276Please respect copyright.PENANAiOaGGwUJjL
“Enya. Two steps forward and to the left! Go!” On cue, Enya marches forward and turns left, just as a man came rushing forward. She quickly grabbed hold of his wrist and did a quick maneuver so his arm was over her shoulder before yanking. He screamed and we booked it. “Oh my god! What the hell! What the hell, Enya!”
We sprint until we are no longer surrounded by people. “This way..” I lead people to the woods where the group instantly stops. “Stop.” Steph snaps. “What is going on? Why are we here?” She demands. Enya turned her back and I knew she was focusing. Listening, watching.
“I thought we were going out to have fun. Not..whatever this is.” Marie snapped. I sigh, flexing my hands while looking around. “You're right. This isn’t fun. Anwyll..!” I turn to face him. “Can you take them somewhere? Here. My card. The pin is 2543. Take them-“
“Now wait just a minute..! Why are you sending us off with him? We hardly know him..!”
“I-I know. But I trust him.” Sort of. “I promise. Just go with him for a split second, and we’ll be with you before you know it..”
“Marca..” Joe whined. “Please. Guys..please..” I practically beg. If this truly was an assassination that I truly didn’t want our friends around. Especially since Enya and I would have to kill them.
The three of them sighed and slugged away. “Fine. You, stranger. Let’s go. And I swear to god if we don’t get an explanation after this I’m kicking yall’s ass..” both of us raised our arms.
Anwyll’s POV
I sigh and lead them off. I tug at my shirt and adjusted my hood so it was covering my head better. God this sun. “Aren’t you hot?”
“Most definitely..” I mumble glancing up at the sun before sighing and fluffing up my shirt. “Then take it off..”
“No can do..” I mumble looking back to see Enya and Marca withdrawing daggers from underneath their clothes.
I skip a step making me stumble. They turn to look over but I quickly find a way to make them stop. “So what now?” I ask walking into the shade. They shrug as we head back. “Beats us. This place is a town. We only have certain things. A certain number of people..” they wave their hands. “True..say..how big is this town?”
They shrug as we walk further and further away. “Probably holds a thousand people max. A pretty small town surrounded by nothing but forest. With only two roads leading us out and to the world.” The boy Josiah mumbled. “Why?”
“How many schools are here?” They all wrinkle their nose confused.
I shrug. What? While I’m here I might as well gather as much information as I can get. I mean..the twins are pretty occupied with dealing with a potential hit. “I mean..three..? Maybe four. Like I said. A pretty small town.”
“Any with a Phoenix?” I ask quickly. “A Phoenix for a mascot?” They shook their heads. “No, why? What’s with the questions?” Marie asked. I shrug. “Just curious..I haven’t been here in a while that’s all..” they eyed me and I sigh and rub my hands up and down my legs. Damn it was hot!
“I left town a while ago. I just recently came back..so I’m trying to get a feel of everything..” it wasn’t a complete lie..I left. Just didn’t say how. Joe sighs and leaps onto a fallen branch. “Alright..fine. To answer you're question..no. No bird. We have a fish, a cat, a wolf, and a dragon. But no bird. Just you're average, common mascots..” hm..interesting. So no school with a Phoenix. “Okay..” I said slowly. “Two more questions and that’s it..” Stephenie says.
I nod. “That building. The building far into the woods. Do you know what it is?” All three raised a brow. “You mean that haunted house? Of course we know what it is. It’s the towns most iconic thing.” I give her a puzzled look. She scoffed. “Seriously? You haven’t heard the rumors?” She smiled.
“Wow..you sure have been gone long..” she giggled. “Everyone knows not to go there..”
“Why?” I ask. “Because. It’s haunted. Anyone who’s ever attempted to go scope it out has never once come back. They’ve all disappeared. And! Those who’ve gone and managed to come back, just say ballistic things. Nonsense. They lose their minds!” I slowly cross my arms. Is that so..”what do they say..?” I ask carefully.
“One guy who came out, came out crazy. He said the house changed. He cut his hand on some doorknob and the whole house went from being run down to being beautiful..he said he was attacked by some monster.” Josiah shook his head.
