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Once everything was ready Theo stood up. “This case Was a rather interesting one. You, Marca. Are known to be violent and dangerous.” I lower my head. “But you're also a werewolf..one that is known to put you're sister above everyone and everything..” Theo explained.
“You're also a great soldier.” He adds. I look up. “But in the end you did harm a human child. One who has threatened the safety of our people and those of myth and legends..if you're father had not done what he did he’d be ranting about. You’d be sent to human jail where you’d surely be exposed and or killed.
As long as the rest of us..” I slowly squeeze my hand together nervously. Theo looked around the room. “The other members and I spoke about you're case together and we had finally come up with a verdict” my father grabbed my hand and so did my mother. Theo sat down and the council members exchanged one last whispers before the member of my species stood up.
He cleared his throat and flatted his hair. “Marca. Much like Theo said. You're case was interesting. And dangerous. You are reckless and irresponsible.” I felt my cheeks burn. “But. Your alpha put in a good word and although he wasn’t able to be here, he put in a lot of effort to fight you're case..”
“That being said. You would be a great fit for the position as beta-“ the crowd erupted in chaos. The member raised his hand and Theo slapped the table. Silencing them all. “Thank you, Theo..” he nodded his head but went on. “But you need training. A werewolf with anger issues is normal. But one like yours is dangerous and cannot be trusted.
So, in order for you to remain in you're position. You are to go to anger management and We declare that you remain suspended until further investigation and or notice..” my father quickly let go. “What!” They all raised their hands and tapped the desk in a synchronized manner before standing up. The guards stood and made a wall just as the others including my father began to swarm. “Meeting adjourned..!” And with that they all walked out.
Anwyll’s POV
I walk around reading page after page. Filling my brain with memory after memory. “Don't read too much” I jump and spin around to see Violet. I eye her before shakily setting down the book. “W-what the hell..” I mumble. “What. The hell!” I snarl. Violet tilts her head. “What did you read?”
I throw my hands up. “Theo. Theo isn’t-“ she raised her hand. “Not that. Anything else?”
“It never mentions you.” I say. “Why..” she tilted her head and sighed looking away. “It was only a matter of time..” she mumbled. “I’m not real..that’s why.” I flinch and wrinkle my nose slightly. “W-what..?”
“I died..Anwyll…” she looked me over. “I…I died big brother..” she mumbled. My eyes widened. “You knew?!” She smiled softly. “Of course I did..how could I forget you?” I eye her silently. I didn’t know what to say.. “t-than why?”
“Because it’s not safe..” she began. “You never know when someone’s listening..or who to trust..” she looked away for a moment before looking back at me.
“That doesn’t explain anything..!” I cry. “Why didn’t you tell me about you remembering? How are you able to just..appear and disappear?” Violet sighed and opened her mouth to speak before instantly jumping and fading away once the trap door opened. “No..!” I quickly reached for her but it was. Too late. She was gone.
I snap my head to the door. “Anwyll? What are you doing here?” She quickly glides down the stairs. Closing the door as she does. “I..Violet gave me a book..I wanted somewhere to read it..” her eyes narrowed and I shrug slightly.
I look away and I tilt my head. “Are you..alright..?” I glance at her before sighing and leaning against the counter. “No..I-it’s just..” I pause and gesture to the book. “Violet. She remembers me..” Enya smiled and set the files down. “Isn't that good..?”
“No..! S-she lied to me about..a-and to make matters worse she said she’s dead..” Enya instantly tensed. “And then she goes on to say that it’s not safe..and that she doesn’t know who she can trust..” I shake my head and gesture to the book. “And then there’s that. The book..” she looked over.
“What about it..?” I walk over and pick it up. “I wrote this book..it holds my memories..” her eyes widened and she walked over. I handed it over and she instantly opened it. “What? Are you serious?” I nod rubbing my face. “I’ve been reading it and it’s..confusing to say the least.
I don’t know where..or when. But we were running from Theo..?” Her head snapped up. “Theo..?” I nod and wave to the book. “There were others too..I didn’t get too far in but from what I read we had escaped. The wording before that is hard to read. I think I wrote it when I was a kid. But the stuff I could read..” she flipped through the pages. “It’s half empty..!”
I nod. “I know..” I sigh. “I don’t know why..I don’t know if we got caught..or what..”
“That’s not it..” we spin around to see Violet. My heart filled with relief but also pain. “I had a friend cloak it..”
