*Department H*
Miss Havishma stood on an elevated area with her hand behind her back as she patiently waited for the Department H agents to make their way into the place. She wore an outfit similar to the agents' uniforms but without the stripes plus a little tweak here and there.
Electro 28 walked up to her with a small smile on his face. "It's been long since I saw you in the uniforms." He stood by her side and also held his hand behind his back.
"It's just a one-time thing. I'm only wearing it because of this speech, once it's over, I'll be out of it."
"The point is, you look… cool in that dress."
Miss Havishma stared at him for a couple of seconds before turning away. "Is the broadcast connected to Winter Weir yet?" She queried, changing the course of their conversation.
"It is. We'll start once you're ready," the electro agent responded.
Miss Havishma waited a few more minutes until the room was filled with agents before she moved closer to the mic in front of her and placed her hand on the podium. She looked down at the many agents gathered and her mind also thought of all the people watching from their homes. The side of her lips curled up a little and a twinkle appeared in her eyes, a twinkle that Electro 28 had been searching for since his last mission with the agent.
"Citizens of Winter Weir, my name is Havishma Bubentres, head of the Storm squad of Department H. I stand before you today to make public an unfortunate and heart breaking event that occurred in the Realm, last night."
"According to the little data that we've acquired from investigations, the Prime, Damiano Silverr, and Chief, Augustine Bury had organized a small outing between themselves that we believe the only alien minds to have known of the outing was the personal guards they took with them. On this said outing, the two were attacked by an unidentified individual and sadly, our Chief lost his life.
"I know that these sudden attacks on Winter Weir and D.H. are raising some questions about the safety of this planet. But rest assured, for we will not lean back until this criminal has been brought to justice. We will take necessary measures to do so and we call for your active corporation if needed." Miss Havishma stopped for a moment, staring blankly into space.
She blinked and turned back to face the agents in the room. "Approved by the Cycle organization, I shall continue duties as the Chief of Department H... all Rain troopers should report to the Storm section to get registered as Storm agents. Since the uprising ended years ago, I am dissolving the Rain squad, that is my first order as the Chief." She slightly bows her head before turning her heels out of the place.
Storm 01 held the door of his pad open for Jesselyn to enter. "What are you doing here?" He asked.
She entered and sat on the bed in the room. "You weren't present at the announcement so I came to check on you."
"Why attend when I already know what's going to happen?"
"You were with Chief when he got attacked, right?"
"I was," the dark-haired man chipped. His face was devoid of any positive emotions as he sat on the bed next to Jesselyn. "And there wasn't any attack, Chief was murdered by Damiano on the orders of Miss Havishma," he revealed.
Jesselyn turned to face Storm 01 with very little surprise lingering on her face. "Not surprising, I know that woman could go to extreme lengths if it means she gets what she desires."
The dark-haired man buried his face in his hands and took a deep breath.
"That's why I've been saying she had something to do with what happened to both our parents…"
"Please Jesselyn, not this again, I already have a lot going on through my head right now. I can't start thinking about that now," he chipped.
Jesselyn sighed to calmed herself before taking out a card from her pocket. "I noticed you lost the last one, so I got another."
Storm 01 forced a smile on his face as he noticed what she was holding; the same Medi Forest vacation ticket she gave to him some days ago on his birthday. "Thanks, Jess."
"I'll leave you to your thoughts then. See you during our next mission," Jesselyn said before walking out of the room.
A few moments after Jesselyn left, there was a soft knock on the door again. Storm 01 unlocked the door to see Rory looking back at him with the laptop he had gotten from Miss Havishma's pad in her hand. "Hey." He shut the door close as Rory stepped into the room.
"What did you find in it?" He asked, pointing at the laptop.
Rory shook her head disappointedly. "Sadly, nothing. Miss Havishma already cleared everything, it's like a brand new device now." She switch it on and turned the screen to Storm 01.
