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I slow to a stop and dust my hands off. Enya doesn't really live that far from the city. They live in an excluded community a few hours away. I wonder what it’s like getting to school. Of if their school is even near her. I quickly stop. No..no! Enough. I huff. Enya betrayed you.
She lied to you're freaking face! And..! She allowed them to kick you out! I nod pacing a bit. Plus. Her parents are weird. The moment I laid eyes on them I heard ‘liar’ and that doesn’t happen very often. So..the whole family is weird. I nod and look around.
So. Now that that’s settled..let’s eat. I start walking. Trying to stay in as much shade as possible. And thankfully, the city provided lots of shade thanks to their huge buildings and fake trees. The city also provides delicious food. I stared at everyone who walked my way. I blink, changing my red eyes to a more..human eye color. Really the first color I saw on a person. Brown. I slide my hands into my hoodie pockets and look for my pick. I sniff this way and that.
Most of them smelt absolutely delicious. Others..smelt horrible and filled with toxins such as cigarettes and alcohol. Some more than others. I remember not liking their blood. It makes them taste stale, salty, bitter and just overall disgusting. Than I smelt it..someone who smelt..sweet. I sniff and close my eyes before opening them. Delicious. I follow them. Middle aged, early twenties. Healthy. Perfect for me.
I follow her into a store where I stalk astound..tailing her. She of course noticed me after a few minutes. my heart jumped with joy. I narrow my eyes on her. She clutched her bag and I tilt my head and marched over.
She turned and gasped, probably about to scream for help, but I make her go quiet. “Shh..” her mouth flew close her eyes glazed over, turning a bright red. Good..”follow me.” She lifted a hand numbly and I take it only to get stopped by another customer. I sigh annoyed. “Let us by” the guy instantly slumped. His eyes too turned red. “Have a good day sir..” I give him a fake smile. “Of course..” I pull her out.
She sagged behind me and I sigh tilting my head as we walk. I forgot how numb and zombie-like they get. I turned to her. “Where’s your car?” Her head slumped into a tilt. “Car..” she mumbled. “Yes. Vroom vroom? I need to get out of the sun so I can enjoy your delicious taste..” I grin tilting her head to eye her neck.
I run a finger down to her jugular. “Where. Is. You're. Car?” She stumbled away and I followed her. Once we get to her car I let her in first before I hopped in. “Alright. This is how it’s gonna go..I’m gonna eat. I won’t take a lot because you're so young but I will take enough to make me feel full..I’ll try not to make it hurt..okay?” She nodded numbly. I press my lips together eyeing her.
I just sat there..staring at her. Watching her. My brain went fuzzy. She didn’t speak. She just swayed side to side. I felt my gut swirl. I..didn’t like it. “Stop swaying..” she instantly stopped. That made it worse. I turn her head to face me.
Her eyes looked..dead. I felt sick. Her blood no longer felt sweet..I didn’t want it. - no. I quickly turn away and pat my cheeks. Enough. I need to eat. I'm a vampire. Feeding on humans is what I do. I take a deep breath and slowly close my eyes.
Good..I tell myself. Take a deep breath..take in her scent. I do as told. I shiver at her smell. So sweet…now..take a bite. Just don’t look..you look and you won’t want it..I felt my fangs sprout, I had to readjust my lips to make it more comfortable. “Put you're wrist in front of me please..do it quietly..” I instruct.
I don’t want to hurt you..I really don’t..but I’m so so hungry. I flinch than felt myself drool at the sound of her rushing blood. Oh god..her blood. I just sit there, listening to her heart pumping blood until I just couldn’t take it anymore.
I grab her wrist and try to be gentle. I really did. But I was so, so hungry.
I could literally feel my body grow stronger and faster with each gulp..I could feel her warm metallic blood running down the sides of my face and down my throat and that only encouraged me. I let out a growl, and squeezed her arm as I dig my fangs in deeper. I only stopped when I heard a shout for help.
I pull away, panting and covered in blood. I squint and sniff the air but all I could smell was her delicious blood. I look over and nearly curse, dropping her arm. “S-shit! I took too much..!” I quickly bite my wrist and press it against her lips. She was pale and slumped. Please don’t die. I rather not have you have my blood in you're system and than die. I pull my arm away and sit with her until I was sure she’d be okay.
Every now and then I’d tap the side of her face and pull her up to make sure she was awake and not dead. I sigh, wiping the last bit of blood off my face using some wipes I found in her car. “If I were you..I’d get this all steam cleaned or something.” I nod, gesturing to the now bloody carpet and seats. I toss the last wipe and shrug off my bloodied clothes. “Don't look..” I turn her head away and poke around her car, hoping for some extra clothes. But. To no avail. “Damnit..”’
Well I’m not putting the dirty stuff back on. I sigh and turn to face her. “Alright. As soon as I leave, you are free to go.” I rip off a clean piece of my shirt and tie it around her wrist. I than clean up her arm with the last bit of wipes. “Don't call anybody and just get rid of all the blood as soon as you can okay? I’m sorry. But you were too delicious to pass up. Try not to die until tomorrow. Please? As soon as I leave this car you’ll be free from my trance” and with that, I was gone and out of sight.