I slowly lean back against a tree. So..a cloaked house. A house who changed by blood. I would say its a classic vampire trick but I wouldn’t be so sure. Many monsters use such techniques. But this..this is interesting.
“And nobody knows what that house is..”
“Like you said. A house.” Josiah says again. “Those who went in - the majority of them were investigators. Haunted or abandoned house explorers. You name it. Those who came out. Only a few. Some explorers, some investigators. But all of them lost their minds. But they all said that it looked to be some kind of ancient building. With old rooms and pictures. Some said it could’ve been a fancy hotel..”
A hotel..doubt it. “What do you guys think?” They all shared a sigh. “I think it could’ve been some kind of mansion. Housing some well off family or whatever.” Stephanie nods. “Who later got murdered by some creep. But. Who knows.” She shrugs. I give her a half smile before looking at this Joe fella.
He was smart. “What about you?” He gestured to Steph. “Same. Some rich person's house. Who could’ve cursed it to scare people away from their gold..” I smile a little more at that. “And you?” I looked at Marie who looked bored. “Maybe some old meth meetup. Or like some mafia house. Thinking of the mafia.” Her eyes lit up. “Tell us. What’s their deal?”
“Who?” We go back to walking. “The twins..” she says in a duh tone. “Look. I love them. I do. But they're just so..sketchy with it all. Creepy too. Like..watching them beat someone up, that we've gotten used to. But when Marca first curbed the guy and now Brian..” they all go silent. “Who’s Brian?” I ask. They press their lips together as if they were about to reveal some huge secret.
Marie sighed. “Brian is some asshole who kept harassing Enya. He kept trying to get into her pants and kept harassing Marca. Whenever he got the chance he would deliberately target them and try to make their life a living hell.
As well as anyone in his radius. He bullied everyone. But - of course the twins being the twins. Pushed back ten times harder..” she explained. “And so, they began to rival each other. And than..than he smashed his face in..” Steph mumbled. I look between them. They all had a look of discomfort.
It was clear they didn’t know about them being werewolves. I look away, rubbing my hands together. I look towards Joe.
He looked the most uncomfortable. “You..you like Marca..” his eyes widened and his face flushed. “E-Exuse me?” The girls giggle and tilt their heads. “He’s you're freind. You like him..what do you think is going on?” He nods, looking away. “Oh right..” he mumbled. “I think they just got a busy life.”
“Bull. Shit.” Marie sighs. “We think they're in some kind of gang. Or like..a mafia..it would make sense. The violence, the secrets..” I press my lips together. They all turn to look at me and I just look away.
Why did I have to open my mouth? Hm? A fucking mafia..? I mean in a way it is. But that’s not it. “So. Anwyll. What is it? What are they?” I glance at them. I shrug. “Definitely not a gang..”
“A mafia?”
“No.” I say shortly. “Then what?” I just shrug. “Not for me to say..” two of them narrowed their eyes. Joe just sighs. “Whatever. Whatever it is I’m sure they’ll tell us with time.” I give him a soft nod. “What’s you're last question?” He asked. “Do you know anyone named Theo?”
Enya’s POV
I slowly turn, scanning the background. “So. Why do you think they're after us..?” Marca mumbled, flipping his blade between his fingers. I shrug. “I don’t know..we haven’t had a hit on us in ages..so I’m not entirely sure..”
“That’s because it’s not for you..” we spin around to face two of the five. Both of them dressed in full black camouflage. We instantly get into battle position. “Who are you? Why are you following us..?” The female stepped forward. “We’re not here for you. We’re here for the boy.”
The boy..? What..my heart dropped. Oh no…no no no..! “Marca..!” He turned and booked it in the direction Anwyll had left. “Oh no you don’t!” The guy sneered, chucking what looked to be throwing knives. “Marca watch out!” I cry, making a dart for him only to get body slammed into a tree. “Enya!” Marca shouts as my head makes contact with the tree, not only causing my skull to erupt in an enormous amount of pain, but also causing my vision to blank out.