“Cloak it how..?” Violet looked at her. She then smiled. “I like you Enya..you gave me my toy..” Enya just tilted her head. “The book contains everything. Every memory, every warning..every encounter..” she looked back at me.
“The only reason it’s showing you what it is now is because that is what you needed to know. You met “Theo” you’ve been in that house, so it’s going to tell you everything you need to know until you uncover more memories..until you discover more things..”
“Wait- that place. It’s a house? Not a school?” Violet giggled. “Heavens no. Well..I suppose you could call it both..though learning is not something we generally did..” Violet looked away and I sigh, messing up my hair.
“Okay..” I begin. “Okay..so let me get this straight. The more memory that I gain the more that book will tell us..”
“Correct. But you cannot. Let Theo get it. Or your..parents. In fact, don't let anyone get their hands on that book. Because if they find out that you're trying to remember they’ll kill you. They’ll put you back..”
“P-put us back..? What?-“ she looked away. Before snapping her head back.
“I gotta go..! Just do as I say. Don’t trust anyone. Got it? You don’t know who’s lying. You don’t know who they put here!” And with that she faded away. “Just wake. Up!”
Enya’s POV
I stare in shock. What..the hell. I glanced at Anwyll who looked just as shocked. I point and he just shrugs before waving his hands in the air. “Ah! Doesn’t matter..! What matters is this..” he took the book.
“What did she mean by put us back? Back where?..” I just shrug. “I have no clue. But look. I found something.” She grabbed the files and slapped them open.
He walked closer, setting the book down as he did. He leaned in and I flinched slightly at how close he was. He glanced at me and gave me a half smile.
“What..? Afraid I’m gonna bite?” I wrinkle my nose at him and tilt my head where I couldn’t help but smile. “You? Bite me? I’d have you're head in my hands before you even get the chance..”
He smirked softly while raking his eyes up and down my face. An act that again made my body burn with heat. “Oh please. If you're gonna kiss, do it already. Oh wait. Don’t. Because we’ll have a dead vampire on our hands..!” We jump and turn around to see Marca.
“Marca..!” I squeal, rushing over and hugging him. He smiled, stumbling back a few steps before hugging me back. “How’d it go..?” He took in a sharp breath and headed to the counter. I slide my hands into my pockets and walk over. “It went..hard.” He blew out. “I saw Theo and all his glory..”
“What..!” Both Anwyll and I shout. Marca just nods. “Mhm..and I honestly don’t know what the fuss is about. He’s not really intimidating at all..”
I shake my head slowly. No way. “Oh..! And he’s definitely a jerk. But..” he nods. “He did save my position..” I narrow my eyes. “Oh really..?” He nods.
“He gave the final word and I gotta keep it. As long as I go to anger management and stay on suspension until my classes are over..”
I smile and hug him again. “Congratulations Marca..! Really.” He smiled and squeezed me before flinching when Anwyll tried to pat his shoulder. “You..don’t touch me..” Anwyll nods, pulling his hand away. “Alright..” he sighs. Marca tapped his arm. “I'm just joking. Jeez. Thank you anyway..” Anwyll narrowed his eyes confused but I just wave it off, giggling silently.
We stood in silence for a moment before Marca laid eyes on the folder. “What’s this..?” I took in a quick breath while turning to face the folders. “This..is what I found during you're you're trial..” I glanced at him. “Wait seriously..?” I nod looking them over.
All of us were here..just like he said. “W-wait but him..who’s this..? He wasn’t here the last time..” Marca points to the man beside him. “This..” I began picking it up. “This is Leon’s father..” Marca’s eyes immediately went wide. He snatched it and looked it over. “You're bullshitting me..!”
“I’m not..” I turn and lean back againts the counter. “Why would they have this..? And why does it say deceased?” I watch Anwyll pick something up and I felt a wave of sadness. “Violet..?” Marca looked up. “Wait..all of these say deceased..even ours..” Anwyll’s brows slowly squished together. “Why do they have my sister.” I don’t say anything. Because honestly I don’t even know why.
“Enya. Why do they have my sister in their file..!” His eyes glowed and I give him a warning growl. “I don’t know. Why would I know? Hm? I’m just finding this out myself.” I turn and look at the folders.
Anwyll shook his head and Marca flipped through the photos. I press my lips together. “I saw orris..” I blurt. Marca stopped. Anwyll glanced at us. I tap the counter.
