He just stood there. Saying nothing just looking at me. He was tall for his age which he seemed around nineteen. I started to wonder why he was so young and how did he know about vampires but he stopped my thoughts by talking.
“How do you know?”
“Know what?” I asked.
“About vampires”
“There are no such things as vampires” I smiled which seemed to piss him off.
“Don’t play dumb with me. Vampires are not meant to let humans know about them. So how do you know?”
“I guess that is a question you will never find out”
“Wow you really have a death wish”
I was about to reply to that but Jessie came back in the room looking extremely pissed off.
“Leave us!”
“But boss-”
“NOW!” he shouted causing me to wince.
“Okay boss” Luke walked out of the room and took one glance at me.
Jessie turned in my direction but I didn’t look at him. I looked at the knife in his hand. He grabbed it tighter and knelt down to my level so we were almost face to face.
“I just heard some news”
“Bloodsuckers are looking for you and the dead one and while they were looking for you both, they killed two of my men. My good men”
“Good” I snapped.
He curled his hand into a fist and punched me in the face causing blood to drip down my face.
“Now I want you to tell me, why are they looking for you?”
“Go to hell,” I said in a whisper because it hurt too much to speak out loud.
“Ha. Honey I’m already there. Now tell me” he said and raised his cold knife against my neck making me flinch as he pressed it against my other cut that he made.
“You know that that knife thing is going to get old” I gasped out. He pressed harder.
“Give up I’m not going to tell you anything. You dick”
He let go of the knife but not before slicing my neck. Leaving a deep cut. I screamed and tried to hold it in but it hurt too much. I balled my hands into fists which helped me handle the pain rushing through my neck a little. He didn’t give me much time to handle the pain and make it calm down as he slapped me across the face and made blood run down my cheek. And that is when it happened. Pain rushed through the side of my stomach and I began to get dizzier than I was before.
“Hey!” Jessie snapped at me as I began to drift off.
“Oh God” he looked confused when I said that.
I began to cough and he moved out of the way as I coughed up blood. I moaned from the horrific pain as I was still coughing more blood.
“I didn’t hit you that hard” he mumbled.
“Like you co-” I began to say but suddenly more pain rushed through me. I screamed as hard as I could. I have never felt this much pain in my life before. It was like something was cutting me open from the inside. I started to breathe heavily which didn’t help very much. I blacked out and the last thing that I saw was Jessie looking confused and it must have been my imagination as I thought that I saw a bit of pity on his face. Definitely my imagination.
I don’t know how long I was out of it. My eyes began to open but I saw nothing. The room was pitch black. I turned my head to the side as I heard a noise from the left side of me.
“Who’s there?” I croaked out.
No one answered me. I squeezed my eyes shut and held my breath because the pain was still there but not as much as before at least. The noise started again and I heard creaking from beside me again. I began to breathe heavily as the person came closer to me.
“Claire?” someone whispered from behind me.
“Who are you?” I snapped.
“Shhh,” he replied.
He moved closer to me and I think now he was kneeling beside me.
“What are you doing?”
He grunted “I am trying to untie these ropes”
“Who are you?” I asked loudly.
“Don’t make me gag you”
My legs were free and he began to untie my arms free. As he came closer I began to look for any features I could see to tell who he was. No luck. Once he got my arms free I punched him in the mouth but he grabbed me and twisted my arm causing me to grunt in pain.
“I am trying to help you” the person snapped. It sounded like a man’s voice but I don’t know who’s. he let go of my arm and sighed. I grabbed onto the chair to help me up but as soon as I stood up, I started to fall down but he caught me and helped me back up.
“Come on we have to go now” he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the door. He slowly opened it and looked through it for a long time moving his head from side to side.
“It’s safe. Come on” he pulled on my wrist and we walked down a cold dark hallway.
“You know you sound like a spy,” I said.
“Shut up” he snapped. Suddenly he stopped and I banged right into his back. He shuffled me back and slammed me against the wall. I felt his cold breath on my face and his cold body against mine.
“But I didn’t-” he put his hand over my mouth making me muffle my words. Then I heard the voices coming closer to us.
“So what are we going to do with the girl boss?” I widened my eyes as I heard that.
“We try to get more out of her,” I think that was Jessie.
“But boss- I mean okay boss” the voices began to fade and so did the sound of their shoes. The person stepped back from me and grabbed me by the wrist again and dragged me down a stairway.
“We have to hurry. They are going to see you right now”
“No time to explain” he opened another door and dragged me in. The cold air hit me and I sighed in relief because I was out of the house. That was easy.
“Hey, boss she escaped” the person standing next to me and I looked up to see Luke standing at the window.
I gasped as the person threw me over his shoulder and began to run really fast not at human speed. They began to come after us shouting and screaming then I heard worse... gunshots.
“Close your eyes” I did. I breathed in the fresh air which was going fast and the rustling of the trees. My eyes began to drop but I had to stay awake. I had no idea who this guy was and that freaked me out. He stopped and set me down but I still couldn’t see his face.
“We are safe for now”
“Who are you?” I asked.
He slowly turned around and the light shone on his face making me gasp.
“Hello Claire” he smiled at me.