Rain X strolled into the Storm Troopers' training zone. He had expected to meet the entire Storm agents training but all he saw was Rory and Sox laying on the ground breathing heavily.
"Where is everybody?" He said out loud.
The duo both sat up as they immediately recognized the voice. "Look who finally decided to show," Sox piped with a small smile on her face.
Rain X slipped his hand in his pocket and stride closer to the two. "It's not my fault that I'm just coming since I was moved to the Rain squad," he started. "I was gonna come earlier…"
"But the missions you were on made it so you couldn't," Rory completed. "That's what you want to say, right?"
Rain X chuckled softly and nods yes. "sounds to me like you don't believe that."
"What do you think?" Rory said with her brows up as she tied her golden hair in a ponytail.
"Not the welcome I was expecting after being gone for three months," the dark-haired man stated.
Sox rose to get feet "What? Were you expecting hugs and kisses?"
"Not exactly, but…"
"I could give that," Rory chipped.
"What?" The golden-haired girl added while stretching her hands.
Rain X sighed and shook his head. "Let's not get into that."
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Storm traitor." The rain agent veered around to see Ada walking into the room. She wore ash sweatpants coupled with a white crop top and a towel on her left shoulder. Her long red curly hair that used to reach up to her shoulders was now short just below her ear. "Ada, how long has it been?"
"Three months two weeks and two days," she stated. "You betrayed the Storm troopers and you still have the guts to walk in here, should've just stayed wherever you were."
Rory walked over to Ada's side and wrapped her hand around the latter's. "There wasn't a day that pass without Ada here talking about how you've betrayed and brought the downfall of the storm squad."
"Missed me that much huh?" The dark-haired boy chuckled.
Ada hissed and pulled her hand from the golden-haired girl's grip. "Pfft… why would anyone? I only stated what no one wants to, and what the heck happened to your face? Did you grow your hair?"
"I thought I needed a new look."
"You look awful. Please lose the hair…"
"Don't listen to her. Your new look is awesome. I like the hair," Sox chipped in.
"Okay, enough about me. What happened here?" The rain agent questioned.
"You happened," Ada answered.
Rory punched Ada on the shoulder. "What Ada is trying to say is that, after you were transferred to the Rain squad, Miss Havishma suspended the Storm squad. She claimed we won't function unless you are present in the room," Rory explained. "She even allowed the agents to move to other squads if they want to. A lot did."
Rain X looked around the room, it used to be packed with the stormtroopers but not anymore. "And I don't think Chief plans on letting you go anytime soon," Sox said while wiping her face with a towel. "Makes me wonder how she plans on bringing you back," she added.
Rain X felt a piercing pain in his head as he recalled the vision he saw earlier. His knees suddenly felt too weak to hold him up, causing him to fall to the ground.
Sox and Rory curb to his position with the former placing her hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," he replied with a groan. The pain disappeared just as quickly as it came. "Just tiredness," he added before rising to his feet.
Before the others could add anything, Rain X's watch began to beep. He looked at it and let out a loud sigh. "I have to go, work calls."
"Wow. What a great reunion this was," Storm 10 sighed.
Ada shook her head before striding towards a bench. "I'm sorry guys, maybe we could all head to the bar together some other time?"
"That sounds like fun, just hit me up when you are free and I'll round up everyone," Rory replied.
Rain X shifts his eyes to Sox who raised her brows and smile. "We'll just sit here and wait till you're free. We've got nothing better to do," Ada implied. "No seriously, we've got nothing better."
The dark-haired boy shook his head before retreating out of the training space. He stepped into an elevator that took him to the upper part of the floating spaceship, where the Chief's office was at.
The moment the rain agent stepped in front of the door to Chief's pad, the door slid open, providing way for him to walk through. Chief raised his head to look at Rain X as he entered the room. "Just the guy I've been waiting for," he said before standing from the chair he was seated on. He walked up to a table and poured himself a glass.
"I heard you were in the sick bay after you returned," he started before sitting on a couch in the middle of the room. "The news shocked me. I wondered if a superhuman like you ended up in a sick bay, what'll happen to me, a mere human." Chief threw his shoulders up and down as he laughed. He shook his head and took a sip of his wine.
Rain X only remained quiet as he stared at Chief. "Okay, to business," he said while he dropped the glass on the table. "I need you to take a suitcase to a location in Zoda. You'll meet some guys there that you'll exchange suitcases with," he explained.
"But obviously that's not what'll happen, because, why did I call you then? I would have sent that Rain 24 guy, I think his name's Steven or something." Chief sat up straight and clasped his palm together. "when you get there, you'll put the men down, I don't care how you do it. Then bring back both suitcases, understand?" He said with a smile.
"If you don't mind me asking, what is in the box?" Rain X queried.
The smile on Chief's face dissolved. He leaned back on his chair and scoffed. "You ask questions now, agent? You think I got to where I am by asking questions?"
"Apologies sir."
"Good. You've received your mission, now you'll get down there and do what the fuck you were asked to."
Rain X held Chief's eye for a couple of moments before turning his heels to leave the room. Just before he stepped out of the door, Chief called him back.
"Agent, I want this mission to remain secret, no one should know about it. Agent McClain will show you your way," he added before waving him out.
Rain X stood in front of the door as it closed behind him. He looked down at his clenched fist and exhaled loudly. For some reason, he felt like attacking the Chief. He dropped his hand and headed to the Electro Squad section where he met Electro 44.
"So it was you Chief was talking about? He should've sent a Blue agent on the mission instead," Ace barked before they both head to the hangar to get their ship.