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We took the book. We stole it. They were coming so we took it.
Enya’s POV
I led Anwyll back into the secret lair where we were quick to scale the steps.
“Why the hell are we in this picture!” I quickly move to the Teepee with Anwyll close behind. He dusted himself off and leaned in close. I open the flap book and switch to the page. I stare at it in disbelief. “This has to be fake.”
“Again with this-“
“It has to be! There’s no way! I-I can’t be! This is vampire attire! Why would I attend a school for vampires!” I cry. “Do you think it could’ve been from cyber vale?” I shake my head.
“No…cyber vale hardly ever changes their uniforms. Like ever. And it wouldn’t make any sense. Tom wore the same uniform.” I explained. “And he’s not in the picture.” We stare at the photo in silence. I stare at how I clung to Anwyll. I looked so happy..so calm. “We really did know each other huh..” I mumble.
He nods softly. “I suppose we do..” I flip to the photos. There were so many..so many of us..but we all wore the same thing..but. There was something else. “Wait..” I point. “Look..” we had the same symbol on our clothes. “The phoenix symbol?” He questioned.
I look around. “It’s everywhere..!” I whisper. It was in the background, on our clothes. On flags. “Do you think it was a school? That building?” I shrug. “I-I don’t know..it would make sense..? But why?” I gasp and slap my hand against his arm while turning my focus on him. “Anwyll! Pheonix! Beware the gaze of the pheonix! What if the warning is against this!” He quickly fixed his position. “Okay but why? It looks like a school?”
“True..it does. But still. There could be something wrong with the school. Something could’ve happened..”
“Which would explain why you're parents might’ve pulled you out…” he adds. “Which is also why I could also not remember..!” I add. He nods and we lean back staring at the photos.
“So now..we just gotta figure out what school this is..” we sat in silence for a moment.
I shook my head and pushed it away. I slide my fingers through my hair and tuck my head through my knees. “Are you okay?” I just give him a soft groan. “No..” I whine. “My head hurts..! This is all too much!” I whine, running my hands down my face.
“How..how can this be possible…” I frown. “I don’t remember any of this..! And clearly Marca doesn’t either..” I slump against the wall. Anwyll stayed silent for a moment. He then took a deep breath. “What if you asked you're parents..?” I glance at him.
He ran his hands together. “I highly doubt they’d be any help. They’d just either tell me that they have no clue what I’m talking about or brush it aside. Just like they did with Orris death” he grew quiet. “Enya I didn’t mean what I said when I mentioned Orris..I don’t know what happened or you're situation.” I just sigh. “It’s whatever. We tried. We really, really did. We knew that his death didn’t add up. That something else was going on.. we just-“ I pause for a moment.
I don’t know..I don’t want to talk about it. I knew we could’ve tried harder. Done better. his death was hard.. Hell we spiraled god sake. Me and Marca were ready to burn anyone in our path just to get to our killer. I was ready to dismantle anyone and everything. I wanted revenge. Payment in the form of blood.
I never felt rage like I had then..I’ve never felt so dangerous..I flinch and instinctively jerk my hand at the feeling of it being gripped. “Sorry..it’s just..” he gestured to the roof. I nearly wince with shame. I waved my hand and the jagged vines that I had produced slowly faded back into the earth. I go back to flipping through the pages.
“Enya..” he began “you're powers-“ I roll my eyes and gently let my hand drop into the old papers. “I know..I know. B-but I feel like I need to say something..” she sighed and leaned back. “You're powers..” I start again. “No normal werewolf should be able to use magic. Especially - especially magic like yours..”
What was he trying to say? Hm? “So?” I say. “So..don’t you think that's weird? Like tell me. Have you ever met another werewolf with powers? Any werewolf. I’m not talking about hybrids or anything like that. I mean normal. One shift werewolf.”
“Yes of course..! I..” I slowly trail off. Trying to think.
I blink. Have I..? I slowly look away. No..I have! I have! I open my mouth but stop. “Exactly..” I glance at him Again. “So why? Why, you? Why Marca?” He questioned. “You know..the first time I saw you. I knew I smelt something different.
