Dear Daisy,
Today is the day…I’m an adult. I can drive, vote oh my god I can drink. Legally anyways.
I woke up in the morning at what you would call “stupidly early” then made myself waffles with sugar and lemon! At sevenish I got all these messages from Daffi and Zennia. As well as from a girl named Dhalia Black. I’m not sure how she got my number it was nice to get the messages though.
Mom was gone when I woke up and if I’m telling the truth I didn’t expect much from her but there was a sliver of hope she would wake me up with a cake and we would sit at the dinner table singing while she would pass me a gift with dad. I’m writing this before school. I’ll finish this after the party!
I still had school today since it’s was a Thursday but it felt like a blur instead with excitement growing. When I made it through the gates I was nearly pushed down by the massive hug Daffi gave me. No one else really wished me happy birthday but I don’t really mind. I’m happy it’s just the people I care about. Though the same girl from the morning also wished me again. Turns out she’s in my class and got my number from the group chat. She’s a pretty girl with super long black hair and dark eyes. It makes her look really pale though. But that was it for school.
I had to go home before meeting up with everyone. To change and stuff. I even found some eyeliner to play around with. It’s not as great as how you did it but I think it sufficed. When I was about to leave and I noticed something on the table. Turns out she remembered my birthday. She had left her card on the table as well as a birthday card. It almost made me cry. But anyways since I’m sure you got to read it I won’t explain it too much but mom also said I could spend $600 today. I didn’t really know how to feel in the moment but I thought I should focus on the happy emotions.
We all met up at this pub near my house. It was just the local family pub but I didn’t really care. I was going to explode with excitement. Since I’m dumb I came 20 minutes too early but that’s okay because Daffi seems to be in sync with me that he also arrived at the same time. I guess we really are made for each other.
Zinnia came on time and had brought Mark with themselves as well. I don’t really know where they had found her but it was fun nonetheless. We were all discussing what my first drink should be since I was the first one who was ever going to try alcohol properly. In the end, we couldn’t decide and ended up asking out waiter. He was a tiny guy named Zeta we later became friends with him. But he said since working here for a while most people my age get a beer. So that's what I ordered as well as some food and stuff for our table. While we were waiting Daffi showed me his phone and it had a video message from BB. She took this funny video of her trying to wish me happy birthday while jumping into the snow. She even made me a “snow cake” I think she was just excited it was snowing wherever she lived. Cheeto had also told Zinnia to wish me. I felt..loved. Soon enough my beer came as well as everything else. Zeta stood with us while I had my first sip.
So while everyone was recording and anticipating how I would react I took the yellow liquid. It was such a mistake to try beer. It was sour and gross and slightly yeasty. I think I choked on it. Daffi was patting my back while Mark, Zinnia and Zeta were laughing their asses off. Though since I felt bad for wasting the beer I ended up chugging the entire thing. It was one of my worst ideas ever. But still fun.
After more thinking, the four of us decided on trying a cocktail. Or well not thinking…more like googling. I ordered a Gin and Tonic this time. It was much more bearable. I kind of…liked it? Zeta also seemed to join our little celebration a bit. Added small things to our conversation and sat with us when he could. It was fun!
Here’s the best bit. They brought a cake. Apparently, while I was at school the guys at the shelter baked me a cake. I nearly cried when Zinnia told me. That had made a chocolate sponge cake with green frosting on the top. It looked like an abstract piece of art. We all sang and had an amazing time. Zinnia got me this funny-looking camera strap to use. It has all these cute characters scattered through them. They all look a bit like my friend like mini character version. It was adorable, you were even on it! Then Mark made me this hat. Like made made. With her hand's n stuff. It was awesome.
Then when it was hitting 11 Daffi took me outside and we talked for ages about everything. He then gave me my present from him. Or well he told me.
“Hey, if we both make it into “ZXYS University” do you want to live together?” Daffi said as he pulled out a pair of keys.
Of course, I said yes. Living with my best friend? I would agree to that any day! There are still a few things to sort out with the arrangement but basically, we would rent from his uncle. It was exciting! The party ended soon enough. We all said bye to Zeta and went our separate ways. I think I was feeling slightly dizzy from the few other drinks I had tried. So Daffi helped take me home. He also slept over which was fun. Today…was an amazing day. I never want to forget it. (I’m writing this now that Im sober at 12am)
P.S: this letter was suuuuper long. My hand hurts