"Aix? Are you there?" Storm 01 said out loud, thinking the AI was going to be connected to the suit just like she was at the virtual training, but there wasn't any reply. He sighed out loud and then proceeded to go through the information projected in front of him.
The rules of the last bullet were simple. Two teams are against each other with five agents on each team. Each agent has a GPS chip connected to their wrist. Every five minutes, a scan of each agent's location will be broadcasted on the map. Though the locations are being revealed, it is impossible to know which agent is who as that information was retained.
The Department H agents were transported down to Winter Weir for the competition. The competition was being held in a large and special area in the Realm that had a lot of buildings and swarmed with trees with some drones flying around to broadcast the contest to the watchers.
*Two days ago* (Before the Last bullet competition)
The five that were to represent the Storm troopers sat in a room with Ace as he briefed them about the fighting patterns of their opponent.
"The Rain troopers' coach is a man that takes pride in his 'Takedown tactics' that he breathed into life," Ace began. "He believes the strategy of operating the majority of his agents to take down the opponent's strongest first, will give more chance of winning. I'm not going to tell you dumbos how to win, but I believe you can use his tactics against him."
Sox put up her hand. The captain turned to her and raised his brow. "What if he decided to use a different tactic? I mean, he may assume you'll give the information about his tactics to us..."
"That guy will kill to have the tactic he developed become the main fighting pattern of Winter Weir. He WILL use that tactic in the last bullet. Maybe with a little edit."
Using the information the Storm troopers received from Electro 28, they believe, since Storm 01 is a possessor of the Z-syrup, the agents will come after him, so they decided to each go a separate way and surround the Rain troopers in the middle while they struggle to find which agent is Storm 01.
Storm 01 took out his gun and rushed into a small bungalow as he waited for the map to reveal the next location. The last time the scan happened, he was only a few meters away from two of the Rain agents. He exhaled as he stared at the timer. He wasn't scared, but the speed at which his heart was moving had increased.
The timer reached zero, and the scan lines began to run through the map. As it reached his location, it showed the two agents that were last away from him now above him. Before he could process what he had just seen, the roof of the house he was in busted open, giving way for a Rain trooper to fall down from above.
The agent landed his leg on Storm 01, hitting him to the ground with a loud crash. He jumped away from Storm 01, waiting for him to get up before charging at Storm 01. He rushed at Storm 01 at full speed, slamming his leg into Storm 01's chest. The force behind the attack was so strong it sent Storm 01 crashing back through the wall behind him.
He quickly got up just in time to block the agent's jab. But a leg rained down on his knee pit, making him go down on one knee. He veered around to the second agent but the first one punched him with a right hook that sent Storm 01 back to the ground.
Storm 01 was confused that he could only just stay and collect the attacks. He was able to read their every move, but their numbers made it difficult for him to keep up.
Storm 01 kicked one of the agents back. He turned to the second agent and launched an uppercut at the agent. The agent tried to pull back but Storm 01 stopped his attack and moved one step closer before switching to a right jab that meets the side of the agent's head.
Storm 01 quickly pulled out another gun and turned to the other agent. He shot a few rounds at the agent before tossing the gun away. The agent tried a right, but Storm 01 hits the agent's hand away. The agent took out his gun but it got knocked away before he could use it. The saber in his wrist popped out. He plunged it at Storm 01, launching different attacks, but Storm 01 skillfully dodged all the attacks.
Storm 01 grabbed the agent and spun around, putting the agent in front of the line of fire of the other agent. He dropped the motionless agent on the ground and launched an uppercut on the agent's jaw, followed by rapid punches to the agent's midsection. He then sent the agent flying back with a roundhouse kick.
Though the agents of Department H were trained more to use weapons, Storm 01 preferred to use his fist and close-range weapons. He preferred having his enemy close than at a distance.
The agent pulled out something from his belt and clicked a button on it. He started by taking small steps towards Storm 01 before picking up the speed.
Storm 01 made his battle stance. As he looked closer at what the agent was holding, he realized it was a timer grenade that had a long explosion range. Storm 01 quickly turned to run from the agent.
"Activate turbo system!" He yelled.
"Aix, activate turbo system," he yelled again.
He cussed as he remembered Aix wasn't with him and he has to activate it himself. He did and it rocketed him forward, blasting his way through the building that was behind him. The grenade exploded and the wave still reached him. It sent him crashing to the ground with a loud thud. "Argh," he groaned, trying to pick himself up. He looked at his suit condition and sighed, throwing himself back to the ground. "I'll just stay here for a couple of minutes."
He raised his hand and clicked a button on the back of his ear to turn on their comminution device. "I got two agents, but I'm down to 61%"
[I'm just having fun with this, hahahahaha] Ada's laughing voice came in through the comms. He could hear the voice of another, screaming in the background.
[Next scan in one minute, stay aler...] Rory's words suddenly stopped and her comms turned off.
"Rory? Rory?!" Storm 01 got up from the ground and take off in the direction Rory was.