I knew there was something different about you..” I roll my eyes. “What exactly are you trying to say? Hm? That I’m not normal? That there’s something wrong with me And my brother?” He leaned back. “You tell me. I have a feeling I know what it is. But I need more information..more clues to nail it down..” he nods. I think for a moment. I than sigh and rub my face. “Fuck..”
I let my hands drop and look at the photo book. I felt that raging pain in my head again. The feeling of my brain being mushed together by a boulder.
Was he right? Was I and Marca more than just a werewolf? Was orris? Was that the true reason he died? What about my parents? What are they? Do they know? And these photos..there are so many pictures of us. Anwyll and me..orris and me..Marca.
We were all in that building. All in that place. The place crawling with vampires. Why were we there? Oh god…I felt like my head was going to explode. “Hey..” I could hear Anwyll but I was too busy thinking. I had so many questions. So many things I needed to know.
Is that why people hate us? Because we’re so different? I mean he was right yet again. I’ve never seen another werewolf use powers like ours. Only vampires. Which brings me back to my question. What am? What am I truly? “Enya..” I flinch at his touch. Not because I was afraid of his touch. But because I was stressed.
“You're ripping a hole in you're pants..” I look down at my knees. He was right. I had dug a small hole..there was fresh blood seeping underneath my nails from scratching. “Oh..” was all I could say. “I’m sorry..” I say numble. He took my hand and looked it over. “Why are you saying sorry to me? It’s your blood..you're body..” he mumbled. I look him over before noticing his eyes glowing softly.
I felt him grip my finger before he took in a sharp breath and let go. He ran his fingers through his hair and I narrowed my eyes slightly. “When was the last time you ate?” He let out a deep sigh and fixed his shirt. “Earlier today. When I drank the frozen one..” I give him an annoyed look. “I’m fine. I promise..” he smiled.
I just wave it off and bring up my legs. I look through the photos. “Enya you need a break..”
“No, I need to figure this out. I knew you..you knew me. I need to see what else I can remember.”
“Enya please..” he sighed. Taking the book. “Hey-“
“Don't think I haven’t felt those headaches. You need a break“
“I don’t”
“You do,” he urges. I let out a restless sigh. “Look, I understand. Okay..we know each other. That’s interesting. I want to know more too, I want to know who and what I am as well. But we need to do this safely.” He nods. I shake my head and look away.
No, I don’t need a break. I need to do this now. I need to know what my parents have been keeping from me and my brother. “Enya,” he begged. “We’ll figure it out. Okay? Break. Let’s go on a break. And once we come back, you can binge search for as long as you like.”
I threw him a sour face. “Promise.”
“On my word.” He raised a hand. I sigh and crawl out. “Fine. What do you wanna do..” he shrugs and I threw my hands up. “What-“ I sucker my teeth before slowly reaching for the book. He smacked my hand and shoved it underneath a book. I groan. “Come on! You said so yourself. You don’t even know what to do!” I dive for it. “Let me just flip through a few more pages, see if anything sparks anything up, and bam. We’re good to go!” I insist.
“No!” He hissed, grabbing at my waist and tugging me away. I groan as he plopped me down on the cushion beside us. “Sit. You don’t need to remember everything at once..! Okay? It’s not safe.” I cross my arms annoyed. What is with him??
He acts like he doesn’t care whether he gets his memories back! I’m trying! If I lost my memory, if I forgot something, I need to remember. “Enya..” he begins. Dipping his head so he could meet my eyes. “I want to remember. I honostly do. Especially since those memories have you in them…and Marca.” I fight the urge to allow my face to flush. Stupid vampire face.
I look away clenching my jaw softly. “But it takes time. Okay? You can’t force it. It could be dangerous..”
“You don’t know that”
“And neither do you.” He shrugs. I chew the inside of my cheek. Another good point. I blow out and let my arms drop. “F-fine.” He nods and continues to tuck the book.
