Enya’s POV
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I pace in my room, Marca’s eyes never once leaving me. Theo..It has to be a lie..it has to be..Father wouldn’t work with him..he wouldn't!
“What if we ask father..” I ask, turning to Marca.
“Oh sure…go right ahead..what are you gonna say..? Hm..? Hey father..have you heard of someone named Theo Thario..? Someone who could possibly be some high criminal vampire prick? someone who’s threatening us..You know..the guy YOU”RE WORKING WITH??” I sigh and sit down. Marca shook his head. “I can’t believe father would do this..! Work with a vampire..!” he let out a quick laugh and messed up his hair. “This is complete bullshit..! Thats what it is..the internet lies..so thats what is is..a lie” Marca repeats to himself. “He hates Vampires..trained us to strike them dead from the second we could walk..” Marca nods, rubbing his knuckles.
“F-Father wouldn’t lie to us..” Marca mumbled. I look him over. I wanted to tell him that he was wrong. I really, Really did..but this..? What we read..
I sit down and pull my computer close. I look at the photo..there it sat..plain as day. A photo of our Father shaking hands with that looked like Theo Thario..I stare at the photo. Staring at him. He was tall..much like Tom..but unlike Tom, his eyes were evil..dark..dead. He had fair features..
He was pale..four beauty mark’s scattered around his face with two distinct scars both along one eyebrow. Eyebrows that both looked equally tended to yet left natural and free. He wore the same exact suit as Tom and the others with the same exact symbol as the others as well.
But..but there was something wrong..I couldn’t put my finger on it..but there just was..
It felt like..I sigh and chew my bottom lip. It felt like he wasn’t supposed to be there..he felt out of place. Looked out of place.
“Enya..?” Marca began, tearing me from my thoughts. “Hm..?” He twisted his jaw as if debating to ask me. “Marca what is it..?” I ask again.
“Why are you so set on helping him..? I-if you don’t think you're cursed by Tom than why? Explain it to me. You don’t even know him, Enya..He hurt me..he’s a vampire, and on top of that, He’s being haunted by Theo..and Now Tom..” He shook his head. “Enya you're playing very. Risky game..A game where it's not too late to quit..we can turn him in..hand him over..” I felt my cheeks grow hot. “I-I know..”
“Then why..?” He hissed gently, leaning forward. “Why do this..?”
“Because..I need to Marca..It..it feels like the right thing to do..” I just shrug. “The right..thing- Enya were you not listening..!”
“I was..! But- I-I don’t know..I know how risky this is…but there's a part of me that feels like there’s something else..something there....l-like there’s a reason why he’s here..why its us that needs to help him..I know it doesn't make any sense..but I need you to trust me..please..” I beg.
Marca frowned and messed up his hair. He sighed and rubbed his face. “L-lets do this..lets ask father…but if this..Theo guy turns out to be as evil o-or wrong as it seems we call it..” I felt a small wave of relief. “Promise me. You’ll call it.” I eye him, I than sigh and walk over, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug. “I promise..”
I knock on fathers door. “Come in..” we walk in and give him a soft smile. “Hey papa..” He looked up from his papers, His current right hand man bowed at our presence. “Lady Enya..Sir Marca..” We bow back. “You are dismissed..” our father instructs. He bowed and walked away, closing the door behind him. Father leaned back. “What can I do for my lovely twins?” Marca stepped forward.
“Father..me and Enya have a rather…strange question..something you might know..maybe not..” father squinted and leaned forward. “Go on..”
“Father…we’ve heard a name..spreading about..and we were wondering if you might know who it was?” I nod. “Okay..” He sighs. “What name..?”
“um…I think…something like..” I sigh, putting my head back as if I was having trouble remembering. “Julio..? no..I think it was..Thario..? Maybe..?” Marca hissed, rubbing his chin.
“Ah..yes..Theo thario..! Now I remember..” We both nod as father stared between us. After a moment he took a quick breath. “Theo..Thario..” He tilts his head as me and my brother try our hardest to maintain a slow heartbeat. “And where have you heard of this name…?” I hesitate and rub the back of my head. “Just…up and about…” I nod softly, up and about..? Really Enya..? Father looked us over. He clenched his jaw than sighed slowly.
“Theo Thario….He’s a very powerful man..some may say he’s too powerful..”
“Why..?” I squinted a little. “Why because he’s one of the closest ‘descendant’ from the very first vampire..Jure Grando Alilović..I mean sure..he may be centuries away from him but the thought still stands..on top of that he has countless of other vampires on his side..including me and other werewolves..” shit! So it’s true?! He’s working with him?!