Shit…so much for staying on guards..all those years of fight training gone to waste. I sigh painfully, raising a hand to the side of my head where I gently press my palm against it. Trying to ease the pain while I blink repeatedly.
“Get the fuck off me!” I hazily look up as I stumble to my feet. Clawing and grasping to the tree. Finally, my vision returned. And the first thing i saw was Marca being pinned up like a rag doll. “Stay. We’re not here for you..! So if you let us do our job you both can go free unscathed..” I smirk glancing at the girl who’s beady eyes never left me.
I give her a stink face. “Unscathed hm.” I turn to face her. She instantly went into battle position and I look her over while fixing my grip on my knives. “Why. Why are you after him? How did you know he was here..?” They say nothing.
Of course..why would they tell me. They have no reason to tell me anything. I glanced over at Marca who was still struggling to get free. I clenched my jaw and felt my eyes flicker. “Let me go! Let me go right now!” Marca spat, catching the attention of the girl.
She looked away for a millisecond. It was fast - but not fast enough. I threw my hands up. “Marca! Look away!” I shout, creating a blinding light. Both of them screamed, dropping their weapons and stumbling back blindly. “You evil bitch! What did you do!” The woman in front of me screamed. I scream, tackling her to the floor where I don’t hesitate to pin her using vines.
The woman screamed and thrashed underneath me as I focus on my next target. I focus and snap my neck sideways. The man guarding Marca let out a blood curdling scream as he dropped to the floor, holding his leg. “What the fuck!!” They both scream.
I quickly sprint to Marca, freeing him. “Warn Anwyll..”
“On it.” He turned away and focused. I take a deep breath ignoring the two. “What the fuck! What the fuck! They didn’t tell us you two freaks had powers!” The man sobbed. “Shut the fuck up jj!” The woman demands.
I flex my hands as soon as they begin to twitch. I turn to face them. “Say that again?” I ask calmly.
Who? Who told them? “Jj, shut it!” I glance between the two. I then smiled walking his way. He cursed and scrambled back. “Oh no you don’t..” I grab him just as Marca began walking over. “Thankfully. He didn’t walk to far. He got my message.”
“Are they safe?”
“I’m not sure. He said, ok..” okay? That’s it?? No, okay we’re heading out of the forest. Or. Shit. We saw them. We’re running for our lives?
I grit my teeth then sigh. “Whatever. Right now we need to figure out what to do with them..” Marca cracked his knuckles. “I say we get rid of them..” I raise a hand. “Not yet. We don’t kill our own unless it’s necessary. Plus.
We still don’t know who sent them, why they sent them..and how they knew about him..” I had a very strong feeling I knew the answer to all three of those things. Especially the who part. But until we get clarification I would rather not jump to any conclusions.
Marca grabbed my arm and pulled me back a few steps. “Don't tell me you think it was our parents..”
“Marca..stay out of my head-“
“Tell me.” He demands quickly. “Let me out you bitch!” The female screamed. With a wave of my hand I had a vine wrap around her mouth. “Fine. I do. But can you really blame me? Especially after everything? After this? After orris? Plus. Think about it.” I turn to face the two.
“They know about Anwyll. Nobody else does. They knew exactly where we were, and to top it all off.” I point to the guy who tried to wiggle away. Marca marched over and slammed his foot into his leg making him scream and sob. I fight the urge to wince. “Come on man!”
“Stay. Here!” He snarled. “They knew about our powers, Marca. Nobody knows about that. Only our parents. And like..a section of our pack. So, who could tell them. And how did they know it was us?”
“Their assassins, Enya..! Literally anyone could have that information!” He shot back. I just wave him off while walking back over to the girl. “Well I guess we’ll find out..”
“Why?! Why are you so determined to make our parents the bad guy!”
“I’m not!” She whined. “You are..! Ever since you met Anwyll you’ve done nothing but turn our parents into the bad guy!” I just wave him off. “Why Enya..! Why!”
