Rohan coughed uncontrollably as he clicked a button in his watch to take off his helmet. "Shit!" He groaned while dragging himself up.
He wiped the snow from his body and looked around with his brows only a few seconds from meeting in the middle. "Please let this be the right time."
He clicked on the screen on his wrist a few times and a map of Winter Weir projected out. "Well, at least this time it works, messed up, but fine." He stood in the middle of the snow, swiping and typing into the screen, trying to sync his device to the satellite of the timeline he was in.
"It worked, so there is a satellite here," he said, a small smile slipping off his lips. "I should have worked for Q.R.C."
He broadened the image from the screen and moved it up just a few inches in front of him so he could read what was in it while he walked forward. "Well, this time the port does exist."
The dark-haired man started in the direction his map plotted the port to be. After a few minutes of walking, he arrived at the Zoda Port. He knew shipments of weapons used to be taken up to Department H every once in a while but to be on that ship, he needed to be at the Realm.
He used the device to change his outfit into casual wear and managed to board a ship that was going to the Realm by faking his identity. Immediately he arrived at the Realm's port, the dark-haired man made his way to an area where he was sure was locked out for the use of Q.R.C. and DH only.
Rohan still had no idea what year he was in so he tried not to use any information he knew from his current life as he approached a security guard. "Hi, I'm looking for the ship that is to take this week's shipment to Department H, I hope it hasn't left yet."
The man's brow furrowed and his hands which he had behind his back dropped to his side.
"I'm an Engineer of Quantum Corp and there's something I need to tell the Chief Engineer before he leaves, quickly."
Rohan noticed the look on the man's face and it hit him. "Oh sorry."
If there was one thing the dark-haired man was sure was the same in any year, it was the badge issued by the Quantum Corp; it had always been the same and it was always digital.
With the watch around his wrist, he could simply craft one that'll look like he does work in the company and get his pass into the area.
The man looked at the information on the badge before pointing at a large building just behind them. "Turn left once you get to the end of that building… if you are quick, you should meet him before the last ship takes off."
"Thank you," he said before starting in the direction the security guard pointed him towards.
As he reached the end of the building, Rohan noticed a group of Q.R.C. engineers talking with a White agent who stood in front of the cargo ship. He quickly moved to mix with them, using the opportunity to slip the gun he had brought with him into the ship before the door sealed close.
"That will be," the engineer said.
"Well, I'll see you next week then."
The White agent climbed the spaceship and took off while the Engineers turned around and started the way the dark-haired man came from.
Rohan slipped away from the group and entered into the large building. It was filled with spaceships so he easily found a hiding spot before he changed the clothes he was wearing to a Blue agent uniform. He took a deep breath as sparks of electricity began to form around his body. "Here we go, please work, please work." The sparks intensify to the extent that they took out the light in the room. By the time the lights glitched back on, there was only a gun where the former Storm 01 was.
Department H
The dark-haired man tied back his hair which got loose during his transportation as he exited the cargo ship. He looked around to see many White and Electro agents moving around.
He straightened his stance and started in the direction of the exit, but before he could make it out, a voice called out loud.
"Excuse me."
He turned to see a pink-haired girl looking at him. She furrowed as she noticed the way he was staring at her. "Asuncion," Rohan muttered.
"Err… could you help me take this back to the lab?" She extended her hand to give him a box that contained some lab equipment.
The dark-haired man snapped out of his thoughts and collected the box. "Sure, yeah." He turned and started in the direction of the Blue Section with the pink-haired girl following quietly by his side.
He looked at her through his peripheral vision and noticed she was biting strongly on her lips. The last time he remembered seeing the Blue agent was when she blew herself up to kill him in an attempt to get revenge for her fiance. Rohan had never noticed her until he got involved with her and since he was seeing her, he deduced he was at the time before he left for Moonfour.
Moments later, they arrived at the lab and Asuncion began arranging the equipment around while the dark-haired man strolled around, checking for the reason he came there.
"So," he started. "When did you start working here?"
"When did you join the Blue Team?" He asked.
"I was with the last batch of recruit… have we, met before? You kinda look familiar."
Rohan shrugged. "I'm not sure. Things are very busy here you start to forget people you've met."
She nodded and continued what she was doing.
"Do you…" he paused. "Do you think it's possible to reverse the effect of a Z-syrup when it's already in a person's system?"
The pink-haired girl looked up at the dark haired man with a frown. "Is this a test? Am I being tested?"
She remained quiet for a while before replying. "I'm not exactly an expert in that aspect, but I think it is possible to reverse it, even if the cells have already completely been affected…"
"Asuncion!" A voice called out, cutting the girl short. The pink-haired lady nodded and turned her heels to walk out of the lab.
Once away, the dark-haired man moved to a wall that had a small screen on it. He entered a code into the screen and a small part of the wall slowly slid open. "Perks of time travel." He smiled.
The door fully opened to reveal the many glass containers containing a colorless liquid in them.
"I'm gonna save you, Jesse." He extended his hand and took out a random number of the container before closing it shut.