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Violet just stood there..yet they acted as if they didn’t see her. “Where’d they go!”
“Split up!” I glance her way to see tears. Her hand began to tremble followed by her breathing.
Once in the clear I slowly remove my hand and hold onto her arm to keep her up. “Enya I’m sorry..I’m so sorry..I didn’t know-“
“Stop..” she quickly mumbled. She wipe her eyes. “If we’re going to break in, than let’s do it and do it fast. If not. Than let’s leave. The quicker I can get out of here the better.” She began to climb down.
I bit the inside of my lip. I mess up my hair and sigh jumping down. Way to go butthead. I slap my forehead before following her. “So..any plans..?” She crossed her arms. “Yes but you may not like it..” she slowly turned to me with her brows raised.
“The way I got in was from there.” I point to a tower. “How the hell am I supposed to get up there..? I can’t jump as high as you..”
“I know..” I offer my hand. She wrinkled her nose slightly and I just smiled. “Trust me..” she laughed. “Oh please..” I tilt my head. “Please..?” She glared. Than sighed, slapping her hand in mind. “If I die here, I will come find you in my next life and Kill you..” I chuckle and nod leading her to my little spy area. “Alright, here's the plan..” I look at Violet. “Bye…” I watch in disbelief as she jumped over the fence and on the roof where she waited patiently.
“How is it that nobody is able to see her?” Enya whispered. I just sigh. “Maybe they don’t care..” I look at her before shrugging. “I mean..come on..they hurt her..” I mumble looking back. “They hurt my sister..”
“And someone hurt my brother..” I look at her. She looked me over. “We can get revenge together..” she raised a hand towards mine before deciding to just pat it. I smile a little before chuckling and patting her hand back. “Let’s get ourselves some revenge..” I look back over and nod quickly standing up. “Alright. Let’s go..” I gently take her hand and wrap her arms around me. “What-“
“Hold on tight and don’t let go or you’ll fall..” she nods quickly and I hold onto her with one hand and i take a few steps back.
Than…I run and jump. She gasped and I grit my teeth as her claws dug into the side of my neck. “Chill..! Chill!” I groan quickly, grabbing onto the railing and heaving myself over. She quickly scrambled off and raised both hands. “What are you doing?” I hiss, trying for the door. “I’m trying to focus! I’m causing temporary blindness so they can’t see! so hurry up!”
As much as I wanted to ask her how she was doing this, I knew I needed to focus. I grit my teeth before hearing a loud click. I stumble back, expecting to see a gaurd. But instead it was Violet. “Hurry..! Come in!” I grab Enya and pull her in, shutting the door as I do. “How-“
“Look. I don’t know. Okay? Stop asking me..I don’t understand why I can do what I can do, and to be frank, I never asked..!” Enya insists, quickly shutting me down.
I just raise my hands in an act of surrender. “So..I suppose we made it inside?” I nod and sigh, airing myself out. My clothes stuck to my skin, it felt hot. She glanced my way and with a quick flick of her hand I felt a rush of cold air, biting my skin to the point of where I felt it prick. I sigh with relief. “Thank you..that sun is really killing me..” she shrugs, heading downstairs. “Well..let’s see if we can find a sun ring in here..”
“You certainly are one interesting person..”
“Why thank you.” She pips in an innocent way. I shake my head smiling. I sigh looking around as we walk. “So, Violet..” Violet raised her head. “How come the guards don’t pay any mind to you?” She said nothing. “Violet-“
“I can’t talk about it.” She looked at me. “Ask me another question..” I blow air into my cheeks.
“Alright..” I pause to peer through a doorway. “Enya..” I begin. “What? Violet said ask her. Not me.”
“True, but I’d like to know about you..” I motion them inside. We creep down the hall. I ignored how Enya slowly circled as she walked. “What now?” I smile a little. “Tell me..tell me more about you're history..” I glanced at her as Violet led us down a few halls.
Enya just sighed. “Why? What about me makes me so interesting to the point of where you need to know more..?”
“Because..” I begin. “I have a feeling - that based off of you're ‘dream’ and my on and off memories, that we know each other more than we like to admit..” we follow Violet into an office where she quickly shuts the door behind her. “What are we doing here?”
“There's a library behind those doors.” She gestures to the double wooden doors. “That is where you should start..” I start to head over. “Wait-“ Enya grabs my arm. “How do we know if it’s empty..” I look around for a moment. She was right.
As much as I know I could trust Violet, I don't trust this place. We don’t know who could be lurking here. I press my lips together and trot to the desk where I pull a pen from a notebook.
I click it and raise it to my chest. I look over to see Enya withdrawing her dagger. She smiled and bowed. “Better equipped.” I scoff playfully but push on. She tailed behind me. I side step and raise a hand to the handle. She quickly got to the other side with Violet by her side.
She nods and I throw the door open. We barge in, ready to dismantle anyone if needed. I look her way and made a gesture to search the area. She nods and we split up.
