later found out were some kind of chemical to speed up the process to shift.
You see..Mother was too young for the shift gene to kick in. Our kind is only created in two ways..Passed down by genes, or in this case, bit. There used to be three..the curse..but that's long gone..illegal among our people. Punished by death. My mother was too young..and they needed fighters..so they developed a serum; a serum to waken the shift gene. She nearly died from it, imagine a young child..five years old being forced to shift when her body was nowhere near ready..my mother fought..she won many battles..lost twice as much..nearly died more than she won..then..she met my father.
I smile to myself; watching her taste test the chicken. Age 15..my mother was one of the most angry little wolves they had..tough, strong, and such a temper. And when two werewolves with bad tempers meet, it doesn't go well. My father, who was given the name Fiver, has been in the industry longer than my mother. He lived to fight..raised to fight..my father was 18 when he met my mother. I remember her telling me how she was so..starstruck by him..a scrawny looking boy covered in scars all the way to his eyebrows down to his toes..his hair cut short yet full of style..all stuck up and frizzy..I shake my head at that. My father has no hair..He buzzed it off. So I suppose he liked having short hair..
My father became her training partner, they fought everyday. If they killed each other then that's too bad. They were instructed to do everything together..to sleep in the same cage all the way to fighting the same battles. And soon enough..they developed feelings..and the rest is history..She refuses to tell me and Marca anything else..we don't know why, she just wont. despite the story having so many holes. Despite everything having so many holes.
I glance at her. “Hey mom..” She glanced at me. “You and dad..” I began. “H-how did you escape…” she flinched a little and I knew she knew what I was talking about. She sighed softly and looked away. “Enya..You know I hate talking about this..”
“I-I know but-”
“Enya please..” She begged. I look away and fill my bottle. “Sorry mama..” I replied. Don't push it..Don't push for answers..you know how angry it makes her - Marca
I sigh and rub my head trying to get his voice out of my head. ‘I know it angers her...but don’t you want to know..? There’s so much-’
no..I don't want to know...and I think it's better if you just leave it at that. - Marca
I clench my jaw and crack my neck. I jumped when mother took my face gently. “Y-You know I love you...right..?” I felt my stomach swirl with unease and pain. Reassurance..mama always says this to me and Marca after an argument or disagreement. We know mama loves us. “Of course I do..!” I nod, setting my bottle down and hugging her. “G-good…” She nods, kissing my cheek before pulling away and taking my hands, smiling. “I don't ever want you to forget that..You understand me..?” I nod softly before tensing up when I felt her thumb brush against the pad of my hand. Feeling my scar.
She stopped and instantly looked down. I mentally panic and try jerking my hand away but her grip holds tight. “A scar..where’d you get this from..?” She asked, lifting my hand higher to observe it. Shit..! shit shit shit shit! We're so dead! “I..fell..?” I blurted, yanking my hand away. “You fell…” She squints. Slowly crossing her arms. I nod quickly. “M-mhm..”
“Fell where..on what..?” She lifted her head and tilted it. I could hear the toy and interest in her voice. She didn't believe me..of course she didn't. “I should really get going..they don't keep the tracks open for long..” I nod quickly, sliding my things into my bag. “Uh huh…” She drawed slowly while looking at me. “I love you” I say while rushing out while still trying to remain calm.
Once I was outside I rushed to my car where I heard my dear brother scream for me. “Enya you son of a dog i will kill you!” I snort and start my car before cursing and quickly backing out of the driveway at the sounds of his screams. ouch..Mama whooped him..she knows he was involved so now..after getting whooped, she’s going to want answers..which means..were both as good as dead.
I stopped for some McDonalds fries. I pull up to the window and wait for my order. As I do, I see the strangest thing..A tall..almost six’one maybe six’two guy walking with the umbrella. I squint and look up at the sky. It's not going to rain anytime soon. It almost never rains..so seeing someone with an umbrella is sort of strange. I glance back down to see him stop right across the street..almost directly in front of my car. I eye him. There’s something about this person..I felt an odd pull..like they were tugging at my heart..beckoning me to get closer. I couldn't look away..No matter how hard I tried, I just..couldn't. I grip the wheel..My breath felt like it had left my body when he lifted his head towards the sky.
I felt my eyes rake as much of him as I could..He was far away no doubt..So I couldn't see much..But he looked fit however..not too buff..but definitely not too skinny. I tense up and held my breath when he began to turn his head to face me. “Ma’am…!” I jump and turn to face the cashier. I felt hot..a-and icky..my breath was fast and shaky..it made my head spin. “W-what..?”