“You're siding with vampires?!” Marca hissed, taking a step closer. Marca..no! I silently beg. Knowing he was gonna blow up. “Now Marca..-”
“N-no..! this whole time you preached about hating them..! How we should be enemies yet here you are..! On his side..!” He snarled before jumping and backing away as father slammed his hands onto the table, shooting to his feet. “Watch your tongue with me boy! I am still your Beta!” Father snapped back, giving Marca no choice but to lower his head in submission. “Now; I understand why you're upset..I do..But this man..It is wise to not cross him…”
“Because he is dangerous..! He goes against everything! We creatures Stand for..He doesn’t care for rules, o-or Morals..he has the fangs of the most powerful members of the committee on his hands....going against this man is like going against death himself..” Father took a deep breath before letting out a shaky sigh. “That being said.. ..however you found out about this man..forget it..throw it out the door..Don’t involve yourself with him or anything that has to with him..”
“That's bullshit! He doesn’t seem that bad…” Marca hissed. “Maybe not now..but trust me Marca..trust me when I say..Forget.it. There are things of this world that you may not understand..that you may believe couldn’t be as bad..but this..Theo..he is one of the worst..he is also one of the founding fathers of the very school you are going to..hence the overrun of the school..” Both me and Marca flinch.
Another truth to one big lie.
“How have we never seen him…? Heard of him..?”
“Well..he’s a very powerful, hated and feared vampire..so it’d be wise to be in a state of security..” I glance at Marca who just clenched his jaw, most likely angered by our fathers sudden explosion of lies..well..form of lie..and hypocrisy. I cross my arms and look at him. “If it’s so secretive than why is his face plastered on the front page of Google?” I ask sharply. Fathers eyes bore into mine. Enya! Marca gasped. I mentally winced. You idiot!! You gave yourself away! I quickly add on to it. “T-that’s just where people tell me to look..” I quickly say. Father tilts his head. Obviously not buying it. “So..?” I ask. Trying to change the subject. “Who is he?”
I waited..praying he wouldn't question my words. But instead, he gave me his famous look..
That same look..
The look he gives me when I’m asking too many questions. God how much they hated questions. “Well..there’s no hiding the fact that you're in partnership with one of the most successful schools for monsters, so of course he’d be there..” he crossed his arms and his eyes bore into mine. His lip twitched and Marca instantly gripped my arm. Stop..no more questions..
I clench my jaw softly and sigh, tearing my gaze away. Father grunts in approval before continuing on.
“with the school being mentioned..” he began. Changing the subject. Why..? Why won’t you talk about it?
“We have word of you're trial about the matter with that one human boy..” father sat back and crossed his arms. His eyes narrowing down on Marca who slowly balled his fist and lowered his head.
Preparing for the worst. “Unfortunately son..you have a court date..” my heart dropped and my eyes instantly snapped towards Marca who instantly grew pale. His eyes widened and froze to his feet. “W-what? Do we know if he’s okay? L-like if he’ll just be let off with a warning?” I whine looking towards my father who slowly leaned forward.
All tension and annoyance about Theo went out the door. My priority was now directed on Marca.
His angered and hard expression softened and went almost empathetic. “We..don’t know..” he mumbled. “Y-you can do something though right..?” Marca finally spoke up. Looking up at our father. Fear and plead in his eyes. But our father just frowned and eyed him.
After a moment he stood up and crossed the room within a few steps. His old tired eyed scanned my brothers, and we both knew he felt just as terrified..even if he tried to hide it. Marca flinched but leaned into our fathers touch when he lifted two hands. Both gently cupping the side of our faces. I could feel his fear..the rough feeling of his palms were like sandpaper against our skin yet it felt so nice. “I..” he sighs. “I will do the best. I can…b-but..the council..” he began. “They aren’t like humans..” he glanced at me. “They will be much harsher. And what you did..” he paused and looked at Marca who bit the inside of his lip.
It was visible that he truly wanted to cry. Knowing what our father was going to say. “That’s something I simply can’t just…pay off. You hurt a human, my Marca..nearly killed him…with that being said..” he took a deep breath and ran his fingers down to our chin. “I just want you both to know what to expect…now..the alpha will be there..and i'm sure he’d give you a good word..but just to be safe...”
“W-will I..” Marca choked. His voice gave out. Our father eyed him than pulled us into a tight hug. “I will try everything in my power to keep you're position Marca…” Marca buried his face in my fathers neck, muffling a sob.
