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It’s been too long. I squeezed my hands together while pacing back and forth. It’s been twenty minutes and he’s not here yet. And I’m nowhere near strong enough to go after him. 262Please respect copyright.PENANA0VfIxxIRit
I needed to eat..and fast. I shake my hands out before cursing when my vision blurred, making me stumble into a tree. I blink a few times while sighing softly. Fuck..where was he! I needed to go hunt! 262Please respect copyright.PENANAA3lWrP0Hrj
I jump and stumble around to face Marca. “You aren’t looking so good..” I sigh hazily. “I need to eat something..a-and this sun..” I shake my head. “Here..come..” he moved closer and I wrinkled my nose a little, stepping away. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm, pulling me away. 262Please respect copyright.PENANAm1jnHGiLyB
“Chill. I’m not gonna hurt you..” I look him over, following him before noticing a bag. I slowly look away until he led me far enough. He pulled away and opened the bag. “Why’d you go over..?” I slump against a tree, feeling my head swirl and my body beginning to sweat. I blew out, using the jacket as a fan and flapping it so I could cool down.
“You could have gotten killed..” I say when he didn’t reply. “Marca-“
“I’m fine. Alright? Damn. Plus. Say I got killed..” he pulled out three bags of fresh blood.
I felt my body jerk up right and my fangs sprout. I quickly snatched one and dug in. My body shook with excitement and satisfaction as the fresh blood poured down my throat. He nods softly before pulling something out of his pocket. I instantly froze. Licking and cleaning up my mouth with my sleeve at the sight of a sun ring. 262Please respect copyright.PENANAbN1uFxstEY
It was a fancy looking thing. a sun stone wrapped in silver and gold. To the average person it looked like any other ring. But to us vampires..we’d kill to have one of these. This..this is how we survive in the sun.
“You..grabbed one?” I set my food aside and he nods, handing it over. I stare at it as it sat in my palm. “Figured that if you're gonna help us, you might as well be useful..” he teased. 262Please respect copyright.PENANA7bkJnCYzjm
I roll the ring through my fingers. Just staring at it. He then waved the bag around. “Oh, and a month's supply of blood. They won’t miss it. They had walked in fridges that were full..” 262Please respect copyright.PENANAqbUb65nqg6
I glance up at him. So that’s why he went over..? He did it..for me..? Catching my eye, Marca quickly waved me off. “Oh shut it. Don’t think too much of it..a-are you gonna put it on or what? We got places to be..” I nod, licking my lips again while sliding it on. 262Please respect copyright.PENANAG0WpTHKLW1
I look it over. Turning my hand this way and that. “Well..?” Marca says. I glance over before pressing my lips together. “Try it out..! Hurry..” he waved me off. I blow out and grumble softly. I step closer to the edge of the shade. I hesitate before tilting my head and rolling up my sleeve. Closing my eyes, I then slide my hand out. 262Please respect copyright.PENANAISjdItYwOc
I flinched when I felt warmth, I quickly began to pull my hand away only to have Marca snatch my arm. “Don't..” I look at him quickly. “It’s hot..!”
“It’s warm..” he pulled me out and I shrieked, shielding my eyes. Marca snickered, picking on the bag. “Open your eyes, dingus. You're fine.” 262Please respect copyright.PENANA3jkZ60pmFH
I slowly open them. “What-“ I quickly looked at my skin. I was fine..! I wasn’t..I turned into a circle before looking at Marca. He made a bored face. But I didn’t care..I was in the sun..I was in the sun! I laugh and cheer, speeding around before sliding to a stop to shake off my jacket and my top. “Whoa..! Whoa..!” Marca shrieked.
I grin and wiggle my brows. “Look at me..I ain’t burning up..” 262Please respect copyright.PENANAsQ3VjCzGip
Marca’s POV 262Please respect copyright.PENANACKahvDgRsg
“You're right. But you're now shirtless. Which is a problem. Now let’s go.” Anwyll grinned and picked up his half empty blood bag. He then walked away drinking it.
wrinkle my nose and cross my arms. “You need a shirt.” He nods, licking his lips. “I know.” He took another sip. I look him over and roll my eyes. How.