“You're food…” She nods. “Oh..t-thank you..” I take it and tip them a twenty before driving off. As I do, I look ahead. Strangely hoping to see him again. But he wasn't there..I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head before opening them and driving onto the street. I sigh and flex my fingers trying to get rid of this strange..uneasy feeling. I grit my teeth and shove a mouthful of fries into my mouth in an attempt to distract myself only to hiss and instinctively spit it out and back into the bag when it burned my tongue. Ow..
Anwyll’s POV
I wondered the blinding, loud streets for god knows how long. I don't sleep, so I even walked around at night. I also hunt at night..how perfect is that. My head hurts..it was too bright...it's too hot..and this stupid umbrella isnt helping. I walked into a few stores but felt too uncomfortable to stay so I left each one. I only stayed long enough to cool down but even then that was too much. I sigh as I wander the streets. Where was I even going?! I ignore the looks people gave me. Most likely shocked about my height or the fact that I'm covered in dirt. I stop in the middle of the sidewalk where I groan and look around thinking where I should go next. I start walking again. There were many houses by me. I wonder if they’ll let me in..I think on it real quick. No..Probably not..I sigh defeated. Ugh! This sucks! I- stop again to a strange..smell. It smelt..good..Like peaches and strawberries..have I..smelt this before..? I looked around without moving. Afraid that if I did, It’d disappear.
I sniff again..I shiver. It was weird..I liked the smell..I’m usually not so taboo about fruit..but for some odd reason this smells rather ravishing..I lift my head to see if I can pick up the scent by the air. hm..I follow the scent. I turn my head to see a mcdonalds. I squint and tilt my head. Are they the ones giving off such a good scent..? I look over the building. As I did, A car pulled out and the scent began to move. I turn to follow the smell. Hm..I drop the umbrella and lift my hood where I speed after the smell.
I slow to a stop. A school…? I look around for the car before seeing it park. A moment later, she came out. I tilt my head and sniff the air. Is it her..? Is she the smell..? I eye her. She’s..pretty..I watch silently as she heads towards the school. Once out of sight, I walk to her car and sniff around. It's definitely her...I turn and speed after her while making sure I stay out of sight. She stopped and sniffed the air and I instantly backed away. What is she doing..? She squinted and looked around before sighing and rubbing her face. I watch her keep walking and head into the women's room where I stop and wait. As I do, I rethink my plan. Not that I had one to begin with.
Why exactly was I following this girl..? I rub my chin. She smells good that’s one thing…and she’s gorgeous as fuck..her eyes..I silently hiss. Man they're gorgeous…not that I had a good look..I just know they are that’s all..
I look around. Does she go here maybe? Blinding white lights, blue and brown colors..I wrinkle my nose. Ugly mix for school colors but whatever. Not my school, not my problem. I lean against the wall and eye the door.
Let’s see…she’s pretty. She smells good. Maybe I’m supposed to eat her. I extract my fangs. No…not yet. I pull them back in. I don’t know what she is…her scent. It’s unique. Way too strong for a human.
Humans carry a unique scent..it’s much different than other beings…their smell is..intoxicatingly strange. Many smell decent. Whether it’s from perfume or deodorant each one has their own original smell..whether it’s sour or sweet..hard or tender..I shrug. They just smell plain in a way…but her…now she smells completely different. Unique. Her smell is intoxicatingly delicious. Almost as delicious as blood.
I jumped back when the door opened. I nearly choke at her figure. Big ass thighs..I found myself staring at them as she walked towards the door. And her ass..she got a nice ass..but her thighs..! “God damn!” I whisper to myself. I jumped back and out of sight when she turned her head. I held my breath in an attempt to slow my heart. Well..she definitely has good hearing that’s for sure! I tense up when I hear the softest noise…it sounded almost like a growl. I squint and peek out to see her leaving to the outside world. I quickly follow her. A growl huh..?
Humans growl don’t they? I slither after her..following closely yet carefully as she made it to the field where she dropped her bag and began to stretch. I move behind the gate to watch. Hm…there’s about thirteen more people there. Are they all here for a sport? “Enya! Good to see you again!” A girl smiled while waving.
My heart dropped. I squint and grab onto the gate. Enya..where have I…Enya..I thought long and hard. Then it hit me. Enya! She was there that night! Maybe she knows who I am! I felt my heart flutter with excitement. My stomach swirled and I stepped closer before jumping when someone grabbed my shoulder. “Hey..who’s you?” I turn my head to face some dude. He looked like he was also dressed for this sport. “The names anwyll..” I shrug off his hand and move away. “Are you here for track?” I squint and slowly tilt my head. Track.. “w-what?”
