Chántel nod slowly and sat down on the ground. She chuckled and crossed her legs before dropping her sword on the ground next to her.
Helga strode closer to the redhead woman. She held a stoic expression on her face as she walked. In her hand was a long sword which she dragged on the ground.
The sword had different fragments of its blade held together by a long red string. Prince Asier crossed his legs and rest his jaw on his fist, a smile lingering on his lips as he proudly watched his handiwork.
"Fascinating," the red-haired lady commented. "Fancy meeting you here, Helga. I did anticipate this moment, but not today, not here, not like this."
Helga's grip on her sword tightened and all the fragments of the sword hugged together to become a full sword. "Pick your weapon, and fight me."
"If I remember clearly, you said you can't work for royal blood, yet here you are," Chántel said.
The brown-haired woman hissed and continued towards her former partner. "Shut your mouth and pick your sword. I am not working for him. I will decide what I'll do with that scumbag when I'm done with you."
"Well…" Chántel picked up her sword and stood up on her feet. "… I guess I can't avoid this moment. But at least tell me the reason you hold a hatred for the Royal family of Tzeria."
"Now you want to know huh? Well, it's too late for that Chántel. Maybe I will tell you when I have my sword through your stomach." She swiftly launched herself forward, swinging her sword at her opponent. Chántel put up her shield but the moment the sword and the shield came in contact, it exploded and sent the redhead crashing back against the wall.
Helga's eyes were filled with vengeance as she spin the composite sword above her head like a whip. The sword extended even longer as she hurled it at Chántel who barely dodged, but got thrown back by another explosion.
The proclaimed King of the West laughed and slapped his hands multiple times on the railing. The crowd seem to have gotten invested in the fight as they were now all standing on their feet, staring down at the fight between the former partners.
Helga seemed to hold no regard for her 'once upon a time' friend, as she stroke a series of explosive whips at her.
Since she began her fight with the brown-haired lady, Chántel did nothing but dodge and retreat away.
August and the rest of the ONLINE squad members tried to intervene but the Tzerian soldiers stopped them from doing so.
Helga smashed her elbow into Chántel's jaw before knocking her into the sand. She stroke another attack but the latter quickly rolled out of the way. Chántel brilliantly maneuvered her way behind the silky brown-haired woman and wrapped her hands around her waist. She threw her over her shoulder, sending the vengeful lady to the ground behind them. Without wasting any time, Chántel turned and arrowed her knee at Helga's face, sending her back down to the ground.
She quickly reached for her sword which was earlier knocked out of her hand. But the moment she turned, Helga was up and already swinging her composite sword at her.
The weapon exploded on impact, sending the red-haired woman flying back. Chántel crashed on the ground. She groaned as blood gushes out of her mouth.
Helga pulled the fragments of her sword back together and slowly approached the redhead. "I have longed for this day... a day when I'll have the royals of Tzeria at my feet," she began. "All of you royal blood are murderers. You just create chaos among the people then crawl up to your huge tower and enjoy a beautiful meal on a peaceful sunrise."
Chántel dragged herself forward and extended her hand to reach for her weapon, but the brown-haired woman swing her sword at her. But instead of exploding, it left a good cut on her back which soaked the shirt she had on with blood.
"I know you are going to say: 'Oh, but I have no fault in this, I was residing in my beautiful chambers when my parents caused you pain' But what other way to hurt the throne than killing its blood?"
"You see, now, after I'm done with you, with the acquaintance I've made with the Royal palace, I could simply walk in, convince everyone that I was sent by you, get close to the Queen, and then execute my people's dream: to see the palace burn."
Chántel dragged herself up to her knees and chuckled. "That is such a fucked up plan. Even I could come up with something better in this state that I am. I bet your clan's people are disappointed in you right now." The redhead spat out blood.
"So you do know about it?"
"I only just figured it out." She looked down at her bleeding belly and groaned. "You are from the White Ryans clan. Your people lived on one of the Moons of Tzeria which had the most resources: Moon-Ryan."
Helga's grip on her sword tightened as she listened to, and watched the bloodied face of the Royal Princess. "Did you already know what I was talking about or did August mention it to you and you pretended not to know?"
There was a flash of surprise on Chántel's face which disappeared as quickly as it appeared. "Oh, I already knew about it, but only just recalled, August told me nothing. And you were wrong. I wasn't in my beautiful chamber... I was on the ship that day with my father. I watched as the Tzerian soldiers burn down your homes and chased you out of Moon-Ryan. Hell, I was the one who came up with the design of how the new factory should look like. And I bet when you close your eyes you can still see the flames burning your home and family…"
Helga screamed and thrust her sword at the red-haired woman's neck but Chántel was quick to react, she rolled out of harm's way and grabbed her sword from the sand.
The silky brown-haired woman of the Tzerian White Ryan clan turned to throw another attack but her hand stopped midair as Chántel's crystal DOD blade plunged into her stomach. Helga's sword dropped to the ground and blood gushed out of her mouth.
Chántel quickly hold her and slowly lay her on the ground. The dying brown-haired woman grabbed Chántel's collar and gasped for air. She blinked and coughed out some more blood. "K-killing…g a Wh--Wh--ite R--Ryan… you finally acted j-just like y-your people." She drew her last breath and her eyes shut.
"Phew. Well, that's a relief," Asier said as he looked on from above. "I'm glad she got rid of that vengeful White Ryan who thinks of nothing for vengeance for her older ones," he said to the pink-haired female soldier.
Prince Asier got up on his feet and extended his hand. "That, fellow Tzerians, is what a Spacion Battle should look like. And per the stipulation of the contest, I, King Asier of the West, give up my throne and will seize any actions to take over the whole of Tzeria, for now," he whispered the last of his words.
Chántel exhaled softly and used her hand to push back her loose red hair. She pulled out her sword from the dead Helga and hurled it at the dark-haired man. The sword flew past Asier's cheek and plunged into the wall behind him.
Prince Asier cast a sidelong look at the sword and then back at Chántel who pointed her index finger at him.
"You better get me a nurse," she said before crashing to the ground.