1831 (Three years ago)
The teenage Coco looked up at the D.H. spaceship as it flew farther away from them. He unzipped his bag to go through what it contained. All he found were some bandages, two space bread, three grenades, and a rechargeable laser gun with three batteries for the gun. He zipped the bag up, strapped it on his back, and started walking.
The snow on the ground was so much that all they could do was drag their feet as they walk.
Mars raised the tab and turned it in different ways. He then let out a loud hiss and handed it over to Coval.
"I'm sure you'll understand this better than I do," he stated, before walking ahead of the rest.
Teela raced towards Coco to walk next to him. She looked up at him then turned her head to face forward, then at him again before speaking. "Not a fan of communication, are you?"
He ignored her and kept striding forward. Teela smiled and walked faster to catch up to him. "You know, I have a little brother who acts just like you. He never reveals stuff to me and rarely talks," Teela stated. "His name is Liyyed." The teenage Coco still didn't say a word.
"You know…" the emerald-green-haired boy, Tzal started from behind. "… I can agree with time voyage, and that it all came to be with a big bang, but I don't quite believe there's anything like GEHAs."
"You and me both," Mars added. "Ape with six legs that shoots lasers from its eyes? Don't make me laugh," he let out a chuckle.
"Science," Teela joined in the conversation.
Coval who was now in front of the four stopped walking as he buried his eyes in the tablet in front of him. "I think those genetically engineered animals are real," he declared.
"Well guess what you two? I can fly," Tzal laughed while flapping his hand by his side.
"No, look," Coval pointed straight ahead.
They all looked in the direction Coval was pointing. They couldn't see the front part, but from behind it looked like a tail feathered animal. The animal lifted its head and turned it to face the five agents.
"It's just a peacock," Tzal chorused.
"Yeah, but look at what it's feeding on," Coval pointed out.
On the ground where the peacock's head was at, lied an elephant with its belly ripped open and its internal organs peeking out with the ground below it soaked in blood.
"Holy..." Tzal let his sentence trail off and covered his mouth with both his hands. "I think… I think we should let it just eat..." Teela shuddered as she slowly take steps backward.
The peacock shifts its head to look at the teenage Coco as he slowly takes off his bag. He took out the gun and inserted the battery.
"What are you doing? It doesn't see us as a threat, let's just turn the other way, I'm sure Coval will find another way to the lab," Tzal tried to stop Coco but he doesn't answer.
The peacock turned its entire body to face the agents. It purred like a kitten and the colors on its body which used to be all black slowly switched colors to purple, blue, and green, with its eyes glowing with a bright white color.
The agents that were retreating stopped in their tracks and lowered their hands to the side as they stared at the creature in awe.
Coco lowered his hand with the gun and exhaled relaxingly. The peacock spread its feathers wide, revealing the colorful eyes-like designs engraved on it.
The five agents just stood still, not even blinking an eye as the peacock take a step forward. It purred even louder and take another step forward.
Coco snapped out of it and tightened his grip on his gun. "Did it just…" he quickly took out a grenade and toss it at the peacock. It exploded, causing the other agents too to break out of the trance. "What just happened?" Teela questioned.
"Run!" The dark-haired boy grabbed his bag and took off in the opposite direction of the peacock with the others following behind.
The peacock emerged from the smoke unscathed with its colors now entirely red. It hopped a few steps and then stretched out its wings to fly after its prey.
Teela who was behind the four agents tilt her head to look at the creature. She yelled and tried to increase her speed but the animal was faster. It hovered above Teela as its feathers on the wings turned sharp and pointed.
Coco quickly stopped and pushed Teela just in time to avoid the feathers as it lunged into the ground. The feathered animal landed on the ground and lunges its feathers again at the teenage Coco and Teela, but Mars appeared in front of them and used an energy shield to stop the attack.
It pulled back and launched forward again, this time using its feathers to slap the side of the shield that sent Mars crashing into the snow on the ground. The creature turned and put its wings in front of it to block some shots from Tzal and Coval.
It hopped up to the sky, pushing its legs forward at the two that shoot at it. They quickly jumped to the side, barely evading the creature's pointy claws.
The peacock veered around to face the four. It let out a loud screech that made them cover their ears with their hands. By the time they recovered, the animal had its tail feathers spread open again, but this time, it shot spikes out from the eye-like design.
Mars jumped in front of the attack with his energy shield but it wasn't big enough to defend all five of them. One of the spikes cut through the eye-patched boy's forearm and into the abdomen of the dark-haired boy.
Coco yelped as the spike plunged into his abdomen. "How do we kill this thing?" Tzal cried out.
The teenage Coco pulled out the spike and leaped out of the defense range of the shield, launching himself at the peacock. The animal smartly leaped back and tried to attack him with its wing's feathers, but he managed to dodge the attack with a little cut by the feather.
Blood dripped from his hand as he drives the spike into the creature's neck. It screeched and used its beak to strike his shoulder.
Teela slides under the peacock and shot at its neck. It screeched and hopped up, using one of its legs to knock her back. The creature's skin turned to a hue of orange and it starts to retreat.
It hopped up to fly but dropped back down as a grenade thrown by Mars exploded just above it. It tried to quickly get back to its feet but Coval plunged a dagger into its right eye.
The creature's skin turned entirely white with the top of its neck retaining its orange color. It screeched loudly and began to shoot a beam of lasers out of its mouth toward the ground.
The ground began to slowly crack. It shattered and ripped open, causing the five agents to crash into the ground with a loud rumble.