He squinted and looked at me. I take in a quick breath. Human..obviously. I stare at him. His heart spiked and I squinted. “T-track..the try outs..” he quickly nods while walking down to the field. Obviously trying to get away from me. “Is she doing this..tryouts?” I gesture to Enya. He paused and looked at her. She began to run. He snorted. “Like hell she is..she only comes to run. Never join sports. No matter how hard we try she just refuses”
“Why?” I ask. He shrugged. “Like I’d know..the chicks fast. She’d be perfect for our team but” he shrugged. “I guess she’s just not the competitive type.” I nod slowly and he squints again and gestures to the field. “If you're not here to try out..I’d better leave before security catches you..you look kind of..” he waved his hand and I nod sighing. “Got it..thanks anyway” I turn and begin walking off.
I sigh looking around a bit before deciding to just wait outside. I need to ask her about that night..Maybe she knows at least something that could help me. I slid my hands into my pockets and looked around. This place is dry..it's hot. I turn to face the school. I noticed how there was barely anybody here. Hell there were barely any people inside. Maybe it's the end of the day? I mean..I start to count the number of people outside. Seven that I can see..Plus those on the field.
The parking lot seems empty as well..only a few cars. “Hey..” I flinch and turn my head to see three girls. All of them look fairly similar. Two of them had brown hair, one of them was blond. The blond and one brown hair both had brown eyes while the other had greenish blue. I look them up and down. One of them wore a black oversized hoodie and leggings, the others wore blue jeans and a white hoodie, the other a white crop top. I sniff the air. That normal human scent..perfume. “Hi..” I nod, staring at their eyes. hm..They are not as pretty as Enya’s. I look away. “Do you go-”
“no..I’m waiting for someone..” I nod. “Okay…well...bye..” They mumble walking off. “Creep..” I hear one of them whisper. I smirk and shake my head.
Enya’s POV
I pant softly as I run my third lap. The pull..the feeling...It’s still here..it's not only clogging my senses but it's ruining my run. It's distracting me. I’m about to run five to seven laps in five minutes. But now, I’m so distracted to the point where I can’t even run properly. I stop at the start and sigh, putting my hands over my hand in an attempt to calm my breathing. The pull...it's killing me. I need to run..I need to shift. I rush to my things and quickly pack it up. “E-enya..? Where are you going..?”
“I-I’m done..” I rush. Trying to get out. “Already..? You-” I don't let them finish. I walk to my car before slowing down at the sight of him. How..where did he..? I felt my teeth begin to throb. I slowly rub my jaw. I felt my knees preparing to give me out. I couldn't breathe..I couldn't look away. Even though I couldn't see his face I could tell he was..legendary..I didn't know how..I didnt know why..but My gut just told me. but He began to walk towards my car. My heart fluttered and then dropped. I force a swallow. Not that it helped anything.
I squeezed my bag and decided to make a run for it. I can do this..I rush by and to my car where I squeeze my eyes shut while opening the door. Don't look, don't look! I quickly jumped in. “H-Hey-” I floor it back where I open my eyes just for a second. In those seconds, I sped out the lot.
I grip the wheel. My heart raced so fast I’d thought it burst from my chest..I-it was terrifying. I place my hand over my chest. I couldn't breathe. I began to scratch. Fuck the park. I went to my family's forest. This place is practically a wolf’s den. Surrounded by trees. I kept driving until the houses disappeared. But even then I couldn't shake away the pull.
I get out and walk in where I start to run. I run as far in as my legs would allow me. And just as I was about to shift, “Enya!” I quickly spin around; my teeth bared and my claws out only to see my mother. “Good heavens girl, put those away before someone sees!” She cried. I mentally roll my eyes. As if someone would see me. This is private property. Anyone who steps foot on here is rightfully dinner.
She walked over. The dead leaves and twigs that littered the floor crunches underneath her thick rubber hiking boots. She rubbed her arms as if it were cold. “What's got you so worked up..? Hm? Did something happen?” I stay silent, unsure if I should tell her about this strange feeling. It’s not like I don’t trust my mother…that’s not the problem. The problem is that she’s human. She’s not a half breed like us, she’s completely human. She lost her ability to shift ages ago. She wouldn’t understand how I felt or what I’m going through…if anything I feel like it’d just burden her. And that’s the last thing I’d want for her.