“What do you mean you saw him?” He slowly turned to face me. I don’t move. “Mom poisoned me..when I tried to get the key she had set a trap..” I say softly. I looked at him and Marca shook his head.
“I took you're last vial of wolfsbane too..so..thank you. But when I couldn’t find it, I felt close to death. I felt myself drift off.” Marca tilts his head painfully. “But then he came. He gave it to me when I couldn’t find it. He saved my life Marca..” Marca looked me over. He was dead silent.
“But that’s not all..” I pull out the other vial and set it down. “There was this in there too..but back to orris. He had said something.” Anwyll picked up the vial. “He’s alive..Marca..orris is Alive..”
Anwyll’s POV
I sat on the desk feeling my stomach grumble. I rub my jaw. Trying to get rid of the irritation. The twins were in the Teepee talking. After a moment Marca stormed off. He wiped his eyes and I slowly stood up. Enya sighed Walking over.
I slowly slide my hands into my pockets. “You alright?” She said nothing and leaned against the counter rubbing her face. “H-hey I figured out what this is..?” I offer. Showing her the vial. She looked at me. “It’s white oak ash mixed with vervain..” her eyes flickered and she slowly stood up to her full height.
“That’s for vampires though..? Why would my mother mix it with wolfsbane..?” She took it and set it down. I rub my hands together. I just shrug. “Maybe she assumed I was coming with you.” She chewed the inside of her cheek. “Maybe..” we look over to Marca walking back in.
“We start school soon..” we both watch him. “We need to figure out who the first person to see him was. We need to figure out where he went last too.” I nod softly. “When do you guys start school?”
“In a few days now. Maybe two..” they two nod but I could tell they weren’t ready for it. “You both look so excited.” Enya scoffed and shook her head. “Oh totally..that school is amazing..” she rolled her eyes.
I narrow my eyes and lean back. Deciding to let it be. I rub my jaw again. “So. Anything else you found?” Marca asked. Enya tilts her head. “Yes, actually.” She pursed her lips.
“We have cameras..in our room..” it took everything in me to not wrinkle my nose. I cross my arms. “Who’s the stalker now..?” I tease. She rolled her head my way where she narrowed her eyes. “You know..you’d look so much better if you didn’t have a mouth..”
“Oh? I thought you liked my mouth. I always catch you staring at it” I tease again. She gaped then scoffed through a laugh. “You son of a-“ we both settled down when Marca cleared his throat.
‘Sorry’ Enya mouthed. “Continue.” He hissed sharply. “I know where the cameras are. But that’s not all..they have Lucky..”
“Lucky?” Marca sighed, closing his eyes. “Lucky. A guard my dad paid to watch her. A fucking creep that’s what he is.”
“Creep? how..?” I ask a little too quickly. Enya shook her head towards Marca but he went on. “he’s a pervert. He spies on her when she’s changing, he harasses her..you name it.” Is that so..I grind my teeth together and look away.
I take in a sharp breath before shrugging. “Hm..” was all I said. I caught them staring at me and I shrugged. “Huh..” Marca slowly said before continuing on with the conversation. “He’s in a cell. One of our fathers..”
“He locked him up? Why?” Now everything has gotten serious. “Because he let us go I guess. Because he couldn’t stop us from leaving with Anwyll..” Marca looked my way and I immediately felt self conscious.
“But it gets so. So much worse that..” she sighs. “They took his eyes.” Both me and Marca gaped. She chewed the inside of her lip. “He took his eyes..” she said again.
Marca slowly sat on a stool. “I..I know our father is harsh..and sometimes cruel. And I know lucky is a jerk. B-but his eyes..” he shivered. Both of them shook their heads. No one was speaking. No one was moving.
But than Enya did. She sighed, running her hands over her face. I look her over. “Fuck..”
“What..? What’s wrong?” I mumble. Pushing myself up to a standing position. “It’s time..” she stands up.
“Time for what?” Marca stood up and stepped in front of me. Probably already knowing what I was about to do. “She’s going on call. It’s time for her to work for the alpha.”
“The alpha..?” I watch her head upstairs. I speed in front of her. She sighs, taking a step back.
“Are you okay..?” I look her over. Her eyes..she blinked and nodded. “Totally..” she gestured by and I quickly stopped her by taking her arm. She sighs, lowering her head and looking away. “Tell me the truth..”
She twisted her jaw. “I need to do this..” I nod. “I understand that..” she looked me over. “You're not going to ask me why..?” I shook my head and found myself sliding my hands down to hers where I just let them dangle. “Nope. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” She tilted her head a little and I nod.
