The dark-haired man narrowed his eyes as he stared at the five.
Hailey rushed to stand in front of the dark-haired man, creating a barricade between the two entities. "Venus, you… you are back…" her words trailed off as one of the masked individuals walked forward and pushed her away.
She stood still, staring at the former Storm agent through her mask for a long while before speaking. "You must be the one from Winter Weir," she stated. "The one they said blew up Clave-Ar."
"Nice to meet you…"
"Fight me," she said, cutting him short.
"Fight me, and show me that you truly are worthy of the things they say about you. Show me that you deserve my respect."
"That's not necessary." Hailey attempted to force herself between the two again but got pushed again by the masked individuals.
The dark-haired man shook his head and took a step back. "Come on, weren't you on a mission? You deserve some rest."
"Then you must be a coward, a fraud even…"
"He accepts!" Hailey chipped.
The masked lady, whose name is Venus looked at Hailey and then at the dark-haired man who raised his brows, utterly confused. "You can't even speak for yourself? Do you also let the scum take a shit for you?"
"Is this how you plan to defeat Jacob Marksman?"
"I'll fight you then."
"… And I'll be waiting for you at the arena," she added before walking out of the room with the other masked men.
"What's her deal?" He asked.
Hailey sighed and sat on a chair. "That's Venus Mattel, commander of the Ghost squad," she revealed. "She's always that way; hot-headed and get pissed easily. When I first landed on Earth, she pulled out her sword and challenged me to a fight. Of course, it didn't happen, and ever since she won't stop treating me the way she does."
"Then I'll fight and put her in her place."
Hailey puts get hands up. "Don't take it personally, it's just how she is, she doesn't exactly hate you. Unless she actually hates you."
Hailey led the former agent to the training arena of Ealien where Venus waited. He took off the jacket he was wearing and passed it to Hailey before walking up to a rack that contained sheathed swords and a few handguns on a floating desk. "I'm not exactly a fan of weapons," he said, picking one of the swords. "But I'll try one of these." He pulled the sword out of its scabbard.
The sword was short and it had spiky sides with the middle glowing like flames. "I like this one."
Hailey walked up to the dark-haired man. "Are you sure about this? You've never used a sword before, and she's been using one for more than a decade, you might be better using your fist."
Andy furrowed. "Really? What do you think we do at Department H? Plus, I've used your saber, this will be no different."
"Oh." Hailey felt her cheek burn and she quickly traced her steps back to where she was.
The dark-haired man walked into the arena while swinging the sword around. "Alright," he muttered.
Venus drew out her sword before making her battle stance. "Do not hold anything back," she stated. Unlike the sword the dark-haired man took, hers was long.
"I do not intend to."
The dark-haired man closed his eyes and exhaled as he recalled what Hailey said to him earlier.
'Remember, Venus is one of the Genesis Z and of the best creations. She is fast and very skilled. But since it's just a friendly duel, I believe she'll go for your lower body, unless.'
Venus placed her feet forward. In one swift move, she was already in front of the runway agent and her sword was only inches away from his neck.
The dark-haired man quickly used his sword to parry her attack. 'What the hell?! Is she trying to kill me?' he hopped back, creating distance between them but Venus didn't let him breathe.
She rushed up to him and swung her sword, then quickly threw a left as he dodged the swing. Andy also dodged the punch and launched one of his own but the masked individual also dodged and drew a step back. "You're not giving it your all," Venus claimed.
The dark-haired man dropped the sword and sighed. "Fine." Sparks of electricity began to fly around as he made his battle stance again. "You asked for it."
"That's more like it…" before she could complete her words, the dark-haired man was already behind her.
The masked individual gasped. The shock on her face could be seen even through her mask. He threw a strong left punch which collided cleanly on the side of her face and sent her crashing into the ground.
Venus rolled and quickly got back up and charged forward. She tried a roundhouse kick which the runaway agent dodged. She jumped, spun in the air and dropped a kick. He blocked but the force behind the kick pushed him back.
The dark-haired man picked up the sword from earlier and held it in front of him while placing his other hand on his forearm.
A wave of electricity flew from his hands and into the sword. Venus sheathed her sword back and made a stand while gripping the hilt of her sword.
A white line only Venus could see appeared a few feet in front of her. The dark-haired man charged forward with the sword in his hand.
Venus bent a little while gripping hard on her sword. "It's over."
The duo broke their attack and turned to the location where the noise was from.
Yvonne stood by the entrance of the arena with her brows crooked. She was barely standing but she could still hold a furious look as she stared at the two.
"What the hell is happening here?" She asked.
Venus sighed and stood straight. The mask she was wearing contrasted back into her suit to reveal her face. She was a light-skinned woman with cherry lips and a mole just below her lower lips.
Her large doe eyes were the same color as her long curtain bang hair which poured down her shoulder, a green-like color like that of a mint. Her face and beauty were completely opposite to her stern and grim personality.
"You never let me finish my fights," the mint-haired lady revolted. She tilts her head to Andy. "We'll finish this later."
"Jacob is still out there and you're here wasting time and energy? I'm disappointed in you Venus."
Venus took a few steps closer to the dark-haired woman. "I should be the one to feel disappointed," she started. "I was gone for what? A month, and in my absence you let the Powerball slip out of your hands?"
"I am your superior and you will treat and address me as one!"
Venus scoffed. "Maybe if you start acting like one then I will."
Hailey face palmed. "Oh my god, those two are a handful."
"Do they always bicker like that?" The dark-haired probed.
"You have no idea."
As they continued to assault each other with their words, an Ealien engineer rushed into the room. "Miss Sun, we've connected to Jacob's signal, he's at Baker Park right now."
Venus looked at the engineer before turning to her team. "Get ready team, we are going to clean up this mess."
"No, wait," Andy chipped.
"If Jacob's really at the park, he'll be alerted and probably make a move if he notices any of you. And you won't be able to fight in a park filled with innocent people."
Venus turned her attention to the dark-haired man. "Are you saying we let him be?"
"No," he shook his head. "I'm saying you let me go out there. Jacob doesn't know me. I could follow him until his at a secluded area then I'll alert the rest of you."
"What if he plans on hurting the people at the park?" Hailey asked.
"Then we fight him there, no question."
"That sounds like a good plan," Venus said before turning to the head of UNEAD. "You have any big speech you wish to add, superior?"
Yvonne stayed quiet for a second before speaking. "Get the sniper squad ready, we take the fight to him this time."