Me: Heeeello Dear Daisys readers!!!! Welcome to the Mira show where we take your favourite characters and interview them with your burning questions! For today's guest, we have the blond bit- boy who you all love Lee Leeson!!
Lee walks onto the stage wearing black jeans and a formal top then sits on purple cushy chairs
Lee: Hi! Good to see you all!! Hi Hi! I didn't know I had so many fans!!! Also good to see you in the flesh Mira you look like shit!
Me: Oh...thank you...ANYWAYS!! Your fans sent in some questions for you so I thought I would start with the more tame ones!
Lee: Great to know let's start!
Me: From a person named...Zeta? We have the question what happened with you and Daffodil?
Lee: Sorry who's Daffodil...oh DAFFODIL! The ranga. Not much he said some stuff to my friends then things happened. I don't really know much about the guy. My friends said not to listen to him if he ever said something about "manipulation". They said I should just ignore him and tell Kai not to listen to anything he said.
Me: Interesting...I'm curious about your friends. Though we need to move on!! This question seems to have come from the chip brand Lee have you heard of Cheeto? This was one of his questions, what would you say are your three biggest flaws? Any strengths?
Lee: Ohh yes I love eating Cheetos! My biggest flaws...I would say my biggest flaws are that I easily get carried away, I'm too trusting and I lose control easily. A strength is that I'm really good at studying! I can't really think of too many at this moment...
Me: This one is from a lovely person named Alex and would like to know what you think of Daisy.
Lee: Well she seemed like an amazing person from what Kai told me and I had talked to her a few times and she seemed pretty nice!
Me: Next when would you say you are the most vulnerable?
Lee: Weird question, Mira your fans are weird. But I would say the small time when I go for my morning run and I'm all puffed out.
Me: Ohh I wasn't aware you did morning runs. the same reader Mark would like to know your three deepest fears.
Lee Oh well dying alone, being alone and frogs. I dislike them so much.
Me: Frogs? That's unexpected. Mark also wants to ask what the top three scariest ways to die are.
Lee: I would say by murder, falling and medical torture have you seen those? It's nasty.
Me: Okay! The last one before the next bit of this question is from someone named Amelia and she would love to know where you live.
Lee: I'm not going to answer that sorry.
Me: Oh okay! Let's move on now! These questions are more based on your incident with the main character of this story Kai!
Lee: Oh....that? Okay
Me: So, aside from just a bet, why would someone want to see if you could make friends with the depressed kid? What was their reasoning behind bringing up that deal? There were some more things on the card but I didn't feel like adding them in. This also ties into a few questions about who told you to do it and why.
Lee: Oh well I was just told too my friends said it would make me cooler and if I didn't they would kick me out. Kai was actually a pretty cool guy. My friends said he would be the easiest target so I just went for it.
Me: Oh and to follow up did you have fun doing that to Kai?
Lee: I had fun being friends with him for a bit. I think I would have stayed friends with him if it weren't for my friends. I do feel like I was a bit harsh but he seems better now.
Me: Cool cool this next one is from Cheeto again. Are you remorseful or feel bad about what you did?
Lee: Yeah...way too much. I want to apologise sometimes but I don't know how and I'm slowly running out of time to do so.
Me: That's a bit sad. Wow. Okay, now we are moving on to questions about your friends. Many people wondered why you are friends with your current friends and Cheeto asked these specifically, do you think you're actually close to any of your friends? How would you describe your relationship with them? Is there anything meaningful you do with them?
Lee: Well I'm friends with them because my best friend Jase is part of the group. I just follow him around and I slowly became part of that group. I think we are all quite close. Like they love it when I take them to the movies and sometimes when they don't take me to do stuff it's just because they think I won't like it. I mean yeah I wanted to do the escape room too but I guess I wouldn't be helpful. Also, yeah... there are a lot of meaningful memories with when oh well you know friend stuff how about we move on!
Me: You...should rethink your friends mate.
Lee: What are you on about? they are great friends!. Aren't you meant to be asking questions?!
Me: Yep okay fine fine. Everyone was quite interested in your home life. Could you tell us about it?
Lee: Oh okay well there's not too much to say my parents aren't home much because they work busy jobs so I'm normally looking after my sister and cleaning. There's not much there it's mainly just me and her.
Me: Your life is interesting a bit. Okay next are questions about the aftermath of your betraying Kai, Are you ready?
Lee: Sure. It was going to happen eventually.
Me: Okay from Zeta and Alex they both asked how you feel about Kai being really happy now.
Lee: He deserves it. I knew I would be a, can I swear? I can. Okay, a shitty friend and he deserves someone like Daffodil. I'm happy for him.
Me: That's actually quite sweet what the heck? You were meant to be a villain.
Lee: So I was doomed from the start?
Me: Uhhh yeahh...NEXT QUESTION! If you could would you be friends with Kai right now?
Lee: I can't but if everything was okay I think maybe...he was a cool dude. For the moment I really want to reconcile with him.
Me: Oh well I think that's the end of our interview! Oh, wait we have another one? Okay sorry, Lee one last one before we wrap up. Do you hate Kai?
Lee: NO OF COURSE NOT! That day in the classroom I nearly meant anything I said. I've felt horrible every time I see him. I wouldn't have said it if the boys hadn't set up cameras in that classroom beforehand!! I'm go-
Me: Oh well that's it for today. Sorry fella's we ran out of time! Thank you for tuning into the Mira show and I can't wait to see yall again!
I hope yall enjoyed it!!! Also woooo 100th update. Thank you all for participating!