Even his stupid back is toned. I led him to town. It was a far walk..so, we decided to talk. “Do you like my sister..?” Anwyll nearly tripped. He smiled a little and I glared. Knowing all too well what that smile meant. “Well..? Do you?” He just looked away. He tilts his head softly. “No comment..” I slowly slow down. “Anwyll..”
“I am not saying anything..” he raised his hands while turning to face me. He finished his meal before tossing it. “Look..I won’t lie. You're sister is cute..very. Cute.” I tilt my head. “And she’s funny..charming..sassy..hot-“
“I get it..!” I growl. He chuckled, licking his lips. “But I also know how much you're opinion matters to her..” i instantly tense. “And I know how much she tries to avoid conflict.” He nods, slowly looking away. 262Please respect copyright.PENANAHxqv7oGmwV
“I won’t try anything..you have my word with that. I know how some people can be..it’ll be war..but..” he sighs walking backwards. “I’m not gonna say that I won’t flirt or tease her..” I press my lips together. I watch him walk away before I quickly stop him. “S-so you're protecting her..?” He looked over his shoulder while sliding his hands into his pockets. “I will always protect her..” I follow him silently. 262Please respect copyright.PENANAsSBxhfQ1Po
“Whether she allows me to or not I will..” he mumbled. “Why..?” I look around. “You know how my sister is. She’s stubborn..hard headed..” he just shrugged. “So am I..” he looked my way. I looked him over for a moment before turning away. “I don’t care..” he tilts his head. “My sister likes you too..you know that right..?” He didn’t say anything at first. He just looked away.
262Please respect copyright.PENANAToadvB1xNC
But I knew..I knew that made him happy. He fiddled with his ring and pressed his lips together. “Did she..did she say something..?” I shook my head and glanced at him. I lean against a tree. “It’s obvious..” I mumble. “She only acts this way around one other person..” I begin. His brow narrowed slightly. “W-who..?” 262Please respect copyright.PENANAd9ug1L64xT
I snap my head up to the sound of the bell. “Show time..stay here..”
“Marca-“ I shush him while heading off. I skip walking to the front doors. I slide my hands into my front pockets and wait. I ignore the looks and just wait. I then jump with excitement at the sight of Josiah. “J-Jo..! Josiah..!” I quickly called. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked my way. His face twisted into a pain of what looked to be shock, than joy..than anger..than lastly..pain. He blinked and rushed away.
No..no joe..! I quickly rush after him. I wasn’t going to lose him..not again. I caught up to him in no time, only to be shoved off. “M-Marca-”
“I know..you're angry with me..!” I quickly say, my ears burning. “You don’t trust me and I get that..a-and I’m sorry! I’m sorry I wasn’t honest and I’m sorry I’ve been lying to you!” I quickly add, ignoring the girls who slowly made their way over. “Bullshit..” Joe spat, turning away. But I quickly take his hand, I pull him to a stop. “P-please..let me explain..” he looked my way. “You have five seconds..” I nod quickly, looking back towards Anwyll who stayed on the sidelines. “Why is he here Marca..?” I chew the inside of my lip, starting to feel nervous beyond comparison.
“Moral support..” I mumble before focusing again. “I’m gonna be honest..okay..? I-I don’t want to lie to you anymore..t-to any of you..” I look towards the girls. Joe looked at me silently. “I..I’m going to tell you the truth..the truth about everything..about me..Enya..e-even him..” I gesture to anwyll. “I..” I choke. Feeling my throat close off slightly. fuck..please..please..I silently beg. I close my eyes for a moment. “Breath..” Josiah begged, taking my other hand. I take in a slow breath and he nods, “do it with me..one after the other..” I slowly close my eyes and he nods. “You're my best friend Marca..” he mumbles. “You can tell me anything..You know that right..?”
“I do..But I can’t..not here anyway..” his brows furrowed slightly. “What do you mean..why not just tell me..?” I smile a little. “Its not a matter of telling..” I begin. “I need to show you..” he glanced over at the girls and they shrug softly. “Our time will come..”
“Enya will be the one to reveal it to you..” I nod. “But for now..” I glance down at Joe. “its jo..” Josiah nods softly. I take his hand and led him over to anwyll. “W-where are we going..?”