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Marca’s POV
I sigh, flipping through my paper work - well..a copy of my father’s paperwork. I lean back. This is part of my Beta training, trying to solve and do the paperwork just like him. Lots of math, lots of sorting and writing. I rub my eyes, looking over the papers before noticing the pack count. I narrow my eyes and pick up the paper, reading it over. Hm..we are interestingly low. W-wait..no...not just low..these numbers don't add up..this list holds far more names than we have. 251Please respect copyright.PENANApJn55b90M5
granted..we do have a fairly large pack..but this? this number..? where are these people coming from?
“Marca..” I quickly looked up to my father walking in with two men. Worry and stress were written all over his face. “It’s time..” my heart dropped and I felt my throat squeeze. S-shit..
My eyes darted around the room as I slowly set down my papers. “W-when..?”
“Tomorrow morning. Bright and early..” he nods softly. I suddenly couldn’t breathe. “Oh..um..” my eyes dart down to the table. I take a deep breath. “Okay..I’ll be ready..” I look up at him. Trying to stop the urge to freak out. His eyes scanned me, testing me. I just shrug. He sighed softly. “You’ll be okay..you're strong. We’ll get over this..” and with that he turned and walked out. I squeeze my eyes shut the moment the door close. Fuck. Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! I shoot from my chair and kick the desk over and over, my stomach as well my chest burning with pain and fear. Fuck! I whine, pacing back and forth flexing my fingers.
“Hey! Breathe..” I quickly stop when Josiah’s voice popped into my breath. I quickly close my eyes as soon as they weld with tears. “You got this Marcy..just breathe..” breathe..he always told me to breathe..especially when I get like this..so…”breathe..” I told myself. I take a slow deep breath in, than a slow breath out. Once I felt calm enough I felt like I needed to hear his voice. I sit and dial his number. My heart raced with anticipation, I could already feel myself smiling. “Marcy..! What’s up? How are you feeling?” I take in a slow breath and he sucked his teeth in a knowing way. “That bad hm..?”
Me: “y-yeah..but it’ll be okay..! I-“
Josiah: “no..Marca..I know what you're gonna do..talk to me, what’s wrong..? I haven’t heard from you in a while. So I want to get the troubles out of the way..” he insisted. I frown a little. Oh joe…that is his way of clearing the air..first we talk about the moody bad stuff just to get it out of the way..so the rest of the phone call is full of joy and pure vibes. I smile a little, feeling myself tear up. Fuck I miss him.
Me: “fine, fine. It’s just..my hearing is tomorrow..” radio silence. My heart instantly felt sick. “Josiah..?-“
“Is it bad..?” He finally mumbled. It was clear he was trying to hide his fear..but me being me..it was clear as day. I let out a nervous sigh. Ohh..it’s bad. Me, a werewolf. Son of a beta nearly killing a human boy. It’s bad. I bet you a hundred bucks the first thing their gonna tell me is how disappointed they are..and how as the son of a beta I should know better than to lay my hands on a human like that. But of course..he can’t know that. “I..I think so..” i finally whispered. He let out a quick sigh than I heard some rustling. “Joey..?”
“I-I’m alright..just..worried…do you think they’ll take it easy on you..? I mean this is you're first offense right..?” I wince. Oh sure..I mean..me and Enya totally didn’t start a trash fire before..or start at least four brutal fights..
Me: “I hope so..” was all I could say. He sucked his teeth before clearing his throat. “Would I be able to come..? Y-you know..as support? Maybe if they let me on the stand I can defend you…! I can bring the others too..a-and we can all let them know that you're not a danger..that this was a one time thing-“
“And that it was an accident..! You were just-“ he continued. My stomach swirled and I felt the tears rushing back. “No. Josiah you can’t..!” I quickly snap. I pull the phone away as I look away, clenching my jaw a few times. Fuck..I mess up my hair with the other hand before sniffing silently and bringing it back to my ear. “You can’t Joey..this..this is different..this is a..close hearing..”
“So..meaning only certain people can come..” certain meaning only werewolves, family members and those of the mystical council. “Well than I’ll show up uninvited..I’ll bug them until they let me in..” he insisted. I can’t help but crack a smile. I look down at my lap. “Oh you will hm..?”
“Yes. You know I will..I’ll write your name on my back and hold a giant poster with you're face on it…” I chuckle and sniff looking away. “Fuck..that’s embarrassing..I-I know you would though..” he chuckled too. We sat in silence for a while. I sigh softly. “I want to see you Marcy..a-and Enya..” he quickly added. “If all things go wrong I want to be there..to let you know that I’m with you..” I pick at my jeans, listening to him talk. Fuck…joe..
I rub my eye sighing. “I..I know you are..” I whisper. “I know you do..” he quietly replied. “But still..” we sat in silence for a few moments. I then fix my position. “Why..?” I finally ask. “Why..?” I nod and tilt my head, despite him not being there to see. “Why are you still here for me..even after what you saw..? I-I mean after everything Joey..you seen what I can do..you seen what I done..you know how I am and how violent I can be..how mean..why are you still here why-“ I pause when I felt my voice tremble.