“So.” He sighs, laying his arms on his knees. “What to do now..” I shrug. I purse my lips thoughtfully. I wonder what my friends are doing right now..I bet there skipping school. “Let’s go to school.” I glance at him. I than crawl back out and stand up. “What?”
I nod and fix my clothes before heading to the stairs. “Let’s go to school. I have some friends I wanna see. Let’s
go.” I wave him on. He paused and sighed, shaking his head. “Unbelievable. I’m asking for a break and here you are dragging me off to..to school..” he drew the word out. Pasting a line of disgust behind it.
I snort and roll my eyes. “Yeah. well Marca is off preparing for his meeting with the council. And I am banned from joining the hunting group, so. Got any suggestions?”
He just rolled his eyes and stood up. “It won’t be my fault if this school becomes a royal bloodbath..” I wrinkle my nose slightly. “Noted..just don’t eat my friends and you don’t got a problem..you can eat Brian though..”
Marca’s POV
I stare at the paper. These people…people that I don’t even know. They will be the ones deciding my fate. I slump back just staring at it. A siren..a fairy..a fucking vampire..
How is this fair? How is any of this fair? I messed up. I know I did..but I was just defending my sister. So why. Why am I getting punished? What about him? What about the numerous times he harassed her and came after her? What about that? They did nothing. But hey, I’m the one to blame. So much for having the alpha on the league.
When he had asked me to choose the pack over my sister, I won’t lie…I did think about it. Just for a moment though. But the more I thought about it the more I couldn’t do it. And shit like this proved me right. Enya has been harassed by this human boy for years. Years. And the alpha did nothing. And for a beta female who seemed to be so important to him he really treats us like nothing.
Brian deserves to be on trial for sexual harassment and assault. So why isn’t he? I jerk my head up to a knock. Enya tiptoed in. “Get up..”
“What? No? I have a trial tomorrow. I need to be prepared.” She leaned against the counter. She gestured to the window. I narrow my eyes to see Anwyll clinging to the window. I instantly paled. “Enya-“
“I know, I know..dad will kill me if he finds out. Which. He won’t, if you don’t tell.” She sasses, walking over to the door window and sliding it open. “No. Out. Both of you out. I can’t do this! I have a trial!”
“A trial thay may end poorly!” She explained. “Wow. Thank you so somuch for your support.” I grumble. “Oh come on..Marca. I’m joking. They're gonna let you keep it. They’d be idiots if they didn't.” I look down at the papers silently. “So. Get your ass up.
We are going to see joe.” My heart leaped and I snapped my head up. She wiggled her brows and I instantly felt my face beat up. “Mhm. You need to relax. Do something fun before this trial. To clear you're head..” she took my hand and gave it a gentle tug.”
“But father..”
“Will understand. And if he doesn’t then..” she shrugged. “But I’m not ready. I look awful..” I frown, rushing to my mirror where I quickly try to freshen up.
“Who’s joe..” I look at Anwyll. “A friend..” I quickly change my shirt and spray myself down in some fancy body spray. I didn’t know what it was, I was too nervous to care.
I was going to see joe. “Come on lover boy. Let’s go..” Enya giggled, taking my hand and leading me to the window. Anwyll side stepped and gestured us out. “A friend..hm..” he made a weird snorting sound. A sound that I happily ignored.
I follow Enya onto the roof where we proceed to climb down a small railing before jumping down the rest of the way. I look over to Anwyll disappearing. “Where..”
“He’ll meet us outside our territory..come on..” we start to jog off. “Nah uh..now where do you think you're going?” We throw our heads back groaning. Fucking Lucy. “Hello satan.” We then faced him. And there he was. “Aren’t you two still on house arrest?”
“And aren’t you supposed to be minding your business?” Enya snapped “hm. No. I’m your guard.”
“Correction. You're our room guard. So guard our room.” I nod. Lucy took in a sharp breath. “You wanna know something?” He slowly circles us. “You both have this strange smell..” he took in a deep breath before grabbing Enya’s hand. “Hey!” She snarled getting yanked over.