After a moment of hugging and soft crying, father pulled away. “Now. Back to the task at hand. What’s the real reason you know Theo Thario..?” He walked back up to his desk and sat back. His soft gaze turned hard once more. Marco sniffed and cleared his throat. Pulling himself back together. “We told you why..” I mumble. He squinted and eyed us. He took in a sharp breath. “Let me just say this. Alright?” We both nod. “Theo Thario is a man who doesn’t want to be found. He will eradicate those who do…” he nods. Me and Marco exchange glances. “Than why do you work with him? Why is his picture the first thing that shows up?” Marco grumbled. Father looked his way. “If he’s so dangerous, why put yourself at risk..”
Father just clenched his jaw. “Like I said. You don’t. Want to cross him.” I slowly cross my arms. Father does seem to be rather..serious. I glanced at Marca who clenched his jaw. And we most definitely crossed him by awakening Anwyll “so..father..” he sighed and titled his head. “Yes Enya..”
“Say..you cross him somehow..like you did something he..probably wouldn’t have wanted. What would happen?” Father eyed us. “Well..” he crossed his arms and his legs. His eyes bored into ours, causing us to shuffle our feet uncomfortably. “For starters…depending on the threat of the crime. Murder.” He thinks and nods. “Yup..sums it up. He’ll murder you and everyone you love..” he nods. Both our faces grew pale. “O-oh..” we share a shaky nod. “Splendid..” our father squints than leaned forward.
“Now..if that is all..you are excused..I have work..” We bow and turn, heading to the door. But I stop. Not yet..the paring. I need to ask about the paring..Marca looked my way but I gesture for him to leave. He narrowed
his eyes but I urge him on. with a roll of his eyes, he walked out. I turn and face my father, closing the door behind me as I do.
“Enya..you're still here..” I slowly press my lips together and within a few strides of my boots I was standing in front of his desk. He looked up from his papers. Meeting my eyes. I squeeze my hands together and give him my best smile. “I..have a question..” his eye twitched. “You know how I feel about the questions..-“ I quickly raise my hands in defense. “I know..I know. But I promise this has nothing to do with Theo, or the fighting ring..anything top secret.” He raised a brow before flicking his attention to my palm.
Sensing his eyes, I quickly lower my hand and smile again. “I promise..” I nod. He sighed and rubbed his face before leaning back and against his chair with one loud *thump* “fine..what is it..? And make it quick. I’m busy..” I nod and clear my throat. “Father..y-you know how I turned down the Beta position?” He sighs, putting his hands together. “yes..I do..it caused a rather big ruckus..almost started a pack war at that..” I felt my ears flare with guilt and slight embarrassment. “Y-yes..right..but anyway..the alpha..” I quickly say. “I was told by someone at the pack that the alpha wanted me to be paired with his son..to become his mate..why..?” My father went silent. He than rolled his jaw and tapped the end of the pen.
He didn’t want to tell me..why…”father please..tell me why. It doesn’t make any sense. I’m a beta..” he closes his eyes. But I went on. “I’m not fit to be linked to an Alpha..”
“No..you're not..” he finally said. Opening his eyes. “You're not fit. You're not fit to rule..” he slowly leaned forward. “The alpha wants you because of you're brain and you're ability to manipulate the earth and cause pain at will..” I flinch slightly and felt a burn of what felt like pain..
“So he just wants to use me..? For what I am..?” I hissed. Father just shrugs. “You're a unique child Enya..what did you expect..?” I unwillingly wrinkle my nose as my eyes burn. I blink and look away, slowly rubbing my hands together. “W-well I reject it..I-I’m not doing it..” I quickly say, looking towards my father who had the look of boredom. “You don’t have a say in this matter.” What..??
My father stood up and straightened his suit. He reached across the desk and pulled a glass container holding his bourbon out from a sorting tray and poured himself a cup. “Like I said Enya..you're unique. One of the last there is..an alpha with the ability likes yours and a beta like Marca..?” He shook his head and took a quick sip before sighing and sitting back down.
I watch my father. Unsure what to say. He can’t be serious..can he? I’m only nineteen..! And I’m certainly not his destined mate. So why should I..? Why should I be forced into some mate bond just because of what I am!
As if reading my thoughts, my father crossed his legs and took another sip. His eyes bored into mine once more. “This is what you get for turning down the position, Enya..we warned you it wouldn’t be easy..we warned you there would be repercussions..”
“But why..! I’m a much better hunter than I am Beta..I-I can use my abilities to feed the mouths of our people..! We’d have more food than any other pack..! Why must I be forced into an alpha position-“
“Because Enya..! You had a choice…! To be Beta..! You turned it down..! This is what you get..! You think the Alpha will just..Simply let this go..?” He growled. Waving a hand. “You think he will just let you go..?” I probably looked absolutely crazy.
