A car stopped in front of the mansion Jesselyn was in and Ada stepped out of it. She fixed her shirt before striding towards the door. She raised her hand to enter the code but realized the door was unlocked.
"Jessy?" She called out before stepping into the house with her brows glued to each other.
She slowly and cautiously walked further into the building, looking in every direction with each step she took.
A feeling in the pit of her stomach kept screaming something was wrong and she felt forced to adhere to the warnings.
Apart from the two who lived in the mansion, only Yvonne and Ada herself knew the passcode to the mansion. Yvonne and the dark-haired man were away, and she was sure Jesselyn wouldn't want to even leave her room.
She pushed open an already half-open door and entered the room. "Oh god," she exclaimed.
Madrid, Spain.
Eder and the dark-haired man stepped into the auction room and found a place to sit while they waited for the event to begin.
"The plan is simple, we buy the Powerball, the soldiers will arrest the members of Helltiga, and then we'll be out of here as quickly as possible, before I see anything that interests me and makes me want to stay."
"So Ada was correct when she said you being on a mission means leaving the organization's budget in the red"
Six ran his hand through his maroon hair and chuckled softly. "Every word she said in that room was true. But it's not my fault, we are all a slave to our desires."
The hall went silent as a man in an orange and black striped suit walked into the place. His face was also covered with a tiger-face mask. "Greetings to all of you. Thank you for cutting some time from your busy schedule to grace us with your presence, I promise, you will not regret this."
The crowd applauded the man and the lighting in the room dimmed for the bidding to start. A fine, well-made eyeglasses was first presented to the crowd.
"I know it looked like a normal pair of eyeglasses, but it's not," he started. "This is the 35-CI created by our favorite, the mad technician."
The dark-haired man turned his head to look at Eder who rolled his eyes and plugged a communication device into his ear.
"With this…" the man continued. "You will be able to hack into any device that is in a thirty-meter radius. If the device security is not strong," he whispered the last part of his words before yelling out his next words.
"Yes! The bidding starts at 75 million euros."
"90," a faint voice said from behind the hall.
Six turned to see who it was. "It's your Faintpin lady," he stated.
"Aren't you going to bid? It's a dangerous weapon to leave in the wrong hands."
Six laughed awkwardly. "After the heavy purchases we made earlier, we are short on money. So we can only look out for priority, besides, the 35-CI doesn't even compare to the Powerball, even I could put it out if I try."
"90 going in!"
The maroon-haired man hissed. "I hate that no one's fighting, where's the show I was promised?"
"You said she is the leader of one of the most powerful gangs, maybe they are all trying to stay on her good side."
"Mmm, right."
"Sold! … The details to transfer the money are right there," the man said, pointing at the small screen above his head.
Eder shook his head. "I can't believe we couldn't catch them on any of their heists, they are complete amateurs outside the field."
"What do you mean?"
"They have their account details out in the open, all I need to do is send those numbers to Hailey and they are done for, unbelievable."
The duo turned back to the auctioneer as he presented the next item. "This next item is very rare, you could travel the seven galaxies and only find a handful of them."
The curtains opened and a lady entered the auction room. "I know she doesn't look it, but she is a Genesis K.D. cyborg, among the first made by Nator..."
"So you stole her?" A voice questioned from the crowd.
"What?" The auctioneer muttered, inching closer to the edge of what he stood on. His face could not be seen, but the what-the-fuck expression he had was quite audible.
"All the items you present to us, are they stolen?" The man asked.
"Well, the fuck do you think? I made them myself?" The crowd burst into a soft laughter. "You get invited by the Helltiga and you think you'll get legal items?"
"Apologies, it wasn't I who read the letter, I had more important things to do."
"Right, anyhow --- the Genesis K.D. as we all know was designed to help the masses; impeccable beauty, can speak any language of your desire. K.D. will not only cook and clean your home, but she can also protect your home in case of any danger, but that's not all," he paused. "K.D. can also help in other aspects of your life if that's what you're into. But just as she's packed with these goodies, she also comes a little costlies," he laughed.
"The price starts at 900 million Euro."
"950 million!" Eder yelled out almost immediately the man stopped talking.
"What the hell?"
"Didn't you hear? She comes with some characteristics that are really hard to find these days."
The dark-haired man furrowed. "What happened to priority?"
"This is priority," he whisper-shout.
"One billion," Faintpin's low voice came in from behind.
"1.5 billion," the red-eyed man countered. As the former Storm agent looked at him, he saw the look in Eder's eyes and knew that there was no stopping him.
"Three billion."
"Seven billion."
"Fifteen," she countered, her voice becoming a little more audible than when the event started.
Eder smiled mischievously and crossed his legs." 15.5."
Everyone in the room was quiet. No sound interrupted the two as they continued to throw their numbers in the air.
"65," Eder said.
"Wait, we are still talking in billions right?" The auctioneer queried.
There was no reply from Chapta for a moment before her voice came in again. "A hundred and thirty."
"Sold for hundred and thirty billion!" The auctioneer almost screamed before regaining his composure.
Eder fixed his tie and leaned back on his chair. "Well, that's that out of the way."
"What was that?"
"I moved an obstacle outta the way," he said.
"I wasn't trying to buy K.D. I figured your Lady would try to get every item here so I kept bidding with hopes that she would too, and it actually worked. Brilliant, isn't it?" Six laughed. "Now unless she has a deal with the devil, she won't be able to bid on the Powerball."