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Anwyll’s POV
283Please respect copyright.PENANArGBlvlGLs8
I strolled around the walls with my sister Violet skipping by my side. “So, where are we going now?” I ask. “Somewhere..” she smiled, taking my hand and leading me down a spiral of halls. I bob my head. “Somewhere..” I nod. She let go once we reached a door.
She skipped over and pushed it open. I wince at the loud creek. “Whoa..whoa..! That’s too loud..!” I hiss, grabbing the door and pulling it to a stop. She just giggled. “It’ll be alright. Everyone’s gone to feed..”
“To feed? What do they eat..?”
“People, silly!” She skipped inside and I felt a chill. Oh god…”I-I thought that was illegal..” I rushed after her. “Oh it is. That’s why they do it quickly and hide out their evidence..” I slow to a stop and look around. Was this someone’s room?
She spun around and I looked her way. She had somehow appeared on top of my dresser. She sat down and kicked her legs back and forth. “Where are we..?” She just smiled and I looked her over while taking it all in. It wasn’t her room..that’s for sure.
But it also couldn’t have been Theo's room. It was all dusty..and torn apart. I walk silently to a dresser where a thick layer or dust has accumulated over. I ran my fingers over and even that wasn’t enough to pick it up. This dust was thick. “Is this room open..?”
“No..and it hasn’t been for a very long time..” Violet nods. I dust my hands off while looking around. The bed itself was riddled with dust. As well as the floors..the dresser she sat on..and the art.
I blink and sigh softly. I press my lips together. “Why did you bring me here..?” She just tilts her head. “Vi, please..tell me something..anything.” There was a gleam in her eye and she smiled softly.
“Alright..do you remember anything..?” I blink and look around. I looked at the paintings, but they were all torn up..too riddled with wounds and dust for me to make anything out.
I sigh shrugging while walking around again. I opened drawers, most were empty..but this..I reached in. This was the only thing saved from the dust. It was a copy of the first book of shadow and bone..it looked well kept..new even..
I slowly run my hand over it. “What..”
“Thank you Anwyll..! Thank you..!” I blink and shake my head hard at the sound of giggling. I squeezed the book as my vision began to blur. “W-what the hell..?”
“That giggle..! I heard it before..” I look up to see her gone. “Violet..?” I quickly say. I jumped when she appeared behind me. Holding a small frame. “How are you doing that..!” I hiss sharply. She just gently pushed the frame forward. “Look..”
I narrowed my eyes on her. “Are you a ghost or something..?” She didn’t reply. I shake my head and sigh looking down at it. My fingers gripped it gently. “Enya..?” I whispered quickly. “Is this her room..?” I look at her. I look around. No..it couldn’t have been.. “no..” Violet smiled. “It’s yours..”
Enya’s POV
I quickly stumble out and close the door. I gasp and cough itching my throat. What the fuck..! I staggered to my knees as my vision began to blur and the world began to tilt. What was this..? I gasp for air while stumbling as far away as I could.
And soon it grew harder and harder for me to breathe. I began to tear up and scream. I was panicking. And that was the worst thing for me to do. Especially if it meant wasting my precious air.
Think Enya..our father taught us what to do in times of panicking. I slowly run my hands over my stomach and the next over my throat. I slowly close my eyes and focus. I take in a slow breath.
It was painful, and it took so many tries. But I managed to fill my lungs with air. I then Exhale. I did it a few more times until I felt calm. Good. Now. To figure out that’s this is. I ran my hands over my throat where I felt bumps and irritation.
Think..think Enya..!! I think about the way I felt. The pain, the dizziness..the bumps and skin irritation. Werewolves are immune to almost all poisons. No poison used by humans is potent enough to do this to us. Which meant..this could only be one thing.
I quickly scramble up and rush into Marca’s room. I scramble and toss everything and anything.
My father took Marca to our underground farm. I obviously never went but I knew he had. Father showed Marca everything. And we use wolfsbane to break even the most ruthless of werewolves. Those who refuse to talk. And Marca..Marca is one of the main users. Especially if he’s smoking it.
But knowing him, he always has a back up. An antidote in case he inhaled too much. I curse and snarl, ripping a drawer off out of its socket. I coughed and felt my throat throttle and wheeze. Making me stumble back and bang against his drawer.
Fuck..I slowly raise a hand to my head, feeling exhausted. I cough and shake my head as my vision blurred once again. I felt my eyes roll and hazily look around but that hardly did anything.
I felt my body slump and I cough once more. Fuck..this wasn’t good..
“Enya..!” my eyes snapped open slightly only to close again. “Enya wake up..!” my eyes snapped open again and I sigh softly before hunching over and coughing harder where I tense at the sight of blood. “M-Marca..?” I whine. No reply. I bob my head around, despite the dizzying spell.
I blinked when a figure came into view. “O-orris..?” I whisper. My brows narrow and I blink hard when his face comes into view. “Hi there, giggles..I see you're stuck..” I give him my best smile. “Orriss..” I whine, feeling my cheek grow warm with tears. He tilted his head and wrapped his arms around me.
Was this a dream..? I bury my face in his shoulder. No..I can smell him..so how..? “Not right now enya..there are things I cannot tell you..especially this..." he smiled. “First you need to get that antidote..”