I give her a small smile and shake my head. “N-no…I’m alright..just…stress from school that’s all…” she nodded softly and rubbed my chin in a caring manner before holding the side of my face. I smile warmly and lean into her touch. “I’m sorry dear…I know changing schools suddenly can be a pain…t-try not to stress too much okay..? After all…you're almost out..” she nods before smiling and doing her awkward dance in an attempt to lift me up. “About to be my big old girl..paying bills…having a boyfriend and what not..” I just smirk and shake my head pulling her close into a hug. The feeling of anxiety quickly vanishes and returns with slight embarrassment. “Momma please…school first. Let’s focus on school..” she giggled and turned leading me back to the house. “What, no boyfriend? Not even a crush?”
I just laugh softly and shush her while opening the doors and following her inside.
Anwyll’s POV
I sit in a tree. Just gazing at her window…waiting. Waiting for the right moment to go inside…I needed help to figure out who I was or how I got here and at this point she’s the only one who can help. I know how this looks and I swear I’m not trying to be creepy..But at this point I need help. I don’t know what to do. I can’t seem to get my memory back and I can’t go around asking people where the fuck Im at in case it rises suspison. She was there. She opened my prison so she had to know where it was..I-If I can figure out where it was then maybe…Just maybe..It’ll help me find my memories. I looked around silently, I could feel my non-existent heart beating with fear. Not that it was alive and pumping anything.
But Fuck..The one thing I do remember is how terrifying werewolves can be. They are vicious beings who rip you to shreds without mercy. I shiver at the thought. I know its my fault if I get murdered here, After all, I am on werewolf territory, But In my defense, Being a rogue vampire is worse than being ripped to shreds by a werewolf. You can get killed easier by being a rogue. You get killed regardless by a werewolf. Rogue or not. And in a world full of humans, hunters and other crazy beings like werewolves. Being on your own is the last thing you’d want.
I lean back, fixing my shirt before jumping up at the sight of her closing her door and turning off her lights. Perfect. Show time. I jump. I glide over the fence and onto her roof with a soft thud. I wince a little but hold onto a vine covered in giant white flowers. I wait a few seconds, I then climb up to her window and peek inside to see her on her phone. In case you're wondering..I followed her car..that's how I know where she was..but I swear..I’m not a creep.
I eye her, waiting for the right moment to slip in. And just to my luck, She got up and skipped into the bathroom. I wait for her to close her door before quickly picking the lock and sliding it open where I quickly slide in and close it before opening it a tiny bit in case I needed a quick escape. I take a step back, taking in a nervous breath before instantly being hit with the scent of Laffy taffy and caramel..popcorn..?. I squint and look around the room to see a giant fluffy bed with start designed sheets.
The room was lit up with fairy lights and posters of- I freeze at the sound of the toilet flushing. I quickly dash behind one of those changing stands and tense up. I held my breath as she walked out. I watched through the tiny cracks and holes as she walked over to her bed in an oversized T shirt, as soon as she climbed in, I let out a panicked sigh. She froze. Shit..shit shit shit…I jumped and panicked even more at the sight of her door opening and In came some dude. “Enya..why are you thinking so much..” She shook her head. “It's not me..” The room goes silent. He slowly closed the door and my heart dropped. Fuck.
I think quickly. Okay..I’m going to step out..I’m already screwed..If I attempt to book it to the window I’d be all over..they’d just grab me and kill me or alert their hunters and I’d be dead. Either way I’m dead. Fuck. “Who's there..step out now.” He flicked on the lights and The girl jumped to her feet. Most likely seeing my figure behind this thing. I let out a hazy sigh and stepped out, making both of them take a step back, complete shock on their faces. I slowly raise my hands. “H-hi- '' I hissed when the boy raced over and slammed me against the wall, leaving a dent. “Hey!-” I jumped when grabbed me by the throat. His eyes began to glow a deadly blue, his teeth grew into the size of daggers as he wrinkled his nose and snarled slowly, his nails growing, causing me to wince but hold still to keep them from digging into my flesh.
I glanced over at the Girl who just stared at me. “Enya..! What are you waiting for..! Go get father..!” She didn’t bugde. She just stared. She squinted and walked over. “That was you..! Wasn’t it!”
“What?-” I winced when he gripped tighter. “You don’t speak.” The guy spat, making me clench my jaw. “You're the one following me..”
“W-what..?” I mumble. “It's you. I know it's you..”
“I’m sorry what..?” The guy snarled glaring at me. “You're fucking stalking her? Enya why didn’t you tell me..!”