"That only proves that Miss Havishma did have something to do with Grace Light, your mother."
"Yeah," Rory dropped the laptop by her side and lay back on the bed while drawing a deep breath.
Storm 01 turned to look at her with his brows up. "Why do you seem to be relaxed? Doesn't it bothers you?"
"It does bother me, a lot actually. But there's nothing I can do about it. With Chief gone, Miss Havishma owns this place," the golden-haired girl said quite softly. "Literally."
The dark-haired man shook his head. "You may be right, but Miss Havishma still has to play by the Cycle organization rules..."
"Just forget about it. I don't think there's anything we can say to anyone that they'll believe us. It's our words against hers. And her is the Chief of Department H," Rory stated.
"So you are just going to let it go?"
Rory got up on her feet and paced from one corner of the room to another. She finally stopped and turned to face Storm 01. "Your influence is even worse than Percy's."
A Few Weeks Later.
*In the atmosphere of Clave-Ar*
A Department H spaceship flies towards the Atmosphere of planet Clave-Ar at full speed. Storm 01 looked down at the planet through the window of the spaceship.
He snapped out of his thoughts and turned back to look at Steve who had just approached him. "What are you thinking?" he queried.
"What I would have been doing if I had listened to myself years ago and not joined Department H."
Steve's brows shoot up as he listened to Storm 01. "My god. You're even more depressed than you look," the orange-haired man said.
"I'm not depressed, I'm just thinking. How did you get into Department H?" Storm 01 asked.
"Willingly. My mother was in dire need of treatment. The hospitals in the underground couldn't even diagnose what was wrong with her but Department H offered to take care of her while still paying me for my duties. She's currently staying at a house that was given to us by the State."
"I see. And you think you joined willingly?" the dark-haired man replied. "Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?"
Storm 01 smiled and shook his head. "Nothing. But in my opinion, I'd say they used your needs to get you into doing what you'd normally probably not do."
Steve folded his hands around his chest and nodded agreeably. "It is true. On a normal occasion, I would have not even thought about joining the agency, but I'm here now and I don't care." Storm 01 walked up to a table to pour himself a glass of water. "That's the best type of manipulation, don't you think? Making the person think they are making the decision, but it's actually you giving them the choice."
"Yeah well, I won't say it's manipulation, I'm also getting something in return."
The dark-haired man gulped down the glass of water. "Plus the victim also thinks it's a fair play. Maybe I was right to join, I'm learning a lot from Miss Havishma and Department H."
"Whatever," Steve instantly brushed Storm 01's words and turned to face the other Storm agents who were preparing their weapons. "These preparations are too extreme for a planet as low in military capacity as ClaveFar."
"They had the Moonfour, we should at least give them that."
"Meh. I think it's overload."
Miss Havishma entered the room with Electro 28 following behind her. She wore dark blue jeans trousers, a gray turtle neck, and a blue oversuit over it all. The entire room went quiet and turned their attention to her the moment she entered the room.
"Alright agents," she started. "Let's go over the details; Clave-Ar has no air defense system, so we'll fly the ship over their military base, giving Storm 01 the chance to drop right on the building and destroy it. With their only fighting strength gone, the rest of you will march into the planet and take captive any individual that has any political power," Miss Havishma explained. Her eyes moved from one corner of the room to another, scanning every agent in the room. "We have no desire to go into an all-out war. All we need to secure is the industrial site on Clave-Ar. It has just the resources we need to get Moonfour functioning again. Once we have that under control, we'll let them do whatever they like."
Steve turned back to look at the dark-haired man. "You know what I can't wait to finally witness?"
"The nuke abilities you claim to have. I'd finally get to see it in person," the orange-haired man said.
Storm 01 strode to the door part of the ship and clicked a button for the door to unlock. "You might wanna put on some eye protection because it's gonna get really bright," he said before jumping off the ship. The dark-haired man waited till he was a few seconds away from the building before sparks of electricity began to appear around him.