With bloodshot red eyes, my body fighting the urge to tremble, and my breathing raggedy. I was sure my father thought I was crazy. “Enya..” he tilts his head. “You have a gift..Marca. Has a gift. And with him already being set up to be his Beta - if. He passes his trial..and if he doesn’t he’s going to need you to step up..” all I could do was scoff and shake my head.
He has got to be kidding me. Father sighed and stood up and made his way over to me. “Enya..my dear..” I shake my head but my father just grabbed my arm and turned my chin. “I love you..okay..? But you need to step up..you turned down the Beta position..if the Alpha requests it..you will be partners with the Alpha’s Son..” I growl and look away only to have him jerk my arm. “Enough..!” I snap my eyes his way. “The pack could use you're powers, Enya..we could be safe..don’t you want that..?” He hissed.
I sigh and close my eyes a little. “What happened to Orris..We could prevent that..we can prevent that from happening to anybody else..don’t you want that..? Don’t you want to protect Marca..?” I felt
My whole body burn. “I do..! Of course I do..!”
“Than don’t reject him..!” My father warned.
All I could do was lower my head..”Enya, please..this is your only chance..you’ll be accepted by doing this..” accepted? Accepted by who? You? The alpha? My so called pack? And is that really something I want..? Especially now..?
I glance at him. He was begging me to say yes. “You are the future of this pack..you..and Marca..”
“I’m only nineteen..I haven’t even finished my last year of school..I..I can’t be paired yet..nor can I be Alpha..I know nothing..”
“You have time..a few weeks..maybe days. Maybe more..” he said before turning and walking back to his desk, signaling that the conversation was finished. Letting me know that he no longer wanted to discuss this. “If that is all you are dismissed..” he sat down and went back to writing.
I had nothing to say..I didn’t know what to say. I blink when father didn’t look up, didn’t even look to see if I was okay. I instantly wrap my arms around myself as my bottom lip began to tremble. I blink and look away quickly. I bow my head and quickly walk out.
Why..why why why! I close the door harder than I meant. I saw Marca but I didn’t care..I slowed to a stop. Eyeing him. Why..why..that is all I could ask. That is all I could think of.
I’m never going to be free..! I’m never going to have a choice! I ball and flex my hands, rushing to my room. “Enya..?” Marca hissed. I walk in and immediately punch a pillow. “It’s not fair!!” I shout. “It’s not-“ I quickly close my eyes and take a deep breath, feeling the urge to cry. I felt Marca grip my arms. “Enya what happened..? Hm?” I just shake my head. “I’ll never be free Marca..I’ll never get to choose..!” I whine. He just shook his head. Unsure what I’m talking about. “I’m being forced to be mates with the Alpha’s Son..” Marca tensed. Then he wrinkled his nose. I slowly do the same. “W-Wait..as in Dominic alpha..?..alpha Dominic..” his lip twitch and I scoff knowing he wanted to laugh. “It’s not funny!” I whine, making him break out in laughter.
He waved his hand. “I know I know..sorry. But..why?”
“Why else..?” I blow out and sit down on my bed. I rub my face.
Why..? Why am I sulking? What about Marca..?
I take in a deep breath and look at him. Letting my hands drop. “How are you doing? Hm? How are you holding up?”
“Well..My whole life is a lie..! F-father is a total hypocrite..this whole time he’s been preaching about how..how much he hated vampires..how he’ll never work for one or be around one..how we shouldn’t involve ourselves with this shit..! With them! yet here he is..doing the same exact thing..on top of that! I might lose my position as beta..and we. Might just get killed for the fun of it!” I cup my hands together, letting him rant.
“M-Marca..to be fair..you can’t really blame him for this..you heard what he said-” He scoffed and stalked off before I could finish. “Marca..!” I whine. “The deal still stands, Enya..! we are done!”. I sigh, running my fingers through my hair before squeezing my hands together. Well..that conversation shifted.
“Fuck..” I sigh, leaning back. I understand his frustration though..this isn’t some white lie you can just push under a rug. Our father preached and preached about how much he hated them..vampires. Whenever Marca, our brother, or me wanted to be friends with them our father would just bash us and criticize us..and tell us all these stories about how vampires are horrible deceiving killers.
That they weren’t to be trusted and needed to be killed in sight. He nailed that into Marca’s head..trained him to kill..he swore on our brother's death that he’d never trust a vampire..never put his family in jeopardy when it came to vampires.
So this..this is a huge lie..a huge betrayal for Marca..
I sit in silence for a while. Just going over my thoughts. But..but if he’s willing to lie straight to our face about something like this..? What else is he lying about..? What else could he be hiding?
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