“Marca please-”
“C-can I say something..” I quickly blurt. The one she calls Marca shoved me again. “No you may not, you filthy leech…” I wince. Ouch. “Yeah..Damn right ouch..Just you wait till our father gets a hold of you, You’ll be saying a lot more than ouch”
“Marca. Please. Can I finish what I was saying?” The Enya girls sighed looking me up and down. “Fine. But make it quick.”
“You..are you following me?” I glance at the Marca dude. “Well?” I nod. “Why.” I take in a breath. Gotta choose my words carefully now..”I need your help with something..” Marca snorts. “Why would we help you? You broke into my sisters room you good for nothing rat” I take in a slow breath. If this dude doesn’t- “If I don’t what. Hm?” I flinch and squint looking at him. “You can read my mind..?” He just looks at me, refusing to say so even though he’s done it multiple times already. “Why do you need my help. Hm..? why should we trust you? After all..my brother’s right.
You broke into my room and you’ve been following me..” She looked me over silently. “t-true..But. I need your help finding the place I crawled out of. I can’t remember where it was and I need you to tell me where I can find it”
“Find what?” Marca asks. “Find the hell I was in, I don’t know the prison maybe..? I can’t remember why I need your help. Wherever it was, You two were there. That's all I remember..” I glanced over to her hesitantly lifting her hand where her eyes ran over her palm. “Yes! That thing..” Marca glanced at it. “What about it…”
I shrug. “It just proves my point..”
“What point..that you're a fucking stalker?” She grumbled. “N-No that you were there…whatever it was it burned you for opening it. Which means you were there..You have to remember where it was.”
“Oh we do alright…It’s a graveyard…”
“Marca..!” She hissed. “What? He wants to know so let me tell him..It's a graveyard..we smashed it to bits…”
“N-no we didn't..Just yours…” She mumbled softly. I silently grit my teeth. Wow..good to know that this whole time I was in a graveyard only to be opened by a couple of wolf twins who smashed my resting spot to bits..lovely. Marca smirks and I ignore him. “So a graveyard..why do you want to go back if you don’t mind me asking..?” She tilts her head. “Because For some reason I seem to have lost my memory…and me going back there is the only way to get them back..at least I hope..” The two stayed silent, just staring at me As if considering my words.
She slowly twisted her jaw and crossed her arms. “So let me get this straight…You broke out of a tombstone-”
“You broke me out” I correct. “Fine..we broke you out of a tombstone that was tightly wrapped in bars and chains that burn anyone who touches them - obviously to keep you in. But we let you out only to have you follow me home, break into my room and now you want to go back to the place where someone tried desperately to keep you underground for some apparent reason just to get your memory back…correct?” I nod. “For all we know You could’ve been some psycho killer who feast upon children.”
“But I’m not.”
“But how do you know if you can’t remember..” Marca questions. I flinch and squint unsure how to reply. She shot a look at her brother. I squint harder. A second later he dragged me to the window and pried it open. He whistled and shoved me out. I curse and cling on for dear life at the sounds of the hunters rushing over. “No no no! Come on..please! I need your help!”
“It's a graveyard..you're a vampire, search every one of them until you find yours. You got this.” She also began to shove. “That is if you make it out alive..” Marca giggled despite her windshield starting to shatter at how hard I was holding. “I don’t know which is mine..! Come on please..! I’m begging you..Help me find it…! That's all I ask..!”
“Why? Should. We” They groan, shoving as hard as they could, causing me to curse and slide off where I muffle a scream by clinging onto the vines. They huff and start hitting my hands, trying to make me fall. “Because if you don’t I’ll just tell your boss that You snuck onto Vampire territory!” I blurt. They froze. “Y-yeah…” I nod starting to grin. “That's what I thought..! Now show me and I’ll never say a word..I know how forbidden it is to step foot on someone else’s land..” I mock hanging on for dear life.
“How do we know you're not bluffing…after all..you said so yourself..You can’t remember..and how do you know our father won’t just kill you on the spot?” I give them a smug grin. “Do you really wanna take that chance..?” The exchange glances. They then both snap their attention to me. “Fine..we go as soon as the sun goes down..You say anything..or even try anything..We rip your head off..are we clear…?” I nod quickly. “Good..Meet us at the Cafe..”
“What cafe..?” Enya just glared. “If you can find my house, you can find the cafe” She slapped my hands and I shrieked, falling to the floor where I sprang off just as fast and into a tree. “A-are you okay..?” She hissed only to be shushed by her brother. “Don’t ask the freak if he’s okay, are you crazy..?!”
“Well he fell-”
“just…Close the dang window..” I roll my eyes and quickly leave their territory to prevent further issues.
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