“Away from the crowd..” I nod. He tensed slightly and I smile softly. “I promise. I’m not gonna kill you..” He took in a breath and nods softly. “A-alright..” I wave towards Anwyll and he takes a slow breath while walking over. “You ready..?”
I press my lips together and he nods. “Good..always stay on guard..” He led us deeper into the forest. And soon, we were protected by the trees. Anwyll stayed on guard and I...I felt like I couldn’t do it..”its okay…” Joe nods. “Whatever it is..you can tell me..you know that right..?” I know..but this. This is different..I don’t know how you’ll react..and I don’t want to lose you for this. 262Please respect copyright.PENANA2HiA5Sure7
Jo slowly frowned. “Marca..?” I don’t say anything. I was too busy thinking. Second guessing..”i..I’m afraid..I don’t want you to be afraid of me..” I mumble softly. He looked me over before slowly hugging himself. “Why..” he paused to clear his throat. “Why would I be..?” He looked around quickly. “Why am I here Marca..”
“I wanted to tell you the truth-“
“So out with it..why am I here..?” He snapped. I flex my fingers and look towards Anwyll who waved me off. 262Please respect copyright.PENANAcliImqyK0f
I look him over before balling my fist and closing my eyes. “Y-you asked me why..why I’m so aggressive and out of control..” I open my eyes and he nods softly. “You wanted to know why me and my sister are so secretive..and why you’ve never been over. You want to know all these things..y-you want to know what I am..correct ..?” Jo nods slowly but I stop him. “No..I need you to say it..” he didn’t reply at first. 262Please respect copyright.PENANA25wUHmOUAX
He just sighed before nodding. “I want to know..” I hesitated before nodding and glancing towards Anwyll. He pressed his lips together and went back to watching. No going back now..
“What I tell you..you cannot. And I can’t say this enough. You can’t. Tell anyone else.” He glanced towards Anwyll, then towards the school. “O-okay..” I nod again. Rubbing my hands together while looking around.
“O-okay..” he nods. “I..I’m a..” I stop and close my eyes tilting my head. I twist my jaw. “Fuck..” I mess up my hair. I take a deep breath. “I’m not normal..” I nod turning to face him. “I…Im um..” I shake my head trying to say it. 262Please respect copyright.PENANAFZIGKt5GHm
Jo shook his head and began to walk away. “For fucks sake-“
“I’m a werewolf!” I blurt. He stopped dead in his tracks. “I..I’m a supernatural being, jo..” he slowly turned to face me.
“What..?” I quickly walked closer and he eyed me. “That's why..that’s why I'm the way that I am..b-because im not human..i'm a werewolf..” he looked me over for a moment and I held my breath..waiting.262Please respect copyright.PENANAfAxBQ6AvzG
His brows furrowed before he snickered then broke out in laughter. I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment. “What..? What’s so funny-“
“You're joking..? Right..?” I frowned and his laughter instantly stopped. “W-wait you're serious..?” 262Please respect copyright.PENANA2vHpbBB7tW
I shyly look away than down at my hands. “M-Marca..tell me you're joking..” I chew the inside of my lip and he scoffed, rushing off. “F-fuck this..! You're still lying to me..!”
“I’m not..!” I whine taking his hand. “Then prove it..! B-because what you're telling me is impossible..!” I felt Anwyll’s eyes scan over to us and my heart skipped a bit. 262Please respect copyright.PENANA0ugzd69p2v
It’s fine..it’s fine. I got this under control..! Anwyll slowly crossed his arms and I knew..I knew he was watching. Waiting..waiting for Any kind of screw up.262Please respect copyright.PENANAEooCpBR2Ox
I glanced his way and he gave me a knowing look. I swallow carefully. God Josiah..please..please accept this. I knew that look. I always got it when I’m around humans. If Josiah didn’t accept this..if he went running or if Anwyll and I got any sign or clue of him running off to warn others about us we are by law ordered to put him down. And Anwyll..262Please respect copyright.PENANAS2RR8Ak0IZ
He’s willing to do anything to protect my sister..even if it means killing our best friend just to keep our secret safe..”please..please don’t freak out..” I beg. He just rolled his eyes. I chew my lip and back up. here we go..
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262Please respect copyright.PENANAmqOQo5thg7