“Because none of it makes sense, Marca..! Like I said a million times..! Why did they stop us from investigating orri’s death? Why have they been spying? Who did mom run to…why keep- you know? I-it doesn’t make any sense..!” Marca just shook his head. “This is what this is about? Orris?” I felt my cheeks burn with annoyance at the way he said his name.
“Give it up, Enya! Seriously! Give it up!” He snapped. What..? “Look. He got murdered. I get it. He was my brother too..! But our parents said it was a cold case..! Our parents were the ones to comfort us! They tried to find him! They tried. They even told us and helped us through it. Okay? Just please. Give it up!” He urged.
He can’t be serious..give it up? Give..I grab her hand. Tears brimming at my eyes. How can I just give it up?!
Yes. Our parents were there for us. FOR TWO. FUCKING DAYS!! They stayed home to watch us. Then they left. Left for five days. FIVE. They threw his death under the rug after that. Acted like it didn’t happen.
Neither of us had any time to process his death. To Grieve. We never got the chance to even question or investigate his death. So yes. I’m starting to question things. Is it because of Anwyll? Maybe. Maybe he inspired me to actually give a fuck and try.
Maybe he opened my eyes to something. And maybe. Just maybe. He’s onto something, seeing something that we’re so blind to see. I love my parents. I do. There’s just so much that I don’t know. So much that they are not telling us.
And I refuse to continue to be blind. Especially when we’re uncovering so many lies..so many things that looked as if they or someone tried desperately to hide. “You're not an investigator, Enya.” Marca hissed. “You serve this pack. And this pack only..” I roll my eyes and drop her where I continue to tie her hands up. “You sound like the alpha.”
“Well maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe I’m tired of being dragged around endlessly. For fucks sake you're following a fucking vampire. You're turning against our parents! You're a fucking traitor..!” He spat. I drop her with a thud. She winced.
I spin towards Marca. “Oh really. Is that so?”
“Yes! It is!”
“well maybe if they haven’t lied, Marca! Maybe if they grew some fucking balls and told us the truth! The truth about us! Maybe if they fucking told us what the hell is wrong with us instead of dismissing everything!” I yell back. “Y-you know you're so fucking blind to the fact that their not so great!” I snap back. “The hell are you talking about?” He snarled, shoving me.
I shove him back twice as hard. “Our parents, you idiot..! They fucking left us!” I ball my fist. “They fucking left us when he died! H-how can you see past that? They left when we needed them the most..! They called us fucking crazy for wanting to investigate..! Called us needy for wanting to grieve!
They called us insane when we began to question how we got our powers..tell me Marca have you not once..not once considered why we have what we have? Have you not once considered that we’re not what we’re led to believe?” I hiss angrily. Blinking back tears that desperately wanted to fall. shaking my head.
“We are literally the only fucking werewolves with shit like ours. Nobody else has powers like ours and you're not even the slightest bit curious as to why?” I add sharply.
“And don’t get me started on the fact that we’re not even allowed to ask questions..they slander and shame us if we do. They question o-our love for them”
“Why? So you can go back to pretending everything’s perfect?! Well guess what! It’s not!” I laugh. “Fuck I’m tired Marca..I’m tired of it.
For the first time in forever I’m finally getting fucking awnsers. And if it has to come from a vampire than so be it..call me a traitor.” I turn and storm back over where I tie her feet together. I than March to the guy who whimpered and tried to army crawl away.
I drag him back and tie him up. “I’m not. Helping you with this Enya.”
“I don’t remember asking.” I snap. “I want answers.” I look at him. “Tell me Marca. Push orris, and you're faith in our parents aside and truly tell me. Do you ever remember going to school? To kindergarten?” I question. “To middle school..?” He tensed and I tilt my head slightly. “No? What about childhood friends..memories.” I raise a hand. “And I don’t mean Joshua. Anyone else” his lips parted softly but I knew he had nothing.
“Hm..and yet somehow. Our whole childhood years are posted in some book. A book that was placed in some old vampire building..” I say lowly. I raise a brow a second. “Hm..” i turn away and crouched in front of the girl.
“Ain’t it strange that we can’t remember anything, Marca..? Especially when our parents have photos of us in our middle school years posted on their walls..?”
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