Enya’s POV
I silently tip toe around. Keeping my ears and eyes sharp at all times. This place..it was huge. The outside definitely didn’t do it any favors. The place was riddled with books and buckets of what looked like scrolls.
Old paintings and banisters hung from every wall, the windows looked clean and well kept too..it honestly looked amazing, one would think an elf stayed here rather than a vampire. I keep creeping. Keeping an eye on Anwyll and Violet as well. I needed to be sure that no one got ambushed. I don’t know why this was the first place she took us, she said it could help..
But I don’t understand how. I pause to look at a few books. None of these were history books. - well..maybe a few. But the majority of these were filled with fantasy and horror stories. Stuff like that. I shake my head and slide a book named ‘shadow and bone’
I couldn’t help but smile. Probably one
of my favorite series..I even watched the show. But the way the last season ended,
Season three, it broke my heart and shocked me.
I let out a soft gasp as my head began to spiral. I stumble as the World around me began to spin and shake. No..! I raise a trembling hand to my face. I couldn’t breath..
I began to gasp for air. There was a sound of feet rushing up the stairs. Anwyll? But I couldn’t pay attention..it was happening again..why?! What the hell is going on with me!
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I gasp as a gush of wind flew into my lungs. I drank in a few gasps and blinked to try and gather my bearings. “I-I’m okay..I’m-“ no..I was alone..
“Anwyll! Violet!” I call, staggering to my feet where I use the bookcase to balance myself. Where..
I trail off at the sight of the doors opening. I curse and quickly hide behind a bookcase. “Enya..! There you are..I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
Is that..I slowly peer out. Anwyll? No..but he looked..younger. I keep watching. He had on a suit. The same suit as the others. The workers. Black and all. His ears were stabbed with black rubies and his hair cut short. I follow him to a nearby window where I saw..me?
I slowly creep down the isle. Using the book shelves as cover. Why was I here? “Whatchu reading?” I watch with wonder as Anwyll leaned up against the window seal. I - or..a lookalike. There was no way that could be.
Looked up at him. She smiled. “Shadow and bone of course..!” Definitely not me. I don’t talk like that. “Ugh. Again? That series is so lame..!” She just rolled her eyes and waved him off only to have him take her hand and give it a soft kiss. Where he continued to quote a line..I suppose her favorite line. The same exact line that I love..from a book I’ve read thousands of times..
“I will have you without armor. Kaz brekker. Or I will not have you at all”
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I jerk awake at the feeling of being shoved. I blink but do not move. You have got to be kidding me. “You passed out..again..” Anwyll mumbled. I just stare at the ceiling. “I will have you without you're armor Kaz Brekker”
“Or I will not have you at all..” Anwyll mumbled. My eyes slowly glide over to him. He took in a soft sigh. He than rubbed his eyes. “Y-yeah..you and me both..” he gestured to the window where he slowly helped me up. “I saw something too..” he mumbled.
I just stood there puzzled and numb. My head still rang from what just occurred. It couldn’t have been me..it just couldn’t have! “Still think these are just dreams?” I slowly look over to meet his eyes. I don’t say anything at first. I wanted to say no..because deep down I knew they weren’t. But I suppose I'm not there yet. I don’t believe it.
“What happened just now means nothing..just a coincidence..” I blurt. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You Have got to be kidding me..you're so stubborn..!” He hissed. I felt my cheeks flair and I growl softly while shoving my dagger into its holder. “Let’s just keep looking around.” I storm away.
“Sooner or later your going to have to admit that you forgot things too Enya..! You can’t look me in the eye and not tell me that things haven’t been making sense to you..? First you're powers..than this
deal with Theo? ..the rules? You're parents!”
“Do not! Bring my parents into this!” I snarl spinning his way. He shook his head. “What is with you? Seriously? Why is it so hard for you to believe that there could be something going on..? That there’s something that their not telling you..?” He snapped defensively. “You don’t think it’s weird that your randomly having these memories? That you're starting to see things differently?”
“Oh? Like you..?” I shot back. He paused. I felt my cheeks flair. Ouch..
Violet blew out and slowly inches away. “Exuse me?” He narrowed his eyes. “What? Am I wrong?” I question crossing my arms. “You break into my room,” he rolled his eyes groaning. “You follow me, and now you're like a tick. Never leaving me be.
You put on this whole sharade about how you lost you're memory and how you're so desperate for help yet not once! Not once! Have I seen you try and figure shit out on you're own!”
“Oh and you have!” He roared, balling his fist. “Exuse me?!” I snarl, feeling my fingers twitch.
“You said you're parents refused to investigate you're brothers death, you said. That they forced you to stop. So what did you do? Just give up? Did his death not mean anything to you? Aren’t you curious to know who did it?!” I flinch and felt my body burn with rage. “How dare you!” I scream.
“No, how dare you! I asked for you're help! I’m at least making an effort to find a solution to a problem! But do you honostly think that I would come to you if I even wanted to?!” He spat. I open my mouth to spit back before stumbling when the ground beneath my feet began to shake. Violet quickly clung into something. “I don’t necessarily need you!”
