"Such brilliant evolution," Miss Havishma said as she watched a blue agent take out a syringe from a nearby box and strode up to Ada who lay unconscious on a bed in the sick bay.
Miss Havishma stood next to Yvonne with Electro 28 and Sox standing behind her. "I never would have thought about this. Linking the human organs with an AI code? It is absolutely fascinating," she exclaimed. "We did try picking up a thing from Jacob, looking to create our version… but we realized we were more for better things, like Storm 01 and Moonfour."
Yvonne only eyed Miss Havishma as she spoke. "Are you also a cyborg?" Miss Havishma asked.
The dark-haired Earthling bit the inner part of her lips as she tried to contain herself. "Why are you being so casual?"
Miss Havishma returned her neutral look and turned back to the unconscious Ada. "I assumed with everything that's going on it'll be best to not put any pressure… I guess I was wrong."
The lavender blue-haired lady opened her eyes as the agent was only seconds away from injecting the syringe.
They held each other's stare for a moment before Ada sent the man back with a punch. She quickly got up and pulled the tube that was connected to her body before lunging at an armed electro-trooper standing around.
She skillfully maneuvered her way behind him while seizing the gun out of his hand which she used to knock him out.
Her vision was still blurry, and she moved sluggishly, but seeing the Department H uniforms fueled the strength she needed to fight them. All that went through her head when she threw her punches was: to fight the enemy.
She turned to attack the next trooper but he slapped the gun out of her hand and sent her down with a kick. Ada groaned and dragged herself back before looking up to see Electro 28 staring down at her.
He looked at the two unconscious agents before shifting out of the way for Havishma to walk forward.
"Miss Havishma," Ada called out.
Miss Havishma walked forward and extended her hand to help the lavender-haired lady up.
"It's been a while, Ada." Ada ignored her attempt and stood up on her own.
She looked between the four before speaking. "How are you here?" She queried then turned her head to Yvonne. "Why are they here?"
"It's a long story," the pale-skinned woman replied. "One that'll have to wait for later, and after you tell me how it feels being both human and a machine."
"Anyway… where's Storm 01?" She asked, flipping to a more serious expression.
Miss Havishma stood straight and slipped her hands into her pocket. "Don't make me repeat myself."
Ada furrowed and clenched her fist as she glared at Miss Havishma. "Fuck you." She picked up the syringe the blue agent was to use on her and charged forward to stab Miss Havishma but the deep blue-haired girl shifted forward. She seized the syringe and effortlessly knocked her down with a kick.
Ada stayed on the ground trying to catch her breath. She only made a small attempt but was already exhausted. After her self-destruction, Ada requested that her fighting code be removed and an aging system be installed so she could live through normal days. Though she still had the basic fighting system, the injury caused by the explosion from Storm 01 made her weak and slow.
Miss Havishma scoffed. "I love the resolve of you Earthlings," she started. "Even though you know it's futile, you still try, why?" Her face turned into a frown.
"We do not want to hurt anyone here, I just want to know where my Storm 01 is."
Ada eased up and leaned her back against a wall. "I don't know. We were about to make it into a spaceship when we got hit by a wave. That's the last thing I remembered."
"Really?" Miss Havishma's brows shoot up. "You don't know? Then what was the action just now for?" She slowly nodded and turned her back to the lavender-haired lady. "It's my fault for taking this the easy way," she paused for a second before speaking again.
"Joe, send out the Red squad to make a thorough search throughout the entire planet… anyone who is as little as suspected to have been in contact with Storm 01 should be brought in for investigation… be it a shared nod. And eliminate any resistance." She walked out of the room without sparing a glance at the head of UNEAD.
Sox and Electro 28 both followed behind the dark-haired woman, leaving the two Earthlings alone.
Ada sucked her teeth and exhaled before looking up at the green-eyed woman. "Almost a century… almost a goddamn century! That's how long I've been serving you and the whole of Earth without even a flickering of my loyalty, but still… those years were not enough for me to get in on your big plan," she started.
She lifts her hand and bites the middle part of her index finger before continuing. "Why? Why didn't you tell me? Why did you let me walk into a battlefield that I had no idea of?"
"It's a waste of time to ask her that." Venus walked into the room with Marcus after her. "… Or anything at all," she added. "Apparently the plan was only between, herself, Six, and the head of this planet."
Venus took a step closer to the dark-haired woman. "Do you wanna know why we had no idea of the infiltration?" She waited a few seconds before speaking again. "This…" she used her hand to circle all around the room. "Even after many decades of fighting, she still lacks trust in us. I hope you're happy with the results."
"Of course," Yvonne started. "It's always me. I'm always at fault…"
"Can we all just stop!" Marcus chipped. "This is no time to be bickering between yourselves. We need to think of a plan to fight back the Weirs."
"They have the fucking Moonfour gun and they can shoot it at planets, what's there to think about?" Yvonne barked.
"So what if they are in possession of the Moonfour gun? What she revealed was probably a lie... and even if it were true, they are also on this planet so I know damn well they won't shoot for as long as they stay… so we can, and we will act. I have a plan..."
"… But I need people I know I can trust," she turned to look at Ada who was still seated on the ground.
Ada raised her head to meet the mint-haired lady's eyes. "I'm done fighting, Venus..."
"Don't do it for me or UNEAD," Venus chipped. "Do it to protect those many years you've been fighting for, hmm?"
The lavender-haired lady remained quiet. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I guess I have to visit the laboratory."
Madrid, Spain.
The dark-haired man fixed his suit as he stepped out of a spaceship that they used to get to Madrid.
"Mmm," he inhaled as he looked around the place, watching as the space cars drove around and a high bridge that enabled speed trains to bolt through and travel around the city snaked all around the place. "Wow, this place is beautiful," Rohan exclaimed.
"For some reason, standing here sort of reminded me of when we first met." she smiled. "What happened to the other person you were with? You two seemed close."
"Oh, you mean Ada? She got seriously injured and is now going through treatment, if I remember correctly."
Chapta turned to him. "I… meant the maroon-haired guy, at the auction when we fought and bid excessive amounts of money to get the Powerball?" She revealed.
The dark-haired man furrowed and shook his head. "I believe our first meeting was at a luxurious bar, in London, I was there with a red-haired lady?"
"Oh." The tanned-skinned lady glanced at Hazel and then back at the blue-eyed man.
"Is something wrong?"
"No nothing," Chapta shook her head. "Come on, you can't keep wearing that, let's get you a proper wardrobe."
The Realm, Winter Weir.
"I'm home Dad," Scarlett said, locking the door behind her. She took off her coat and tossed it on a chair before proceeding further into the house.
"Got a lot of work done again," a soft smile slipped off her lips as she walked into the kitchen and filled a glass with wine. She took a sip and set the cup down.
"I think I'm cut out for this. Maybe I'll try and convince Miss Havishma to get me into politics…" She let her words trail off as she realized something unusual.
Her dad was paralyzed and because of that he couldn't get out of bed on his own, let alone switch on the light in the house.
Just as the sky-blue-haired lady realized that the lights were on, it went off. Scarlett trembled where she stood and slowly inched backward. She cussed in Winter Weir's home language as she knocked down the glass which sent shivers down her spine.
The lights turned back on, giving her a clear visual of three individuals, standing in front of her with their faces covered and a hoodie over their heads.