“B-but how..? I don’t know where it is..” he tugged a braid and chuckled. “You think I’d let you die big sister..?” He placed something in my hand. He than pressed his forehead against mine. “I love you both..”
I pulled away and I frowned, feeling my bottom lip tremble. “N-no..don’t leave me..!” I whine, starting to cry. “You'll be alright..” he nods. He looked around before smiling and leaning in again where he turned my head and whispered something in my ear. My brows pushed together. Than immediately started to widen. He pulled away and tilts his head.
“Find me, and you find the truth..for I am alive..”
I gasp, snapping my eyes open. I erupt in a fit of coughs before noticing something hard. I looked down and my heart filled with pain. The antidote..was he actually here..?
I sigh before quickly wiping my nose. No..now’s not the time. I quickly use all my strength and snap it. I inhale it and roll over, coughing as I do. I groan, pressing a hand to my nose as it burned away the toxins. And before I knew what was happening I was hurling into a pile of clothes.
I slump back wiping my mouth, instantly feeling better. I take in a deep breath, feeling my body do its magic. Once I felt strong enough, I push myself up and look around for his gas mask. I snatch it up and storm out, sliding it on. I than slide on some his clothes to protect my skin and nod.
Alright. Game over. I don’t have time for this. I fix it so it fits and I storm into moms room.
I managed to defuse the box and clear the room without too much trouble. Of course it hurt like a bitch but I did it. I huff, ripping off my brother's gas mask.
A mask he used during an ambush raid. I toss it and sigh, fixing my hair. I searched for the socket in which the gas came out of, and to my luck. I found it. I grab the small veils of liquid.
One full of a shiny lavender and the other, a soft shade or red. The purple I knew to be wolfsbane. But this..I tilt my head. What is this..? I press my lips together and slide it in my pocket just so I can test it later.
I put the near empty vial back and searched for the key. Once I found it I put her box away and eye her room.
Why. What’s so special about this stupid key..? Why lace the box..I shake my head and turn away. I rub my throat, still mentally feeling the effects. I walk out, holding the key to my chest. “Thank you Orris..”
I continue on my mission. I rush to my fathers room and quickly unlock it. I pushed it open and my heart instantly began to race. I couldn’t help but smile. I bite my lip and squeal softly, rushing inside. I’m in..
I’m in his room..! I look around expecting a giant fancy room with extravagant furniture, but instead I was met with a rather empty room. To say I was disappointed was an understatement. I look around the room.
Files. Marca mentioned files. I dash to his desk. A desk that was dimly lit by a lamp. But on top of it was empty. I tried the shelves but they were locked. I groan. Seriously..!! I think and try the keys. And to my luck, they unlocked. “Huh..” I pull it out and look the key over.
A master key or something? I tuck it in my back pocket and flip threw the drawers. There honestly wasn’t anything interesting, so I searched another drawer..then another, before finally finding a safe. I grit my teeth. Why? Why are they making this so hard..!
Marca’s POV
I stood there silently, watching everyone get onto the platform. Some began to murmur and get restless. I look around quickly. “Father..?” I mumble. “Settle son..” soon the council members themselves began to get restless. My brows narrowed and I couldn’t help but glance at my father. Even he looked restless. “What’s going-“
“Theo..!” I snap my head forward to see all members of the council committee standing and moving out of the way. My heart immediately sank and I felt the blood rushing out from my body. As if his presence was eating me alive. “Marca..” I snap my eyes over to my father. “Chill it. You're shaking.” He snapped. I quickly look down at my hands and instantly squeeze them together.
“Evening everyone..! I understand my presence is shocking. But please. Do keep in mind that I am merely just a councilman like the others..” I look up and flinch at the sight of him staring my way.
Shit..he looked young. Extremely young. Young perfect. His hair was jet black with white roots, his eyes a deadly shade of red. And his features..perfect. Full yet sharp..one would have mistaken him for an early teen.
He didn’t look terrifying at all, yet his demeanor..the power that raged off him..that alone was enough to make you think twice.
I blink and rip my gaze away. I eye everyone else. I suppose I was right..everyone had the stench of fear..
Everyone was thinking..panicking. And it made me terribly curious as to why. His eyes flicked to my father who bowed his head. Why..? I ask again.
“Why is Theo here..?” I looked around for the person who talked. “He’s not supposed to be here..!” Another one.. “no one said he’d be here..! We need to leave..”
“We need to get out..!” My vision began to blur once thoughts began to floor my ears. I felt his eyes glide my way but I was far too focused on the fear. “Out! We need to get out!”
“He’s not supposed to be here..! Why is he here..!”
“Silence!” I take in a quick sharp breath as a soothing silence washed over my brain. I stumble back, feeling as if my brain just shook. What was that..?
I felt..high..? I jumped when a single voice popped into my head. “Isn’t that better, Marca boy..?” I grit my teeth at the high pitched scream. I look ahead to see Theo grinning. “Now..” he began.
Taking a spot in the middle. The other council members slowly sat down. “If we’re all done talking, let this meeting begin..!” He grabbed the gravel and slammed it down and then it began.
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