Her lips curved into a slight smile before she just chuckled and nodded. “Alright. Well..I should probably get going..” I nod and look away before looking back at her. I felt my stomach grumble and my vision blur for a moment followed by the pain of the sun.
I fight the urge to hiss and squeeze her hand and just focus. “You should. But before you do..there’s something I’d like for you to know..” she nodded and swung our hands slightly.
I know you don’t like your alpha..and I know I may not know whats going on, but whatever it is..
I will lay down my life just to make sure you're safe, Enya. You have my word. Her eyes flicked over my features and I knew she got my message.
She gently squeezed my hands. “Come on love birds. Get a move on. And Enya..!” She didn’t look away. She just eyed me. “Earth to Enya?” She finally looked away. “He didn’t mean it in any romantic way. So shoo. Dads expecting you..” she nodded softly and she tugged away. I felt my skin burn at the loss of her touch.
A feeling that felt all too familiar..I rub my fingers against my palm before seeing her shift into her wolf and take off. She threw her head back and howled, sending a flight or fight shiver down my spine.
I rub my chest and walk back in. “Are you sure there’s nothing going on with you and my sister?” I didn't say anything at first.
I rub my throat. Starting to feel..dead. “I’m not sure..” I say. “I remember her. A lot. She’s always there..” I say. “Do you have anything to drink..? Blood? I’m parched..” I mumble, my eyes darting around in search of it. “There’s some in the fridge-“
“No. I need something fresh. Fresh. Blood” I say quickly. Marca’s eyes raked me up and down. “Well I don’t have any.” I grind my fangs together. I hiss quickly before storming out. “Where are you going?”
“To get something to drink..!” I snap a little too harshly. I quickly back up when he dashed in front of me. “You can’t..!”
“And why not..?”
“Because its illegal..”
“Only if you get caught..” I joke trying to step past only to have him stop me. “Its my duty to stop you..” I glance down at him. “You do..know that right..? The oath we took..?” I swat his hand away gently. “Yeah yeah..Werewolves are by law ordered to annihilate any vampire who drinks from humans..”
“If you know that then please..don’t put me in that position..” I look him over..slowly clenching my jaw as I do. I throw my hands up while spinning away from the door. “Fine..!” I huff. I slump againts the counter before crossing my arms. “I suppose now would be a bad time to reveal that I drank blood from two people..?” He nearly tripped and I shrug. “You..did..what?!” He spun to face me. “A-are you fucking insane..?! Why would you tell me-” He stopped, close his eyes, and took a deep, long breath.
“You can’t just say that shit Anwyll..it’ll get you killed..!” He urged. “Oh calm down, you're the only person I told..and you won’t kill me..” he just glared and wrinkled his nose. “To be honest, I’m really considering it..” I shot him a mocking look.
He just waved me off while heading up the stairs. “Where are you going..?”
“I have something I need to take care of..”
“Can I come?” He flinched and gritted his teeth. Starting to push up the door. “Why?”
“Please..?” Was all I said. “I promise to stay out of the way..” I mumble. He paused. He than sighed softly and hung his head. “F-fine..but..!” I jump to my feet and rush over. “You stay quiet and out of the way..!” I quickly nod. He sighs and led me upstairs where he led me off.
I fix my hood and he wrinkled his nose my way. “What are you doing- what’s with the gloomy outfit..?”
“It’s protecting my skin. It’s the best I could find..” I shrug. “Yeah..? And what if you end up going in the sun without it..? He turned walking backwards. “I’ll show you..” I stop and roll up my sleeve.
“It’s different for everybody. But for me..” I hesitate before sliding my arm into the sun. I slowly wrinkle my nose at the soft itching sensation.
A moment later it began to feel like my skin was on fire. And then soon..I quickly jerk my arm out of the sun, panting and painfully rubbing it. I show him, my hands and fingers trembling as I do. “It’s covered in hives and pimples..”
he moved my hand away in a disgusted manner. I roll my sleeve down. “We have got to find you a ring. You can’t keep wearing this..” I look down at my clothes. He sighs and leaned against a tree and only then did I realize where he had taken me. “What are you up to..?”
“Making a quick pit stop..that’s all..” he waved me off. “Stay here..!” He quickly ran off before I could find him. “Marca no..!” I gasp. “It’s not their feeding day!” I hiss. But it was too late.
He was gone.
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