I sigh and rub my forehead. “Why..?” He paused, taking a slow breath. I than heard rustling again. “Because despite all that I know deep down that you're good. Everyone has a battle with Marcy..some react differently to it. And in you're case you act violently..but..” he paused. “I know..how you are..how you truly are..you're a good man Marca..a good man..yes I’ve seen what you can do and trust me..it’s..gut wrenching..but I know that you only do it when you’re defending someone..weather it’s Enya, or our friends..yourself..or even me..” he mumbled.
He sighed. “I’m here because despite everything, not once have you hurt me..not once have you shown an ounce of hate towards any of the people you truly do love, you're an amazing person Marcy, an amazing human being with so much love and support to give, and that itself shows who you truly are..and just like every human, theirs always a reason behind such violence and pain.” human..I clench my jaw painfully while looking around the room. I suppose that’s just it..the only flaw. Im not human..
“Josiah I-“ I pause..
“Im not human..im a werewolf..this anger..? This..violence. It’s who I am..I-I know you say it’s not but it is. It is. It’s a part of me..there is no love for me to give..only pain and suffering..that’s why you can’t come to my hearing. Because you're a human and this hearing is made specifically for people like me. I hope you understand..but you're wrong..I’m not amazing..im..cursed..” I sigh and put my head back. 251Please respect copyright.PENANA9vOY0bZOXB
If only. That is what I truly wanted to say…but I don’t. I care for him too much to put him in danger like that.
“Yes..?” He asked. I close my eyes. Fuck..”I’ll see what I can do..to get you to my hearing..” I add. “Wait..really?” I nod. “Mhm..I don’t know if it’ll do anything but I will try..okay? I..I want to..- W-We want to see you too Joey..we want to see everyone too” I insist. Even through the phone I can hear his blood rising. I smile to myself. “You will..” was all he said.
We talked for a few hours after that..just..clearing the air and catching up until he had to go.
I put my phone away, chewing my bottom lip..Joey..how do I get him to come..I tap my knee. I than stand up and head to my fathers room where I pause. I stare ahead. We’re not allowed in..he usually keeps it locked..me and Enya never understand why though..I stare at the ‘do not disturb’ sign. I rub my fingers together. Fuck..here goes nothing I guess. I knock. Silence..okay..I knock again.251Please respect copyright.PENANAuFZz3pNWl2
Nothing. I narrow my eyes and try the handle, my heart jumped when it twisted open. I chew my lip and hesitate. My eyes darted around the halls. Expecting him to just show up and demand to know what I’m doing..but he doesn’t. I blow air into my cheeks and slowly push it open. “Father..?” I slowly peer my head around the door, looking around his room.
It smelt..strong. Dior body spray filled the room, nearly making me cough. His room was dark..dimly lit by a small lamp on his desk. I shyly look around, taking a hesitant step inside, making sure to close the door behind me. Fuck..what was I doing?! He’s gonna kill me..!
But. This is the first time I’m inside..ha. Suck it Enya. I look around rubbing my fingers together. Everything was neatly put together. Not a mess in sight. It looked more like an actual office room with fancy chairs and cubbies..with a giant king size bed in the middle of the room with neatly done sheets. I blow out, scanning the room before laying eyes on the desk. I walk over silently. Three folders. All splayed about.
Hm..w-wait..isn’t that..? I peer closer. My heart dropped at the sight. What the hell..? W-why does he have a- “Marca..?” I spin around at the sight of mother. Shit. “Mom..! H-hi..!” She rushed over, fear written all over her face as she took me by the arm and hauled me out of the room. “What the hell do you think you're doing..?! Coming into you're fathers room like this..!” She quickly close the door behind us, locking it. My eyes dart down to the key, she quickly slid it into her back pocket, my eyes dash up just as she turned around, facing me. “I-I was just looking for him-“
“So you think to go inside his room..? Is that it..!” She snarled. I flinch and raise my hands defensively. “Y-yes..?” She scoffed and dragged me away. “Are you insane..?! You know the rules..!..” she went on but I wasn’t paying any mind. My attention was directed to his room. “Marca..! Pay attention..!” I jump and look down at her as she stopped at the end of the hall. “What did you see..?”
I shake my head. “N-nothing..! I swear..!”
“Marca…” she warned. “Mama..I promise. Nothing. You walked in just as I was about to take a look..!” She narrowed her eyes on me, crossing her arms. I keep her gaze, swallowing nervously. “Good..that’s exactly right..” she insisted, making me flinch. “Wait what?”
“Hush. That is exactly what you tell your father. Do I make myself clear..!” I nod quickly. She huffed and walked away before pausing and looking at me. “Do not. Say a word about this Marca. I’m serious..! Not. A. Word..!” And with that she rushed off.
I let out a nervous sigh and watch her go. What the fuck just happened?! 251Please respect copyright.PENANAbDsM2e3dAO
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