Jesselyn got up on her feet as the door to her cell slid open. Her eyes widened in surprise as the dark-haired man stepped in through the door. He had the Storm agent's uniform on and a new watch had already been assigned to him.
Jesselyn rushed and threw herself on the Storm agent, pulling him for a tight hug. They stayed that way for a couple of seconds before she finally pulled back. "What are you doing here? How did you get out?" She queried.
Miss Havishma came out to view from behind the door with her hands wrapped around her chest.
Jesselyn furrowed furiously. She pulled out the gun from Storm 01's holster and aimed it at the blue-eyed woman's head. The dark-haired man managed to push her hand just in time for the bullet to go flying into the ceiling. "No, stop Jesselyn."
She paid the 1st Storm agent no attention as she raised the gun again for another shut. Storm 01 twists her hand and secured the gun from her but she still doesn't stop. She attempted to charge forward, with her fist aimed at the pale-skinned woman but Storm 01 grabbed and pulled her back. "No, Jesselyn. No!"
He pinned her on the wall and grabbed her jaw, turning her head to face him. She tried to push out of his grip but the dark-haired man persistently pushed her back against the wall. "Look at me! Look at me Jesselyn!… Look at me." His voice slowly calmed from a yell into a silent whisper.
Miss Havishma remained standing with her hands still wrapped around her chest, not uttering a single word or moving an inch from her initial location.
"Why is she here with you? You know what she did to us!" Jesselyn barked but Storm 01 pressed his hands over her lips, cutting her short.
"Now is not the time to talk about the past, let's focus on now, for now at least." He slowly lift his hand from her lips and Jesselyn inhaled and exhaled deeply.
Jesselyn looked at the Storm uniform Storm 01 was wearing. "You work for her again? After all, she's done to you, to us?"
The dark-haired man shook his head. "It's a bit more complicated than that and I'll explain everything later on. But right now you need to set aside your rage and save Winter Weir from collapsing."
"Let it collapse…"
She calmed down and nod. "Fine. If you believe it is the right move, then it is what I shall do then."
"Good. Let's get you back into the Storm uniform one last time."
Jesselyn stabbed Miss Havishma with a sharp stare before walking out of the cell with Storm 01 following behind her. "I will wear anything but a Department H made uniform."
The door to Rory's cell opened and Storm 01 stepped in with a small smile on his face. "You," Rory muttered.
She pulled the dark-haired man in for a hug, sinking entirely in his touch. "Nice to meet you too, Rors."
"Don't call me that," she said with a soft chuckle. They pulled apart and Storm 01 placed his hand on the golden-haired lady's head. "It's good to see you again." He softly caressed her head, scattering and then fixing the hair again.
"How long has it been?" Rory queried.
"Too long."
"You haven't changed a bit. Your stubble beards are still stubble, why not just shave em?"
Storm 01 raised his brows. "No, everyone loves it, right?"
Rory laughed and softly punched the dark-haired man on his shoulder. "How did you get out?"
"She let me out. Winter Weir is under attack by the Tzerians," he said before turning to walk out of the place. Storm 01 stopped in his tracks. He turned back to see Rory still standing still, not moving an inch from her previous location, and her eyes were casted on the ground. "Are you coming?" He asked.
"You are fighting for Department H again?" She queried, her face turning pale
"No, not D.H. I'm fighting for something much better, it's a long story and I'll explain when we have everyone together, not individually."
Rory pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Fine," she said, taking the steps to follow the dark-haired man.
"Where's Erins?" Storm 01 asked.
"I don't know. The last time I saw him he was being led out of his cell by an Electro agent," she revealed.
Storm 01 froze as he extended his hand to push the door. Sparks of blue electricity appeared around his body and disappeared just as quickly as it happened.
"Are you okay?"
The dark-haired man used his left index and middle finger to massage his temple. "I'm fine. Let's go out there before they destroy our home."
Percy controlled his ship out of the line of fire. He continued to dodge more shots as three of the enemy spaceship chased after him. One of the shots hits the side of his ship, causing him to lose control of it.
The power on the ship suddenly went dark and it began to fall. Percy clicked the ejection button but it doesn't respond. He tried to remove his seatbelt and open his hatch but nothing happened.
The fifth Storm agent clenched his fist and punch the glass above his head. The inside of the ship heated up and hot sweat began to drip down his forehead and the back of his neck. He continued to punch at the glass but it doesn't even crack. "Fuc…" A flash of blue light appeared in his sight of the vision, and by the time it cleared, Percy was on the roof of a building.
He looked to the side to see Storm 01 on his knees trying to catch his breath. He opened his mask and exhaled deeply before getting up on his feet. "Hey dude."
"Storm 01? H-how--- why--are you here?"
"How? I walked out of the cell. Why? To win this war obviously. So just sit back and relax, I got everything under control."
[Storm 01!] Ada's voice blared through the comms.
[Is that you?]
"Yeah, it's me alright. So please stop yelling through the comms, you are gonna make me go deaf."
Storm 01 stretched his back and take a few steps back. "You might wanna move out of the way because it's about to become blue."
Percy puts his hands up and took some steps back. Storm 01 jumped a few times in the same location and sparks of electricity began to pour all around. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. As he opened them, they exuded a bright blue color.
Percy blinked, and Storm 01 was not where he previously was. He looked around to see a bright blue line flying through the Tzerian fighter and Warships. "Whoa," he mumbled.
The dark-haired man continued to blast his way through more and more of the Tzerian ships. He landed on a Galactica and released a wave of electricity which destroyed the ship instantly. The tide of the war seem to have changed as it was the Tzerian ships that now drop like flies.