Storm 01 rushed to help Sox to her feet. "Are you okay?" He asked.
"I've felt better," Sox replied before wiping the blood from her mouth. "You can't take him on alone. We should get everyone out of here and wait for backup," she stated.
Storm 01 felt a light pinch in his chest. "Why does everyone keep underestimating me?" He clenched his fist and turned to start towards Jacob who was still on the ground, but Sox held his hand.
"This is not about underestimating you. Being brave is one thing, and being stupid is another. Fighting that thing is the latter. No one will call you weak if you run away from fights you cannot win," Sox defined, her face turning into a distressed tone.
Jacob stood up from the ground, the part of his face that Storm 01 smashed his knee into had contracted.
"Is that Jacob?" Storm 01 questioned.
"Yeah. He had some kind of transformation and is so much faster than he was when we first faced off," she replied.
Storm 01 grinned and took some steps toward the robot. "He is a robot? Well, that only makes him a terrible opponent for my electrokinesis," he mumbled before making his battle stance. "Can you do anything to help Percy before the medics arrive?"
"I have some emergency pills that should stop the bleeding if he is still alive." She proceeded to Percy's side and turned him over to assess the injury.
Jacob's left hand turned back into a sword. "You must be the electrokinesis guy. Killing you now would have been better, too bad that's not the orders."
Storm 01 folded his hands around his chest and pinched his jaw. "So you are from Earth, Chief was right then. Tell me, are you a robot or a cyborg? I kinda get confused."
"Enough talking." Jacob bent and pushed his upper body forward, making the stance he used to put Percy to rest.
Storm 01 could see every step Jacob took as he launched himself at him. Storm 01 takes out Hailey's lightsaber from his pocket and cuts through Jacob's spiky hand before he could attack him with it. He used his left hand and stroke a right jab at Jacob. He then used the handle of his lightsaber to hit Jacob back.
Jacob groaned in rage. His hand reformed in seconds and he launched at Storm 01 again but Storm 01 used the wing to fly over him. He landed behind Jacob and slashed his back with the Lightsaber. Jacob spun around with his hand outstretched, aiming for the dark-haired boy's neck but Storm 01 reacted and quickly ducked. Storm 01 punched Jacob with a right hook followed by a quick uppercut.
Jacob's hands turned back into a fist. He angrily punched storm 01 with the back of his hand, the force behind the punch was so strong it sent Storm 01 crashing back. Storm 01 tried to shoot a wave of electricity through his free hand but Jacob grabbed and twisted his hand. He then grabbed Storm 01 and slammed him to a wall. He lifts him and slammed him into another wall, and another, and another. He finally choked Storm 01 on a wall and pressed his fingers into his chest.
Storm 01 screamed in pain as Jacob's hand dug deeper into his chest. Through all the pain, Storm 01 managed to lunge the lightsaber into Jacob's left shoulder to sever his hand. The part sparked from the damage caused to it.
Jacob's hand turned back spiky and he thrust his right hand at Storm 01 but Storm 01 was quick to react. He held the sharp part of the hand with his bare hand, pushing the lightsaber deeper into Jacob's arm. But before he could completely sever the arm, the lightsaber turned off, leaving only the handle in Storm 01's hand.
Jacob lunges his spiky hands into Storm 01's abdomen. He drives his other hand into his left chest. Storm 01 yelped in pain and slowly fall to his knees. Storm 01 formed a ball of electricity in his hand and blasted Jacob back. He rained down more bolts of electricity on Jacob till he wasn't moving.
Storm 01 groaned in pain and quickly took off the wing bag before taking off his coat. He brushed his hands over the wound from Jacob's cut. They were healing but it wasn't as fast as it used to be. He stood up with a loud groan and managed to walk over to where Sox and Percy were.
"How's he doing?" He asked.
Sox smiled bitterly as she pressed her jacket harder on the cut in Percy's chest. "He'll live. We just have to take him to a medic before the situation worsens," she revealed.