“Than do it on you're own! Why bring me here if you don’t even need me!” I shout stumbling over to the desk where Violet was standing. “Because I wanted to show you violet!” He whined. I look at him. “I..I was so happy and excited to remember my sister so I just wanted to show you!” He snarled.
My rage stopped just as fast as it had come. What? He scoffed and shook his head. “I don’t get you..one moment you're so nice to me and the next you're a..a jerk!” I try to ignore what he wanted to say.
“Look I get it. We’re two completely different species. Ones that were destined to destroy each other. But you said so yourself that you didn’t want to be like them..!” He whined throwing a hand out.
I close my eyes and look away while clenching my jaw. “So why? Why are you like this..? I get it. What I did was wrong. And I apologize for that. I should’ve never approached you the way I did. And I apologized for it over, and over..yet you still hate me..!” He continued.
I shake my head. “It’s more than that Anwyll..! Yes, you apologized for it..but that doesn’t just fix things..! It’s creepy..!” I blurt. His face flushed and he looked down. I close my mouth and sigh. I mess up my hair and pace back and forth a few steps. “L-look..” I take a deep breath. “I’m going to be honest with you..” I spin to face him. “You scare me..” he glanced up at me.
“You scare me..” I say again. “I don’t like the fact that you snuck into my room. I don’t like the fact that you followed me. And I certainly don’t like the fact that you put you're hands on my brother.” I lay it out simply and honestly. “I don’t like how I hardly know anything about you yet here I am following you into enemy territory.
I don’t like how I feel like I can trust you with anything..how I feel so safe by you..” I draw out a sigh but I go on. “But most of all I don’t like how I’m able to just completely let down my gaurd around you. In fact I hate it” I growl. He lowered his head a little.
“You scare me Anwyll..and I don't know why. Hell I don't know I’m starting to see things. These..visions..” I can’t believe I just admitted to them being visions. He lifted his head where he opened and close his mouth. He sighed and slowly dug his hands into his pockets. “Is this the truth? Do you honestly hate me?” I felt my eyes burn. He couldn’t seriously be asking me that..
“Tell me.” He demands. “Why?”
“Because I need to hear it..” he shrugged. “Hearing because if you truly do, then I’ll call it..” he nods. He itches the side of his jaw. “You know you really are one confusing girl. I admit. I’ve done some shitty things. Things that seem normal to me but are clearly not to you..and for that I apologize..” he nods. “But nonetheless you are confusing in so many ways..”
“How.” I shot out, crossing my arms.
He slowly close the space between us. But I just stood my ground. No way was I letting him win. “Nothing about you makes sense Enya..not one bit..same as Marca..but we’re not talking about him..are we?” He asked calmly. Not a single ounce of emotion in his voice. I hold his gaze. He stopped face to face to me. Any closer and we’d be touching.
“Tell me something..okay? It can even be a short answer. But why..why don’t you want to believe me? Why don’t you want to entertain the fact that these can be me memories..”
“Because I can’t!” I blurt. No..Enya don’t. You’ve been open and more than willing to talk..no more. No more being weak..please. I silently beg myself. But I was tired. I was tired of holding so much in..
“Because if I were to believe it than that meant that I’d have to believe that my parents are indeed hiding something from me..I can’t..” I pause. I sigh softly. I close my eyes, hating myself for admitting something like this. “I feel like something is wrong Anwyll. Marca and I..we feel like we can’t trust them..and if I were to say yes. That I believe you..that I believe these things on which I’ve been seeing..” I open my eyes and shake my head.
“I already lost trust in them when they stopped me from investigating my brother's death…I’m already losing more trust in them now..with the lie about Theo? The secrets behind the fighting ring, all of it.
This..this just confirms it..” I mumble. He slowly tilts his head. His eyes looked over my face. He was doing it again. “Why do you do that..stare at me like that..” he said nothing for a while. “I’m trying to figure you out..that’s all..”
“You're anger..” he began. “I get that werewolves are naturally angry but you..” he sucked his teeth. “You're abnormally angry..too angry..and your powers..” he looked harder. And at this point I began to feel uncomfortable.
“Why are you remembering things..? Hm? Why have we seen each other before..from where?” He whispered. “Guys. I’ve found something!” I slowly look towards Violet. I glance at Anwyll one last time and walk over. She was looking through some book. It was fairly small but it looked ruined. Almost as if someone tried to destroy it.
I rub my hands over the pages before flipping to the cover where my eyes narrowed at the cover. The box was completely black. The only color was a red symbol in the shape of a giant beautiful bird. “Wait..” I look up to Anwyll. “I’ve seen that symbol..!” He moved to my side. “Where?” I mumble. “I…I can’t remember..b-but it’s a phoenix!” My eyes widened. “This is a Phoenix Enya…!”315Please respect copyright.PENANAEpS2Nr707d
“I found it in the far back in a high shelf!”
She beamed proudly. I smile at her before looking down. It was a school photo. I wrinkle my brows a bit confused before noticing something..odd. There in the photo stood me, Marca..Orris..and Anwyll.
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