“Let go of her!” I demanded as he sniffed her hand. I shove him off and bare my teeth. “You reek of vampire..tell me. Are you still hanging out with that boy?”
“What are you, my father?” She spat, rubbing her wrist. “No, but I could tell your father..”
I grit my teeth. this son of a bitch! “You know what!” I reach for him only to have Enya stop me. “Don't. You're already in enough trouble.” Lucy gave me a smudged grin. Enya stepped forward, rolling her wrist slightly. I watched as he dropped to the floor grunting softly. “I am not.” Lucy’s veins began to pop and his face began to turn a deadly red. Enya sighed and crouched to meet his eyes. “Go ahead and snitch. See what happens” she tilts her head watching him.
Brutal. I don’t know why we do it. Why we’re so calm and collected when torturing someone, One could argue that it was just the way we were brought up. Which is half true. Me and Enya were practically brought up to be warriors. By order of the alpha. Soldiers if needed. Or, it could just be the way we are. Psychotic twins who just so happen to be werewolves.
I don’t think we’ll ever know why we do it. Why it doesn’t bother us. She took in a sharp breath as Lucy moaned with pain, clutching his throat. “Another popped..” she popped the P. “I told you that I’d get you back..I’m tired of you laundering money off me Lucy.
My father pays you a heavy salary for guarding my room. So why don’t you do that? Guard my room. Not me. I don't need a bodyguard.” She snarled softly. “Neither does Marca. He doesn’t pay you to follow us. So stay. Put.” She jerked her head and he fell to the floor gasping and wheezing.
She watched him for a moment before standing up. “You're really annoying..if you want to bump up to be a higher class guard. One who doesn’t need to stay around my room, why don’t you just ask?”
“You don’t think I’ve tried..” he gasped, his voice crackled and hoarse. “I applied numerous times. I want to be one on patrol. But I’m not allowed..! He won’t accept it!”
“Yeah, probably because you keep trying to fucking challenge him!” I spat. “That’s you're problem Lucy. You don’t know when to quit. You did the same with Enya, you did the same with my mother! And now your doing the same with our father.”
Lucy was always a troubled man. The first week he started working he tried to hit on Enya. He’d watched her through her window. Waiting for even the smallest glimpse. It took her a few months to finally scare him off before he went to our mother who told our father who finally did something. I roll my eyes at that. He didn’t do anything when Enya begged for him to change gaurds.
She told him that Lucy kept bothering her, stalking her..but he didn’t care. He told her we didn’t have the budget. The budget for what? To move places?? To switch guards? Just move the guy a few feet right! But once our mother complained about her being harassed he finally threatened him and put him in his spot. Ever since than he’d been trying non stop to bunk up and challenge him. Questioning his every move. Questioning his honor. His men. Everything. We always hated Lucy…but our father just said Lucy had good eyes.
Whatever that meant. “Oh please..! We all know I’d be a better fit for the Beta role! A better ruler! A better mate!” He spat slowly, moving upright. He chuckled painfully. “After what I’ve seen you’d probably say I’m right..” he looked between us. “You're parents are no parents. They are terrible Betas as well!” That’s it.
Without waiting for Enya to stop me, I slam my fist against the side of his jaw, sending him straight to the floor. Enya stood up and looked at me. I grumble underneath my breath while dusting off my clothes. “Now look at what you did.. what if father comes out to see him..!”
I shrug and take an arm. She takes the other and we pull. “Put on some glasses then.” We slump him underneath Enya’s window. I pat around his shirt before taking his shades and sliding them on. I pay his cheek. “Sleep tight.”
We both turn in sync and begin to make our way through the forest. After a moment of silence I groan. “I can’t believe he’d say something like that..! Can you believe him?” Enya just pressed her lips together. “Sure. Our parents aren’t the best. They raised us in a way a kid shouldn’t be raised.
Sure they're always gone with the alpha, but they're still a good beta!” I defend. “Don't you agree?”
“Yes. Their amazing betas..” she nods shortly. I narrow my eyes. I pause. “What aren’t you telling me..?” She took in a hazy sigh and began to do a quick rundown of what she came across.
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