Sox shifts her eyes to the wound on Storm 01. "You don't look well yourself."
Storm 01 chuckled. "Trust me, I'm doing better than anyone of you is."
Miss Havishma suddenly walked into the scene through the broken window with Ace McClain and some members of the Electro squad. Two Blue troopers also entered the building and rushed over to Percy and took him on a stretcher back the way they came while the Electro squad dragged Jacob with them.
Storm 01 and Sox walked over to Miss Havishma. "Good work agent. Keep this up and you might just get checked as an elite agent of Department H."
Storm 01 who was utterly confused as to how they were able to enter from the second floor nods understandably, realizing that the spaceship they came by was invisible and they simply just came close enough for them to walk through the window.
"Come on agents, we are heading back to HQ. I'll have some agent take care of any damage here before anyone even notices what happens here," Miss Havishma said, turning back to enter the ship but stopping as Storm 01 called her.
"Can I stay until the competition is over? You can have Electro 28 stay behind and keep an eye on me. We'll return once the contest is over," he stated.
The said name finally arrived at the scene from the second floor with Ada, just in time to hear Storm 01's conversation with Miss Havishma.
Miss Havishma looked at Electro 28 and then at Storm 01. She had no reason to turn down his request so she reluctantly nodded to it.
"Fine. I'll leave a ship for three at the port."
"Three?" Ada pondered.
"Fly back to HQ once the contest is over, not even a second longer," Miss Havishma stated. She then turned to Ada. "You give that speech I arranged at the closing remarks of the competition, don't let it go to waste."
"But Miss Havishma..."
Miss Havishma waved away whatever Ada wanted to say and stepped into the ship. An agent handed a clean shirt to Storm 01 and collected the blood-stained ones he had. Immediately the door to the ship shuts, Ada turned to Storm 01 with a murderous glare. "You did this! And I'm positive it's because of that Hailey San."
"It's Hailey Sun," Storm 01 corrected. He picked up the bag and put it back on.
"Now you want to talk to me. Is it because I missprounced your girl's name? Hailey San... Hailey San!" Ada teased. "You know, we made a great duo back when we were trainees... When we always end up last; thanks to you."
Storm 01's jaw tightened, but he swallowed it back down, refusing to let Ada's attempt to piss him off get to him.
Electro 28 picked up the handle of the lightsaber and handed it over to Storm 01. "You got these... Equipment after you disconnected your devices, correct?"
"Hmm," Storm 01 nodded.
Electro 28 nods before turning towards the stairs. "There's five minutes left before the registration is over. Let's go get a seat," Joe stated.
"Wait, your Hailey San is not attending the competition, so why do you want to?" Ada quizzed. Her eyes widened in startling realization. "Don't tell me you are going to participate in the contest."
Storm 01 landed a soft knock on Hailey's door. She slowly opened the door with a bright smile on her face.
"Oh hey, it's you. I thought you had already left because you spent more than an hour away," she stated.
Storm 01 nodded. "I was kinda busy trying to win a competition," he replied, before handing her wing device back to her. He then slip his hand into his pocket and brought out a medal.
"Is that?"
Storm 01 nods. "It's not the first position though..."
"Are you kidding me?" She chipped. "My creation got second among many others, even the Weirs from the Realm, I couldn't ask for anything more."
"Thank you very much, Andy." Hailey couldn't hide the excitement on her face as she stared at the shiny medal.
Hailey looked over Storm 01's shoulder and noticed the black windowless van on the other side of the road. Her smile faded and her face became bitter. "You are leaving?" she queried, despite knowing the answer she was going to receive.
"Yeah. See ya," he said, turning to leave but Hailey grabbed his hand and pulled him back, pressing her lips to his. She then pulled back and smile. "When will I see you again, Andy?"
"Stop," she chipped in. "Don't tell me. That way I can keep waiting for you to come to me." She smiled.
Storm 01 nods. "Alright, see yah."